(2008/08) Aug 2008

Did your gynae give u the anti-vomit pill? Your MS is really bad... I got the anti-vomit pill from my gynae and it worked well for me. Ya it is a gd idea to standby Glucose so that u can drink it even when u got no appetite for food. U take good care.

I've been using Pigeon milk bottles & Sterilizer for my #1 and will continue to support them for #2. Even their wet wipes, laundry detergent & softener.. haha

thanks a lot my dear.

m2b and snow, are they more ex than pigeon? my colleague says avent bottles are not the usual standard size, so if u want to buy add'l part, etc. can only buy avent brand. is it true? dunno what she's talking abt also.

celyn, haven't taken a look at medela yet but i'm looking for a pump package that is compact, with all the bottles, etc. my only worry is i may not have that much milk, so if i invest so much and find out i can only breast feed for 2-3 mths, then so wasted. my friend says 2 pumps is for those with a lot of milk. sometimes when u express one side the other side also starts to leak. otherwise u can pump one side first then pump the other side.
sandy, u're such a loyal fan. i've only tried pigeon wet wipes and i love them. dunno abt the rest of their pdts. but i guess pigeon shld be generally cheaper than avent rite? i have the impression that avent is 'branded', coz' it's by phillips, haha.
I took my cousin's advice to buy Pigeon and till now, my boy is fine with Pigeon milk bottles. No colic since newborn till now. In fact I did bought 3 or 4 Avent bottles but my boy doesnt like the teats, he prefers Pigeon ones.. haha

Avent just recently taken over by Phillips and I find both brands' prices are quite comparable. There are more exp brands in the market that can cost over $10+ per bottle.
i normally stock up my bb stuffs during pte sales, so my big avent milk bottle is around $9.
is it consider exp then?
ur friends is right about the special size that avent has, but it doesn't really matter if ur bb like that brand lor.
wah, bb also got preference for milk bottles one ah? i dun have so much money to experiment with all kinds leh.

what has colic got to do with milk bottle?

oh yah, for breast pumps rite, is it too late if i buy after i give birth? i mean, if i need to express milk, can i just use my hands in the meantime?
when he was a newborn, we tried using Pigeon & Avent bottles on him. Can see he prefer to suckle on Pigeon teats lor.

some bottle might cause colic - intro of wind into the bb's tummy.

I nv tried expressing with bare hands before so cant comment.
express with bare hand is very siong u know?
unless u have a very powerful milk supply lah, else better save the effort lor. =P

my gal is the reverse, she only like avent teats.
bb got their own preference ya?
afternoon ladies..today on leave

suppose to work on my school assignment yet end up at neighbour house chatting and seeing her little gal..and afternoon invited some frens home for gathering..looks like hv to do assignment at night liao..

hmm just weigh myself..lost abt 2kg..hope bb getting all the milk and cheese and bread I have been eating...

i uses avent cos my daughter was ok with it. But when I was preggie with her last time, I bought all 3 kinds at first not sure if she like nuk or pigeon or avent...

twin star, I also bought tt Sharp air puri when my gal was born! its good
it seems like avent bottles are quite popular. my friend and colleague recommend them.

the one i saw also came with most of the necessary things. i only thought of 2 pump as time saving cos can pump together. especially when i go back to work.
u really social butterfly, keke
last night was the first time i'm using it. don't know how to tell the diff yet. had a hard time deciding where to put it as the guy say don't put it against the wall. hubby loves the design and read that it's gd so he bought it on the spot. glad to hear such gd reviews frm u

must buy milk bottle to trial n error? but once u get the avent bottle sterilizer, no other milk bottle can fit except avent lei
hi sabbath,

yoi! finally u have decided to join us here! ;) hope to see u more often here.

since start of pregnancy, i have lost about 1 kg. hopefully, the weight loss will stop. for my #1, during 1st & 2nd tri, my weight maintain, if got increase, also by 400-500g.

hi krex,

i bought Pigeon and Nuk bottles for my #1. for milk, will drink from Nuk teat. we did try letting her drink water from pigeon teat, but seem like she get choked easily, so ultimately, we also change it to nuk bottle.
You also chasing TVB's series??? You rented the DVD or watch from internet?

I am using avent bottle and teats. Normally I will change the teats very 1-2 month even they are in good shape, just for hygene reason. Choice of teats depends on your baby one le, some baby very choosy and they will like teats which more round and similar to nipple, such as avent and nuk. Some mummy giving Dr Brown bottle to reduce colic. Silicon teats is better for them.

I just dun pay yearly as I worry if anything happen to me then no one continue for the payment and the storage need to stop therefore I just pay everything one go. kia si mummy.

Little twin stars,
Dun understand why the Avent sterilizer can't use for other milk bottles?
hehehe..been gossiping about you. You finally checked the forum.

Hi All,
Anyone can share more info with regards to stemcord and cordlife? Can send me, pl? I want to know more, heard about the disadvantages too.
friends told me it has to do with the mould of the avent sterilizer that other milk bottles can't fit in i think.

i also doing research and have made my decision la. u can search for info in the web as well as call up pte cord banks and public ones to have a better understanding. ultimately it really depends on individual la
Haven't posted for so many days coz fighting off my sore throat and on-again, off-again cold. Think I finally managed to beat it. But very xiong when cannot take my usual flu tablets.

Wah...all these talk about bird's nest. I only started having the Brand's bottled bird's nest. May consider buying the raw ones or the concentrated one later...but very expensive leh.

I think the mendela single manual pump cost a couple of hundred dollars...from what I remember at KK. Think I will just buy the manual one first. Thought I read that the electric one not as good. Hmm...

Ladies, anything else we can stock early at these sales/ fairs? Think Taka baby fair also next week right? But don't want to buy diapers or bottles yet...coz I think too early leh. Thinking of waiting for GSS. haha!
yeah i also tot avent bottle sterilizer can ONLY fit avent bottles.
so that means it's better don't buy sterilizer first? we have to wait see bb like which bottle, then only buy the sterilizer, izzit?
so meantime use traditional method i.e. boil hot water to clean the bottles....?

<font color="0000ff">cocomo</font>
me a TVB fanatic. i watched nearly all the TVB series. Last time i rented but find it very expensive lah.
Now, I usually buy from yahoo auction. If i like the show, i will keep it coz i will watch again next time..keke.. Those i don't like, i will sell away after watch finish.

<font color="0000ff">faeriekim</font>
just read from another thread, Motherhood magazine mentioned there will be another BB fair at Expo during the 1st week of June.
Maybe we should go for that one instead. If next mth buy bb things izzit too early? Also i just realised 21st March is public holiday, sure alot of ppl.
hehe...or we can also go for both, i don't mind :p
Used to use Avent for my boy but later decided to change to glass bottle. So I bought NUK bottle and he didn't know how to suckle using NUK teat. The shape looks funny to me too. I read from the instruction that the hole should be facing up rite? We tried both up &amp; down he also didn't know how to suckle haha.... so changed to pigeon bottle and teat and he's ok with it. Any advise on how to use the NUK teat? I understand that the shape of NUK teat should be better than pigeon. but hor NUK bottle is 2.5times of pigeon! glass bottle brake easily - only started 2 mths on glass bottle and my boy or may be my maid la broke 4 liao huh.......
Sandy... I will also be going for amnio test but don't know when..have to wait till I go for my next gynae visit next week. Guess may be about the same time as yours.

Err...someone had infor for Malay massage lady right? Can't remember who...coz so many postings ago. Can that kind soul please PM me contact also? Thank you so much.

Now still got to settle CL problem. Sigh...

So much money spent


And haven't even start spending on baby things yet.
little twin stars,
Thanks, will read up and see how much I can digest from there.

Hi Snow74,
Just saw your welcome, thks! ;)
my advise is to get the pump ready b4 u deliver. hand express is no joke and it won't last long. I personally swear by Avent be it manual or electric. My experience : Bought Madela single electric and it sucks! super noisy and powerless so decided to invest in a good pump - Avent ISIS Duo. My ss increase like crazy after using Avent! You may want to try out Avent manual (retail $89) and if your ss is good, then u can get dual electric. Heard some mummies recommended Ameda dual electric, at least not as X as Avent ISIS Duo.
Is Expo BB Fair the same as Motherhood fair? Been to the Motherhood fair and found nothing much. I think BB fair should be better ba.....
shay, how much is the avent dual electric? is it the same as avent ISIS Duo? how come medela so much more ex? if i buy one now and later need to get two, can i just buy another single one or must buy a set of 2?
The one that I bought is ISIS duo (dual electric). It cost $799 but I got from CK Tang with 12% rebate. I think Madela dun have manual pump leh. Madela is more X compared to Avent manual cos it's electric. Nope, u can't get another one to make it dual. Since the manual is not that X u may want to try out first rather than investing in an expensive pump cos u never know if u'll give up bf....i'm not trying to discourage u but we'll hv to be practical le
think you better call up TMC again and say you want to reserve a slot now. Confirmation is via payment in cash or mail a cheque 3 weeks before class start so no harm booking in advance esp if you want Mrs Wong's weekend class... same as mulberry, i told the receptionist my EDD and she recommended late Apr class... i did ask any earlier class, she say 6 weeks before late Apr which is ard mid Mar which i think too early lor...

why no food after 4pm? you take care and try to eat more when possible...

re: breast pump
my fren want to sell me her Medela electric pump for $200, i asked for the model number but she say no model number, so i will go &amp; research ard before committing... btw, my SIL gave me a Avent manual pump, duno whether should i just make do with the manual one until i know my supply is there...
Re: breast pump
I used the Medela PIS when BF my boy last time, what I can comment is GOOD! I total BF my boy and was a heavy user, pump milk very 3 hourly even middle of night. This pump is good as it can help to have let down feel times during BF process. Can adjust the speed of the motor to suit your need as well. However if you not determine on long term BF then dun buy this one as it is very expensive. Buy the breast pump when aproaching your EDD as the warranty is very impartant!!! normally they only provide 1 year warranty, if you buy now then bo hua. Even if cheaper now also no use as the repair cost might be higher if later spoilt.

I always watch from a website online!! Even the US series such as CSI, 24, prison break each the next day after US shown. Have Korean, China and Taiwan series as well.

Little twin star,
I am using the Avent sterilizer, dun use the support mould when sterilize la. Use the plates provided will do. Should not have problem for other bottles.
All the best for our amnio result!

Saw that you're looking for CL. My hb's aunt is a CL, if u r interested, I can pass U her contact #.

ya i suppose they know what suit them.. even though they seems too young to understand.. haha
Breast pump:
Yes, agree with cocomo. I have been TBF my 2 girls for their first yr of life and PBF for their 2nd yr. Medela PIS is very good and heavy duty!! Mine was bought in 2004 and its still working very well! It's very critical to get a good breastpump if you want to succeed in BF and when you go back to work!

Do your maths and calculate the cost of infant formula required for 1 yr and the cost of a good breastpump (If you plan to BF for 1 yr). BF is cheaper! and gives BB the antibodies that formula can't provide!
if its me, normally i dun think i'll give new born thing that had been removed from packaging long ago lor.
i mean u can judge and see lah, did it turn yellowish or abit dirty?
if its totally clean and new, then its ok lor. =)
hi, so to conclude, for first timers who dunno what their milk ss is, better to get single manual pump (avent: $89). to buy when near EDD so warranty is valid longer.

btw, does the cost incl. the set with storage, etc. or just solely the pump?
Good luck for amnio test. One of my collg, 31 yrs old also tested high risk for DS but went for amnio and everything ok, so now happily waiting for baby's arrival.

Weight gain,
So far put on one kg...hoping to control myself not to put on past 10 kg. First preg put on 16kg!!

Breast pump
I bot the ameda dual pump and it was real good in extracting. Thing is that I TBF my son for 16 mths so it was well utilised 3 times a day until the motor not so good anything...sometimes got suction sometimes not...also dunno is it becos of my "overutilisation"

which website do you go to to watch prison break? I watched season 3 until episode 10 so am dying to catch the rest.
for those asking abt breast pump
good to have a manual pump for stand by first. its ex to buy an electric pump at this stage since we are not sure if we really have a lot of milk or not. breastfeeding is not easy and many did not make it. manual pump i recommend Avent.
For electric pump Medela PIS is v good but ex. so if feel too ex to commit can consider Ameda electric dual. cost half the price and no problem to last for 1 yr. during my first preg, i bot ameda electric dual 2 wks before maternity leave end as have the milk supply. been fully utilised it and TBF for a yr. after so many yrs din use the pump n not sure if it is working or not. quite likely will get a new one this time round.
Dun buy the single electric pump as they are not effective in extracting milk n time consuming.
You do not accept PM le, why not you PM me then I email you the link?! US entertainment industry had strike for 3 mths ma so no prison break and the rest for 3 mths.
Now can watch online until episode 12 only. But then one problem to watch online is the loading time might be long sometime so just on it and let it load and watch later after fully loaded.

PM you the link already.

Little twin stars,
please note that some company is selling the Medela PIS at $400+ and I got to know this type is something like parallel import type whereby the supplier get directly from US and sell it here so cheaper. But have problem on warranty in Spore lo. Be carefull. I bought my medela PIS from mums &amp; babes for $670 on 31 jul 06, 2 days before gave birth! ha. . .
mini, how come single electric not good if double one is good? so strange. ya i think i will get the manual single one first lah. then not so "xing tong". i've never heard of ameda. from w/c country?
thanks to those who provide info on breast pump.

actually, my friend ask me not to buy and use hers. but i'm not sure if i want to do that. cos i feel this is something quite personal prefer to get my own. but looking at the price, it seems logical to save and use hers. sigh... don't know what to do.
You can use your fren's, buy the accessories (eg,valve) for hygene purposes. Using her pump motor/body. Can save your a lot!
ur friend's pump is single or dual?

coz when express one side of the breasts the other side will have let-down at the same time. during let-down the milk flow out very fast from both breasts if expressing. so if have dual pump, can finish pumping both breasts within 10min. but if using single pump, when u pump on one breast n have let-down, milk will be leaking from the other breast but u cant express it at the same time. so by the time u go to anr breast need time to have let down again. so in total one will spend abt 30min or more when use single pump. i tried use avent single manual to pump n it takes more than 40min to clear both breasts. so waste of time compared to electric dual pump.
u can find more info on ameda pump on here: http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/lactalinepump.html
at first i also din hear of it as cant find easily but i heard good review n i bot from the website. but i think robinson did carry this at some point of time as i saw it in their promotion flyer.

mommies who intend to breastfeed
do look out for breastpad when u shop. there is disposable n washable breast pads available. u need it esp when using single pump one side is pumping n the other side milk is leaking.
tks for the info. actually i don't know if i will produce enough bm so i plan to rent from mums n babes first but milk bottles n sterilizer i'll get avent
little twin stars,
Everyone sure have one la. A lot of ppl also doubt that they have enough bf, which include myself when having my 1st kid! But then if you want to success in breastfeeding need to be very determine lo. If the milk did not kick in first few days, you still need to let your baby latch on, if he dun want then no choice need to be patient and pump regularly (3 hourly) even no milk initially. It is 'supply and demand' theory. Have demand then will have supply. Drink more fish head + green papaya soup. Most important thing is you need to be consistant at the initial stage with the feeding/pumping time. That's why breast pump is important for the first few days if baby refuse to latch on coz milk has not kick in! If you dun pump and baby dun latch then you will not have milk liao.
Hi all,
Anyone having dry skin problem now huh? My skin is very dry and itch le. You all start to apply the stretch mark cream already?
wow, sounds like alot of work but no choice BM is best for baby. ask u a silly question.....smaller bust also have milk? hohohoho

little twin stars,
ha. . . as what rat said, not depend on bust size. My bust also small but produced quite a lot of milk last time.
Imaging I can pump not only for daily consumption but in my fridge has 2-3 months supply for backup. Just that muz be kut lat in pumping lo.
