(2008/08) Aug 2008

My #1 is also in zoophonics, but started only last year. I panicked when I realized that his kindy does not offer phonics and he still cannot read. Chinese already buey sai liao and english also cannot?? i chose zoophonics over ICanRead and Praise/Seeds due to distance and the availibility of the younger class (for #2 to join also lah). End last year when i brought #1 for an assessment at ICR, his standard is on par with their K1 going on K2 students, so zoophonics is ok. But I read with him almost everyday for about 15 mins. We read the ladybird/Oxford learning tree series, as sight words are also important.

My boy at exactly 11mths old is 8.9kg and 78cm. He eats a full bowl of porridge 2x a day...cereal 1x....and fruits/snacks in between.

90 cm is super tall!!!

Take care and catch up on your sleep if you can.

Congrats on the new biz. You mentioned it's a takeover? So already got existing teachers and clientale?
think your ger got leh, last i saw her, she already very tall liao...

wow the fotos kym used is so nice! where is the location of the fotoshoot for those fotos?

my bbJ does not want to take water from his water bottle, tried avent and magmag straw, both reject. only want to drink water from cup or spoon. very troublesome! Any suggestion so that he will at least drink from magmag?
He's ok for now..waiting for the heart scans. Last night his temperature was consistently at 34.1-34.5 degrees so we panicked abit...but morning went back normal again...I think I will never be able to breathe easily for a long time!
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Jellyfish? Sounds so cute.. I thought she wld be more koala.. Only when Nynn's ard then she wld do koala acts? heehee

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Oh, nono, she took 1.5hours to fall asleep.. hahah, gd thing she didn't wake up in the night, if not i think today I'm going to take CCL or MC liao.. How to work?!

Raine super teng mummy leh.. So sweet! I hope sometime down the road Ashley wld say sthg so sweet too.. Awww

<font color="#CD3278">giraffe</font>
So ur hb left service ah?? I like husband-wife team, wld love to do biz with hb.. hee

<font color="#CD3278">shirley</font>
Wow, Ger is very tall.. I think she's got ur genes!

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
Shiok!! Ur eyes feeling better now?
finally can log on liao, dunno what happen to the network here...hmm....

ya, my mum did told me before that #2 will learn and grow faster.
i remember i need to hug and coax #1 to sleep till she near 1.5yr old leh, thats why not mentally prepared.
hee hee...

oh, raine is such a sweet gal. =)

problem of working mummy ya?
always have a sense of guilt not spending enough time with bb. =(

thats why m is a happy bb mah.
but zynn dun sleep with me, she has her own room.
at least u have 1 whole day with her, how i miss those days which i can just bring them jalan jalan.

crocs? ha ha...imagining how the bb bal in crocs. =D
how K? saw his peekaboo video..haha our cutie is recovering

wow so shoik...me aso want

jialat leh if ger follow me...cant get to wear heels next time..

you going polliwogs this sat? think sylvia gng..maybe we can put our bb together and compare..haha
shiok in a way lah. i tell myself that i need to do up yu ze's photobook today or at least 3/4 but nothing is done. hahaha.... still nuaing on bed.
u using photobook ?

ya I used the soft approach all along with her and never had any problems. when i said no she will usually stop. but yesterday she went like out of control.

do u know if we can buy the zoophonics materials if we are not students ? We do let her recognize the alphabets at home so I dono if she will get confused with the animal shapes. But like u said they have no boundaries in their pursuit for knowledge so no harm letting her try when the time comes. If I am still living in the east, the siglap one is very near. haha

re: kym shoot
it was at Duxton Hill
i'm not sure. i'll ask for you on sat. You know, GUG is using zoophonics material and their methods... the youngest class, its more like music and movement, lots of singing and craft, intro one letter and story telling. this is an accompanied class.

later if u move to hillcrest, can still go to beauty world one if you like. else can consider ICR
if you treat it as a place for yu ze to have fun, then its ok. not sure if zoophonics will accept yu ze or not leh, too young i think. but GUG has classes for babies right? think zoophonics is $20 per class, pay for a term (=12 weeks). if you have RBS card, you get 10% off.
ya i know GUG got zoophonics. but bernice in JG. quite happy with them so dont intend to change as yet.

i got problems with my photobook. everytime i validate they tell my low resolution picture. but all the pics are above 1MB lei. send email to their helpdesk no reply. so angry
Hee.. I was advised by Timmin to give lean minced beef.. so I'll try that

Wow.. ribeye? That's a good cut!!
But only the best for our babies!!
oh. i haven't complete so not sure. anyway, the one i did is local one with just1book. i think their software is the same. they have a show room at dhoby ghuat. its after seeing the actual product that i finally decide to do.
heh.. all kids messy lah.. at least ur gal hair can tie pony tails now.. so cute!
Added you on FB!

yeah ribeye not much fats.. I initially bought the normal minced beef but my mom objected cos she say not sure what's inside the mix.. she say buy ribeye so I just orh and follow haha.. So you gonna give D beef soon? Izzy loves it when she has beef with her porridge.. think its a bit tastier then chicken thats why...

where did u buy the zoophonics book? what is the name? got weblink?

if u find a good phonics book in singapore pls tell me...i also want to buy

dun worry. jonah also doesn't drink from spout or straw cup. he only likes to drink from spoon. ah well! dunno how to train him to drink from straw cup also. guess it'll take awhile.

i'm more concerned about weaning him from pacifier. dunno if it's my imagination but his bottom teeth seem a bit misaligned. dunno if it'll affect his teeth dvpt.
Thanks for asking!
K seems ok now...still keeping our fingers crossed...

I think I very bad...never bring him see doc cos morning ok again. Is it true that when boys are sick, their balls will be saggy ah? My hb swears by it..
long time never log in...busy at work till dunno what to say...

anyway...hey the aug bash still on right, er..if anything needed from me, can someone just sms me thanks...

cat, my older one goes to zoo at siglap...okie not too bad..going to put the boy in my gym at marine parade
morning mummies! =)
finally "earned" my 1st leave after a mth...yes, on leave today.

victoria &amp; fitbaby
let me noe if u need that 15% discount to buy tix, my #1 is existing act3 student.
Good Morning Mommies!

Enjoy your leave!

So fast work 1 month liao...time really flies...

Yday I disturb Mae, I made her milk liao but brought it to the mouth of a doll, she cried and kept crawling after me calling "mama nehneh"...so funny leh!

Dun worry, Ashley will be just as sweet.

Hope you settle Ashley's birthday venue? Better hurry.
ya lor, finally dun need to face that uncle today....ha ha....see him also i sweat. =D

ai yo, u naughty gal.

gap is trying to tempt us again, with its 1 day 20% disc sales....so bad.
ha ha....
m2b &amp; celyn
my case is opposite.
zynn saw me this morning, she throw away her milk bottle.
commando crawl all the way to the door side, wanted me to open shoes rack... -_-"
u noe what?
she started choosing her shoes...ha ha...
she took out 1 by 1, look look dun like then throw 1 side. >D
morning mummies,

hb and i were having a debate just now on the way to work. topic of the day? PACIFIER.

as a result, i decided to do a survey to find out how mommies coped without one, and how those who used it managed/ did not manage to wean bb off the pacifier.

appreciate if you could participate in this simple survey

Baby Name:
Was pacifier introduced?
1) What age?
2) How was bb weaned?
1) How was bb pacified?
2) Did bb suck thumb? If yes, what was done?
enjoy ur long weekend. =)

ha ha...she like strong contrast colored stuff, so far as i noe lah.
she chosen d 1 with white base color, n striking pink stripe shoes.
Baby Name: zynn
Was pacifier introduced? no
1) What age? n.a.
2) How was bb weaned? n.a.
1) How was bb pacified? give bb biscuits
2) Did bb suck thumb? yes. she suck, i'll tell her "no" and take it out. =)
morning mommies!

zynn is a lil fashionata! so girly, i like! hee

when is the earliest we can get the mini profiteroles and eclairs? i need it by 18 jul can? let me check w my hubby first and get back to u.

Baby Name:
Was pacifier introduced?
1) What age? when he was 1-month-old. ;\
2) How was bb weaned? havent weaned off yet!

thx, think #2 will pick up lotsa habit from observing #1 lor.
so if wanna ctrl both, actually ctrl #1 can liao....ha ha.... =P

okie mummies, i gotta go! tata! =)
