(2008/08) Aug 2008

i see nobody post for yday. i from boonlay, all the way to megan's place at tampines... lucky my son was okie at megan's place as he had his jab in the morning... then we travel to megan's house for meet up
WHoa really soooo many posts! Couldn't get a chance to use comp at all..bleah.

Hahaha..thks Ruixuan for putting the pix up! I got some oso, guess only next Mon when i go bk to work then can upload and post. Hehe...
any mummies using nuk teats? any idea if it fit avent bottles?

just now i use disposable nuk teats to feed yu ze and he drinks leh. i carry him very close to my brest to feed him. don't know if its coincident? or do i really have to use nuk teats at home and avent teats at babysitter's place? will he be confuse? use 2 different teats and latch at the same time.

yah. i try him out this week and its work fine with him at the moment.

those babies are cute. who is who?
Hahaha..make a guess la Celyn! Heheh

Re: BB Poopoo
Falisha oso poos once every 2-3 days. Sometimes i oso worry but seems that it's pretty common.

Re: Hairloss
I oso! Only these few days i realised more hair dropping. Usually is like a few strands every shower time. But now like more when showering, it's worrying man! My hair aredy so little...sobsob
Hi Ladies,

sorry to disturb - i'm a slient reader of this thread ( i'm also a aug mummy) and realised tat some of the mummies is experiecing hair loss. i hope you can spent some time gg thru the BP i'm organsing now cos in the past i also experience lots of hair loss when i gave birth to my #1 - i started using this product when i'm 7th mths expecting my #2 now i dont have hair loss and baby hair is growing le. you may also see the feeback from some mummies who purchased in my BP 1 - thank you

there are 5 mummies there and only 4 babies. whose baby is not there? how to guess like that? sabo me is it? hahha.....

if i guess correctly, d order of d bbs r : megan's, faeriekim's, huichin's & urs rite? oni valnsw's bb didn't go.
vone guessed correctly wor! hehe, I didn't bring my bb along. Wanted to but in the end, my mum said just leave the bb w maid. bo bian lo..

Great job at posting the pic. Hee... Your boy's really handsome and cute!

U v zai, can guess correctly. U've seen some of the babies alrdy?

RE: gathering with babies
Hee, somebody was mentioning this. Let me knw so I can arrange to bring bb along.
BTW, just to let u knw of some offers.

Nepia - 3 packs for $39+ (M size and above) - this offer til tomorrow according to TODAY advert.
Petpet - 2 packs for $23.45 (M size and above) - til 5 Nov according to Straits Times advert

Kiddy Palace:
bumbo seat at 50% off norm price (This one I read from July thread)

Happy shopping
BTW, anybody has bumbo seat? Wondering if it's of any use.

If after some time, use awhile, then I guess prob will not get it, else become white elephant.
oh, abt d gathering, i dun mind offering my plc at bedok reservoir rd. i stay opp d reservoir. so i dun noe whether it wld b more convenient 4 u gals.

i was tinking of having it on a wkend, mayb lunch. we can do a potluck, so it's easier 4 all of us. let me noe wat u gals tink.
which is more centralised? catherine's or ur place?

u really can identified the babies... excellent!

Bumbo seat
I got one from my niece
RE: Gathering

I'm ok with both vone's and Catherine's place

u knw how long the bumbo seat can be used til?
heheh, so cute.. U son really gentlemanly ah? Travelled all the way fr boon lay to Tamp to meet his GF *winks*

Ah, when can i be firm abt letting my ger eheheh to sleep.. Does he wail or just little bit of eheheh?
he just eh eh eh only. if he cry of course can't lah. hubby will sure go and see him. his eh eh can be quite long sometimes. i just leave him to eh as long as he don't cry.

babies gathering:
i want to go.
wa... like that means depends on the kid how long he/she wants to sit in it.

Thinking if want to buy bumbo seat for her, duno if will take up space.
heard from some mommies previously that if the baby is big, then dun buy cos the thigh too fat to fit in vv soon ... so cannot use lor.
Unless u getting 2nd hand then ok, else quite exp rite?
your son really cute leh .... too bad mine is a boy else will chop your son oso. That means my son will face tough competition manz.
me oso wan to go for the parenting dingy leh .... me wan to know how to get rid of my little tummy. People ARE STILL GIVING SEATS to me on the MRT *sob sob.
Haha, my Mae only drinking 4 feeds, at most 5 feeds a day…weekdays – 6am+ = 120ml then wake up at between 9-10am = 165ml and feed is every 4hrs oso 165ml…weekends like today – 9am woke up drank 165ml and then just 4hrly 165ml nia and just now feed at 9pm+, left with more than 40ml dun wana drink liao coz wana sleep…se not drinking a lot lor…

Good that Ash is showing improvement…I do agree that diff techniques suit different bbs so just trial and error and use the technique that you are most comfortable with. =P

I was surprised to know that still got free MMR jab such promo 1 but since cheaper than polyclinic and oso dun have to wait so long and near our house so we took that pkg…

The bbs look so cute! Must be nice to meet up.

We bgt the bumbo seat for #1 and she likes it a lot…sit until quite big still sitting…this time rd, we got a preloved 1 for Mae coz hb gave away the 1 #1 used liao…I bgt the preloved 1 with tray…
Are you sure people are giving seats up to you? Actually sometimes I take train, I oso dun know whether shd give up seats to those with tummy coz dun know whether cfm preggie or not...when I was preggie, there was this ah pek who wana give up his seat to a lady standing infront of him who is not preggie and she has no tummy at all oso leh, wonder why ah pek can't see I standing not far away and need the seat lor...the gal so paiseh leh coz she so nicely dressed...
same lah, my hb also not too keen to let her cry.. But he says can try out the controlled crying method when she's a little older.. Hopefully by then she can fall asleep on her own w/o having to go thru tt process

so did they have a good 'date'??

Am quite thankful really!! Less crying like nobody's business.. Today went out with ILs for lunch & FIL was pushing her in the stroller, she actually fell asleep while he was pushing her ard. She usually needs us to carry her till she sleeps then can we place her in the stroller

Agree! I also decided on my GP, about 5min walk fr my place, to avoid the waiting time at Poly or PD.. But if she does fall ill, will u go to the GP or PD?

erm, the ah pek want to look at the ger's cleavage issit?? *hahah*
I think bbs generally like being pushed ard...Mae oso like it when the stroller is moving and when in car seat, she likes it when the car is moving, she will either fall asleep or look outside as if admiring the scenery...

If bb fall sick, the 1st year I will go PD...for #1, after 18mth, I turn to chinese physician when she having cough instead...only bigger liao then go normal GP...but I know some GPs who are rather good at treating bbs too.

hahaha, maybe the ah pek chi go hor heehee
so desu ne... That means if bb is big-sized prob not so much mileage.
I gona check out Kiddy Palace, heard that there's 50% off for the bumbo seat. If hv the discount, mb the price is okie right? Cos I remember it retails at $69.90?

so Lorraine likes it alot? I think she's quite petite so she can manage to sit in it for long time.
Now I see my bb, she like suddenly grow alot leh... the cheeks so chubby and thighs big big... Scared later she will outgrow the Bumbo seat fast..

When Chevelle was sick, I brought her to the PD. Cos I feel PD prob will prescribe med that's suitable for bb.

if got gathering w bbies, come too! Have not seen u in real life before ;P
u're right.. No wonder i can't sit down & pat her, i have to walk ard the house.. hahah
So cute, admire scenary & orhorh!!

IseeIsee.. My dad was nagging at me tt i shd have brought my ger to PD when Ashley was down some weeks ago. Haiz, the PDs in my area got bad reviews leh..

Oh so when Chevelle was down u took her to the PD.. But the jabs are with GP?
U're prob most right abt the medication part..
Shint: sure bo??? U dun look fat at all lah!!! U quite chio manz....

celynlee: for me i let my boy go hungry for awhile...train him bottle + latch on so he wont get too used to either one

Btw how long do u all intend to breastfeed for?
the vouchers terms n conditions:
- applicable for baby swimming, baby massage only
- applicable for babies 2months & below
- not to be used in conjunction with any other promotional items...
- expiry date: 30th april 2009
i tink our babies over 2 months leow... cannot use. oops...

thx, tml go down n take a look. :D make n paste on my ger's stuff bef she goes to school on mon.

thx for hosting the 'party'! huichin, ruixuan, val, nice meeting up! babies had a fun time

if i find the place making the personalised sticker, i let u know. :D

MSN, Skype
interrace, celyn, me added u to my msn list. but no access in orpid in future.
snow, i PMed u to get ur msn addy.
medusa, wat's urs?
shint, sms me ur add. i add u.
megan, added u to my skype leow.

vone's or cat's both fine with me!
let's go to each of these places but on diff gatherings.
Be surprised, Raine used to be quite chubby when she was a bb but slim down when started to crawl and walk coz active liao mah...heehee..yup, she likes it and she can crawl with it on her buttock like a tortise too...real funi!

Really leh, Mae doesnt like the stroller and car to stop 1 lor unless she is sleeping...quite funi!

I think when bb is small, shd bring to PD coz they are trained to treat bbs but for vaccination, not necessary coz PD's consultation fees very ex lor...my #1's PD charges $75 for 1st time and then subsequent is $45 leh...*touch wood*, so far havent brgt Mae to him yet...but he is quite good at treating bbs lor...imagine his patients all follow him from bbs to quite big 1...
Aiyoh, u make ur Mae sound so cute.. I must meet her sometime!!

Like tt ah, then i think i shall go to my GP for the jabs & shd Ashley kena again, then i better go PD.. I quite like the one at Mt A whom I was assigned to, nice lady Dr

U doing online retail therapy again? *heehee*
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Hi Mummies, sorry to intrude. I have a very good book on weaning to sell. It's the SUPER BABY FOOD book.
It's BRAND NEW. Selling at $28.90 include postage.

Though it seems early to buy a book on weaning now, you can start reading up while you are free (baby still slping most of the time
) and start preparing cos weaning is really a big challenge!!

more details here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/1843668.html?1225558279

MTB, hisstory,
Errr ...mine not ah pek, young man ..... maybe it's my cleavage? i wished. but then even auntie oso gimme, so definitely not my cleavage! hahaha.
Can see a little tummy la, depends on what i wear .... maybe they think i initial pregnancy lor.
even after i deliver, the nurses were saying, u delivering ah?
I was like "delivered liao ... u should have seen my 44inch tummy! now so much better oredi." hehhee.

I not fat but i still have a tummy. I lost 2+kg more than my pre-preggie weight so i was quite happy.
During my baby's first month celebration, my skinny colleagues say, your tummy still big ah, lost mine after 1 week ... i was like u all so skinny, how to compare?
Really, 3-4 times liao got young man, auntie give me seat wo. I take lor cos i oso tired ..... but if i alighting soon then i say, oh thank you but i going down soon. So they not paiseh, i not paiseh cos pple believe i am preggie. hahha.

Me PM u my MSN liao.

your baby can crawl and walk liaoz????

Me starting mine cos i am going back to work soon.
Was looking at some website but din order anything.
Did order some chinese books for my #1. He used to be quite ok with mandarin and speaks quite ok but now he watches alot of Disney channel, become vv Ang Moish when he speaks.
though he understands but he does not communicate in mandarin automatically unless i tell him to and it sounds Ang MOish oso. FIL was complaining.
Need to wake up early coz need to go library to borrow books for #1 (who is with my ILs last night) and ten join ILs for dim sum...

I wana meet Ashley too!

Mae not cute lah, think every bbs have their own funi patterns and habits. =P
I oso like the PD assigned to Mae but then her clinic at Paragon and her consultation charges oso $70-$80 type...ex lah...

Yaya, online retail therapy...I browse ard when I'm free, so far participated in CNY clothings, bb's tights and the following wic I find quite cute...heehee


Tummy is real diff to get rid I agree...dun wori, you are skinnier than pre-preggie liao so just a matter of time...I guess it is easier to get rid after start work coz move ard more??

Hehe, no lah, talking abt my #1 abt the walking and crawling...I will be horrified if #2 can do those at 3mths leh...

My gal's mandarin oso sound horrible and she sem to have difficulties communicating in mandarin with my parents and ILs, so we sent her for Tien Hsia classes since beginning of year and now better liao...know the chinese words strokes too...
morning mummies

i just placed order from the link you post. heheh...

i think will bf till no more milk loh. or when he don't want bm. i think a bit of starving might help loh. for my boy its not that he can't drink from bottle. he just want to choose what he likes.

hehe.... i want to go. if no weekdays, i'm off on wed. i can offer my messy house at serangoon north
I saw 1-2 BPs on CNY clothing. But the sizes damn big, bb will be about 5mths+, duno even if the smallest size (which starts at 6mths) can wear or not.

Ya, bring bb to GP for jabs, then if sick bring to PD.

Oic. Then the gathering organisers must take note liao.

not bad la, u can lose wt to your pre-preg. I still hv 6.5kg to go manz! And my tummy still got flab which I desperately wana lose wor... V loose hanging, like got love handles nia.

great meeting u again since the last time. Heh, think in all since we preg, met up 3x liao hor? hee. BTW, your gal is v sweet-looking, like those demure Korean gals.

Your gal looks like she's enjoying the bumbo seat wor.. Only hv blue, lime green and lilac isit? So far only these few colors or hv others?
Val, i dunno wats the colour avaliable. Coz mine is y fren give me de. ya lor i put her in the seat &amp; let her watch baby estin dvd keekee at times.
the pics so cute..

i have the bumbo seat. i just took out for her to use. so far her neck still abit wobbly so cant sit for too long w/o supervision. so far she can sit for like 5 mins before she ehh ehh cos probably uncomfy.
