(2008/08) Aug 2008


Baby Name: zynn
Was pacifier introduced? no
1) What age? n.a.
2) How was bb weaned? n.a.
1) How was bb pacified? give bb biscuits
2) Did bb suck thumb? yes. she suck, i'll tell her "no" and take it out. =)

Baby Name: Allivier
Was pacifier introduced? NO
1) What age? N.A
2) How was bb weaned? N.A
1) How was bb pacified? N.A
2) Did bb suck thumb? If yes, what was done? YES, gentle beat her hand & tell her "NO"!

Baby Name: zynn
Was pacifier introduced? no
1) What age? n.a.
2) How was bb weaned? n.a.
1) How was bb pacified? give bb biscuits
2) Did bb suck thumb? yes. she suck, i'll tell her "no" and take it out. =)

Baby Name: yu ze
Was pacifier introduced? yes
1) What age? since birth
2) How was bb weaned? no
1) How was bb pacified? na
2) Did bb suck thumb? no
yumin is aso hooked on the pacifier. like you say, her bottom teeth is misaligned. we agree if her if the next set of teeth is misaligned, we will put her on braces in primary school.
going anyway?

i'm going to toh guan to service my pump, then to MP to pass to/collect from celyn, need these to be done by 1130am. still pumping at home. last bit.

how's jonah?
my boys do not use the pacifier nor the thumb. my gal use her thumb and rejects the pacifier. i rather she use the pacifier, its easier to wean off. she suck her thumb so much that sometimes her thumb sore...

yes, cannot wean her from her thumb yet. even with cute plasters... she is 3yo.
Baby Name: zynn
Was pacifier introduced? no
1) What age? n.a.
2) How was bb weaned? n.a.
1) How was bb pacified? give bb biscuits
2) Did bb suck thumb? yes. she suck, i'll tell her "no" and take it out. =)

Baby Name: Allivier
Was pacifier introduced? NO
1) What age? N.A
2) How was bb weaned? N.A
1) How was bb pacified? N.A
2) Did bb suck thumb? If yes, what was done? YES, gentle beat her hand & tell her "NO"!

Baby Name: yu ze
Was pacifier introduced? yes
1) What age? since birth
2) How was bb weaned? no
1) How was bb pacified? na
2) Did bb suck thumb? no
Baby Name: HN
Was pacifier introduced? yes... bt..
1) What age? 3 months/6 months but she refused
2) How was bb weaned? N.A
1) How was bb pacified? N.A
2) Did bb suck thumb? If yes, what was done? sometimes take it out and say No..
Snow & Celyn,
Mae is a sucker for milk lor...imagine she can asks for milk immediately after porridge...she will goes "neh neh"...

Wah, Zynn trying to choose her own clothings liao...next time ask her to choose when go shopping...hahaha

Baby Name: Mae
Was pacifier introduced? No
1) What age? N.A.
2) How was bb weaned? N.A
1) How was bb pacified? N.A
2) Did bb suck thumb? No.
Replied you.

I check for you can combine the lapis with the profiteroles to hit min purchase...get back to you again

Baby Name: Kes
Was pacifier introduced? Yes
1) What age? 2wks
2) How was bb weaned? N.A...impossible seeing as mil pops it in his mouth every chance she gets!
1) How was bb pacified? N.A
2) Did bb suck thumb? No.
hw many pair of shoes does zynn has?

so clever leh.

baby like striking colour now.

ytd.......... we went to watch transformer with M. Hahaha!! she fell asleep when they bombing leh.... watch abit fuss abit when she woke up.
Baby Name: Braiden
Was pacifier introduced? Yes
1) What age? 5mths plus.
2) How was bb weaned? suddenly jus dont wan after using it for 2 weeks.. still prefer human pacificer

1) How was bb pacified? suck Human pacificer

2) Did bb suck thumb? If yes, what was done? rarely..
hi mommies,

tks for taking part in the survey. for those who didn't use pacifier and bbs suck thumb, did u find it a problem? e.g. unhygenic when they start crawling, or hand become deformed coz' always in the mouth? if generally ok, i would prefer not to give pacifier if (and when) i have #2. now so hard to wean off and kinda regret giving jonah the pacifier, though he's not totally dependent on it the whole day. just for sleeping time and when he's cranky only. i wouldn't know how often my in laws give it to him but hopefully now at every opportunity!

if anyone managed to wean bb off pacifier, pls share with me. i'm already considering putting something bitter on it so it will sting his tongue, haha. but what to put leh? scared he will develop allergy if i put something like bittergourd, haha.

BB M is 10mth old. very sensitive to sound n will jump even now, but dunno why can sleep thru Transformer leh.


BB M dun use pacificer

she stop sucking thumb or fingers more or less, always did when younger or teething. now she choose other things to chew instead of fingers.

pretty fingers... no scar or watever was told.
hi hi...

just came back from polliwogs.. bernice played for 3 hours there..hahaha.

Baby Name: Bernice
Was pacifier introduced? No
1) What age? -
2) How was bb weaned? -
1) How was bb pacified? bb biscuits or verbally consoled
2) Did bb suck thumb? No
I bought lean minced beef and again as Timmin advised, I got them to double mince it for me so that it's extra fine!

True that we won't know which part of the cow the meat is from.. but I guess if buy from say Cold Storage (which was where I bought at), should be quite safe bah..

So do you cook your beef in slices first.. then mince it later for bb?

Introduced it to the boy today and he was ok with it. Actually finished his porridge!! And he hardly does that..

Guess what.. my friend just bought my boy the Doidy cup! I will let him try it out tomorrow and will let you know how it is. But according to my friend, her 7-mth old girl loves it!
something to share with all Leo Babies' mom

Leo baby
July 23-Aug 22

The Leo baby is bright, sunny, strong, friendly and loves attention and affection but likely to set foot where angles fear. They seek attention if positive attention is not forth coming and turn to negative behavior to get needed attention. They want moms and dads to be proud of them and want you to acknowledge their achievements and tell them that they did well. They need encouragement for creativity and remember, leo baby demands goodnight hugs and kisses from the whole family at bedtimes!
really cheaper and worth it to do polliwogs during weekdays hor. Guess at times like this should really spend $ wisely. Good choice !

I should be going tomorrow. Will you be there??
always pump and do something else. at work, i will use one hand - the whole hand to hold on both funnels and pump and the other hand will work, like churn out reports from the computer, puts in an order, invoicing and emailing. the typing is slower lah, but all can be done.
afternoon supposed to go for my cousin's ROM, but i went to service my pump late and we were late at the ceremony!!! kicking myself still! but we still had lunch there. arrived there just in time for lunch... right after the ceremony. :p
I interested in the cup

my cousin just called me this afternoon say she taking out her younger son from pat and placing him at mindchamps. Heard more ex than pats which is already 1k+. Her latest claim is that its very impressive. I shall observe for a few mths my nephew progress. I thot mindchamps was enrichments. Guess I nvr do
enuf homework.

My other cousin say she ever check mindchamps at tpy for childcare they told her waitlist is very long. No chance for it even if its 1yr in adv. So kua zhang
Nite mommies

ME scanning thru

Hope all bbs who's not well get speedy recovery..

Glad u r better now... Me chicken dun dare 2 put anything into eyes.. drop itself oredi diff how bout cream hehehe

Took my gal when she's even younger to watch Ink Heart, n she slept off there :p
havent weight my bb for long time ready.. Hope she gain properly after loosing weight last time due to cough

hehehhe, I got that too... Told my hb n sigh the desc showing already :p

Duracell bb
Mine too... Non stop... Me breathless oredi.. can also take power nap or skipped when outside.. Geezz me upset :p

U wanna wean J from paci ? why ?
Nandini introduced to paci ard 3 mo, no plan to wean yet as now..

the movie good or not ?

so w ur 15 % disc, after got the whole family tix plus 15% disc is it ?? I want then

Interested.. COunt me in...

Hope I didnt missed many imp posts

Oh forgot to info, my hb didnt plan to send bb N to any class til mayb her Kindy... Hmmm... he said this thing she can learn more fun at home.. but let's c :p
Impressive... Zynn can select her own shoes liao ?? WOW !!! yup how many she has ?

Mae Also can say Halo liao.... !!! Hmmm, mayb bb N confused with so many language spoken at home lol
if i'm not wrong. there are two mindchamps outlets at east coast, near katong mall. don't know about the queue, but the last time i call still got vacancy, but that was beginning of this year. didn't know they are hot potato now... tried to see if any reviews, but can't find any. let us know your cousin's feedback.

never tried that method before. usually i use pumpkin' pal for the 1st half of my pump so i'm totally hands free. then 2nd half of my pump i'll use celyn's method and rest one side on my thigh to support and use the free hand to type. maybe i'll try your method today, haha.


wanted to wean jonah long time ago coz' i read that the older the harder to wean. i think pacifier is addictive and can cause problems, like speech dvpt, crooked teeth, ear infection, sleep prob (can't sleep independently), etc. i can't imagine him walking ard with pacificer when he can start walking. looks awful! but i tink it will be TOUGH. he can't sleep without the pacifier and it's the only thing that can stop him crying when he's upset/ cranky. thankfully he doesn't need it all day, only during sleepy time.
morning mummies
enjoy your fun at polliwogs

ya i read up on them and thot they were quite good.. will see how my nephew enjoys it there and let u know. but knowing my cousin she no good also will say good to save face cos she spend so much ma.. until now she still say chiltern is good IF you have lots of time to prep the child urself for P1. I told her then I might as well home school her .. crap. haha. anyway will see myself how my nephew is.

ya it's a good way to spend the afternoon.. reading magazines.. free internet.. only wish got pedicure ..haha. oh and their toilet not done up yet.. another setback
hi mommies,

was looking thru my files and saw this aug 08 3rd mth collage. brings back memories! i think this was done by shint then?

how? can some talented mommy do one for aug 08 1-yr babies? that would be a milestone, and we can see how our bbs have grown since then, haha.

looking at the collage, yu ze sure don't have as much baby fats on his face now. time really fly pass just like that.


din noe got discount. I think some of them dun hv the logo to indicate that we can have discount there?
Hee.. can come over for lunch today.. the boy having beef porridge again. Cos set aside 10g of minced beef per meal, then when preparing his dinner, realised that 10g might be too much.. so only gave half. Like so pathetic, right? Haha.. but my boy gags very easily so I won't try to overwhelm him.. esp with a new meat.

So.. today he'll have the other 5g of beef!!

I let D try the cup today. Not too bad.. he is very curious and wants to hold it himself but of course I help otherwise there will be even more water spillage.

I think it's a great learning cup

PP quite worth it. If your spendings after 15% discount is greater than $80, you still can get $15 voucher. I only managed to get the voucher. But saying this, PP in spore is way too ex, saw this dress going for $46, if buy in UK, so much cheaper.
