(2008/08) Aug 2008

last nite jonah also had trouble sleeping and woke up in the middle of the nite. after last feed, he fussed around for 1 hour before dad managed to put him to sleep. then at 3 plus in the morning, he wailed very loudly. maid cldn't put him back to sleep but when dad entered the room, he quietened down and went back to sleep soon after. so weird! i'm starting him on solids today. it may not make him more full but i sure hope he will enjoy the experience!

morning mummies.

i'm starting yu ze on solid today too.

yu ze also like that. he will stop all the babbling and look at the camera.

ok. thanks for the info. will try out on weekend.
actually mark's pattern now is very similar to bernice.

7.30pm sleep
11pm/12am feed
3am feed
6am feed - wake up
7.30am nap again
8.30am wake everyone up.
dear mommies,

what brand of cereal are you all starting ur babies on ? what's HT ?
is it okie to start with baby being only 5mth 1wk old ?

Good Morning Mommies!
Kena migraine yday afternoon…sianz

Maybe I’m 2nd mommy liao so we can get ready the gals and ourselves quite fast leh! We can tell Mae is pooing too coz can see from her face all red…hahaha

Yup DPAM and Odaibi clothings are real nice but not their prices though…I have told my sis yday to remind me not to buy anymore clothings for the gals coz I almost fainted when I saw their wardrobe…hiaz

Haha, we bought and put inside storeroom 1st…BTW, Mae can sit quite long in the bumbo chair now…happy!

Is SL ok?

No lah, I didn’t go town on Sat…actually hb drove to town, wanting to let me shop coz he went soccer with his friends on Fri night mah but I told him I got nothing to buy (coz I shopped on Fri liao mah hahaha), then we went to Ikea instead…

The crowd at RB on Fri afternoon was ok…bought vitamins for #1 and pajamas for both gals for CNY…

We let Mae sat on the trolley when we at Ikea too! =P
Ya I videotaped her but she will stop her "talking" once she sees the camera too!

So u going ahead to use the hair tonic liao? let me knw if its gd. Me going hair appt this Fri.

if your boy keeps booing and cooing, mb u wana let him do or focus on some activity to keep him quiet. Such as letting him grab some brochure or play w some toy. At least will focus their energy on something, then will keep quiet. Then play til tired will naturally sleep.

HTHs! That's what happened to Chevelle last night -_-""
HT = Healthy Times. It's a brand of cereal. U can goggle it.

I started my bb when she was 4mth+. It all depends on how you and your baby are comfortable with it. Tho most PDs recommend to start at 6mth.
hi valnsw,

the other day i was eating apple, my boy keep looking at me and swallowing his salivia.
ytd i ate potato chips in front of him, he also keep looking at my bag of chips and swallowing his salivia. sight of ready for semi solid ?

where got sell HT/bellamy?
ntuc have ?

thanks in advance.

NTUC sells both but depends on the outlet. For example, I was at Tampines Mall NTUC, but didn't hv HT in stock, only Bellamy's.

Other people said they can find HT in NTUC.

Carrefour most likely shd hv, cos HT is a French brand i think.

AS to whether your baby is ready, can test give him abit first. If don't like, then dun force.
Sometimes, my bb can finish what I prepared, so I just finish up for her.. hehe

made my first attempt this morning ard 11am. jonah woke up and didn't look like he'd sleep again, so decided to feed HT brown rice cereal. mixed mine with hot water instead of milk. the boy LOVED it! had no trouble swallowing and he cried after finishing 1 tbsp worth of cereal. had to give him another tbsp but by then, he was already crying every time i took the spoon out of the mouth! jia lat! dunno whether to be happy or sad. then i think he wanted milk but i decided to wait till close to 12pm b4 feeding so as not to spoil his schedule. if he cries again later, might give him another round of cereal at 3.30pm before his 4pm feed. the cereal doesn't look very filling...think it's just for him to taste only. prob need lots more for him to feel full.

mommies who're trying out HT brown rice cereal, do u plan to progress to oatmeal and barley soon? dunno whether to try or not, or wait till he's 6 mths coz' the packaging says 6 months and above leh.

at the rate jonah is going, i dun think he'll have probs with food, haha. after cny, shld be able to start with some veg or fruit puree already.
Which part of Feb is ur fren coming? Early, mid or late Feb?
I ordered from Jshoppers spree but dunno when it'll close cos hafto wait till it reaches 12000Y..

When do i hafto confirm wif u?
I'm oso looking at the HK pillow..haha..

Sometimes when i tilt the bottle upside down (wif Y teat) the most oni 1-2 tiny drops will come out.
But when i change to L teat, goodness! a steady flow of milk jus flow out, as if u are squeezing the milk bottle!
Hb said M teat is the same, except the flow is slower..When she drinks, the milk still keeps leaking from her mouth, so i changed back to Y teat..

I tink when u said 'ma ma is here' ur dear mil sure v gek! haha..
HT is a US brand.

most organic shops will sell HT. Also I've seen them at almost all cold storage stores.

good job. I think i'm going to start with the barley one first. still deciding if want to wait till after her PD visit on the 19th.
so far, i only used it once. by 3rd day after treatment hoh, my hair still drop leh. maybe just a little bit lesser but i still feel that its quite a lot. not like the 1st 2 days, really drop very little. i will update you further.

i find ht cereal very hard to find leh. i went to many ntuc, shop n save and even cold storage also can't find. in the end, i got it at carrefour and its was the last pack. so if really want to continue to feed this then got to stock up a bit.

whenever we eat, yu ze will also look at us like saying please give me some. then yesterday its the worse, hubby was carrying him quite far away from me. he try to stretch his head out to look at what i'm eating. then i give him my finger tip (without food or sauce) to eat, he happily lick and suck like got things to eat kind. when we are done, he saw that we are packing up the food. he started crying, got to tell him that finished already, no more food then he stop. that's why we decided to start him today.
re: HT
I saw alot at great world cold storage and the organic shop at great world and paragon yesteday.. sometimes it's not together with the other baby cereals and placed with the organic food.

re: photoshoot
so upset, suppose to go this morning 10am, then hb say wait for him.. waited until 12noon he wake up.. then he laze around.. and go cook beef stew .. then my mom call back say ask us wait for her she want us to accompany her to run some errands .. looks like I wont get to go take the cny pics already. so angry. always like that. if i had gone myself in the morning, i be back by now.
hehe din knw HT is US brand. Saw French words on it and tot it cld b French brand.

Looks like Jonah is v gd eater, unlike my gal. Duno isit she xian of the same food or what, now like dun like to take too much, even the apple juice wor...

really ah? like tat gotta reconsider e tonic. cos now i really cannot stand the amt of hair loss i am experiencing!!! some of the strands are those thin ones, seems like those newly grown ones.
Having girls really spend alot of $$ on clothes hor? hehe..
i went bb fox again. Wanted to get a white blouse for Char, wah..u know wat? 6-12mths all OOS, left oni the display piece..i thot the new collection was launched not too long ago..so fast OOS liao..
Soo tempted to buy more cos 3rd piece 50% off and if u spend $30 & above, they give u vouchers..for u to buy more! i tink Fox pple v zek ark..haha..

Hehe..jus saw Chevelle's babbling clip on ur FB..soooo cute!!

Same here! I oso got my HT from Carrefour..
NTUC oni got bellamy's..
Normal Cold Storage even worse..so far oni saw Heinz and a chinese brand..

re: Feeding Cutlery,
Mommies who are feeding solids, do u sterilise/boil the cutlery ah?
Or jus wash wif bb's detergent?
hi mummies,

just to share...my hair has finally started to grow back. looks kinda weird now..lotsa baby hair esp on the front n 2 sides where they fell out like crazy last mth. so now i cut fringe to cover...

i only went for treatment once..not bad..since then seemed to fall out less. i go to J's salon at goodwood park hotel..pretty good, they will check ur hair n do whatever treatment is suited. of course i did the hair loss one la. if anyone interested, i really recommend J's salon
v relaxing.

they tell me to apply hair tonic too..but v lazy..everyday after shower i just look at the bottle on my shelf contemplating whether i shd bother to put...of course in the end only use once or twice. now just sitting there collect dust...nvrmind la..hair growing liao :p

i tried evie on some rice cereal...can't remember what brand. just mix 1 tsp w breastmilk. she seems ok..she will open her mouth n take a little. but v messy n funny..all over face. hb saw n ask me how come so messy one, i tell him "u feed lor" he give 2 mouthfuls then pass back to me...men!

the rice cereal comes in 1 big packet. then it says to use by 28days after opening...how is the baby supposed to finish the whole pack in 28days?? i use like 1-2 tsp a day.

i store it in the fridge..is that ok? i scared put outside will have little 'bugs'...i dunno why when i keep flour outside, it will have these tiny little bugs inside. even pancake mix...unopened ones also! so now all 'powder' stuff i keep in fridge.

evie still kinda small...6.5kg 63cm...dunno why also. hb is 187cm me 162cm....Dr ask if my family got 'small people'! aiyo...

other than that she seems fine. last night bring her to wedding dinner...can faint...so 'mang zhang'! must carry n walk outside...me n hb take turns eat n bring her out. end of dinner..everyone say so full..i still not really full cos havent eat properly. in the end go home i pour 1 big bowl cereal to eat. hb shocked..i tell him..i eat one course..then walk , eat one course, go walk...burn off everything...so now still hungry! in high heels somemore!!..my feet wanna die. now too used to slippers...

separate issue...does anyone have a good place to do eyelash perming? or know any freelance ladies who will come to ur house to do it for u? pls let me know ya? figured it will save me some time if i dont have to curl my lashes everyday.

Reading your post abt attending the wedding dinner reminded me of the same thing that happened to me!

Haha, can imagine Melvin passing back the bowl of cereal back to you to feed Evie. Ya, men are not patient creatures. End up is us doing it lo...

Evie not bad liao, got 63cm. Think that day I just measured Chevelle myself, only 60cm nia.

No worries, Evie will slowly catch up one...
mummies, don't mind me posting Yuxin's photo here...was feeding her cereals and yea..talk about the mess she made..but isn't it very satisfying to see them taking to semi-solids food?


no no, i mean after the treatment i did at kimage. i use the tonic once only so still can't tell the effects. although i still drop hair but hubby say its better then before.

yah loh. ht brand is really difficult to buy man. i pass the box to show my babysitter this morning, see if she got any feedback or not.

63 cm is not bad liao lah. my yu ze is only 59.5cm and 6.2kg.

why she 'zuo mei tou', too slow in feeding her is it? heheh.... she wearing 2 bibs?
celynlee, looks like yuze is really ready to try semi-solids liao...how's the feeding so far? ya...my gal is wearing 2 bibs..haha...underneath is the waterproof type on top is those normal hanky type...if not, after feeding session i have to change her clothes...wipe bumbo seat and the floor...this is the level of mess she will made after feeding..
so u saw that video huh? she was saying that yday, the whole morning and at night too!

ya quite satisfying to see them eat. no worries la, they usually make a mess while eating.

ooh... sou desu ne. ok prob wil review aft my hair appt.
i don't know leh. will get feedback this evening when i go fetch him loh. anyway, for this month he will take only 1 meal a day then slowly progress to 2 meal a day.
Hi gals, im not new to this forum but first time posting under this thread. My dd was born on the 20th Aug 2008 at mt alvernia. I have not started her on solids yet...i think will wait till at least 5.5 mths old. Bfed for 4 months but me no more milk so now on total FM. Anyone staying in bt panjang? im staying in bt panjang.
valnsw: how come u calculate chevelle 6 months? Cos i using the baby ticker to calculate, Braiden is only 4mths+ officially going 5 months old next week..hehe

Anybody visited the PD @ Tiong Bahru Plaza b4? Any feedback?

I have to ask PD before starting the cereal...
I go by 1st mth = Mth 1 = 0-1 mths old.

So 6th mth = Mth 6 = 5-6 mths
Now she is 5mth, entering her 6th mth lo...hehe

Just like now is Yr 2008, so we are in the 21st century.

You didn't get to go to the photoshoot ah? So sian rite?

I wanted to go but forgot to tell hubby to take leave.

Ya, sometimes men drag the time longer than us. I was quite pissed off w my hubby 2 wks ago when we were supposed to bring bb swimming. Alrdy told him need to go out at 11am. At 11am still not changed yet. I gave him black face before he went to change. Somemore, I had to fold up the stroller, get ready the diaper bag etc while he did nothing!

U got those teether toys for Mae right? Are they gd?

Cos Chevelle keeps wanting to put things into her mouth and the normal teethers with water, that I got for her, she doesn't like leh... Headache.

I don't see any BP selling those teether toys that you got

No time to look thru all the GAP/ON stuff, guess will give the spree a miss lo...
Yaman, I think I'm going broke with 2 gals...hiaz, buy non-stop until I wana faint when I saw what I have in their wardrobe...imagine more than 10 new bottoms for #1 leh!!!! Thatz excluding the CNY clothes...think I must go for counselling liao...shopaholic treatment...

Haha, you say Fox zek ark?? =P

You mean the teether I posted on facebook? We got that from Kiddy Palace at $12+ (if I'm not wrong)...she likes that the most! Now when we go out, I must make sure I have at least 2 teethers with me...heehee
hah...feel better that evie not that small. thot i read that some babies like 8+ kgs liao!..hehe..

but still..last night at the wedding, an auntie asked me how old is evie..she say "2-3mths?"!! im like no..5 mths liao! err..dunno what else to say.

snow hamster

i stay hillview, quite near bt panjang. can PM me
Mae is 7.25kg now and some people can ask how old is she and I answered 5mth+ and people will comment very big hor? hahaha, diff worries we have...I'm wondering Mae so big meh??

Welcome Snow Hamster!
me too. when people see yu ze, some will go how old? 3 months? then i just smile and say no, 5 months liao. sigh...

hubby says yu ze is a auntie killer. always attract auntie to play with him.

Wah that 6am -7.30am do nothing… stare at baby and beg baby to sleep must be very CHAM! Im now doing that from 3.30am to about 5am. today..i buay tahan…so the both of us crawled into bed next to my snoring hubby and baby fell asleep straightaway..kekeke


in the middle of the wee hours….cannot give my baby toy lar…the room is pitch black and I don’t talk to him…..otherwise …his eyes will open even bigger. Then I can forget about sleeping lor…I wont see my bed till 8pm the next night.


yay I went for the CNY studioloft photoshoot today! $25 very worth it =) as long as you REN don’t buy a third photo …which I did and I walked out a very happy mummy =)

to be honest…it was very hot and crowded there…but for the amount I paid…the small discomfort is worth it =) pics were nice …photographer nice and good.


I sterlise my feeding cutlery. Think better lor…coz baby still small…

Snow Hamster

the link u gave got handling charge leh.
the one i joined is in the overseas spree section - no handling charge: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/2016302.html?1231393824

I bot these 2 teethers for Char. They are made in Japan..surprisingly not ex at all..i tink arnd $5-6 each.
Got them in Isetan Scotts. Saw them in Taka too.

Haha..i tink u realli need to go leh..u not oni buy clothes, but soo many teethers for Mae?! :p
Btw, the teether she likes is called 'Mr Strong'! wooo hooo! hahaa..

re: bb's height / weight,
My char is oni 6.2-6.5kg.
6.2kg was taken at clinic. 6.5kg was taken at home. PD says she's in 25th percentile.
Then when she looked at her height, she was in disbelief..cos it's 67cm..which places her in the 90th percentile!
Mayb she can be trained to be a super model next time..haha..
Hb was sooo worried dat her darling is too tall and will haf difficulty finding bf...then i told him, she can always go for ang mos wat..who says muz marry asians rite?
looks like LTS' georgine got competitor liao..haha..
today i 1st time gave my gal solid
. started her with HT brown rice cereal. put in abt 2 teaspoon cereal and 10ml bm. but i think too watery leh, next time i should put less bm.
very funny leh today's experience. the 1st few spoonful, she enjoys it very much. then she starts fidgeting n whine. i thought it's because i was too slow. thus i faster feed her. but she still whines and even scream abit.
all this time, my mom was carrying her and holding her hands coz she wants to touch the spoon and bowl. Later we realised it's because she wants to hold the spoon by herself and feed herself! *faintz*
coz later i scoop the cereal and then let her hold the spoon (but with me also holding it lah) and she will aim the spoon to her mouth. thus she continue happily eating the cereal liao.

thus today's feeding session is really really messy! her clothes got cereal, my mom also kenna and i also kenna. so dirty lah my gal :p
i need to follow coolsnow liao i.e. let my gal wear 2 bibs :p

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
u mentioned u bought bibs from Ikea, is it like coolsnow's 1s?

<font color="0000ff">coolsnow</font>
where did u buy that bib ar? the 1st layer one ur bb is wearing.

<font color="0000ff">ReiRei</font>
i never sterilise Jas's feeding cutlery. :p
i just wash with the bb detergent and then run it over hot hot water.
since the cutlery i bought is not BPA free, i don't feel comfortable to sterilise it. Furthermore, Jas is gonna be 6mo soon. i think no need to sterilise every single thing / too frequent liao.

*whistle* wah Char is gonna be a tall &amp; slim gal! yeah yeah can be supermodel liao ;)
Hi there


I also went for the photoshoot today. I spent $55 but it think it was ok ! Met siasta there and i am sure she was very happy too. Baby Emma, too bad i din know it was you, but what time were you there ?

From today's experience, i think i would not go for any more ex photoshoot,reason being, I had a hard time trying to make adel look at the camera and smile ! perhaps he is too young to know what we are doing, and 5 mins of trying to get his attention is quite enough, wouldn't have stamina for longer sessions. i am glad I spent $55 to try out, and the 5 photos choosen about the 10 were the best ones i could find.. will post it up soon !

What happened ? did you manage to get there for the shoot ?
mulberry, i bought from ikea it comes in a pack of ard 5-6 bibs, but its not waterproof one leh, the cereal can seep thru the bib...thats y i put on 2 bibs...ontop hanky material can wipe her neck &amp; mouth..underneath waterproof so won't kenna her top...like very kua zhang hor..
hi mummies,
today was so upset with hb abt the photoshoot, so wanted to do something then end up decided to give bernice some cereal. I gave her 1 tbsp with 3 tbsp of milk. hb fed her while I snap picture, but his hand was in the way. hahaha. she finished 3/4 of it, she didnt spit all over me or hb. but she was licking the spoon. seemed quite happy with it. But the pigeon spoon really very small scoop each time.

my hb fed her all the way. He very neat one, if bernice mouth messy, he will use the spoon to clean up. then when i tried to feed, he say i messy.. haha. so i give him back to feed.

my fren selling her eyelash perming sessions,she just asked me today. dont know where, if you interested i let u know.

ya my hb very good at "wasting time". while I have to get bb ready, check the bags, etc etc.. he will just sit around the once he is "happy and ready" he will say why I take so long to get ready. I so angry today cos I was already going to get ready to change and he said let him rest awhile and late morning we go. And he woke up noon,then wake up he ask me this talk abt that .. then he go cook beef stew and at 2+ we had to send my mom to run some errands. And he can tell me after running the errands can still go ma.

bernice has Gum Trainer (13137). Bought that cos it's made in japan, the rest made in china/msia/thai.

6-7.30am I latch her on and see if she sleep sometimes we doze off together, sometimes i just pass her something so she chew (sounds like a dog) while I zz .. or I keep telling her mummy very tired, another 1 hr k .. hahaha.

not sure will go on friday cos bernice got kindermusik at 3pm so dont want to tire her out in the morning.
yu ze first intake of solid is good. babysitter says he can't wait to eat. he don't like soft food without texture. he wants food that he can 'chew'. he doesn't really like porridge cos its soft but he enjoys the fish. he is not too messy with eating but have to be careful with his hand loh. he will want to grab.
hey mummies!
today whole day I was busy spending $$$ online, paying this BP and that spree... hiaz... think I spent >$500 for today alone!

re: photoshoot
cat, you want to go on Friday? I am keen!

mummies who went, if I want to go in the afternoon, what time should I go? Dun wanna squeeze people leh...

yaya I agree..sound like dog..kekekeke…but I don’t usually give him a toy to suck…worried he will hurt his gums…or the toy might hit his head….he’s quite rough with his toys….swings it with all his might…and then plok will hit his head


ah…my baby also squirm and squirm and shout and shout when feeding…couldn’t figure it out…I also thought I was feeding too slowly…now that u mention..maybe its because he wants to hold a spoon…ok tomorrow I will start letting him hold a spoon.

I was there about 1.30-3pm I think…when I left it was super crowded! Couldn’t breathe…I brought baby’s favourite toy and had my mum hold it next to the camera…he kept laughing at it….maybe u can do that next time….

Note to other mums..bring a fan..its really very hot there and lack of air coz too many ppl….
