(2008/08) Aug 2008

nice meeting all the mummies again... back to work next week so can only attend weekend gathering...

so nice to see 3 cute gals, hoping cayla will faster grow up to be like them... & not forgeting the tall, dark & handsome boy...

me worst, back at 8pm... after you dropped me, HB called to ask me to wait for him for dinner so i went to Suntec to do pedicure... had dinner with him then come back home...

my mum was telling me just now she ask cayla why mummy so long haven come back? she then saw cayla's eyes like red red, want to cry look
well done!! amazing yu ze can suckle on both the pacifier & thumb.. did yu ze spit on the pacifier initially? yest i tried, had to put my fingers there to prevent her fr spitting it out

I see! We used to rock her to pacify her when she cries.. I have to cut down on tt, just carry & hum only
Same thing, my ger still hasn't learnt how to fall asleep on her own

dun mind getting fr u, but also dunno if she can wear anot also.. heheh! Maybe still can lah..

Wah u told ur parents u wanted tt ah.. My parents very stubborn, they dun understand the long term benefit, just looking at solving the immediate prob = crying

She doesn't really sleep in the rocker actually, still have to carry & then place her in the rocker.. Not gd, not gd..
yah, he don't know how to suck pacifier initially, it will always drop. then i hold it for him to prevent it from dropping. now it will still drop occasionally.
Check with you all ah, how many times your BB poo a day or is there any of your BB only poo once every few days? My gal 3 days never poo liao le so a bit worry.

I want the milk bag, PM me the price ok? Thanks.

is okie then , too much hassle over the voucher hor..keke..thks aniwae!

haha,thank you hor, think my boy will thank me i future too..he now in my arms, staring at his "frds"..dreamy look liaoz..
it helps too,when he dun sleep after his 5pm feed..he dong awake until 8-9+pm,then he can sleep till morning 5am..

mt boy also nver poo for 3 days (tdy 3rd day)
think is okie ba, dun worry..they shld poo soon ...
Pooing .... KAI's record was 4-5 days i remember.
Dun worry la, when they poo, it's a mega poo. KAI just did one mega poo after 3 days today at the buffet place ... hehhe, only Ruixuan knows cos she was nearby, or was she carrying him? kekekeke. He loves to poo outside.

as we had discussed this before, it's prob due to our diet as well if u are doing bfing. SO i drink more water, drink Enos... and soon he poos. Hope this helps. Dun worry.
HuiChin, Snow,
Can u all send me the previous gathering pic? have not receive it yet.

Today oso forgot to take pic hor?
Dongle, Aurora, Snow, msapple, faeriekim,
Payment for gathering today ...
Per pax = $29.50
4 pax = $29.50 * 4 = $118
Total = $29.50 * 1.1 (Svc Chrg) = 129.80
After GST = $129.80 * 1.07 = 138.89

The total bill is 138.89/8 = $17.36

So far Ruixuan had paid cash. The rest please transfer via Internet banking/ATM and inform after you had transferred. Thanks!
i am so dead tired now.

Megan, not sure if can make it tomorrow if it's at 3pm, I may not make it cos I'm going out dinner again tomorrow. Have to rush back home to drop #1 .... let u know again ok?
Oh yah, hv heard tt they will drop their pacifiers.. Must train my ger to take, now she still likes to 'ptui' the pacifier out of her mouth

pwha he can dong 3 hours ah.. Very gd, then he wld sleep veryvery long! My ger 1 hr oredi buay tahan anymore..
Today i hum & walk ard the house to make her drowsy.. I think in future she wld think the tune is most irritating.. hahah
throw away like so wasteful. Then my gal will have to feed on formula for a few days. Scared after she is feed on FM for a few days (cos my frozen BM can last only 3-4 days), she will reject BM cos FM taste beta i guess.
Halo mommies!
back at my own house thus can post at this time as both gals sleeping since 10pm liao...

You really enjoying your ML ya? So many activities...heehee

My gal poo daily and sometimes twice a day...

I wana do pedi at my usual salon tmr but appt full liao...sianz...suntec any to recommend? Can walk in type?

My mom also told me that when I'm in BKK, my sis asked bb where is mommy, bb also cries and complains like that...heehee, nowadays kids so smart...

Oh, you wkg on 3 Nov...nvm, we meet up again.

Tmr bringg Mae for jab and shall see whatz her weight now...if you dun mind, I really can pass you the clothings that Mae has outgrown but I must go pack 1st...heehee

Yup, I told my parents no carrying unnecessarily if not next time she gets the habit liao then they will have no rest when I'm working...my mum understd coz she is bb-sitter last time but my dad abit spoilt Mae so Mae will keke "eheheh" when my dad is near but when I'm ard, I'll ask my dad to ignore...heehee, me bad mommy...
Ya lor, this time i like vv relax ... and now going back to work, suddenly got so many activities. I eat eat eat, shop shop shop, meet meet meet... feeling a little SHI BU DE to end my ML but well, I have to go back cos one colleague is down n eveyone taking my workload ... paiseh.

My little KAI will also eh eh eh and i dun bother with him then when my helper comes near, he will eh eh eh to her ... and look at her from the corner of his eyes (if u know what i mean).
It's great meeting some of the mummies today!
Snow, msapple and faeriekim's gals are so pretty, really take after their mum! Enjoyed seeing them running ard and having fun, hahaa.. Shint's ZK is super cute with his astro boy hairstyle. Nice meeting u all.

wat's ur account number? Can PM me?

Heheee.. i came home ard 8 plus too. But brought my pump along and pumped at vivocity as soon as i reached there... in the toilet! Like ruixuan mentioned, the nursing room on the 2nd floor occupied leh.. by the cleaners? Then the one at 1st level got mosquito!
3 am mommies,
i am done with my pumping liaoz .. vv tired now. Think i wun wake up to pump unless it's vv pain or i really awake at that time.

Till then, good nite.
Haha, I oso enjoyed my this ML as compared to the 1st..go out shopping and do pedi and also time alone with #1...but good times must come to an end and must start work again...heehee

Yaya, I know what you mean by looking from the corner of the eye coz my gal does that too. =P
the nail place is called nails addiction... wouldnt recommend... there used to be quite gd manicurist but long time never go there, now got a lot of manicurist from china... nearly quarrel with one of them cos i wanted to do nail art & they showed me some samples & i choose from the samples... turned out to be sooo different & she still tell me it's the same & in the end she got nothing to say cos her colleague say it looks different & asked her to redraw... she showed black face & told me the samples not drawn by her... sianz... i got a package with them previously...

HB say must have mei mei nails then go back office ... mine also hard as rock liao but my MS not as much as you ma...

transferred over $18 aledi cos i overheard that you rounded down the previous bill at Furama...

Transaction Reference 1954679341
Hi Everyone!

1) Just wondering how much your baby drinks right now...? Think our babies are about the same age group cos mine's an Aug bb too... She's totally on formula milk and is currently drinking about 120ml (140ml after adding 2 scoops of milk powder) every 3hrs... is that too little...?

2) Have you guys stop using mittens and booties for your babies yet...? My bb is still using hers even though I've cut her nails etc... as I'm not sure when to stop using them...

Thanks in advance! :)
hihi, was busy after back from the gathering. back home, pump milk, log on for a while, tidied the house then went out to Yew Tee to buy milk bag from one mother and collect bumper mat and bumbo seat from my sister. then son back from nanny side and just manage to settle him to sleep.

Nice gathering for mummies who turned up for the gathering today.

we will arrange another day. can gather at my place soon. cos clear away lots of soft toys and got in the bumper mat.. gathering can implement once date is arranged. U gals can meet up first if i cant make it. if gathering over my place, then got to suit my time. kekee :p

thanks for the link.

Mummies and Babies Gathering
so how?? 3 place offered. which house we are going?? my place?? catherine?? or msapple???
hee mommies, me back at 4+ ... kekkeke. The rest of u are sleeping thru?

know something? KAI woke up just now making a fuss n so i hurriedly went to warm the EBM while helper attended to him. Then i start dripping.
So when i came back from the kitchen, he slept liaoz! he was fussing cos maid put him in Swaddle Me and he din like it, now sleeping so peacefully. *sigh ... milk gonna used to wash hands if he doesn't wake up within the next 1 hour liaoz.

wah ... next time must really wait till he cries then prepare the milk ba. But then i oso dun wan wait too long cos if he starts crying then #1 will wake up too.

How long do u all wake before start to warm EBM in the wee hours?
Finally woke up to drink liaoz and me finishing my "duties" already ....
wonder how this is gonna continue when i get back to work the week after ....
morning mummies

usually i wake up at 12am and 3am to pump but yesterday after i sleep at 1030pm, didn't manage to wake up even with alarm. heheh.... i think too tired liao. i wake up at 2am cos yu ze wants milk then pump after he sleeps.

i will usually start to warm up milk when he starts to eh eh a bit. by the time, i come back with the milk he is almost awake liao. even when he is not awake, i will still feed in his sleepy mood.

its like that one. my boy will 'pui' his pacifier too and sometimes can be quite far. hahah....
anyone going to buy singtel handsets or subscribe to new line or portover...pm me okie? I got handset discount vouchers
on top of watever discount there is....
morning mummies

okie...those coming today....

cat (possibility)
ruixuan (possibility)
shint (.....

anymore mummies..though my house is very very small but it will be nice to get together with all the babies lah..i mean the mums of course...

i pump between 2-4am, for 15minutes but cant log in cos it takes too much effort to come to study from bedroom...hehee
morning ladies. =)
too many posts liao, me going out so read later....hee hee...

mummies that went for gatherin yesterday, nice meeting u all.
my #1 is so happy that she requested to play with mei mei again.

pai seh, i fund tx to u twice. =P
i tx the amt u told me yesterday before come into the forum, then top up again after reading the amt u wrote....hee hee....
ref. : 1954824977, 1954850927
so sorry, that timing too late for me.
i can only make it for lunch, and normally need to get bk to my sis house before 4.30pm lor.
thx for the invitation. =)
am sure ur baby will grow to love that hum in due time...

ytd after i post , my boy slept in my arms...he slept till 6am this morning w/o waking up to drink...think he really dead tired. *in the middle of nite can hear him sucking his mittens real hard, but i din feed him, since he din cry for milk...* bad mommy hor..

my boy also on full formula, he drinking only 90ml wor..ur baby intake seem alright to me in this case lei..

i also havent remove my boi's mitten, cos havent cut his nails yet.. :p
think its ok not to remove mitten at this moment ya?
cos i remove my bb's mitten during shower only, her face ganna scratch liao.
the problem is, i just cut her nail leh....
Hi Cocomo

Just to share with you. Last week my boy didn't poo for six days. Got a bit worried because he usually poos once in three days. So we brought him to the PD and she said there was nothing to worry about esp since he is on TBM and moreover, there wasn't any vomitting nor bloating of the tummy. Nonetheless, she gave him the suppository and he major pooed very shortly.

Since then, he now poos daily or even a few times a day!
hi all .. morning,
want to ask ah .. when the blue-black patch on the buttock will go away ?

i cant confirm as yet cos hb start another pub few days ago so i need to sort out his paper work for him and cos he say he only get to see bb in the afternoon so he abit reluctant to let me bring her out w/o him.. she is his princess. Even when he comes back at 4am, he kiss her she also will smile in her sleep. very cute one. so jealous.
Good morning mummies

I added you liao.. : ))

My gal poos every 3 days also.. and then it will be damn thick. I think its my diet also cos I am doing total BF and I hardly take fruits. Terrible mummy hor..

I pm you liao.. thanks : ))

I removed my gal's mittens after 1 month cos I find it damn tiring to change her mitten each time she regurgitate.. dunno why will kena the mittens one.. then will smelly smelly. But I cut her nails every 3-4 days and will "file" them so the corners not sharp
M2B, Rata,
since ruixuan can;t make it on 3nov. we fix another date la. cos next wk i have alot of app too n i dun want my mil to come over to my place too often cos she is starting to get possessive n sensitive when we told called her to arrange when to come over for the wk n told her not to come in between, she was so angry. last wk, she jus showed up at my hse by surprise n say she wants to see bb. she comes over like 4 times a wk man!

my girl also got mongolian mark on backside n even ankle. i read it will go away during schooling age. but one PD says her mom's one never go away
i'm hoping too
Think I shd be at your place later after lunch. Not sure if I will come at 2pm or 3pm. Now my bb napping, don't think will be bringing her along.

Ya my gal sometimes also clutches onto the pacifier to prevent it from falling. V cute right? Yu Ze still struggling with milk bottle while feeding? MB u wana put him in a position that he's comfortable with, then will drink better.
I will cradle Chevelle, hold her close to me, use left hand hold the milk bottle and my right hand to hold down her right arm. Sandwich her left arm close to my body so at least her arms will not flail.

RE: mittens
I've taken them out alrdy but Chevelle keeps sucking her fists! Even thought I "scold" her but still the same :S

Catherine / little twin stars,
The blue-black mark isit near where the anus is? My gal also has that. At first I thought is the poo that discolored it but realised cannot wipe away lei...

looks like i duno when can get my GNC stuff fr u. Else i arrange w u on sms. Nxt mon hubby on leave (or so he told me) so if I suggest go Harborfront, can shun bian go pick up fr u.

RE: enhanced BB bonus
I got letter from MCYS that my bb gets the enhanced incentives and my initial EDD was 17 Aug. Anybody knws which bank is better to open CDA: OCBC or Stanchart?

Your gal still hving prob sleeping? Jiayou ok? I guess it will be a phase she goes thru.
I'm also stressed w my bb's sleep patterns. Yday, nap from 6.20pm - 8.30pm, wake up then don't want to sleep until 2.30am this morning then she conk out. -_-""

u v power leh, got so many activities outside. I'm more or less stuck at home else, if go out is office or appointments liao.

U can still remember the places u got the bb clothes and things? Can PM me? Cos may be going to BKK or Taiwan but still undecided.
If go in Dec, still gota plan the dates, cos hv to bring bb for her jab and then also to HDB for first appointment.

Mb u wana give Shervalle some water to help her poo. Cos that's what I do in between feeds, or before she feeds. Don't worry, if she poos, will be mega poo. My gal poos every 2 days.
I opened my CDA account with OCBC cos I thot they got more branches, so more convenient.. Plus they have some OCBC card that entitles some discount when we buy stuff.. I cant remember which shops, but I know pumpkin patch is one of them, hehe. Maybe can call and ask. Dunno if stand chart got such perks anot. In terms of interest reates, abt the same.. pathetic 1-2%, something lidat.
So fast another jab ah? I better check when's my ger's next jab, so bz with her tt i forget to keep track *oops*
Cancan, i dun mind.. Unless ur sis going to have a 2nd one, then maybe u shd reserve for her?

I must be firm liao.. First i shall stop the rocking & patting, just carrying & humming. My parents want to use sarong leh, but i want Ashley to learn to sleep in cot & fall asleep on her own..

heheh, can be quite exasperating hor?? maybe i shd get those clip things so tt the pacifier wun drop to the floor

so shiok.. no more night wakings! my ger wld stretch fr 8 - 1am, then after it's back to 3 hourly

*cross fingers & toes* this phase gets over asap!! *heheh*
wah, ur Chevelle is a night owl man.. U jagar or ur maid? I think i wld have konked out way ahead of ur Chevelle..
i try all sort of ways to make him drink milk. i even carry him so close to me as if he is latching on, still no use. now, i don't bottle feed him myself. leave it to others to do it except for feeds between 12am - 6am cos he still in sleepy mode when feed. then he is ok with me feeding with bottle. day time if i need to feed, i will latch directly. i very heart pain to see him waste my ebm leh. sometimes can be as much as 80ml leh. i try to hard to continue to be hardworking and pump regularly at 3 hourly. whenever i feel lazy will tell myself cannot be like that, baby need milk so must pump.

babysitter feels that its cos of me, he can smell the milk smell on me so want to latch instead of taking from bottle.
i do have the clip thing but only use it when we are out. at home, he don't take pacifier unless he wants to sleep.

valnsw! the eastern gathering postpone cos onli 4 of us and cant confirm others yet...anyone got her mobile can sms her?.....

mummies...sorry...guess it was too last min :p

okie...will re-org for weekend gathering okie?
