(2008/08) Aug 2008

buying clothes online - gotta buy bigger size ones ... cos by the time it gets delivered, baby outgrow liaoz.

Carter stuff
1 pc romper( i love mommy blue color) and a 2 pc set - white romper and green stripe pant.

i just collect mt stuff last nite from my onlien spree. Realised that 2 pcs oredi too small - it's for 3 months .... i tot those US ones are bigger. Now my son cannot wear cos he's over the size and weight chart for 3 months.

Wanna sell it ... who wants to buy? i post pic later.

i same case as u. one of the top i got from ON via dongle before she went japan cant wear and nvr wear b4. put 3 mths too but very small
ok, got it.

if later no heavy rain, i might bring my #1 along.
ok rite? =P
long time din spend private time with her only liao lor.
me actually not 3am mommies. Haha my last pumping is about 11pm after latch on my girl, just that i drag till so late cos no time, alot of thing to do.

You joining us later?? Cause nv see ur name stated in the attendence

mine when I put the pacifier in she wail real loud. But i dun care just keep holding on the the pacifier until she suck. Very bad hor.
each time i post, i am prob pumping .. haha, so can know my pumping schedule.
Now how much milk u all pumping ah?

Making icepacks for cooler bag
Share a trick for icepacks for cooler bags. If the cooler bag ice cannot last long enough, what i did was use the Lanosin milkbags and fill up with water then freeze it. It lasted about 8 hours leh.

Nonetheless, i oredi bought my Pigeon FTG and prob will make a pack to put on top or bottom.
This is a cheap and good method .. i think. So long the milkbag dun burst la ..... so be careful when u use tat (use another waterproof layer) ..... can recycle some more, if dun wan to carry the weight, just pour out the water once it melted. hee.

I tried once and it lasted me >6 hours outside ... without a specialised cooler bag.

This is if u find those blue icecubes too heavy to carry ... then can pour out those oredi become water if too heavy. I freeze some in case i dun have enough to keep cold, cos i haven;t bought the blue icepacks yet.
mine will go oik oik oik (complaining) but we still hold it there then soon he ok liao.

Sometimes he looks like he is trying to hold the paci. Good if he can hold it then dropping out is lesser chance then waking up is lesser oso.
Next time must train him how to look for paci on his bed - i did tat for #1 and it saved me from waking up so often ;)
Thanks mommies who PM their contact. Have saved.

Mommies, btw who is the one who interested in getting 8x2oz in a tray freezer cubes ($12/tray) huh?
I am placing order tonight or tmr morning liao. Please add on to below

Freezer cubes - 8x2oz in a tray ($12/tray)
1) msapple - 2 trays
2) missysz - 1 tray
Freezer cubes - 8x2oz in a tray ($12/tray)
1) msapple - 2 trays
2) missysz - 1 tray
3)YLN - 1 tray

u ordering for us?

thanks msapple!
i pump about 110-130ml every 3 hours now.

thanks for sharing info on icepacks. i bought extra blue icepacks from daiso.

amabel's mommy,
the freezer cubes got 1oz one or not?
me dun mind the tea break tml at ur place. hee.. but u on leave? btw, i tink cindy oso interested for gathering in the east.

me registered my gal at MMI Bedok Reservoir, near my gran's place, so tat my gran can fetch her after half day lor. cos it's diff for my gran to pick up my ger fm TP LV leh. so far so good? take how long bef stop crying?

sollie, i din check the voucher, din manage to do tat yday as well cos din log in and some more past few days been shuttling to n fro granny's house. it's gray in colour, if tat helps.

shint, msapple,
when exactly u ladies goin back to work ah? i called up co. n they cfmed tat i'll be granted the additional 4 wks of ML. so, i might take additional 2 wks n leaving another 2 wks to take during the next yr. intend to go KR ;)

me wan handicraft oso *please* hee... btw, the other time u were tokking abt scrapbook? me now interested. can organise a gathering to do scrapbooking? u teach ok? in nov tho.

3am mommies,
guess ur supply must still be steady n strong. me skipped the nite/early morning pumping n my supply suddenly dropped by half. BIG TIME SAD!

Boys Pigeon Shoes to sell:
any mommy interested? guaranteed brand new. never wear before. i post pic later oso.

when r u guys meeting? me missed alot of postings cos yesterday too bz entertaining bb alone cos maid helping me to fix x'mas tree. my arms like got strained frm carrying bb up n down

baby laughing:
yesterday was the first time i witness my bb laugh n chuckle...very loudly. sooooo happy
Hello mummies

Yeah think you are rite, cos use the babybjorn cannot slouch... so thats why the ache comes on.
Yeah I also dunno why the drolling starts... sometimes worst, darwisyah will put her whole fist in her mouth and suck and suck, like eating drumstick lidat, tho she just finish her milk.. aiyo!

When I send my boy to cc last 2 weeks, when see him cry, I also.. : p Surely will one, cos we cannt bear to ma, but after some days they will be used to the school routine. Every morning, the cc got play the national anthem at 9am one.. somemore got say pledge somemore. Then you see all of them small small standing at attention, very kewt one!

Yeah most impt is convenient to pick yr gal up. So far LV at tp quite good lah. I am quite happy with the teachers there and my boy seems quite happy there, tho he still will cry when my hubby bids him farewell every am. But after that he will be ok.. its the goodbye part. Like initially, first few days, my boy even cries when he puts on his uniform and each time he comes back from cc, he will be super clingy to me and wants my attention. Now 2 weeks liao, he knows that he needs to go sch in the am and after he comes back, he like look quite happy, haha. So I think maybe give them about 2-4 weeks to adapt. When you starting?
okie mummies....eastern ladies..

tmr wanna gather at my place?
i got tea/biscuits lah..
can get a cake too...non easterners also can.....eg shint/snow hehee

about 3pm (friday)
Whoa..so many posts since last evening! haha...

I oso interested in the East gathering. So r we onz with Megan's place? But i will be bringing Falisha cos nanny got appointment (and i'm not working yet, next Mon! Sobsob) so i told her no need to send Falisha over, since it will only be for a few hrs. Who's onz? Anyone bringing BBies? What time? LOL

Faeriekim, thnks for offering a ride again. Since i'm not going for the gathering (which is happening now haha), u enjoy k! Hehe...
Megan, can u make it slightly earlier like 2pm? Cos i still need to run some errands after that...if u dun mind

East Gathering
about 3pm (friday)
- Megan
- fariekim
- Hui Chin (with Falisha)
Am really hoping & praying real hard tt she wld be able to fall asleep more easily as her sleep pattern matures.

Today she cried less before sleeping, i had to carry her but didn't rock nor pat her, just hummed a tune.. She woke up aft 30min cried badly coz i cldn't hear her, but aft picking her up & humming again, she's now asleep..

Btw, i bought the mobile sarong & sad to say, she doesnt take to it.. *faint* Easier to put her to sleep, but she cried when i stopped rocking, so jialat hor? But also gd lah, coz i want to train her to sleep in the cot.

Really hope things improve quickly, before my mum returns home & i've got to handle her alone..

amabel's mommy
Today i've tried what u mentioned, let her eh abit more before i attend to her, otherwise she wld expect me all the time. Where got time ah??

Only when she cried quite abit then i carried her & hummed till she slept & then return her to the cot. I hope to kick the habit of her requiring us to rock her, so now eliminating rocking, just carry & hum a tune..

My ger doesn't take to the pacifier too!! Yest i tried for half an hr leh.. Dunno if what others say is true, BF bb dun really like pacifiers. I rather her taking pacifier than sucking her thumb, coz it's easier to wean

Ur ger's thumb must be finger licking gd!!

Well done man! Ur boy is highly adaptable, when he goes army in future, he wld hav no prob sleeping in the uncomfortable conditions!!

outgrow liao?? Tt's really fast! Maybe i take over fr u? *heehee*
Oh u also kind of use the cry-it-out method.. I shall try this weekend when my mum's not ard. She thinks we're torturing my ger to let her cry leh

Sounds like ur boy's sleep pattern abit like my ger's.. Except, this terrible pattern has been for weeks.. *faint*
i don't think its true that bf babies don't like pacifier. my boy likes leh. sleep time must give. if it drops when he sleeps liao then its fine. if not, must return it back to him. sometimes, he will try to use his hand to prevent it from droping. heheh...
Re eastern gathering
I also want! But I cant
Cos I got to work...so sad!

My gal also will cry quite a bit when she wants to sleep.. worst is I dun give sarong nor pacifier.. so sometimes she will just fall asleep after crying for a while.. I did try sarong, tho I am not really keen but strange thing is that she dun like leh.. not all bbs will take to sarong one. As for pacifier, I never even buy, hehe! cos if buy cfm my MIL will give...So sometimes she end up sucking on her fist : p
Dun worry too much, sometimes bb also go thru patterns after a while they will be ok.
heheh, i also dunno if tt holds truth, but many ppl have this idea. How i wish my ger is as clever as ur Yu Ze, heheh, knows how to hold the pacifier!! So cute ;)

Am trying to stay as positive as i can & find joy in whatever success i have in making her sleep as painlessly for her & myself
Really do hope she gets out of this phase fast..

Ur ger will fall asleep in ur arms or in the cot?
sure...2pm also can...bring the babies on...and the toddlers

okie later i pte message u my address okie?

catherine..how..now at home..u can come with bernice lah....and val also rite?

hahah... i'm sure she will learn how to hold the pacifier soon. last time, he also don't know how. cos he sleeps on his tummy, so when he turn his head, pacifier will drop then he cry. slowly, he learn to suck and hold the pacifier when he turn his head so that pacifier will follow too. hahah....

he got new pattern now. he can suck pacifier and his thumb together. so he will have both pacifier and his thumb in his mouth. he can do the same thing when he latch too leh. clever right. sigh.... wonder where he learn all these tricks from. so now even when he suck pacifier, i must also make sure that his thumb is not in his mouth.
Thanks Megan! This is my last outing on weekdays wor! Next Mon start work liao sob!

Ya lohs anymore mummies joining? Hehe...
hahah.... yah, really smart in the wrong way.

just to share how naughty he is. babysitter will bring him downstairs for a walk in the stroller, come back she will still leave him in the stroller and he is ok. he can stay in there for 3 hours without complaints. upon hearing this, we were so glad and went to get a stroller too.

guess what happen, he can only stay in there for 15 mins and he started crying and screaming. so i got to carry him, can't put him in stroller liao. i told babysitter about what happen and she is quite shock to hear that.

she did an experiment with him. she put him in her friend's stroller to try out. he also started crying and screaming and refuse to sit in there. you see how naughty he is. he only wants to sit in 1 particular stroller, the rest he don't want. babysitter says she will let him sit in different strollers and let him get used to it and not to be fussy so it will be easier for us.
I wana go too leh... but gota make arrangemts.
Hope my mum doesn't spring some surprise like some handyman coming in tmrw then gota jagar at home.

If I go, its either me alone or myself with bb. Can I confirm w u later, cos duno if hv appt in aftn or at night but not yet cfm...
My gal must carry then sleep... cannot sleep on the cot on her own cos put her in, she will eh eh eh.. sometimes she will smile at her "friends"
from the mobile hanging on her cot.
Usually before she sleep, she will fuss abit then I will just pat pat her then after that she will doze off. I haven really use the rocking method.
Rata, Twin Stars & Ruixuan,
Need to cfm 03 Nov Mon meeting this weekend coz dun know whatz hb’s schedule lor…sorry leh…if not, you gals can go ahead 1st.

I have Ruixuan and Twin Stars’ contact nos so we sms over the weekend to liaise?

Twin Stars,
When they laugh loud, so happy right? My bb will laugh out loud when #1 plays with her…

Ya, once your boy adapt liao then you will see that he will start enjoying gg to school and trust me, you will feel so good and happy too. =P

Hi 5! This time rd, I oso never buy any pacifiers.

Ya, my gal outgrow the 0-3mths rompers and pajamas liao, you want? Heehee

Yap, I used that method and it works well for both my gals…#1, my parents said I so cruel but this time rd, they know it works so never say anything liao…heehee

BTW, Ashley doesn’t like the bouncer/rocker anymore? My gal still like it a lot and most of the times she is in there instead of us carrying her…My instruction to my parents is minimize carrying for their own good.
Yah lo! cos the last time I bought one to standby for my #1 then my MIL keep asking me to give when he cries.. : p Then later i made the pacifier do "disappearing act".. the next time she asked me, I said dunno drop where liao.

Any mummies here MSN at work?
Maybe can give add then we can chat : ))
Hahaha, you so funi, make pacifier do disappearing act...for #1, I tried giving when she is a few days old coz she kept crying at night, she doesnt want so I threw it away...this tiem rd, dun buy at all liao...

I only have yahoo msger...
wat's ur skype? i can't msn at work either, but can skype. keke... u PM me if convenient, ok?

btw, tot shay oso wanted to join gathering?

shint n snow not back fm gathering yet, so mebbe they wanna join in oso. i.e. if shint not bringing her son for swimming tml lah.

this holiday inn atrium very friendly for toddlers. some more today got 3 of them! haha.. so happy my #1 finally got companions.
dongle, ruixuan, shint, snow, great to see u ladies again!
aurora, msapple,
cool seeing the faces behind the nicks!
cindy: I threw away my breastmilk after pumping out when I went for a short overseas trip. Initially, I stored the milk in the hotel's room, transport the milk back to sg, then realise the milk had sour smell. So I threw the milk away. Really waste my effort.

Cocomo: I got some extra milk bags.. 1 pack has 40 pcs.. let me know if u are keen.

Those frozen breast milk can store in the freezer for how long huh?
mrslow,dongle & mini,
Thanks for the advise regarding fbm. I will try out the diff methods to see which one works else will hv to give away.
Sometimes BP spree got.. .Not sure if you work in town, but tanjong pagar mrt got this shop got the personalised stickers.. cant remember the name of the shop but quite easy to spot cos they sell all the cutesy stuff.
Just PM u. Let me knw ur address so that I can make my way there if I can make it tomorrow. See if my dad can give me a lift there, then I dun hv to drive.

Think few mths ago, hv BP for personalised stickers. I also looking out for that, but was thinking mb do it later when bb turns 1 yr old, or when she goes to CC.
hi hi, me back!
now pumping .... so engorged liaoz....
me went to KKH to visit a colleague after the gathering then tok tok tok till 5+ then rush home cos #1 coming back.

Hit the 300+ml mark liaoz ... still going ....

Later still must go out to meet hubby at compass point ..... really busy day ah. hahah, dun work oso so busy.

Gathering tomorrow ah? 3pm .... can earlier not? i can bring #1 cos today bring #2 liaoz ... hee. After that need to send #1 home and have dinner in Orchard leh. 3pm like vv rush for me ... 2pm? ;)

Btw, Megan, where exactly is your place? can PM me?
me going back on 12 Nov lor but prob be taking leave on every tue and oso some of the mornings within the week. See how the work load first.

still got lots of leave to clear by year end. planning to take the last 2 weeks of Dec off.

Personalised stickers - me oso wan leh.
cos now got bottles for different kid, gotta put stickers to identify ma.
today's gathering. i hope everyone enjoyed themselves. the food is .... errr ... hmmm .... aye .... but most impt is the company rite?

It's wonderful to have the 3 charlie angels and my 1 little 007? kekekkee.

Too bad all these pretty little jie jies are too big for him ....
