(2008/08) Aug 2008

heehee..no lah..i no JC teacher lar..teaching in an international school..so the terms are different lor..i didnt know JC also start on 19 th leh..oh..ya maybe cuz this year only got one intake of students from the beginning of the year..no more 3 months rest to wait for o level results..

the teeth come out liao..sigh..its just this lousy mummy's photography skill..i like quite stupid leh...try so many times..still cannot..hmm

i think i will try again ur method..cuz i want to take the pic to keep also..sigh..but at this rate im going...kaer's tooth all fully out liao..yestd tried when she woke up..still blur..then she cried..then i think 'good chance' cuz she open her mouth so big..but stupid camera still blur...ARRGHH..think kaer must be thinking this stupid mummy damn lousy man...

no leh..havent give teething biscuit..dunno if she's too young to take also...anyway..i bought one box from vone's HT purchase..may try it after CNY..
if the response on the hair loss treatment is ok for bf mummies..ah ..must go n buy one and use liao..my hair...really jialat..drop and drop...
Tt's great!! And the weekend's just round the corner, and hb can help u out with bb oredi

hahah, we wld all turn cranky at the end of the day.. Thankfully the weather has been quite gd these few days, if not it adds to the stress

Last night was not bad.. She only woke at 4am. And hb ordered me to sleep in another room w/o aircon to recover.. Felt so bad tt in event Ashley's notty, he wld have to handle her alone. Gd thing she knows she 'tortured' us the nights before & guaiguai only wake up once

U have time to latch him on at 6.30 before going work ah?

I duno how much Ashley's taking now, coz usually latch on. But agar is 100-125ml, 4x a day, excluding night feeds.. But i think small eater is okie, if his wt gain is fine. My niece was doing 125ml for a very long time

hahah, Nynn so cool.. Bo chup the 2 of u
U felt the photographer wasn't patient ah?
actually during nynn 5th mth that time, that photographer can make her laugh 1.
then all her photos smiling sweetly, but u saw zynn's photo?
even nynn's also "ba gong" and walk away that day. =P
Hi Aurora,
My bb is also small eater, abt 90ml each feed and also abt 2-3hr each time, but he wakes up for night feed 2 times after his last feed abt 10-11pm. He is on ebm/fbm/latch on and fm. During day time he only takes a few teaspoons of cereal.

What's ur bb's weight now? Mine is abt 6.7kg, 23weeks old, and he is at 25% for weight.

Sometimes also hope that he can drink more.

This weaning business is giving me such a hard time and to think I haven't even begun yet.

Been wanting to read up on it, but don't have the time, so read a bit here a bit there. Haven't got the chance to buy anything, also partially because I don't know which one to get yet.

My boy been so erratic lately with feeding and sleeping until routine all haywired. Which explains why there's no real time to do proper reading up on weaning... and I suspect he's either going through growth spurt or ready to start weaning already. He's 24wks old this weekend, and I'm juggling his erratic timing, housework, and all that has messed up my pumping routine too! With the pressure of the need to start weaning soon, still can't get anything ready - xiao liao!!

I got all the utensils ready - just no food LOL. I can't cook, I don't like food, I don't like being in the kitchen - which explains why this feeding baby thing bothers me - it's a major change for me. Kinda wish baby could stay on milk forever.

You gals seem so steady! *takes a deep breath*

that means u didn't feed with spoon? maybe she likes the new taste, haha. yest my boy did acrobatics after sucking on 2nd breast for 2-3 mins. end up he spit up quite a bit...sigh. but he doesn't seem hungry after that. just smiling a lot and want to play.


the other time i do massage the lady also said 1st pump must throw away. i went online to research and it seems no need cos the toxins are a natural by-product of the body. in the end i pumped and used the milk. no probs.
hahah, maybe Zynn was saying, why no ang bao? I wun smile if u dun give me an ang bao..

*pats* Babies are full of surprises! They always chu new pattern when the routines are all set up.. hahah! And i think tt's their secret method to help mummies lose weight..

Am being lazy, only reading up a little here & there & picking up fr mummies here as well as depend on my mum

Maybe when the little one gives a gleaming smile when he takes his first spoonful, all the churning in the kitchen wld be worth it!!
ha ha....if she really so smart to think that then gd lor. =P

actually is because she keep grabbing the yin liu next to her, but the photographer dun allow.
keep shouting us to pull her hand away.
when i pull it away, think it hurt her hand and she looks so scared to sit there w/o anything to hold on like that lor.
but their stage hor, they will grab things 1 mah.
they will scared fall down 1 rite?
u use MS Paint before?
this application can downscale pics very easily. =)
1) open ur pics file
2) on the top menu, click on "Image"
3) click "Stretch/Skew...", and downsize according to ur preference % can liao.
i think zynn got scared by the 'shouting' right?

u sent the spreadsheet to my ymail already? send to ymail hor coz havnet seen ur email yet. anyway, dont think my husband can collect today..maybe next week okay?
yln & valnsw,
this is what i get from kimage. i super kiasu even double confirm the product name.

i just did the scalp and hydro o3 treatment yesterday and bought the sp product ($40) that helps to reduce hair loss. i would like to know is the treatment and product that i bought safe for me to continue to breast feed my baby? please revert asap.


Date: 2009-01-08 13:38:58
Name: Tan Jin Ling

Hi Celyn,
Thank you for your mail.
The treatment would not cause any problems with breastfeeding. However, would like to check which SP product you have purchased? The shampoo and conditioner will be fine. However, if you have purchased the Hair loss lotion, you may wish to check with your gynae if it is fine for you to use it.
Should you have any queries, do feel free to let me know.
Thank you
Tan Jin Ling
Kimage Salon Pte Ltd

Date: 2009-01-08 13:53:27
Name: celyn


Hi Jin Ling,
Thanks for your reply. The SP product is said to help prevent 37% hair loss. Its supposed to be apply on the scalp daily. Will you be able to find out for me? I have not started using the product. If I really can't use it cos I'm breast feeding now, is it possible for me to refund it?

Date: 2009-01-08 14:27:16
Name: Tan Jin Ling

Hi Celyn,
I've just called our suppliers for the product. They informed me that the product is safe for use even if you are breastfeeding. However, do use the product daily only if you wash your hair daily, as the product is to be applied on clean hair.
Not to worry too much about your hair loss, as the hair loss is actually a result of your body changes after child birth. The hair loss problem will go away when your child is about a year old.
Do let me know if you have any queries. Thank you
Tan Jin Ling
Kimage Salon Pte Ltd

Date: 2009-01-08 20:36:16
Name: celyn
Hi Jin Ling,
Thank you very much for your help. You are really helpful. However, I would like to double confirm that we are talking about the same product here. I bought the SP Energy Serum Intensive Tonic for hair loss.

Date: 2009-01-09 13:09:09
Name: Tan Jin Ling

Hi Celyn,
Yes we are referring to the same product.
Tan Jin Ling
Kimage Salon Pte Ltd

according to the reply, its ok to use but hoh breast feeding org tell me better not use and continue with any treatment that will touch the scalp.

so who to listen to now?
i search the net also say got no negative effects but don't know if i should take the risk loh. so far, i throw away 1 day bm after reboning. after treatment, i throw away half day and freeze another half day aside (haven't decide to throw or use).

yesterday i wash hair after treatment, hair still drop but its so much lesser now. i feel that its quite good loh by looking at the qty that drop. i might do it once a month from now. hahah....
Yup, I didn't use bowl and spoon to feed her the cereal. Cuz the cereal is very very fine, in powdered form. What I did was I added 1/2 teaspoon to 60ml of BM, then put the bottle into the warmer for about 15mins. The cereal dissolved into the BM. Ya, my girl also like that. Very hong sim/yeh sum! Always tell her, play she number 1, drink milk she last!

the sucking device that huichin and I were talking about, u can get fr anywhere that sells Pigeon brand items. I got mine from Kiddy Palace.


So will u be using your Wella SP hair tonic? I'm excited to go for my hair appt nxt wk after hearing your feedback leh... hehe


Nynn "ba gong" ah? u sound like so serious leh. My gal also v timid mouse one. Haiz, bring her to large gathering aka many people, she will weh. Then end up me Have to pacify her.

RE: maternity leave claim
Super pissed! The officer can email me to say dun have photocopy of my NOA and the MCYS approval letter. Faint ah! I passed it to the CPF officer whom I spoke to. Government agencies!! Really!

why don't you consider getting new camera? One with higher resolution. Actually I also v suaku, duno abt the flower mode until mummies here mentioned it. I nvr use that mode either.

wondering where u went to? Haha, cos I remembered you and your boy sitting on my right at the Kindermusic class.
Take deep breath. Not easy being mummy, need lotsa support fr hubby and all.

hmm........ saw alot of nice dress, but dun think will buy fm spree. The post just in case any mummies might be interested lah

wat does tcp sales consists?
i really don't know if i want to use leh. on one hand i really want to use it to reduce hair loss but on the other hand, i also a bit worried leh. sigh.... don't know what to do. i'm going to leave this difficult decision to my hubby. hahaha... if he say used and 'touch wood' really something happen, he can't blame me. :p

dun worry. know is frustrating so hv to try n try.

esp kids move around, so have to take alot to see 1 clear pic.


the old camera I had resolution low n very slow to focus....... so happ to see promo n got one with a baby face function mode. to take baby with no flash yet natural skin colour. Night time will be darker n look better than no flashlight mode. Usually I look for lamp or lighting to take this mode.

If nt, u see if u can try the running man mode. That's for taking action or movements. But u have to zoom n half focus ( press lightly once) then click.


the bibs.. I have. not only for feedings, can use next time when they learning painting,play sand,etc. Can wear Til age 2++ pah

But you should look for the short sleeves ones due to the weather here.

oh yes.... good weather no strong sun, lots of wind and cloudy but no rain...

if nt..... think the house become zoo loh. 2 tiger screaming at one another. one very sleepy cant sleep, cant eat, the other take care til pull hair liao.


for me i will use cos i think jonah is a pretty resilient bb. he has not fallen sick so far so i don't think hair serum will have any major impact on him. i will only follow official advice from books like no smoking or drinking alcohol cos it's harmful for bb. even then, i still take sips of liquor on special occasions and treat myself to coffee on weekends
i'm trying not to be too 'clean' for yu ze in a way. i don't take coffee cos i get gastric but i do drink coke and tea which also contains caffine. hehhe... and i drink them quite regularly. i seldom sterilise his pacifier and its been throw all round the house without caps. i just give it to him at wherever i find them.

i'm very tempted to use the hair loss product since the supplier say its safe.
<font color="0000ff">happymummy</font>, the gathering u are ordering food? or we have to bring food?

<font color="0000ff">val</font>, thanks! i will check out KP...

<font color="0000ff">sylvia</font>, i was thinking of getting long sleeve so that they wun dirty their sleeves clothes lor... but can throw in washing machine or not?
I got bib aprons that look something like the link you posted, except is sleeveless. Bot from a BP here.
Actually my mum ask me why i buy when alrdy bot so many bibs alrdy.. Then i just come up w the reason that can wear if bring go out and eat in those eating places.. heh heh ;P Cos this one can wear over the whole outfit and will not dirty it.

Have not let my girl wear yet...
Training chopsticks

Anybody knws when bb can start to use? As in when they knw how to hold the spoon/fork?
Then also must knw whether they're right-handed or left-handed? Usually by which age can tell alrdy?

Me thinking of buying a pair, hehe. Buying all the nonsense stuff again.
Mrs N,
even though bb cannot sit up properly by herself, still start her. Cos she is v interested in the food we eat. PLus sometimes when I drink a can of beverage, she will look at me as if she wants it too.

Maybe u can just let Dominic take one serving (which is usually one tablespoon of cereal + milk) and see if he is keen. Usually first time, will make a mess of it but will get better gradually.

So far, *me guilty*, is the maid and my mum feeding her most of the time. I have fed her before but I think bb takes in more when they feed her. haha

haha, my bb's pacificer also i keep on using w/o sterilising. drop i just wash lor. i try to change to 1 new sterilised one each day. actually when i was preggie my gynae also quite lax. and now that i'm nursing i also don't bother a lot about what i can or cannot eat/ do. so long as it's not in the list of "not to do" by int'l standard, i will go ahead with it. oh, but for the time being, i'm still avoiding raw stuff like sashimi


my boy can sit up but only with some support. he doesn't seem that interested in our food leh. he will stare but more becoz he's wondering what we're doing, or he wants attention and would like to be carried. but i think i will still try solids anyway when he's 5 1/2 mths
Bb having blocked nose
hi mummies, i know that due to the narrow nasal passage of the nose, younger babies will tend to have a "sort of" blocked nose and also they dont know how to clear away the mucus. but my boy is 5 mths now, still having this problem esp when sleeping (heavy breathing), and he also sound like having phlegm.
is this still normal?
i cant remember whether my girl has this problem or not..
hahah.... i eat sashimi long ago. whenever i eat salmon sashimi, i tell yu ze he got fish oil milk that day. at least you bother to wash the pacifier, i will just take another one to give and forget about that drop one. then another day, i will give the drop one without washing again. only when i suddenly feel that like quite long didn't sterilise then will sterilise altogether. haha....
smart gal, yes lor.....

me going ard interview these few days, can send u the preadsheet later?
sorry ya.
but u can collect 1st lah, no problem. =)

its ok.
had replied.

headband har?
i gotta ask my mum leh, dunno where she got it lor.

maybe u go photoshoot earlier, then the photographer wun "chase cow go home"?
hee hee.....

if u wanna buy from gap, pm me before monday?
now 30% discount on regular items, 15% additional on sales items.
if got more than US$150, then i order ok? =)

tcp = the children place
u can go in and broswe.

kidzloft at Tagore Lane, there have both short n long sleeve that you can take a look.

Clearance sales $ 3, Normal new stock at $12.

Anyway, long sleeve very hot loh. Short sleeve n no sleeve is better.......

Can wash in washing machine , coz plastic.but recommend to just run under tape water n air dry.


BTW, I have extra discount code, u want? Then have more discount! If u can have USD150 with mummies sharing together, then good!!
pls pm me the code, so that we can all have even more discount.

that 1 gotta see the rest of them liao leh.
nowadays they like not buying any more, but now is 30% u noe....hee hee....
snow / sylvia,
The two of you tempt me. Erm... so the discount is applicable to GAP only isit? Or also applicable for Old Navy?

I am a Oct08 mum. My daughter just turn 3 months old. She already can flip from back to tummy b4 she 3 turn 3 months old. Now she always want to jump up a bit during play and burping. I am thinking of getting a Fisher Price jumperoo for her.

Anyone of u use this or other brands and think it is good for children? When ur baby start using it?

Thanks for answering to my questions in advance.

I also have the CODE for ON , I send to you later.

Hee hee!! ya... 30% leh.. very tempting.


What's ur email add?
Thanks for your help

Hi! you may want to browse at rent-that-toy for more details (jumperoo) or visit Fisher n Price website. I think as long as your baby is not more than 12 kg n she can support her neck, it will be fine

I'm not sure if Braiden is teething leh.... He seems like these few nights quite cranky, appetite poorer, poo poo smells sourish, he keep chewing his fingers, my clothes, his hankies... n he dribbles alot.. YLN any suggestions??
