(2008/08) Aug 2008


zynn is so cute. want to talk to a dog.

mrs teng,
i just brought yu ze to eat mao san wang after fetching him from babysitter. he eat till around his mouth is all durian. hehe... spend $68 for 2. hubby say taste like the 3 for $10 one that we brought some time back.


Yeah! sometimes the 3 for $10 taste even better..
This year harvest very good... so there'll be very good ones at cheaper price lor... no need to spend so much can get good quality ones.
Mrs Teng
wow.. durian. yummy. haven't had durian for a long time. my hubby dun eat and SL too young.

thanks for the complmentary on SL..

Just send SL back to babysitter's place. now then got time to log in... was busy taking care of SL... very tiring..
u want the link to the song ? can get from youtube. i cant remember where i got it from le

did u ask if zoophonics sells the materials ?
Heh lazy mummy here.. I only give instructions :p maid to mince but she say chop faster so let her lah keke

Wow both ur boths are very photogenic! More and more handsome!

Mrs Teng
Wah durian cake looks yummy!
How did C&C like the mee sua? Izzy only eat half lei when I cook for her for lunch yesterday.. she keep spitting it out...
For dinner we blended it and she finished it all.. think she still dun like textured food..
when i 1st intro-ed textured foods to E, he also ate lesser. i tink they're not used to it. my mum reckons cos it's textured, they feel fuller. but after a while, he got used to it and intake increased.

yu ze will bang on my cd player leh. sometimes, he will accidentally press the open button. then he will take out the cd from it and start playing with the cd.
good observation! will press on! What other textured food does E take?
Izzy likes her bread and biscuits so far...
i got my player from a lucky draw...

texture stuff
i also very keen to know this topic cos my son dun like soft porrige. he like soft rice and also corn...
Hi Cat

I saw the Sesame St pinata at this two location before:
1. One of the party supply store beside the kids gym at Great world city
2. At millenia walk, there is kid party store. Saw the Elmo pinata

Hope it helps
<font color="#CD3278">MrsTeng</font>
It looks really yummy! Can I have some please? heehee

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Zynn's really cute! Can even come close to naming the ball.. And making friends with the dog!

Piang, my Ashley still can't call us yet *faint* She goes ti, da, na.. Not even mum-mum for food.. haha
Halo Mommies...
On am off today and tmr coz my mom gg for health check follow-up.

Mae's upper gum also popping a few teeth at a time! BTW, I told Mae "Ally Alligator", she laughs...heehee

Mrs Teng,
The durian cake looks really yummy! We just had Strawberry Shortcake from Four Leaves coz my BIL's birthday. Yummy!
slowly ba. depends on kids one.
maybe u wan to drag a little longer each time?

actually my #1 still drinking milk from the bottle though he is oredi 3+ .... and we used to talk abt how to wean them off milk bottles. And, he oso needs me to sleep with him ... he will tell me "mama, lie down with me" and will not go to sleep till I read his stories and sleep with him.

Tell hubby dun Gan Jiong ...takes time la.
I wanna find out if your little ones still wake up at nite for nite feed?

Kai will wake within 4 hours from last feed leh.
ie 8pm, 12am and 4-5am wakes up for milk feed.
morning mummies

i think kai still wake up for milk maybe cos he is still very much a milk baby so need to drink more compare to others who are already on solid. i remember yu ze stop waking up for milk after i started him on solid.

jonah has not been waking up for night feed since abt 4 mths (i think). all we did was start dragging his night feeds and sometimes skip it and we realise he's ok with it. now his last feed is ard 10pm and next feed at 8am.
good morning mummies

me came back from Genting yested..

stayed in First world hotel..wow...my first experience of first world to be so posh leh..my fren a member there..so managed to book a room using his points...so we managed to get the suite...on the highest floor! floor 28!...somemore got free breakfast, exclusively on level 28 only...heeeheee...bed room was SOOOO spacious...the usual tower one rooms are usually very pathetic and small and dirty..wow...but this tower 2 suite...power leh...bathroom got tub , overseeing the rest of the genting resort...very shiok

brought kaer for the kiddie rides..and games arcade..think she enjoyed it...
..well, i definitely did..
..didnt bring her to the outdoor theme park cuz she's still too young to take most of the rides..and it was quite cold as well...but overall...a good and enjoyable trip..

anyway..me back to work ..again..sigh...after 5 weeks of holiday...so depressing to go back to work...hmmph...

for the doidy cups , we only have these mummies, anyone else interested?
order of doidy cups
1) YLN - cerise
2) happy mummy - blue
3) vern
4) catherine
5) valnsw - yellow

Mrs teng,
Omg! U did it again?! Haha…I am not a fan of the king of fruit but your durian cake is simply breathtaking!

Thank u for the step by step guide on making mee sua. I am going to print it out and try out soon! My poor boy is eating porridge everyday….so pitiful hor..

Did u rap along with your DJ…“SL in da house! SL in the house!” hee..

Awww..i love four leave cakes! I think they are very nice and friendly for the pocket…haha..
Morning mummies!

do u give white bread? any idea if we should be giving wholemeal now?

Good lei, then easier for you to cook. How you give the corn? cut small pieces and cook?

I hear you - meetings and meetings and meetings.. waste time :p I got meetings and training at the same time.. double booked
morning mummies. =)

ruixuan &amp; celyn
both of u got little musician ya?
think boy prefer more tech thingy.

actually let them progress naturally lor, ashley might be slightly too shy to start talking only?
ha ha....at least u are such a caring mother, zynn dun crawl and no teeth i also bo charp. >D

ya, 1 time go pop so many teeth sure very uncomfy 1 lor. =(

hee hee....mae so gd gal, i told zynn "alley aligator" and she push my head away. =P
Mrs Teng,
as usual, your cake looks (and i'm sure taste) delicious!

i've an uncle (&amp; family) living in tangkak, have not visited them since 2007 durian season. think will make a trip up next season (but must be sunny weather lah, else no good durians). hehehe!
rona &amp; vern
envy u gals.....i got nothing to do, another type of worse case in office. -_-"
lucky boss on mc, else i also dunno how to talk to him.
think drink milk from bottle is a habit leh, my #1 also still drinking milk from bottle.
beside her milk, she can drink any other fluid from cup.
i tried to give her milk in cup, she only drank a mouth and can't get to sleep after that.
i aso very eng in office. somemore my workstation damn open concept now &amp; i'm surrounded by boss spies. sianx3...
sam &amp; snow74,
i use to be super eng in my previous company too. at least, now is better. still a bit free but now so bad liao.

last time i can surf net occupy my time, but now, hve to be discreet cos almost everyone can see my comp screen. somemore, i'm not on good terms with my team, they super po our big boss, then treat ppl as invisible de. we used to be a cohesive team until these newcomers came along...

Envy* my jobs getting busier liao as now mid of year... can imagine end of the year i'll die at my on desk....sob sob* my works will stack-up higher than me
understand, think ur boss has his intention when employing all these newcomers...hmm...

they are too busy to bother about me, and that old uncle too busy to assign job to me.
feel like a loner here. =(
yah yah. i also like that last time. colleagues super busy and work OT kind. then i super shake leg. heheheh.....

i also can't surf and post in thread openly now. so seldom see me in the afternoon liao. i'm sitting right outside my CEO and COO's office leh. very open.
Sam i wish too, but hor they won't hire stuff liao as the account now freeze... &amp; everyone is so tense &amp; busy in the office. Is either you quitely work like a cow or u leave the company if you not happy kinda situation lor...

nowadays, me hor dare not surf internet so openly, scared got fired... still got old &amp; small one at home to feed, hehe...
i know what you mean. my big boss even told me to hve buddy system. Biang, i noe what's on his mind lor. i feel like leaving here but considering whether to hve another kiddo b4 i go cos although the bosses suck, our coy welfare very gd de...

you aso very open wor...
ha ha....and sometime boss will klkk ya? then nothing to do still gotta act busy rite?

if not for the old and small at home, think i stay at home will be more busier lor. =P

then close both eye, continue to stay there 1st lor.
that old cow keep walking thru and fro infront of my partition, dunno what he wanted...hmm....
