(2008/08) Aug 2008

has the rashes gone for the new maid? I kinda think Hisstory's plan may work. take her in to do some housework first while waiting for her to get transfered. No point paying the agent board and food for the maid to stay at the agent's right? You can tell the agent that the next employer can have a phone interview with her or something like that. Did JF agency spoke to your new maid how why she wanna go etc?

my 1st maid are 1 of those carry false tales lor. =)

maybe set some time table for ur this maid?
min the need to clean all 5 levels everyday?
eg. beside cooking time, she only need to clean 1 level each day kinda thing?
Maid Problems
Wow very overwhelming Maid problems today. I hope everything works out well for Dongle, twinstar, Krex

Prof Yap is your PD's mentor? Since your pd does not know that you went for a 2nd opinion, maybe you can just consult Prof Yap on why your pd made those recommendations and see what she says? And google abit to get a wider view from parents who's kids had the same conditions as Baby E?

y dun u send the old maid back to indo so no need to wait for transfer. or u wanna try this 2wks to see who wants to take over is it


if i were u, i will go for a 3rd opinion jus to confirm either of the dr diagnosis so as to be clearer in decision making. not ez for u, u have been very strong. hang in there n pray for wisdom as to wat to do next. all teh best

snow, babysage

i am fierce n scold her when she makes mistakes n she will show me super black face or at times ans back n i scold more but i;ve always told her if she is not happy she can always try another employer n not feel she is stuck with me. i dun want her to work for me unwillingly but each time she say no. after she cool down she will come to me n hold my hand n say sorry or smile. ten i will b soft hearted n forgive her again n again. think time to change la


haha, n in the midst stress about where to shift to n gg;s bday too. not worth it to shorten my life due to her. hubby say can;t b too soft hearted at the expand of my health liao cos after we scold her she will still happily say gdbye to us wen we go out like nothing happ. no remorse one lei


PM me k ,thanks! never c u online 4 a long time, u always at polliwogs huh, hehe


long time no chat cos of all these happ lor. today she more hardworking cos i refuse to talk much to her n i dun allow her to help me with bb at all
ur maid sounds like very young ya?
very curious and unstable type.

re: aug bb bash photo cd
maybe i missed out some posts, but can anyone enlighten me on how long we have to wait har?
or maybe mine lost in post le?
just gotta double cfm lor, like long time no update liao ya?
Glad you have got a 2nd opinion...understd your dilemma...yes, is it possible to get both of them to discuss and give you a satisfactory conclusion? The best is of coz no op...you take care ya.

Hope BB E is doing well

Your house is big of coz compared to mine hahaha

I'm glad my parents are dead against having a helper...think they dun wana the headache...
Twin Stars,
Glad you have settled most of the stuff except of coz packing and shifting...I'm procastinating too...last weekend, hb packed kitchen I sian liao...I just packed the gals' clothings (which I like)...hahaha
afternoon mummies,

wow seems like the topic now on maids....me been maidless for 2 months well still surviving and kicking..not easy...cant compromise on everything...either the small or the old or the hsework...

seems ur maid really very overboard leh...sorry lor i cant endure any mistakes to be made on the baby..washing genitals with hot water is no no for me..to me consider abuse liao...
hiaz very fan for you, maybe should consider changing one? for your health and ur family...and rem dun tell her tat you be sending her back coz you really do not noe what they will do...

how the stitches? undone rite? wound itchy? do keep the area clean

Shint, Faeriekim, Nini, Snowhamster
Happy Birthday to your darlings!

oh ya

re: enfa milk
i just bought the enfagrow leh...225ml for 4 scoops..ger cant drink so much leh how? now she is drinking 180ml and 210ml for her last feed
i rem someone saying the scoop is different from the enfapro rite? then how??

strong mummy, jiayou...for me i will take a 3rd opinion..take care

wow chio bu leh...so sweet the pictures..
really no 1 has any idea when are we getting the aug bb bash photos ya? -_-"

ya, managing ppl are always not that easy ya?
hee hee....if can, better hire part-time maid lor.

huh? u mean me, or the pics? >P
ha ha....
i think i knw what u mean. the scoop is bigger in size for Enfagrow and it's stated on the tin that 4 of those scoops = 225ml.
I also hv problem instructing my maid.
So i told her just use back the Friso scoop and each scoop is 30ml.
I duno if that's ok or not...
Maid Problems

hmm..i think a good maid is really hard to find....but u have to keep trying until u get the right one....otherwise who does the housework and look after the baby?..unless u want to burn out yourself out doing both...

one month without a maid was enough for me....im willing to put up with a half past six maid instead of doing everything myself

i used orchard employment(for experienced maids) ....can contact Lawrence ....they have a very good range of experienced maids..and the agent tells them to be realistic about their expected salary and offdays...agent fee $388...im not advertising for them..i just thought Lawrence did a very good job...so im happy to recommend his agency

i think....2x a month offday is ok already....4x is a luxury...1x is being a reasonable employer(after all im sure one doesn't want an unhappy overworked maid)

filipino maids get paid about $360-400 with 2 offdays for experienced maids

fresh maids $360 with no off day....but of course u get a whole load of "fresh off the boat" maids problems

my advice get an experienced maid who has finished at leat 2 contracts....and preferably one or two employers....worked in a similar type of house as yours....that way u know this maid understands the kind of housework required in your house and has proven loyalty by finishing her previous contracts

and re the offdays..get a maid who has had offdays for many years...u dont want to suddenly give them offdays and with sudden freedom they r sure to turn bad
Ooo..Thanks for all for birthday wishes for Braiden! =D But he's sick on his birthday lah..kena stomach virus. Keep LS yesterday n today also.. bring him to see dr liao. At the same time i also kena scolded by the dr for giving him so little milk.. I told dr i give abt 100ml A DAY cos my baby doesnt like. He say no choice u must give for their growing bones. He say after he recover from the stomach virus can give him fresh milk or full cream milk lor for calcium. I have to spoon feed him leh.. Imagine i have to do it 10x a day.. wah..xiong.. But dr says after 2 yrs old take more solids than ok but not now. Opps.. first time tio scolded.
I must record down how much he drink FM liao since he only latch on at night only.. And my diet so poor, i tink FM nutrients more than mine. haiz

dongle: i tink ur maid feel stressed ba.. ur hse is so big.. personally i tink 2 maids then can manage..haha.. Cos the maid is new, and she doesnt know wat to do.. their impression is do everything. or maybe u can consider a part-time helper?

vanilla: ya..go get a 3rd opinion. I also think an op is not necessary unless it's really very serious...take good care!
afternoon mummies

maid problem,
hope all mummies with maid problems will solve them quickly.

i think i will go for a 3rd opinion and try to find out more from web.

can use other scoop meh? for mamil gold, its 5 scoop for 180ml which is not enough for yu ze. so we use 6 scoop for 220ml.

i also haven't receive the cd.

rona & shirley,
i got extended mc till 17 sep. free jio me ok. hahaha.... stitches remove liao, looks good and nice except got 1 thin line across. not as bad as i imagine. when for physio, need to do exercise at home too, going back again in 2 weeks. they give me a brace to wear especially when i sleep so that i won't anyhow move and hurt my bones. so i look like transformer cos of the brace. only physio to allow my hand to bend to 120 degrees but this is not enough to touch my face yet. to touch my face, i need 140 degrees. so the therapist say slowly see how, now is only to 120 degrees. right now, i can only bend 95 degrees.
thx, at least i noe my cd wasn't lost in post.
cos almost 3wks liao lor, suddenly remember...
pai seh. =P

u take gd care of ur hand. =)
i think roiv is in the midst of sending the cds..cuz i gave her all the mummies addresses some time back liao..think she quite busy lately...
hi rona - Prof yap told me no need major op to take out kidney -- key hole can already! i was shocked man cos my pd never tell me. app the bld pressure is to make sure heart is ok, not stressed by the kidney

hi yurri - my pd does not know i went for 2nd opinion. she knows what my pd has recommended but she is v nice never bring down his suggestions! she say wait till next review she will give me more clarity.

Hi LTS -thanks..ya think i might seek 3rd opinion and then depending what the 3rd opinion is, ask Prof Yap and Dr Gong to talk....
<font color="#CD3278">dongle</font>
Oh dear.. I really hope u get a gd maid soon.. U must be quite stressed by it

<font color="#CD3278">NiNi</font>
Speedy recovery to Braiden! Why dun you also latch him on during the day? At least he gets to take in more milk..

<font color="#CD3278">LTS</font>
So exciting, you're going to move soon..
So ur maid roughly knows tt u're not happy with her ah.. Gd thing she never try to play punk after u showed her signs of displeasure
its ok lah, cos no update so i thought u gals received liao lor. =)

as far as i noe, not all surgeon noe how to do that key hole op thingy.
this kinda op must be perform by very experience surgeon.
poor braiden. will be praying for his recovery!

did ur dr say how much milk are they supposed to drink? E still latches 3 times a day, and 1 time full cream uht milk. for that one time of uht milk, the max i can get him to drink is 100ml. but cos the rest he latches, i dunno how much he drinks in total. so i'm a lil worried if he's drinking enuff.
hi snow - ya i must check that his surgeon that does his tummy op and shld be doing his kidney op know how to do laproscopy. also must check key hole op got what risk compared to traditional op
ya, surgery thru looking at tv really need to be very very experience...let alone its a small body.

so far, no side effect on me....hmm...
but have few small cuts on tummy lor, still can see scars.

Guess you need to get both PD to sit and discuss the best option. ultimately, all of us dun want Eli to suffer.

Seeking 3rd opinion has it's good and bad. Good thing is the opinion may be similar to one of the current 2. But wat if there's another option and that will stress you even more.

I dun understand why should Eli be waiting for another infection before treatment can be done. (from Prof Yap) Won't it be too late?

Next concern is, will the so call "potentially damage kidney" be affecting the other, which is the reason why your PD wants to removed the bad one. If yes, I dun think waiting for the next to be infected is a good idea.

Seek for an answer, is it a MUST to remove or not to remove
2nd, what's the best method of removing if it's required.

My heart really goes out for Eli, it's too much for me to bear the pain even thinking of what he's going thru. I know how you are feeling, deep inside you would have reprimand yourself for going all way out to do those procedures to have him and in the end putting Eli thru all the pain. It is not wat you want, soo dun be too harsh on yourself.
Hi vanilla,
you mean key hole can take out the kidney already? wah! think the process will be quite different from major op right? but i thought its quite a big deal taking out the kidney leh, key hole can already? How is your bbE otherwise? apart from his weak right kidneys, any other problems?
Breakfast for my C &amp; C

Haha! nothing better to do so I made some French Toast for my gals.. using just egg yolks cos Clara is still allergic to egg whites


it is true keyhole can already. when i was hospitalized ....suppose to take out gall bladder. surgeon also say nowadays keyhole only. never b in a rush to make any decision unless really no choice. i know a kidney surgeon at mt e, if u need contact. let me know.


u managed to get yr topper... hope bb B get well soon


ya, excited yet alot of apprehension. i haven even start to pack. think also headache. this is not the first time i wanna end her back liao so in a way cry wolve too many times so she can;t b bothered. still dare to ans back when i ask her about some things. she is obviously not scared


i still need to wait for her to help me pack n clean the new place. in the mean time look out for a new one lor.


packing really headache hor


u saw my maid right. she has 2 kids lei though only 26. her girl has TB n need meds n constant hos but she still like tat lei. she has one major flaw. greed. be it food or vanity. i help her safe by paying for all her kids n daily purchases. she use the money to buy more new clothes n accessories like earrings, rings, necklaces, hair stuffs even copy me went to buy day n night cream n alot of extra facial stuffs wo

anyone tried shalom, gd or not
Mrs Teng,
Sorry I very ignorant... got to buy a candle or not huh?

Apparently there is a turn of event that we will not be postphoning the birthday dinner after all. so i can have my 2-tier cake back.

think UHT milk better then no milk lah. I think as long as your E is not under weight, should be ok. When I was small, 4-5 yo, i was quite underweight i think. I remembered bringing milk powder from MOH... :p

your maid prob solved already? managed to get a gd one? my hb still half hearted about changing coz' he say must train all over again and all maids give probs, just a matter of how much and how serious the probs are, haha.

twin star,

wah, i don't think i'll be able to tahan your maid man. i tot mine was bad already. is yours filipino or myanmese?

anyone using ameda pump here? their service centre doesn't open on weekends is it? i emailed them only to find out they only operate mon to fri during office hours and they are even closed for lunch. how to service pump like that? do i need to bring anything? i remember i registered online for the warranty. no physical warranty card leh. and do i need to leave the pump there or do they service on the spot? if must leave there, means i have to take leave 2x to service the pump leh. so super customer unfriendly!

Dun think u need to buy, if you dun mind the normal candle, cos I'm out of the number one candles, Need to go hunt for more.
thanks snow, mrs teng, lts and rona.

Hi rona, hopefully this kidney issue will be his last needed op, He had his heart fixed 3 mths back, but we stil monitoring cos still got holes at the muscular area and the artery.

Thanks LTS - will let u know if i need the kidney surgeon,, Current plan is to keep the tummy surgeon who is also a kidney surgeon.

Hi mrs teng- ya lor listening to Prof Yap then recallin what Dr Gong say to me i also blur. But prof yap pt also v true - to her she say that E might not get any infection cos the last infection was due to the catater during the heart surgery and if he is not doing any more surgery then chances of infection is v low. Also she mentioned that for reflux bb, for boys after 1 yrs old their chances of getting infection decreased rapidly so to her no need do operation for reflux. also since urine in the bladder is clean cos no infection hence going up to kidney now is ok...then the bad kidney - she say no risk to infect heart (cos Dr G always say if infectin will travel to heart then v dangerous). she say chances of infection from kidney to heart v low..more from teeth (from dentist like scaling)...

I think i have past the stage that i blame myself for creating him n let him suffer ( i was in depression during 1st mth cos of it). Now i think it is God that gives me E to make me a better person. For E to be a person to make Him proud.

According to Prof Yap, she says E is born w a bad kidney which is true cos durin 1st trimester my amniotic fluid v low. Then it is already a sign cos my gynae was also worried. my pregnancy was a rollercoaster, now w E's health prob also roller coaster...but good thing is i have lots of frens like u all to support and encourage me..thanks v much.

P/s: mrs teng - ur french toastie looks v nice! think this sat me trying out avocado on E...still havent try tofu..think next week...me still on 4 days rule
me can imagine ur hse like fashion wardrobe leh still can dress to theme...me as long not too han suan can liao lor...my mil also love face wan leh wait too han suan sure say me....heng till now still ok..

pediasure good? why want change? amelia dun like huh?

tat good to hear..dun worry so much about the scar, okie will be pretty one...like tat you better be good and exercise ur arm then gat well soon...we can go la kopi soon

do keep a lookout at how she pack..if you can coz you say she greedy, so dun noe wat she will pack into her own...

wow looks delicious...any receipe to share..me lazy mummy only give cereals or bread for breakfast...

take care, we are all behing you...
Allivier now still on enfa. May be will let her drink 1x pediasure in the morning, 1x enfa before sleep. This gal really dun like to drink.... Lucky her solid intake quite ok, if not, really dun know wat to do liao...

Sis recommend me pediasure, more nutrient....
with 2 gals....difficult to avoid....ya, their wardrobe bigger as compare to mine lor. =P
ha ha....haven been buying anything for myself for quite long liao leh.

is your son rejecting FM/ fresh milk? mine doesn't seem too keen on milk either. we've tried FM and full cream milk. the only bottle he can finish is the one in the morning, esp when he's still dopey (that's on weekends). on weekdays, he drinks the milk when we drop him off at my MIL's place and whether he finishes that bottle will depend on his mood.

for his afternoon feed, he will either reject, drink a little bit or decide to finish all. the before bedtime one is the most difficult. most times he will just drink a little and reject the rest.

he can barely meet the PD's requirement of 400ml leh. we've started giving him more cheese in between meals and i'm finding more ways to increase his calcium/ iron intake thru his solids since he takes that very well.
I'm having the exact same problem as you! K is taking like 160ml in the morning, sometimes cannot finish and have to put in his cereal.
Afternoon, either totally refuse or if we're lucky can drink 120ml....At night mostly refuse to take, or at most drink 60-90ml.

I noticed this only started after he turned 1, and when we changed to Enfagrow. What FM are you using?

Me oso facing same problem with u all.... but at least K &amp; J willing to drink a bit, mine is totally reject le... she can 0ml milk intake sometimes....

me dun noe wat to do &amp; we have to force her drink as much as we can, hope it can last she turn 2.

yeah, he started being really picky after i stopped giving him BM when he turned 1. before that he wasn't that keen on milk but he could still drink at least 400-500ml a day.

jonah is taking enfagrow now so in the morning supposed to drink about 225ml. most of the time no prob finishing. then afternoon he can drink between 60ml - 200ml (depends on mood). last night before bedtime he was very cranky and drank only 10ml. the night before maybe more, like 40ml. really wasting precious milk leh. we're so tempted not to give him night feed but at the same time worried he isn't taking enough milk.

oh, on weekends, because he's quite dopey still, we give him fresh pura or meiji milk (210ml or 240ml) and he can usually finish most of it. that's about the only time of the day when he will drink milk (prob coz' hungry from not drinking the night before, heh heh).


u giving BM or FM? i think our kids are just being picky nowdays. there are times jonah also drinks 0ml. we used to cajole him to drink and he would still try after we warm the milk again but nowdays if he pushes the bottle away, means he really doesn't want it. even if we heat up again or try to feed using spoon, he will still reject. that boy really knows what he wants!
