(2008/08) Aug 2008

i use the long nuk bottles. so they can stand on my thighs and i don't have to bend so much. then use either the left hand or the right hand, one hand support and the same arm support the other bottle too. so my other hand is free.

Hey mummies long time never log in! Been reading but too lazy to write. How's everybody doing?
Looks like everybody busy planning their baby's 1st birthday. We won't be having a party for D. Apart from hubby's family got nobody to invite as all our friends live quite far away so we'll just have a simple celebration probably take D to the seaside or a park for a picnic. Hopefully the weather will be good.

Hee! Hee! I think I can join the Duracell baby club too. But I desperately need a high speed battery recharger for myself! LOL

Rona/krex I use this method for handsfree pumping. Cheap and good method which practically costs nothing. I think it works well for Ameda and Medela pumps but not the top heavy Avent ones.
hi mummies,

can i chk whether any1 noes whether i can continue 2 bf when i jus had a root canal treatment done?
how you measure 10g? i think yu ze's porridge always like for more side dish than porridge itself.

what is baby bonus card? how it look like?
Cat & Celyn
I know 5g sounds really little.. haha.. maybe tmw I up the amt and see how he takes to it.

What I do is make little beef balls when I reach home with the minced beef.. and measure out each ball on a kitchen scale. Hee.. Thereafter, freeze.

For now, each meal for my boy consists of the following:

- 1 dinner spoon of uncooked rice (mixed of calrose and brown rice)
- 1-1.5 ice-cube of mixed mashed vege
- Fish / pork / chicken / beef
- 1 ice-cube of fruit puree

What about your (and other moms') bbs?

if i cook porridge for yu ze, it will be lunch and dinner.

option 1:
3 chinese soup spoon multigrain rice
2oz baby cube fish
1oz baby cube carrot
2oz brocoli

option 2:
3 chinese soup spoon white rice
2oz baby cube fish/pork
1oz baby cube carrot
1oz sweet corn
2oz brocoli

option 3 (for 1 meal only):
2-3 chinese soup spoon pasta star/estimate amount of mee ta mak
1 tomato (small or medium, chopped)
2oz baby cube fish
1 mushroom (chopped)
1oz baby cube carrot

in between, he will get to drink his milk once or twice depending on his milk craving (80-120ml each), fruits - not always have (1/4 small papaya, 4-5 cherry, etc) excluding his morning and last feed of milk (170-200ml each)

does it look like a lot. this is what he eats on weekends. on weekdays at babysitter's place is definitely more than this.
<font color="#CD3278">Wendy</font>
heheh, maybe if Ashley does meet D for meals, she wld show him how yummy porridge is &amp; motivate him to eat more of mommy's creations yah??

Just gave Ashley chicken + watercress porridge today.. I love it!

Ashley's porridge:
1.5 tbsp of white rice
Fish/ Chicken or sometimes both
Broccoli/ Spinach/ Watercress/ Chye Sim/Carrot
(My mum gives pumpkin &amp; sweet potato)

I dunno the qty of the ingredients coz I go by agaration.. But I give lots of veg!

<font color="#CD3278">Mrs N</font>
Oh wow, tt's a wonderfully brilliant idea &amp; it costs near to nothing!!

baby bonus card is the OCBC red one with a family of 5 cartoon characters. will hv discount here and there like what Sam shared
Yeah cold storage the cut should be quite good qlty!
For me, initially mince, now just chop finely and when cook mash it more with a spoon..
Glad to know that your boy liked the beef! I actually also think its very tasty lei.. my gal had beef with brocolli today for lunch and dinner.. yumz her fave!

me keen on the cup!

Had fun at polliwogs today! Can't wait for gymboree in Aug!

ya....... oversea spree so much cheaper. I go gap n mothercare... go in see the price.... eye balls wanna drop out liao. :p

imagine a SIMPLE dress $89....................
can I know how mummies prep meat here? e.g pork/chicken/beef?

if nt... i think bb M like vegeterian leh. fish cant take as just recover fm cough n flu...... then vege n fruits only....

does having number of teeth matter? must hv alot of teeth to chew? :p
bbJ will push his food to the front so that his front teeth will be able to chew the food. he loves to chew... initially we thought his two teeth beside the 2 front teeth breaking ground, waited for a month and still see no sign of them...

he is also having simple food menu, have not given him chicken and we don't take beef. so its only fish and veg and some herbs. simple cooking too, fish steam with veg, pork also steam with veg... hahhahhahaa... we give him a little soup (minus the salt, that means we take out his soup first then add salt into the soup for us) everyday.

what kind of soup?

oooooooo............. ya. I do that for barley water, take her portion n keep, then add sugar.

ya... if nt, soup no salt... tasteless hor. hahaha!!

minced pork steam with vege?
yes, minced pork steam with veg. later on i will add egg yolk to steam together, so it looks like tonkatsu... heheheee...

better don't intro salt so early in their life. their kidneys cannot take it yet

I mean salt for us. nt for baby lah.

the only thing now is.. when we eat, she wants to eat too n make noise..........

ooooo ok.. good way to add egg yolk n steam together. gd idea!!
<font color="#CD3278">sylvia</font>
Soups are easy &amp; surprisingly flavourful even w/o salt
You can have watercress + pork; carrot + potato + pork/chix + onion.. They are fuss free &amp; yummy!

Sometimes when I give Ashley potato + carrot, the stock tt results is frozen for future use
<font color="#CD3278">Sylvia</font>
When I give her watercress in her porridge, it's just the leaves.. But I throw in the stem to add more flavour + nutrients

I;ve not intro her to soup yet coz I hardly cook, only for her meals, so I do think if I were to cook it, she wld just get to have the soup

what is lotus soup minus peanut? u take out the peanut or no peanut totally? lotus soup - lean pork + lotus? huaishan also can put in?

if forgot to take out ... hw?

coz I cook 八宝粥, din realise got peanut till when I scope out.. then i remove ...
morning mummies

hahah..... looks like a lot of food hoh. but sometimes, i see liao i feel like adding more leh.

i also give soup to yu ze. my home cooked soup are without salt, so he also drink without it. its those winter melon + pork type of soup. for fish, i just cook the whole fish, smash to feed. pork, i just buy minced pork loh.

when we are outside, i do give him some 'adult' food like roast duck. yu ze got 6 teeth now.

sam &amp; sylvia,
thanks for the info on baby bonus card. i guess its only for those with 2 kids right? cos i don't have leh.
i don't use peanut to cook right from the start of cooking the soup. as peanut can cause allergy, so will intro later. but this allergy usually affects angmoh.
Mrs Ng,
its a clever idea! will the breast shields be able to 'hug' the breasts tightly? i need to press the breast shields to the breast...
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Hi mummies, just want to share a very good book on introducing semi-solids. This book was like my 'bible' when I was introducing solids to my son.

Although your child may have already started on solids, this books offers lots of recipes for toddlers too! My son is 2yo now and I'm still using this book for recipes to add variety into my son's diet!

It has basic nutrition information (good for mummies who are clueless), feeding schedules &amp; appropriate foods to introduce at different age groups, tonnes of yummy and fun recipes, money and time saving tips, etc etc!
You can read more about this book here: www.superbabyfood.com

I'm selling it for $28.90 include registered mail. Brand new copies, latest edition (2nd edition).

If you want to take a look at the book before commiting to purchase, I welcome you to my place at Punggol to take a look at the book before deciding. Alternatively, you can go to borders to check out the book. I'm selling cheaper than Borders bcos I ordered these online in bulk during my private sprees to save on shipping costs.

Do email me at [email protected] if keen. Thanks!</font></font>
mrs n,

nice to hear from u again! your hands free method looks cheem. actually, even for pumpkin' pal, i didn't really know how to use it. must get hb to adjust for me :p i'm hopeless eh?


u going to stop pumping soon? i hope to stop after jonah's 1. i need my sleep back!
doidy cup:

looks nice. feel tempted to get but i've a feeling it'll be another white elephant. jonah hasn't even mastered straw cup and all my other spout cups have gone to waste. think he doesn't like it coz' very hard to get water out. he prefers drinking from plastic cup though there's a lot of spillage. btw, how to teach bb to drink from straw cup. it's an action that can't be taught leh. even demonstrate also a bit hard.

btw, those of you who are weaning bb from bottle into cup, do u plan to give milk in a cup also? most of these cups hold very little water. does that mean you'll give 2 cups worth of milk?
all bb is entitled to bb bonus. its juz tat for bb who is borned b4 15aug08, or edd be tat get the old scheme. there are 2 banks offering it, scb &amp; ocbc. u sure u dun hve?

yuze borned on 6aug08, same as yumin...
i agree, the price diff bet pp here &amp; oz is like 50%... can faint... actually alot of brands is normal brands overseas, come to spore, the price inflat like nothing
History, Rona, Sylvia and Wendy

C &amp; C have been have the following for the past 2 weeks. In variations.


Minced pork, egg yolk, spinach or watercress with couscous

Sometimes I substitute with Threadfin.

stir minced meat in cold pork stock
Add ikan bilis powder (optional)
Bring to boil
Beat egg yolk and pour in boiling stock, stir continuously.
Add in chopped spinach or watercress.

Add in soaked couscous and bring to boil. (Add margarine to give a creamy taste)

I also add blended brown rice porridge (in separate bowl) to give a creamy texture for C &amp; C.

Dinner : Cod fish, Egg yolk, spinach or any other veggie with meesua.

Cut meesua into small bits (Tips: use a huge plastic bag, cut inside, so that it won't cos a mess)
Boil thinly sliced cod fish in pork stock, remove and mash with back of a fork.
Beat egg yolk and pull into stock to make egg flower drops.
Add chopped spinach or any veggie
Add meesua can cook. Make sure there is sufficient liquid (but not too much) bcos meesua will absorb lots of liquid. All the nutrients are absorbed into the meesua.
Pour the mashed cod fish flakes back and be ready to serve.
Both C &amp; C loves meesua. Always finishes everything.

Sometimes, I use Black bean pork ribs soup to make the meesua, in this case, I'll only add cod fish and egg drops. Won't add any veggie.

Hope this give u some ideas
hello mommies,
looking at all the recipes, i believe all your babies are eating very well. My gal refuses to open her mouth whenever i put the spoon near her. however, the nanny says tat she eats well??
I'm so worried that when i take over on alternate days starting from next week to look after the whole day, my gal will start to turn into a bag of bones. as of now, she's oredi small.. anyone has any solution/explanation for me?
bo lah. yu ze does not qualify for the $-matching CDA account:

You will get a cash gift of up to $4,000 each for your 1st and 2nd child and $6,000 each for your 3rd and 4th child. All your children born on or after 17 August 2008 will also enjoy Government contributions in the form of a dollar-for-dollar matching for the amount of savings you contribute to your child’s Children Development Account (CDA). If your child is born before 17 August 2008, he or she will enjoy the Government matching contributions in the CDA if he or she is your second to fourth child.

unless your yumin is your 2nd child, else /yumin also not qualified for the $ matching CDA account.
yah. i don't have cos yu ze is 1st child.

yah loh. i was telling yu ze that he missed it. even if he born on edd also missed. and cos i got gestation diabetes then, my gynae also won't allow me to deliver after edd.
Mrs Teng,
i'm pretty sure if my bbJ live with you, he will hit 3x his birth weight when he turns one! bbJ also likes meesua, but i cook very simply leh. will try your idea.

these few weeks so difficult to get threadfin. yesterday morning, i went to several markets to try to get some, cannot get leh. think i must call my clementi mkt supplier to reserve liao. i got cod fish from carrefour instead. but codfish quite oily lor...
funny leh, if u got gestation diabetes, usually your child is quite big leh... did u watch your diet when preggie? my babies were all bigger at birth so went for detail check for gestation diabetes before and during pregency... but i don't have lor, but still got to watch wat i eat.
today brought yu ze for another ps at dphotofoilo for little charmaine's fund raising.

this is one of the photos i like.
<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
How far are u fr Holland V?
My MIL gets from the market nearer to the Buona Vista MRT (not the other one within HV), and it's the cheapest I've heard.. My place can range between 40-50/kg, hers is abt 30ish..

She also adds tt buying on weekends, prices are higher..

<font color="#CD3278">Mrs Teng</font>
I love meesua &amp; want to intro to Ashley, but my mum is a bit hesitant coz most meesua have salt content.. Which brand do u give C &amp; C?
Hi mummies,

Its nice meeting all mummies and babies yesterday. Guess we must be all so tired after the session of play at polliwogs.. Denzel KO in the car on his way home.

Thanks for making your time and effort to join us. See you in the next gathering at Aug Birthday Bash..
