(2008/08) Aug 2008

Good Morning Mommies...
Just settle Mae and put her in her playpen for her morning nap...

Mae will sort of do the action...see if her mood is good this Sat and I ask her to show you...hahaha

Zynn pushed your head away? hahaha

mel ocean & sam,
yah, super open loh.

i always have a file open in front of me. sometimes, pretend to do filing loh. hahahah....
I'm referring to those packed fresh mushroom in market. Same for the dried one.

Hi mummies,
does anyone know whether breastfeeding can do teeth whitening??
i dun have a good impression of first world hotel cos i been to the small room and end up, book out and go to genting hotel.

i just give the corn. no need to cut up. cos he can chew himself but need to give one by one. For porridge, i need to cut up. cos he will just swallow the whole pile up, which make him vomit.

ya. boy like techy stuff. my boy hardly want the soft toys. anything soft, he will not even touch

i will not rap but just make him dance with the music.. but he can play with the player for more than an hour...
u at home ya? =)

oh, mae can do that action liao also?
hee hee...so cute.

forget about that rat, she only noe her "por por" now. =P

at least u still can do filing, i do filing my boss will sweat de.... -_-"

ya, boy will observe 1st then "attack".
and by nature, they like techy stuff.
ha ha...she can diff soft stuffs is for gal gal?
so cute.
ya..i also dun have a good impression of first world...so when i saw the suite..i was like ..WOOW...plus free somemore,..heee...dun need to pay $..stay until shiok shiok..

perhaps next time, if i go again, will book that suite...
better to check w ur gynae coz dont know what chemical they used on your mouth. i think i read before preggie dont go whitening la..but breastfeeding i dont know. u have decided to do liao?

zo bo is good! i like! haha
ha ha...i noe, many ppl told me that too.
provided got ppl zo bo with u leh, else u gotta hide urself very well so that ppl will not shoot arrow behind ur bk lor. =P
mommies me here in n out again.. :p Trying to catch up as fast as I can

I only book Multi function hall for my gal's party.. It's also next month n so far nothing has been done yet side booking a venue :p Expected ard 70 - 100 plus pppl plus children so dunno where to have :p
Ordering my cake from myhumblearts.blogspot.com

Sam & Mel OCean
Mine will b on 8 August..

Pinky & Snow
My gal was one of the bb who didnt have teeth yet til one day, til now.. everything pop up at once
Think she now have 7 n counting... !!

BB Eating solid
My gal also doesnt like anything we tried so far.. eat very litle n then will keep shaking her head n turn her head away though put all the song n TV .. me headache n worried she mite lack of nutrients.. BUt she loves bb yogurt, Ice cream n choco :p For porridge, if she found any lumpy, she'll spit it out :p Once tot giving her more textured mince meat, she keep pushing it out with her toungue.. how uh ?

Celyn & RX
Nice shots Gals.. !! Sl has expression from sad to cheeky lol.. YZ has all this big bro feeling.. Look so handsome worrrr...

HB also looking for old ppl nursing house here... any idea we can come down n give the old folks some kind of food or lil party ? In bb N bday party celebration..
hahahah saw SL playing with the player... N plays w everything now.. Phone, printer machine that comes with phone also.. biting all the USB cable, if we said no, she'll give u this bad expression, let see if I can catch it next time :p Playing with the daddy home entertainment system.. n it's BOSE :p wait til she got her hands really on there :p

After watching Happy feet, whenever she saw Penguin pic, she'll move her butt like dancing lol

Tried brought N to Transformer.. Ended up we didnt finish
BB wanted to sleep but wasnt that cranky actually.. Just she decided to join n commenting on the movie... Loud somemore.. baaa laaa.. BUUU... so pai seh decided to take her out :p
some time i just flip newspaper infront of that old cow, can't help. =P
now folding origami....ha ha....
we dun have physical file here, all docs should be stored inside a central db leh.
Yap, at home in the morning...now back to office...Mae cried when I dressed up for work just now...sob sob...

Yap, she sort of like clapping hand action to signify that...funny!

I also cannot stand nothing to do coz time passes so slowly when there is nothing to do lor...
Hmm can understand how you feel.. my first 2 months is the super cho bo one.. then now suddenly the tap start cannot stop.. sianz.. boh eng to even check mail sometimes :p

Oh he chew with his front teeth or with his gums?
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
How come tt uncle can don't give you work to do ah? But i can feel your pain, time takes so long to pass when u've got nothing to do.. If ur workspace not so open, u can still surf the net, but if ur workplace is so visible to office traffic, then super guaguagua

I think Ashley calls me to be faster in feeding her by going na-na-na, but maybe she's scolding me! hahah
ai yo, u must be so heart pain to see her crying. =(

the problem is my previous co is so aggressive, then this 1 so....

busy then pass time easier, and will feel sense of involvement. =)

if boss not around, i dun even need to act busy....hee hee......

to me, he is not moving at all type.
seriously, cos i've been doing what he should be doing for pass few yrs.
he dunno what to do, yet never talk to his reporting officer.

hee hee....ai yo, so girly leh.
Finally got time to login....

Got same question as sam, can celebrate after B'day? no pantang hur? old folk always say can celebrate earlier but not later....

Sometimes too free at office not v good thing hor, ppl will get red eyes... may be just pretend v busy checking email....
Sam and missysz,
Am going to call to book appointment Liao but I couldn't get my gynae leh so thought of asking here see anyone know
pai seh har, check with u ladies...
anyone got babymallonline 20% discount code har?
need to order something and send to a frind in US.

there are several ways of doing teeth whitening, maybe u might like to check out what will be done 1st before calling ur gynae to cfm?
Sam &amp; Mel Ocean
For me, at my country n my hb, it's a pantang to do it b4 the bday.. Like the actual not here yet but we already celeb it.. :p U see ? after all the pantang talk n discuss with many culture, mite get confused which 1 is ok :p but it's like that at Indo.. I wont congrats a friend in advance but after ok..

Where to get helium tank rental ? :p
Hi mommies!

long time no been in here.. :> Lately had a very stressful period...Just one mistake n met a blur bank officer.. I lost 5-digit sum in my shares on one stock.. nearly fainted cos how could this error have happened as nobody in sgx or cdp or the bank discovered the error. Guess i've been really burnt out n brain not functioning well... Hve become a dumbo. heh..

Have anyone been to Grace Kids @ great world city? I brought braiden there today n he seems to enjoy the baby gym. Can socialize with other kids there..not bad! Its nearer to my hse too.. 10 session of lesson + free gym for 3 months. Great way to expand off his energy!

Not going to celebrate Braiden's birthday with a birthday bash... Just close family can liao. Can u imagine my PILs never visited Braiden for like 3 weeks already? They so damn lazy lah...really like part-time grandparents. I seriously think they r not fit to be one! Hmmpf!
Hi mummies,

So sorry I have been busy with work so no time to check the thread.

The <font color="ff0000">Aquaducks swimming trial is CONFIRMED</font>.
1) The address is Cicada,7 Portsdown Road.
2) Please be at the poolside 15 mins in advance as classes commence on time.
4) You have to wear swimsuit but can wear a shirt over it.
5) Baby have to wear swimming diaper (Can get it from NTUC).

Aquaducks baby swimming trial - Free
Location: Buona Vista Heated Pool (Cicada, 7 Portsdown Road)

Date: 11 July 2009 (Sat) at 9am
#1: cocomo - Shervalle Gow 04/08/08
#2: Dongle - Cayla Foo (20/07/08)
#3: Hui Chin - Falisha (02/08/08)
#4: Linx - Nandini 06/08/08
#5: smurfette - Kaitlyn (28/08/08)

Date: 18 July 2009 (Sat) at 9am
#1: interrace - emre norman (05/08/08)
#2: ruixuan- Siong Lok (03/08/08)
#3: celynlee - yu ze (06/08/08)
#4: sylvia - Meredith (28/08/08)
#5: rona - Jerold (24/08/08)
#6: Yellow_tweety - Javier Tan (3/08/08)
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
eh, this uncle abit funny.. Dun do nvm, dun tell you what to do also. I'm worried he may be telling tales tt you're not proactive leh

hahah, this cheeky girl makes scrunched up facial expressions to teh us.. *faint*

my maid decided she wanted to go back after 1 year with me. didn't object, so am now searching for replacement so i can get one b4 she leaves and she can do some sort of handover to the new maid.

anyone with good contacts for maid agency, pls PM me. tks
i was so busy the past 2 days. my boss came in from hong kong and then his boss came in from sweden and my hong kong collicks also here. like a big gathering! and then it was meeting meeting and meeting... straight for 2 days!!! tell you, i pian san already. and cos i stuck in meeting whole day, can't get any work done and now my tables pile up work very high liao, will be very busy for the rest of the week... sian...
<font color="#CD3278">NiNi</font>
Now got to make until she's really drowsy &amp; then put her down into the cot.. Otherwise she wld be up to her acrobatic acts &amp; can take veryvery long to settle down *bleah*

Last night we bunked in with my parents, she didn't even stir. At home she wld stir &amp; stand in the cot &amp; cry for rescue *grrr*
he wun dare, cos i noe his boss for many yrs liao....ha ha....i've been in this niche trade for 13yrs leh. =D

so cute, can imagine how she did it. =)

oic....understand what u mean le. =(
take thing easy ok? u still need more energy once u reach home and handle bb leh.
after all those "guests" went bk, u might like to take some leave to rest awhile?
5-digit sum? *faint*

grace kids is a very nice place, but gotta depend on in what area u wanna let braiden learn lor.
cos bb gym is more like for physical and observation only ya?
krex: i dont know. it's a gift pack i think.. I recieved their mailer. :D

Snow: Ya..i intend to enrol him in Tiny Tikes, which is something like what they do in Gymboree i believe.. I have never been to gymboree. I jus wan to expand off his energy n stop his night-wakings (for nipple) very tiring man...
I think if got #2 i dare not breastfeed directly liao..
morning mommies....

Wow...tat's cool...yr ger all of a sudden pops out 7 teeth!!!
Dunno when mine will pop out his teeth :p kekeke..my mum n dad always make fun of him said "ah pek".. :p
