(2008/08) Aug 2008


Hi fitbaby! The swing sure looks good! Your baby is so happy in it!
My boy couldn't stay in his net-rocker anymore.. im also thinking of buying this...
Hi Nini
I didn't buy it. Rented it from rent-that-toy. Heng...didn't buy. Initially Trudy can sit for half n hour. Two days later couldn't sit in it for more than 15 mins.
wah nini..braiden's sypmtoms like teething hor...u check his gums? i checked kaer's gum every day when she was showing these signs..and 'wa la' one..i found one ..heehhee..maybe u want to try to massage his gums..? im trying to massage kaer's gums once or twice a day...so she feel much better and not so pek chek..plus put on teething gel..hope u find braiden's first tooth soon!!

heehee..i also like ur mentality ..like pple say in hokkien..'rubbish eat, rubbish big'...last time our time..where got like now so clean and hygienic..my mother also anyhow ..i grew up fine..heehhee..but ya lah..must still be clean with most bb stuff...now the germs and bacteria much stronger and better than ours last time..

eh..the hair treatment thing..must buy from hair salon one ar? can buy from outside shops n do at home anot?

sigh..ya..think its time to buy a better camera liao..buy one ok one to take nice pics of kaer...no need to break my head to a simple pic..:p
Trudy looks v happy in the rocker
Oh so u rented it? Thought it was brand new. Anyway, luckily you didn't buy else wasted.

Your discount code for ON, also same discounts like GAP?
i.e. 15% off sale prices for ON too? Then for regular price is 30% off?
yah loh. the only thing that i still sterilise are my pump and his bottles.

i don't know outside shop have or not leh. maybe you can check. i pay $40 at kimage.

trudy look so happy.

not all baby likes the rocker one leh. yu ze don't even want to sit for 5 mins.
Went shopping today with Trudy in the carrier. Hate to bring stroller to Orchard (unfriendly steps)
MARKS & SPENCER (for Trudy)
a purple half body sweater, a florist blouse n a jean (before disc $104, after $50 yeah...good bargain and its very pretty)

"All By Myself" Dish n Plate Set (Pigeon, BPA free)
Brainy Baby VCD
purple blouse (gingersnap)
yu ze got some rash for 3 days liao. its on his arms and legs, don't know what causes it. heard calendula cream is good for rash. any mummies got spare?
is the rash at the joins? could it be enzema? my #1 had it on the joins and pd said it's enzema. Now, Ashton had it on the neck and below the jaw. initially i tot it's milk rash and i checked with pd she said enzema and gave him EFFICORT cream. It's steriod and it's really effective. oni applied for 2 days and the rash is gone. let me know if u need some. no need to buy cos oni need a little bit.
its not at the joint leh. small red dots on his arms and legs. legs still not so bad, his left hand is the worse, got a small red patch.
celyn / shay,
my gal had some red rash too like what Shay mentioned. Went to GP, he said cld be heat rash or else ecezema.
In any case, he gave us calamine lotion w menthanol.

Applied it, got better these few days liao. Of course, it helps tat we wipe clean and dry those affected areas.
Halo Mommies!
On leave today so went shopping at Robinsons...burn hole again...bought a new dress for Mae at Fox and a new tights at DPAM...

Glad Ashley is better already...weekend is here so hb is ard to help you...hope Ashley gives mommy an easy week comes Monday.

My loot all in? =P
Actually I have forgotten what I ordered too...today just saw a BIG bag of new clothes for the 2 gals...scary man!
Best of luck for your interviews!

I'm thinking to bring both gals for the shoot next Fri if time permits...if not, maybe will wait till Mae is 1yo liao...
haven't try. babysitter apply powder and zambak for him and it did go down a little.

maybe we didn't really notice his rash then yesterday it looks very bad that hubby almost wanted to send him to kk to see doc at 11pm. then end up he decide to wait for another day to see how. i think tomorrow still not ok, he might suggest to go see doc again.
Thankfully she's much better oredi!! She's more smiley & less sian than yday

We went to a party today & another to go tmrw.. She enjoyed herself this evening & I'm sure she wld enjoy the one tmrw too!! Mummy & daddy will too!!

Trudy is such a happy baby!!

heheh, u dun let Zynn hold the yin liu ah.. Quite cute also mah. Think they love to grab things now.. The next step? Attempt to put whatever's in their hands into their mouths.. *tsktsk*

When's the spree closing ah?
jonah has been having rashes since his man yue. i left it as it is until i went for vaccination, and my PD prescribed a cream for him. after putting, next day gone liao. since then, we apply when his rashes appear. PD said it's milk or heat rash. apparently my son has sensitive skin. till now, he has spots every now and then, esp when he put his hand full of saliva on his face. we've gotten so used to it we don't really bother. but generally, we keep him clean (bathe & towel him) to make sure the rash doesn't break out. here's one pic of him at his worst (b4 PD gave the miracle cream):


the GAP 30% off normal price, 15% off sales items.

For the code will be addition off. So will be 30++% off normal price, 15++% off sales items.

For ON, will just be the discount from the code.

I wanted to check.... but hotmail error so cant check how much off.

Spree closing on mon by Snow.

Maybe it is a good idea to go see doc and if YZ's skin is sensitive, at least you know cannot anyhow use cream/bathing lotion/foam...thatz what happened to my nephew so he can only use designated bathing lotion until he is quite big...J&J also cannot, will kena rashes. Hope YZ will be ok soon.

Glad Ashley is ok and let daddy and mommy enjoy the parties.

Sayang Jonah...see liao very heartpain.
U mentioned u got tights fr DPAM.. I've got some tights for Ashley, but find them rather translucent. I rem Mae has some bottoms (dunno if they're tights) which are tight-fitting and thicker than tights. Where do you get them ah?

Okie, Roger that!!

Ouch.. Hope Jonah's sensitive skin wld recover quickly! My fren's bb also has patches on his cheeks and my other girlfriend who's a Dr says it's due to drool..

I think most babies have as they are very sensitive.

Meredith also have rashes around the michelin area.
I applied what the family doctor gave me for rashes for my pro natal rashes. It smells like baby lotion, so I guess should be for baby too.

Now will be keep clean, dry. As long as redness, just apply.
Those thicker ones are from Mothercare.

I also got quite a no. of leg warmers from BPs here...good to use with rompers when in aircon places.
Watz DPAM??
Fox new arrivals v pretty hor? Passed by jus now and v tempted to buy!
Amex got 15% disct somemore..haiz too bad i was in a rush jus now.. :p
you're right, baby's gleam did make the 1st step towards feeding solids worthwhile.

I didn't go anywhere - been reading here, but always no chance to post replies - cos by the time I reply, you'al move on to next topic ald.

I figured if I keep waiting till I gather all the info I need to start 'properly', my baby will be 30yrs old.

So I just went out and got a pack of cereal and tried feeding him today... keke. Turned out it wasn't as daunting as I had expected - crossing fingers everything alright as we go along. All thanks to every little bit I read here and there from other mums and also add some common sense here and there...


Can go to http://www.studiosecrets.com/perperlu/?p=759 to read more.
Celyn :

I second seeing a PD for YZ's problem.. Adel also had terrible heat rash which the doc diagnose as eczema. it appeared on his face, hands, legs and back. Doc prescribed a steriod for him and the spots disappeared overnight !

will be ordering food, so no need to bring !

PM you the add already.

CNY photoshoot:
Anyone interested in going for the photoshoot at the studioloft ? The walk-in offer one. I saw sept mummies bring their babies as a group and took photos together ! I am bring Adel there on Monday morning .
hisstory/ sylvia,

i think it's not as bad as last time liao. yah, becoz of his active hands and massive drool now, we see new spots everyday but they come and go fast. trying to use the cream PD gave sparingly coz' she said that one cannot always apply...maybe becoz it's steroid bah. it's not like bb lotion, can apply liberally when needed, heh. so...we dun apply every day and at every instance when we see rashes.


cute pic! keeping my fingers crossed my first attempt will be smooth sailing also
how many tbsp did u give? let me know if he demands for more over the days? i also not sure when to increase his intake.
Good to hear that Jonah had found the right cream to apply. Very heart pain to see his beautiful skin become like that. But, he can still smile. Very happy baby.

Your son is so adorable. Trudy had started,too. Bellamy's mix with expressed bm. It's more for her to taste at this stage. Next week after visited her PD, she will start on full force...hee..hee..Mommy very kiasu. Read somewhere by 6 months, babies need iron.

These past two days, Trudy loves to play with her own saliva. Can spray out some more. Any other baby go through this stage?

Nini, Valnsw, Celynlee n Hisstory
We tried to make her happy all the time
Ya last wk or so, Chevelle starting "pu-ing" and "boo-ing" spraying all the saliva all over. Think YLN's Kaer and Hisstory's Ashley also did that.

Now she's in her babbling mode again, making sounds with high intonations and "ba", "da".

Was reading your blog, I have to agree, I'm also damn scared of driving bb alone myself for the fact that she might throw temper in the car and then if kena stuck in traffic jam, the cries can be mentally torturous.

So far, hv not brought bb out alone driving. Maybe if take public transport more manageable, irony isn't it?

What's DPAM?? Me curious too.


I don't dare to buy too many tights liao. Chevelle's got quite a number of them. Think I gotta stop buying so many stuff alrdy.


Oh dear, seeing Jonah's face like that, you must be v heartpain.
TO be honest hor.... it's my hubby on the contrary, who's more concerned about bb's skin. He made such a fuss on his precious's rash that we went to GP. For me, I just saw it as a mild rash.

RE: using steroid on rash
I think not so advisable to use too much steroid right?
morning ladies! =)

valnsw, sylvia, hisstory
the gap discount ending coming monday before 12pm.
so can u gals dun mind send me ur order before 10am on monday pls?

ya, its here.
me running about interviewing, so most likely can only send out the spreadsheet later.
how u wanna collect ur loots?

friday har?
u cfm liao then let me noe? i try to arrange.
lets see if we can place our bb to take 1 set of photos together?

i'm also thinking if can have photo of more bb, it will definitely look lively and cute...hee hee...
but u and m2b choose diff day leh. -_-"
I gave 1tbsp only, with 4tbsp warmed up EBM. I also dunno what to expect to see when he need more, but shall monitor his behaviour.

I also bought Bellamy. My friend recommended Nestle cos her kids are on that, but I didn't get it because it has milk, and my intention is to use BM first.

Yeah, I had been taking public transport until recently because it's so back breaking and time consuming I end up choosing to stay home instead. But stay home got stay home problems. Staying home, the baby is bored, I get bored. Get bored will become grouchy, and I cannot keep baby happy, everyone gets upset - vicious cycle. That's why, SAHM must keep herself active and happy. That article you (was you right?) posted from the other thread! VERY VERY true! Stay active, but pace yourself.

Your bb has eczema? Mine also. Probably hereditary as my hb also has. Did you, or are you monitoring to see what triggers the rash? We suspect my bb face broke out in a rash a week back because I had eaten a whole bottle of peanuts myself (those CNY goodie lah). I was told to stay off possible allergens like nuts, eggs, shellfish, soy, chocolate, milk. But I didn't totally cut them out cos all I like. I feel it's ok if taken in moderation - that whole bottle of nuts was a bit extreme lah.

Bb was also given a topical steroid. Medicine also same as his papa, so they can share LOL.

Oh, the steroid cannot use too much too often because after a while it looses it's effectiveness as the skin gets used to it. So, use it to control the itch, the bumps actually heal by itself when it doesn't get aggitated by scratching.
morning mummies.

yu ze's rash is better liao. not red now but still can feel the dots. don't know is it cos of the rash, now he will swing his hand very violently when drink milk. maybe its itchy but don't know how to scratch. when he want to sleep, he will be very cranky.
Oh, mothercare huh? Okieokie.. I shall go seesee looklook this evening

Gymboree must wait for spree/ BP hor?
Fox also has some kind of sale ah? Another place to looksee today

Robinsons has another card member's sale..

hahah, wait till ur boy's 30y.o!! *lol*
He looks so happy & eager for the next spoonful

Seems quite a few mummies her say tt Nestle is much sweeter than Heniz.. So they prefer giving the latter. But if Isaac like Nestle then i think no harm done

Yah man, must use sparingly.. My Dr also gave some steriod based cream & reminded us not to use more than 3 days at a go.

U mean Trudy goes 'pu'? Ashley has been at it for a week.. Dirty girl!! heheh

Hope Yu Ze's not itching.. Esp since he can't articulate the discomfort. Make sure he doesn't scratch k?

hahah, SG also has sales & now ON & GAP too.. Jialat liao
Steriods :

Yup, doc also said use thinly only, we just use on the spots when it appears, but we apply moisturizer on his skin everyday. Last Sat when he went for 6 in 1, doc advised us that we should invest in a good moisturizer and bathing foam for Adel since he has sensitive skin. So we buy SebaMed lor, super ex compared to johnson baby lotion. But nothing beats seeing his skin clear...

i can only make it on Monday as next Sat is the gathering so Fri i have to be at home to get ready, like clean the house etc =)
Hi Mommies,
My ger has been using Pigeon Y teats (similar to M size except Y teats don't leak). But she has been taking a v long time (arnd 45mins) to finish 170ml of milk.
I changed to L size teat tis morning but her milk kept leaking from her mouth. Hb says it's too big for her.
Anyone still using M/Y size or oredie upgraded to L size?

re: bibs
There seems to be a bib craze in forum..
Found some realli sweet Made in Japan bibs:
If i'm not wrong, orders >12,000Y is free int'l shipping..anyone interested to organise spree?
Yep, U can join the overseas spree for gymboree.
U cheong-ing Robinsons sale again?? ;)
At the last Robinsons sale i bot the leap pad for baby. Cardmember oni pay $59. It comes wif a story book and 2 activity cards which are all in british accent..heehee..
Same here, we tried to feed with L, but it drip so fast and he sorta choke, so we switch back to Y again. But so far, my boy usually takes around 30mins like that, if he cannot finish, most times he just don't want milk anymore. I'll keep any remaining milk warm for a while more in case he cry cry again. He's erratic like that, sometimes really wait 5mins and he'll finish the rest fast, sometimes he dowan means dowan, wait till next meal.
My boy is using Pigeon Y teats as well cos he couldn't handle the M teats. He's still ok with the Y teats, takes about 20mins...and recently I introduced back the M teats. With minimal leakage, he takes bout 5-10mins now. Did ur ger take M teats?
Briebaby, Yuuri,
Oh no..i bot 6 L size teats leh..happily sterilised all last nite..haiz..
Ya, hb went out to buy M size teats..will try later, hopefully it'll be better!
dunno if i wld go chiong Robinsons too.. Think hb might not be able to take it tt I'm going agn

Oh, British accent.. So maybe bb Charlotte wld pick it up!! heheh
but i can't find gd fetch in s'pore gap leh, fox also i can't find..hmm...
nvm lah, if u really nothing to order then its ok.
just that now like super big sales, and my friend also wanna order...hee hee.....

oic, u can handle ya?
pai seh to make u so busy leh....
Went ikea to get Mae's high chair today...bought a plastic bib that looks like a top at 2 for $7.90 too...got her a potty as well since we are there liao...

ReiRei & Valnsw,
DPAM is just next to Odaibi at Raffles City...nice clothings too!

Yup, the new arrivals at Fox for bbs are NICE! Love the dress I got for Mae...lyckily got $15 voucher to use..heehee

All my items in? =P
Thanks for organizing again...you gg Vivo anytime next week?
Yup, gg for the PS next Fri instead as Mon my #1 got classes in the afternoon so better let her rest...thinking to let her pontang next Fri from her morning class..hahaha...maybe can go early then...

i also went ikea to get the high chair today. went to the tampines branch at around 6+, it so crowded. we are very focus today, just went to get high chair and didn't shop at all.

happy mummy,
sorry leh, you have to clean house just cos we are going. so paiseh.
