(2008/08) Aug 2008

i tink it's ok as long as it's not force fed. if she takes it willingly, then ok. my boy is abt 9kg and a bit. not sure how tall tho. but he can take up to 10oz of porridge + fruits in 1 meal. and he takes 3 meals a day.


Mrs Teng - i luv your cake!!

- too bad i din rsvp for the aug birthday bash, if not can taste your samples..

- where din you get the cake topper? Is it just buy the normal PM figurines?

timminbuzz - thanks.. I thk i might have forced fed her too.. if not, she won't eat from the bowl.. if dun feed her, then she will get hungry and cry for milk.. haiz..
babysitter just came and fetch yu ze. guess what my 'clever' hubby did. he forgets to bring my bag up for me. so i got no keys, no $$. only got hp with me cos i leave it in my jean's pocket yesterday. lucky we got spare keys for our gate, if not yu ze have to stay at home with me liao. and till now i still can't find hubby. later must scold him liao.

ok. will go and check it out. heheh.... tomorrow, i will be marine parade in the morning, afternoon at woodlands civic centre. sms ok?

congrats, lao ban niang.

yu ze will also do that.

i'm definitely not the best person to give you any advise but i do think every baby is different in a way. my son is the lightest baby here and he eats more than half a bowl 3 times a day + 3/4 times milk a day + snacks in between.

yah loh. so yesterday quickly went to make specs but only can collect today after 6pm. lucky got mc for today, if not don't know how to work man. i think the tear is slightly better liao cos my vision is clearer than yesterday.

no need bandage today liao. i take out liao. i think its better today cos vision is much clearer.

same same. yu ze also a duracell rabbit, can't stop moving and sit still. i also can see droplet of sweat on his head. sometimes you can also see sweat tickle downs his face. hahahah.....

mel ocean,

You're good being mother, don't think u doing lousy job la. bb A also like to throw tantrum if we refused give her something she want. Like yest, she cried & refused my mil/hb carry her bcos i refused her touch my laptop! she can cried non-stop for abt 20 min....
Yumin aso like Bernice lah. Scream, sa jiao if she doesn't get her way. So dun blame yourself. We are all good mothers, if not the greatest :p
zynn did that some time also, and nobody will care about her "playing at nite". =P

no lah, just a sudden mixed feeling that she dun need me very soon....ha ha....funny rite?
maybe due to just started work, so lesser time to play with her lor.

zynn was 71cm and 7.8kg @ 10 mths. =)

ya, dunno how fast they will run when they can next time ya? hee hee....

ya, she very jellyfish when she saw me... =P

gd to hear that, make sure u really rest ur eye to have a speedy recovery okie!?!?!
I think Bernice knows that all of you will give in to her tats why she behaves this way and plus also tired?...so must really be firm and consistent
Dun worry, you are doing alot and well.

Yday was the 1st time Mae wakes up and decided to strike up a conversation w someone...hahaha, but too bad, we are too tired to accompany her =P

Aiyo, your beauty sleep disturbed again...hope Ashley's pattern will settle down soon.

yalor, glad you are on MC today if not gonna be blurred vision the whole day...aiyo, you got no $, then meals how?
Mae oso did it last nite and we ignored her...hahaha

Yes, agreed they are growing very fast...find that Mae seem to have grow up faster than Raine w/o me noticing...hahaha...got to treasure their every stage...

Yday Raine told me she wants to play piano very well so she can perform for me infront of other people next time...touched...
lucky i bought some food yesterday, so can still cook loh.

yah yah. will try to sleep later but i need my cream for my eyes too.
celynlee (celynlee) - thanks.. thinks she takes after mum & dad.. but then again, i wasn't heavy when i was her age.. duno what happen along the way.. lol
mel ocean
Kieren's merlion episodes has more or less disappeared. I'm still giving him friso comfort cos he's been rejecting other FMs even though I tried all other brands like Enfapro, Mamil, etc.

Maybe u shd change Allivier's milk to friso comfort 1st n see if it works cos its actually for vomitting babies. The texture for normal FMs are too thin thus causing babies wz reflux problems to vomit more often. Enfapro also has a formula specially for vomitting babies. Fyi,these FMs only come in 400g tins. Hope Allivier will be ok soon.
Snow74 (snow74) - i also have a feeling that babe doesn't 'need' me as much since i jus got a helper.. sad cuz I have been mostly alone wid her for the past 8.5 mths till i got the helper.. Like u, i am returning to the workforce sooonn.. haiz.. too soon..

celynlee - what happened to ur eyes? Anyway, hope it is better. Used to wear contacts for long periods until got infection. Then now dun care anymore.. just wear specs..
wa, you can really multitask!

tks! ^^ it's at tanglin, near cresent girls' school. enquiries welcomed.. hehe..

mel ocean/snow/m2b/celyn,
tks! ya, actually quite scary at times.. but also maintaining positive outlook. =) i also hope my biz grow..

my gal is 8.3kg last time we weighed her at clinic. not sure of ht but anna sure looks tall! i think the amt you feed is ok la. my gal takes more than half a bowl for lunch.

tks.. hehe.. lady boss.. sounds nice yah.. haha..

ai yo, is bernice still tired? anna will cry and scream when she can't see me or when she's tired/hungry! i feel like a cow!

hehe.. i can almost sense your happiness for me.
hmm, he's my biz development manager and yes, if i get tough students, i'll get him to fix them up. haha..

re: bd bash..
eh, i'm really slow on this but is it on? is it at harbourfront gym?

ok mummies, i gotta send my anna to infantcare before heading to my centre. will see if i can log on later. tada! ^o^
i got a tear on my cornea. eye doc say could be due to contace lens. anyway, need to stop contact lens for a week.
get some cute specs to wear instead.. Last time, I won't even leave the house without my contacts.. but i guess cuz i am lazy after i got married.. :p
i stop wearing contact lens when i was pregnant cos it also affected me then. i don't like specs cos i find it heavy loh.
Hello Cat,
Maybe you can try the "soft" approach? Use a firm tone to tell her "no". Then explain the rationale to her "why not". This method worked on my baby. At first din tink baby would listen/understand also when i saw this article at babycentre.co.uk. But he did. Nowadays, I only need to say "NO" firmly and my son understands. Sometimes, he'd whine (not exactly cry) in protest. But it's manageable. Dont doubt yourself... It's perfectly normal for Bernice to throw tantrums, being the princess in the family. Plus, she's very cute. An added bonus!
hi mummies
sigh.. thanks for the kind words. sigh.. guess to expect more screaming to come. hahaha. And they say terrible 2. my fren say we should call this out of control 1. haha. Ya I'm quite firm with her and just let her cry. I wont give in to her demands.

bernice often get mistaken for 1.5yr old too. I think cos kids now are much bigger than our time. She's 9.3kg and 74cm. I think no worries about overfeeding if they dont want to eat they wont eat.
I weighed my bb when he is 9mths old: 74cm and 9kg. dunno how much he has grown to now. he is 10mths and a week old now.
Hi Shopaholic,
My son will be 11 months old this sat. He is abt 11kg and 85cm, at the 97th percentile. You may wanna check your baby's height and weight in her health booklet for a better gauge...
Hi Cat,
I also did what mousse suggested. My #2 is like bernice too... i really have to stand firm. not easy but have to lor. now she is older, i use the cane if she is disobedient or misbehave. heartache lah, but i believe the cane can help her remembers... :p

So please don't think you are lousy mum. and don't believe it if someone tell you that!
actually my #1 and #2 are also in Zoophonics enrichment class, once a week. Their Bukit Timah and Siglap branch actually runs daily kindy. So if i cannot get into nanyang, then this will be my next choise lor, only their 3yo class is only 2-2.5 hours daily. The good thing about this is then he doesn't need to go for phonics enrichment class - just need Berries... Also good... will continue to recci when I'm free.
I don't think so leh. It only says that your gal is developing well and that your gal is in the 97th percentile among the same age group gals in singapore. This health book has been use for many many years and actually nowadays kids have grown bigger as compared to kids 10-20 years ago. Don't worry about this lah, my #2 has been over the 97th percentile since birth - I'm not joking. she is now 3 years and 2 months old, she is 1.05m and weighs 18kg.
hahaha.... yah loh.

at 97 percentile doesn't mean overweight. as long as fall within that chart, its normal. i know cos my super gan cheong check this out from health promotion board website. my son falls a 3 percentile only.
i was reading on another thread on zoophonics, they commented that the shapes with the animals making the alphabets was confusing for some kids. what do u think ?
Aiyah, dont bother about wat others say lah... regardless of 3 or 97 percentile... So long as within chart, why worry...? More important for baby to be happy and eating and poo-ing well. At least that's wat i tink! hee hee.. :p
afternoon mummies,

finally get to log in for a while...

do take care of your eyes..

ger at 90cm and 10.5kg...think our bb nore or less the same size haha..true as long they play eat poo and sleep well everyting sure be ok...

dun belittle urself..you are already doing a great job..

wow lao ban liao...all the best in ur biz

this is offical 2nd day as a SAHM..still getting used to it...busy as ger and mil nid a lot of attention..will get by..

i be joining also...anyone wants to meet up before going together?
hello mommies

I'm feeling super moody n restless today. down wz flu n last night Kieren decided to wake up n play at 2.30am. I bo hue him but he continued to babble to himself for 1.5hrs n only went back to slp at 4am! I'm totally exhausted...

Just briefly scanned thru the posts...

Sorry but I dun think I can make it for the gathering on Sat. Feeling sick n lethargic... Dun think I'll recover by then. So very sorry.

Hope ur eye will recover soon. Take care!

Congrats on being ur own boss n may ur business "zheng zheng ri shang"

I'm also facing the same problem wz Kieren n it just happened to me awhile ago when I was feeding him his lunch. I was so angry tat I slapped his palm hard a few times. He wasn't like tat in the past. He's always testing my patience nowadays n pushing the limits.

Kieren was 10kg n 73.5cm tall at 9.5mths. Read somewhere tat a child is only considered obese if example, his height is in 25percentile n his weight is in 75th percentile. hope this helps.

i now the feeling. suddenly she prefer to sleep by nt hugging rite?

BB M will do so since 5 mth, but will wanna hug when she want or maybe new milestone n need comfort. if nt, she will move herself to sleep next to me.

Rat is like monkey pah. action fast fast mah. u hardly see rat in the street. even if you see one, it's like zipp........ gone.
Hi Shopaholic,

dun worry about the height n weight. bb wont be overweight lah. they will slow down, as long healthy is ok.

diff bb has diff growth.

mine stop after 6mth or after i intro solid food, nt growing much nw......

dun worry

dis age they r trying to be the controller. so they will suddenly be quite rara nw. but dun worry. is a growing phrase.
cat, sylvia, mel,

me dunno got measure wrongly a not...you noe those height chart you can find at the clinic..i lie ger down and measure one leh....actuali hor is 93cm...dunnoe true a not.haha me even tell everyone that she nids a ez link card for her train rides
personal experience -

My ger starts from their youngest class - so its all animal signs. To be fair, we did not teach her alphabet at home and we also didn't show her the normal alphabets. also did not tell her the name of the alphabet. So all she knows is the zoophonics alphabet and letter sounds. To our surprise, she can point out the normal alphabet when she sees it and tell us the letter sounds (still don't know the letter name yet). And when she start childcare, (think the childcare teach them the abc song and teach them the letter names) she is able to integrate the letter sounds and the letter names and their normal character - juz like that.

Hence, I really don't think its confusing to the kids. Kids have very open minds and they are abel to accept lots of things. Its the adults that are forcing them the limits and the boundaries. like when you ask a child to colour, do you tell them what colour to colour? say for eg, if the child colour the skin of a boy red, do you tell the child that its not right to colour the skin red but must be yellow?
