(2008/08) Aug 2008

I only hv faeriekim's hp and shint's hp, so I sms them.
Don't have the Ruixuan's and huichin's. U wana me inform Catherine?

btw, u hv those discount/vouchers for Singtel handsets or new lines, can get fr u? ;)

Re: Baby Bonus
got mine too cos my EDD was 30 Aug. has any mommies spoken to their company HR to claim the 4th mth maternity yet? successful? I am going back to work next week and shall show them the letter. Crossing fingers and toes to get the additional 4 weeks of leave. Haiz am not feeling really confident of getting it!

I personally prefer OCBC for CDA account cos OCBC got more branches then Stan Chart. But errr.. I work for the bank so some may say its a prejudiced opinion.

More info:

OCBC - http://www.ocbc.com/personal-banking/mightysavers/index.html

Std Chart - http://www.standardchartered.com.sg/cda/index.html
hmm think i will ask my gynae see got chance to get the bonus or not..

i have informed the rest..val...thanks

the discount....pm me ur email and i will send forth the invite to u next monday!
vern, congrats. i spoke briefly to my boss yest and she's agreeable to me taking the add'l 4 weeks. but whether i can take in one stretch depends on headcount. my immediate boss resigned the week i started work and the contract staff hired to cover me while i was on ML will have his contract end by this year. but at least she didn't object, so i'm quite relieved. have yet to speak to HR to see what are the admin things i need to do.

ruixuan, your hosp rm looks so nice! which hosp is that? mine wasn't even close but nevertheless, pretty comfy lah. my hubby got to sleep in a hospital bed and not the sofa.
Hi Cocomo

My ger aso didn't poo fm last tue till ytd & she's on tbf. So i think its ok to not poo for afew days. I tried using olive oil to around the anus & doing bicycle kicks for her. Quite effective.
Enhanced baby incentives.

CDA-I also prefer OCBC coz more branches..and their advertisement got more power...

Additonal ML - My hr call me up to ask me about the arrangement of my additional ML... i don't have to worry and I also got the additional child care leave prorated of course...

Vern, I think big company like banks should be quite onz.. coz mine is..

so excited.. finally booked a slot for the bb swimming session @ ps... my pil still object but my hb say don't care.. just booked and bring her there... going next monday afternoon.. keke
u can add me too, i'm mostly logged into my msn. =)
u still have my email?

u SHOULD try to appeal, cos i got my enhanced bb bonus approval letter yesterday liao.
just a letter from gynae will do.

normally when pil saw bb smiling all the way while swimming, they will be ok gradually 1 lah.
just prove the result, no pt argue on uncertainties ya?
hee hee....

re: CDA
my hb open acc at std chart, cos he say he got std chart e-saver acc and dunno what interested will be higher when sign up there lor.
Halo Mommies!
Mae is so brave coz she never cry when she had her jab this morning!
She weights 6kg and is 60cm long now…scared she got fever so gave her the fever med when we are back…

Thanks for the info…I went to Citibella at JP for my pedi just now and also brought #1 to have her hair cut…now is bob style and I so heartpain by the amt of hair on the floor…

My gal is drinking 165ml every 4 hrs now and she has stopped using mittens at 6 weeks…she is a 29 Jul bb…

I open CDA acount with OCBC coz it is readily available…heehee
I bought Carter’s clothings for Mae at MBK..didnt go anywhere special…heehee, you shd be gg there if you go BKK right?

Ok, I pack liao then let you know ok? Yap, Mae 3rd mth liao so went for 5-in-1…next month also 5-in-1 then 5-6mths is 6-in-1…

Mae slept at b4 10pm last night till this morning 8am+…when she woke up also never cry, just kept looking at the curtains flying..heehee..so I leave her alone until she hungry then cry…

Hope your bb likes the swim!
u cut yr girl's hair?!!!!!!! but it's so long n pretty lei. if i were u, ure heartpain :p

when will my girl every sleep thru the night ?

mine is a big patch across both butts! mil say cos "heaven" kick her down cos we waited some time for this bb
wa...ur baby very fast hor...scratch when removed for bath.
my boy also did the same twice before..lucky the red scratch will go off one.

jia you...why dun wanna use sarong?
daytime i use sarong at my hse and my mom's place and still able to sleep on his cot in the nite. i also a sarong baby..in fact the sarong my boy sleeping in at my mom's place is the same spring my mom use when i was a baby wor..

re : swimming session
must book before hand ah ??

re : msn
pls add me too ..
[email protected]
i added celynlee w/o prior warning ... hope u dun mind hor..
saw both of u online liao also. =)

think its $1K more for bb bonus, if i din remember wrongly lor.
no harm trying to appeal if edd is really on or after 17th mah rite?

twinstars & valnsw
my gal 3yo liao still got obvious blue patches on butts, so dun think too much hor....no pt think since it wun go away so fast lor.
added u into msn. =)

ya, and dunno why always the face ganna 1 leh.
hee hee....

if swimming during wkend, better book.
normal day, dun need lah.
Good to hear that your boss is agreeable, hope mine is too. Would like to work 3 or 4 day week with the extra leave, you prefer to take it all in one shot?

No need to attention to anyone in particular at first. I faxed over to 63552124 and when the person-in-charge received he call me to send over the original letter to him and so I attentioned to him. His name is weera.

Your HR so proactive! Very good! Cross fingers mine is so cooperative lor.

No harm trying lah :p
i dun dare buy bikini 4 bb liao. must look 4 those cute one piece type lor. i hope the one in her ankle will go away, if not. will bring her to my dr to lazer it away ,hehe
Snow, Valnsw,
How long does MCYS process ur case har?

My edd is on 14th but i'll still try to appeal leh..at least got try mah..the most they say cannot loh.

Aiya, if read ur posting earlier, i wld have saved the PD $$ liao..

Brought bb to see Dr Lim of Kidz Clinic.
She says it's milk rash, not eczema, but was still given the eczema cream, elomet cream (izzit the same?) and a moisturiser.

my bb got brownish patch on her knee. Asked PD y'day and she laughed! cos seems like every parent ask her if it can be cleaned. Ans is of cos no..hee..cos it's perfectly normal.
thanks for inviting me to ur place...
it is also nice to meet faeriekim's, huichin's and megan's babies. my son really enjoyed himself... and was cranky maybe because he is tired or the effect from the vaccination he had this morning...
suresure.. dunno if my ger's bigger than Mae anot *hahah*
Why 5-in-1 now then followed by 6-in-1?

So cute, she sounds like a darling!!

Thought of just training to use 1 sleeping location, if not very confusing? Esp since my ger has diff sleeping leh.. She will always fuss before sleeping even when we avoid letting her get over stimulated or allow her to stay awake longer than she can tahan
as you all know, yu ze is having problem with drinking from bottle at home. i'm thinking of starving him in a way. not to latch him no matter how he cry. so when he is really very hungry then got no choice but to drink from bottle. then will only go back to latch him once a while when he got no problem with bottle. is it advisable for his age now? or this is just a passing phrase for him. he had been like that for almost a month liao.
celynlee: my boy now also..prefer to latch on. When i use bottle he pushes it out. But when my hubby feeds him, he bottoms up! I think he wants comfort sucking at the same time... He also waste alot of my ebm...but no choice..
Halo Mommies!
Went for my #1’s school concert just now, so emotional leh, felt that she is so grown up liao…sob sob…the school got a speaker to give a speech and the speaker said actually love is spelt as TIME coz all we need to show our love for our children is to spend time with them coz they grew up so fast…

Twin Stars,
Yap, I brgt my #1 to cut bob hairstyle liao coz I think she doesn’t really like tying hair lor…think all the while is her mommy who likes to tie her hair and buy ribbons, clips etc for her to doll up…hahaha, I also so heartpain over the amt of hair on the floor…more than half gone liao but she seem happier with her new hairstyle though…heehee

Sleeping thru – dun worry, very soon your gal will sleep thru too.

What your MIL said is so funi!

No prob coz dun think my sisters wana have another kid liao coz both their boys are already 8 and 6 respectively…heehee, guess they will take my gals as their daughters ba…

Coz the 1st 2 doses of Hep B already given in hospital and at 1st month so only the 5-6mths jab need to add in Hep B thus 6-in-1…I went Healthway at Jurong and I was charged only $274…so much cheaper than what is quoted at polyclinics lor…

My mom said #2 is easier to take care than #1 but I dun rbr #1 hard to take care except always cranky from 11pm – 4am during her 1st mth which really drives me into depression man…hahaha

My neighbour has this prob with her boy and when she is at home, bb seem to be able to smell her and wun want to be bottle fed no matter what but when his grandmother fed him, he ok leh…she always struggling to feed her boy…her boy rather go hungry than be bottle fed when she is at home…but now better liao, takes time…
icic, okie then ..jia you!!

think hor, maybe u can leave the bottle feeding to ur hubby lah (like nini's baby reaction), rather than starve yu ze... ?
hello M2B
U're up late too!
Okie dokie.. Keep me in the loop. I haven't weighed my girl since her jab at 6weeks leh.. Prob 5+ kg liao

the $274 is for the package? It's cheap leh.. PD or GP?

I was also asking myself if i'm in a depression with my ger's cranky sleep pattern.. Wah 11pm to 4am is the most jialat time of the day *faint* Luckily only her 1st mth yah?

hello interrace
heheh, will jia you! *cross fingers & toes* for me tt this phase gets by quickly..
Thanks! I'll transfer soon. Later going to be jiemei for a fren's wedding. Hehee.. need to be up at 5am and im still awake.. later got to pump. Usually if my bb wan milk in the wee hours, i latch him on cos i too lazy to walk to the kitchen to warm up ebm! :p

Re: Bumbo baby sitter SALE
I went shopping with bb today and saw the bumbo sitter got sale at kiddy palace and mothercare. $69.90. Think it's abt 50% off! For mummies interested, better go and grab while stock last.

Re: removing mittens
I removed them when bb was abt 10 weeks old. Heartpain to see him scratch himself. Even tho' i trim his nails liao, still will see red scratches on his face. But nowadays much better liao cos i think he knows that it's painful to scratch himself. lol

Twin stars,
haha i know what u mean by possessive. My MIL, even tho' everyday see bb, will still go gaga over him, carry him, kiss him, esp after we went out or after our nap (2 hrs only) and she act as if she hasn't seen bb for 10 years! *faintz*

recently i try another way to make bb sleep on his own. I let him sleep on his sides, then either leave him alone or if he eh eh, then i pat pat his buttocks a while. MB u can try?

ur boy refusing bottle is it recently or from the start oredi like tt? Cos my boy initially ok with bottle, then suddenly reject. Then wat i did was change teats and bottles. Initially is avent bottles and nuk premium teats, now is nuk bottles and latex teats. The latex teats softer, more like nipples.

Re: gathering with mums and babies
What's the status now?
today i went to Metro and the SK branch they were selling the Carter's clothing .... and i saw something similar to the green set you bought (romper and pant) selling at $33+ and the one romper selling at $16+
It's exactly the same range it seems ... it's a good buy! hehehe.
I stopped latching him for long long time liaoz.

Thanks for KAI, he's woken me up and now i am pumping. As for him, he's now ah here ah there, hope he gets to sleep but it seems he wants to play .... faintz. VV awake and smiling .... now not happy liaoz .... cos no one play with him.
ruixuan, faeriekim, megan, huchin,
wah.. so nice to see so many babies together.

wah .. u vv on eh .... baby go jab still bring out ... for me, straight away bring him home in case fever, etc.
come to think of it, can bring out after jab? i tot gotta let them rest? ..... is it ah?
morning mummies.

nini & interrace,
the problem is even when hubby feed, he also don't want. whenever i'm around, whoever feed him, he will only drink a bit or at most half. unless that person is very good at catching his attention then sometimes he will just stare at the person and drink.

i really hope he will pass this stage soon. its very peh chek at times when hubby feed for less than 1 mins and yu ze starts fussing and he give up and push yu ze to me to latch. i feel that he is not patient enough to slowly feed loh and want to take the easy way out of letting yu ze latch on.

he starts to reject bottle at home only in this month. i really don't think its the teats problem cos he use the same teat at babysitter's place.

i'm also up at the same time as you to pump but lazy to start up pc. hahah.....

re: sleeping
for this week, i will put yu ze down with pacifier and let him sleep on his own. off the lights and on music for him. he will eh eh for a while then fall asleep. pretty good improvement for him. he used to want to be carry and rock to sleep. hopefully, this will be his pattern from now on. "cross fingers"

re: hair loss
anyone realise that you have been dropping lots of hair? i have leh. its so much that hubby thought his house is hair salon. there seems to be endless of hair on the floor to sweep. how huh? even though my hair is thick lah but at this rate, i think i will go botak leh.
Hehe, normally we dun sleep so early on weekends...weekdays 10pm I oso in bed liao coz next day working...heehee

Yup, only $274 for 2 jabs of 5-in-1 and 1 jab of 6-in-1 and free MMR at 12mths...it is GP though...but at least the jab is administer by the doctor.

Haha, yalor, my #1 tortured me from 11pm to 4am during her 1st mth, luckily a few days b4 1st mth, she slept thru liao, if not sure post-natal blues man...you cheer up ok? Ash's sleping pattern will stablize soon...each bb is unique so has their own pattern.

Must ask your hb to help you in this area coz if you feed YZ and YZ can smell mommy's milk then he sure reject bottle...tell your hb he shd be persistent in bottle-fedding YZ to relieve you....hope it will get better for you. I understd coz can see my neighbour so headache and tired last time.

I'm dropping hair too but not too much...

You mean I bring bb out after jab hah? No lah, hb brought bb back to rest while I brought #1 for pedi and haircut...the lady so good, massage my #1 leg and apply lotion for her too...heehee

Going to get ready for #1 piano class liao...

Mommies interested in CNY wear for their kids..

mine is a laptop and always by my bedside, then when i prepare the pump, i oso startup the laptop then viola, can post while pumping lor.

i agree starting up the PC vv troublesome cos got to shift the pump there in studyroom, etc.

no la, i meant ruixuan la. She went for the gathering at Megan's house ma.

Btw your gal is 60kg @60cm and drinking 165ml per 4 hourly.
My KAI is drinking 130-140ml and he was last measured last week 6.2kg @ 63cm .... so maybe i shld increase his intake hor?
Yours does 7 feed per day ya?
Mine is doing 7-8 feed ba.
i gotta find time to go pick up the brighting station from u .. hee, going back to work liaoz ... later no time.
mine also laptop. during confinement, its always in my room with pump. i have shifted it back to study liao. maybe i should bring it to room while pumping. heheh....

i will see if i got time to go down to sengkang tomorrow. if yes, then maybe can pass it to you.

when you starting work?

I haven't removed mittens yet, she's going to turn 11 weeks liao.. Can't be help, she likes to rub her face with considerable amt of strength, quite afraid she wld end up scratching herself *haiz*

Ur method works for ur bb ah? These days she's fussing less, I'm trying to reduce all the aids bit by bit, now no rocking or patting, just carry & hum. Shall progress to trying ur method soon... Hope she doesn't expect carrying all the time

Tt's very gd improvement for yu ze.. You just started this routine this week?

heheh, same here, i tend to stay up on Fri night, partly coz i want to catch my serial, House, on ch5. My current fave show

Mine's also jabbed by GP, but it's $135 per 6-in-1, dunno if MMR wld be free like urs? *hahah*

Hb thinks Ash's sleeping pattern has shown much improvement liao, less fussing & easier to put to sleep at night, though still must carry. He doesn't want to let her try the cry it out method, i'm also abit half hearted.. *oops*

Thankfully ur #1 only tortured u during the 1st mth & not when u had to return to work.. Ur #1 is a sweet little darling

re: Socks
Mummies if u need to buy bigger sized socks for ur little ones, Mothercare's now having buy 3 packs of 3s/5s at 20% discount. Managed to get 1 pack for my ger, niece & little nephew who's on the way
