(2008/08) Aug 2008


sorry to disturb but was wondering if anyone would be keen on a photoshoot from foto-u studio as David (the photographer) is gg to have a BP on it....we still need a few more ppl to kick start the BP. So take a look if u r interested. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/450761/556344.html?1246609349

$450 album promo:

1. 8r album (16 pages).
2. 1 hr 30 min shooting.
3. return all images.
4. 35 images in album.
5. 1 x make up and hair do.

Usual price for this costs more than $800! I have been waiting for something like this for a long time liao but not enough ppl signing up so do consider this offer if u plan to take some studio pics for your little one.

hmmm, like drive? My mum is still saying in the east, so i know the markets in the east like the back of my hands. of, i forgot to tell you that i also know the layouts of the market very well too.
ceyln & ruixuan,
I think you can sign your boys up for professional modelling already. they are so natural!
<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
hahah, of cuz u had better drive.. So far fr ur place leh!
What i meant was tt they can tahan w/o clamouring for you before/as you leave.. *heheh*

Too bad I'm not in the east, if not I wld go to your recommended seller

<font color="#CD3278">missysz</font>
hahah.. nono, Ashley doesn't take much either.. Just tt I prefer comparing prices to make sure I get the better deal. Prev I got fr the same chap at $40/kg, then this weekend it climbed to $50/kg.. Madness!

<font color="#CD3278">MrsTeng</font>
Thanks for the info!! Must share more recipes hor?
1kg can get about 6 slices - if its a big fish. So one day one slices for the <font color="ff0000">three</font> kids... tangpun

sometimes my hb's sister's kids come over, then have to use 2 slices leh.

We adults (including my inlaws) get to eat threadfin when its cheaper like $20+ per kg... heheheee
mel &amp; Mrs Teng,
My bb J actually likes textured food from 6 mths. I realized he doesn't like to eat the brown rice powder (korkor type) and took a long time to finish one small serve. like yesterday, i stirred the porridge and pressed too much so become korkor again, he ate so slowly, but the minute i change the porridge and just give him like that, he ate so much faster. That's y for dinner, i just cook the pasta star and just put in the cheese sauce and that's it. I think he loves to chew! he will just push the food infront and use his 6 teeth to chew.
my gal oso likes to chew. she lurves the gerber star crackers but hates her porridge. mebbe i shld oso try pasta... instead of juz porridge porridge porridge.
mel ocean,
thanks. yu ze likes to have variety, what he eats for today, he don't want the same the next day. picky.

hahaha.... the photographer must be super patient leh. yu ze very hard to capture him one. he will crawl or not face photographer.
Tree, wow...next time can jio go mkt at CL
Cos i always order the chicken n pork meat at CL

wow..the babies look stylo sia...i've gt no chance to bring Baby J for photoshoot
Thanks. Yumin celebrating her bday end of this month. Hee.

I booked the function room in Jurong West Sports complex cos my house too messy liao. For food, going to order YLS buffet. Cake wise, I was looking at Cake Avenue but in the end went with Polar, easier to pickup. Hee.
I used to wish Yumin's teeth would pop out, now I seriously regret cos every nite, she will suddenly cry/wake up at least 1x, my sleep is very affected
*high-five*! i think we are alike, i also everyday can eat the same old thing. when in school, i will ask my friend to get lunch for me and all of them will know what to get for me and they just need to go to the stall to tell them the gal who wants lots of chilli and vinegar and the stall holder will know what to cook and how to cook for me already... till this day... even my colleagues know what i eat at which market... damn jialak!
Sorry I can't help you. Not having big celebrating so never check out party supplies...

btw, i remembered you have this link to the song, over the rainbow - do you still have it? can you send me?
mel ocean,

i very picky with food one, colleague very scard to buy food for me. must give specific on what i want. hahahah.... when i'm not in good mood, anything that hubby buy wrongly i won't eat. i rather starve also don't want to take even if that food is what i like leh. very hard to please hoh.
rona, yeah... at least i'm not the only one eating the same old things.... good oso, never order the wrong food!
Me v fussy abt foods &amp; lots food i don't like.... that's why my colik always tease me my gal eating habit like me.. haha, i must admit this...

Celyn, me oso a junk food person...High 5!
wah!! tks to all mummiess.

got alot of new receipe to try nw.

Just that due to BB M's allegries hv to be careful. seems like dairy products still hv to stop for this while.

Butter.... isn't it salty? or buy those low salt content type?

ur size very ...... meh? u still very slim leh. plus the fact u r a 3 kids' mum loh.

still very chante.
baby screaming

BB M was screaming without moving her mouth, just open abit n then scream n turning her head. I tot she become a puppet. Hahaha!!

but she can scream in shopping mall, then the other end also hear. Maybe some tot is fire alarm?? Hahaha!!
bb m screaming for fire? -_-"
ha ha.........
think we have some funny mouse here, last evening zynn sat infront of a dog while we eat out and keep saying "ohh ohh". >D

hahaha!!! ya..... u wont know who is screaming loh.
sometimes at home she does dat while standing on her knee, then look like those dinosaur in jurassic park. :p

zynn trying to talk to the dog ar? maybe now learning even possible sound?

ha ha....maybe she learn from some tv programme?

i dunno leh, just find it funny when i happen to see that scene.
lucky the dog is being locked inside, else i really dunno what will happen next...ha ha...

ya, she always did funny thing that her sis never do. =P
when i carry her walk pass a provision shop, she struggled to come down.
keep shouting "por por", i still wondering whats happening.
then she point towards the rack outside....oic, she wanted the ball.
por por = ball ball? *gua gua*

din show her jurassic park leh.....always kids' channel. she like pocoyo!! coz keep laughing.

like dat, watch transformer.... later she try to transform...... then I faintz!! hahaha!!

hmm....... think the dog will bark back at her? u try bring zynn to pet shop with dogs,etc. think she will love it.

'por' sound like ball liao. wah...
maybe she will play with some clothing and simulate transforming? hee hee...

but the ma ma dun dare to go near animal leh. =P
hee hee...thx.

think if they like that thing, they will learn faster ya?
m2b's mae even more cool, can say double word already. =)
Sam, even my baby J still bo gek, he still wakes one or two time :p cos he's thirsty n wants to drink water..kekkeek

Snow, yr zynn oso the same huh...comign to 11 mths still bo gek..wow pengz..scared sia

Hey mommies, today is my first time giving baby J eats half a cube cheese mix w pasta stars, carrot, cherry tomato, brocolli..my maid told me tt he loves it so much n eats vry fast *SURPRISED*
shint/ missyz,

yest tried to get jonah to sleep with paci but w/o hand holding and he refused. we gave him a dog to hug but no use. in the end cry for 2 hrs and i had to take over from daddy to hold him to sleep. daddy wasn't too pleased of coz as i'd spoilt his plans. the boy is one resistant fella. can't imagine how long he'll cry for when we're down to paci weaning.
krex, i think different babies hv different way of sleeping ba. Like my case, baby J only sleeps if daddy ard to pat pat his butts
You going to intro mushroom? FYI, mushroom contain alot of preservative, so if to intro better to buy those written w/o preservative.

Your boy look really handsome, the pics all so well taken

Ur mom gave 8 type of food for dinner and lunch or in one of the meal? If per meal, it really alot, the body won't be able to absorb much nutrient of the food that each veg can provide, according to paed dietician, per meal, one potion of meal, the most two portion of vegs, 1 portion of carbo are enough liao. Unless is stock or soup, then is ok. This is what I know so just share.

It's durian season, C &amp; C's godpa drove up to tangkak and brought back these Rajah Kunyit (Mao Shan Wang)

So decided to try making durian cream cake.. Haha! first time making... looks horrible... stil haven't eat yet.. Dun know how it taste also

Bottom 2 boxes (Rajah Kunyit)




This is how I did my meesua for tonite's dinner(Cod fish, minced pork, egg yolk and watercress meesua)

Simmer thinly sliced cod or threadfin with pork stock


Remove and mash it with back of fork


Cut meesua inside a plastic, den it won't mess up your table top


Chopped Watercress or Spinach or anyother veggie
Next to it is a tablespoon of minced meat mixed with water.. this way when pour into the soup, meat will not be lumpy..


When the meat is almost cooked, pour in beaten egg yolk and stir.. add in the chopped veggie and simmer for about 3 mins. Den add in meesua. (If you worried meesua too salty, blanch with another pot of boiling water, use seive to remove the water and transfer to the soup) Simmer for another 1 minute. I dun blanch bcos I want the nutrient from the soup to be absorb into the meesua.. Taste better also. Ikan bilis powder is optional lor, cos the meesua is tasty enuf liao.


Served together with the cod fish flakes, alternatively, you can pour back into the meesua. For me, I did the first method.. dun want to waste the cod fish.. very expensive ah!


Oopss ! Sorry about it!!! Yesterday saw the durian goodies in the Straits Times Life section and somemore C&amp;C Godpa brought durain, so I thot die die also must try making one cake..
