(2008/08) Aug 2008


jellyfish?? I think mine too.

if nt, she will crawl n find something to stand or open up hands to be carried.

Fav sport now is crawl up n down the bed............

#2 wear shoe liao ar?

I am doing the same. I will bring my bb M to walk n see, she will fall asleep faster. If nt, I will be the one falling asleep before she does sometimes. Hahaha!!

so happy little shrek!!


Haha! it's Cheril. Yeah! me too... see newborns I also drool.. thinking these 2 were once like them.. Now big liao, dun have the "ohhhrrrr! baby! so small so cute" kind of expression anymore.
hi mrs teng...aiyo..me so sorry...me must see their pics more often (by going more often to ur blogs)... ya lor..now big already dun have the helpless little kitten look...now has the bully mummies look...haha
Mrs Teng,
your little shrek is so happy and cute! she looks very pleased with herself.

Berries, you can start your #1 the year she turns 3. Its a drop-off class. Its very easy for my #2, cos she saw her kor kor going to berries class by himself. so she like the big sister there and take the crying kid's hand. But kor kor cried for 2 lessons. i dun care, just threw him inside and then i ran... heheheee... treasure my own time leh, then i can have an hour of freedom, can go for leg massage you know. you can go for trial class first.

Aiyoh, you bbP also having blocked nose huh? mine too leh. i thought he was a little feverish this morning, but my mum said he seems ok now.
Slyvia, thks!

Mrs Teng
Little shrek Cheril look so pretty & cute in the pic, big liao!
see my duckling, play till whole head sweat & hair so messy..
mrs teng
is the oats with apricot n banana by nestle?

heehee..u r rite lor..if i dun bring kaer for walks, i will fall asleep trying to get her to sleep!..

i just got back from outside..heehee..n kaer koon-ing liao...good strategy...but outside now very very hot leh...sigh
hee hee...the bb's pics so cute. =)

think mae is learning to speak word by word liao leh, so fast.

zynn wear quite some time bk...this mummy saw a chio chio fox shoes, then buy for her lor...ha ha....

oh, meredith also climbing up and down ur bed har?
when zynn saw me, mostly likely she will make me carry her and point to the directio n she wanna go lor.
i'm like her personal transport like that. -_-"

hope your bb get well soon. what is porridge water? i've been giving porridge but the normal kind that is a bit thick coz' i use calrose rice.

mrs teng,

can i have your Pedialyte? doc gave 4 sachets of powder to mix with water and said that's to help bb retain food. is it the same? can i use pedialyte w/o prescription or must ask doc first? oh, the shrek pic is sooo cute!


i've been giving jonah healthy times oatmeal since he was 6 mths. now i'm too lazy to buy all the diff varieties so i just give him the mixed grain cereal which he loves.
i c.. i think the HT oatmeal is very fine...so i think its ok for bbs...but i was refering to like normal adult / children oatmeals ..but i think from what some mummies are feeding their bbs...should be ok to give the adults kind of oatmeals...

im also so lazy to add variety to kaer's breakfast...so have been giving cereal everyday..but i want her to try other food leh..so must move my lazy butt to buy some other kind of food for her...:p

No leh! must cook on your own type.. not from nestle.. Think HT oatmeal is a better recommendation.


Think the sachet is either Smecta or Lacteol Fort.. they are different from Pedialyte.. Pedialyte helps to replenish the sodium required by the body. Smecta is to retain fluid in the stomach and intestine.. Lacteol fort is good bacterias (just like yacult)

I did not have PD's recommendation with Pedialyte, that time they were like 10 mths old, going to dehydrate liao.. so no choice but give lor... Anyway, in the hospital they also make us give her that.. I asked the MO and PD, they say it's okay to give.

You want the pedialyte? I stay in Punggol.. you stay Kovan Melody hah? My sister stays there too!
Desperately need it, can get from Guardian Pharmacy or NTUC unity.. I know NTUC dun hold the plain type.. Guardian have both plain and flavour. Otherwise, wait till tonite to ask you hubby drive down to collect from me? I only replenish 50ml each time they poo poo.. Den after an how, they still poo poo.. no choice, can't stop.. otherwise the fluid lost is faster den intake, den sure kena IV drip..

After they poo poo starts to slow down, doc gave us Smecta to help hold the fluid a little longer.. also give lacteol Fort lor..
Cute gal.

Guess coz got a big kor kor and jiejie at home so Mae yakking away...

I also let Mae wears shoes liao...she is wearing a cute addidas 1 which my SIL gave. =P

Haha, Zynn treats you as personal "driver"...hahaha
ya lor....hop on, and point only. =D

ya, normally #2 will learn faster.

i noe some ppl dun let bb below 1 yr old wear shoes, but dunno why lor.

what to do, she like jelly fish the moment she saw me. =P
personal driver? my brain lit up with ratatuoile's image - where the little rat drives the 'chef' around by pulling his hair!
porridge water - like waht Mrs Teng said, you cook the porridge, put a lot of water to cook with it. Then you can give the porridge water with a little salt for Jonah. Its nutrious and it is said to help to stop the diahrrea. I religiously give my kids whenever they are not well. very sacred... heeehehheheee...

Hope Jonah gets well soon. I will try to bring mine for tuina tomorrow. they are closed today.
i've not weigh bbJ for some time, the last time i weigh him is when he is sick and he was weighed in Dr Cheng's clinic. a month back. he was 9kg... we were saying he is small already, cos his two elder siblings are big size and really chubby... don't think he will hit 3 times his birth weight when he is one year old...
it's at the old east coast tennis centre. beside waraku japanese restaurant. near long beach seafood.

re: oats
quaker oats ok ?
i'm back home cos my right eye is giving me problem. went to optician and was ask to go and see eye doc cos there is something in the middle of my pupil that cause blur vision. eye clinic only open at 7pm so will go later. sigh....

mel ocean & mrs teng,
both your girl are cute.

mel ocean,
your girl like yu ze can bluff people with their photos. hahaha.....

yes, its at east coast, a bit further down of mac. very near burger king.

hahahah.... you personal driver of zynn. she knows how to get you to wear her shoe and bring her out. so cute leh.

wow!!! mae can say halo liao.
rest ur eye now bah, take care ya. =|

ya, cos she wanna go out lor.
when i 1st saw that, i burst out into laughter also. =P
Aiyoh Celyn, take care ley...

Babies must hit 3x their weight at 1yr? I think my K no chance.

Can imagine Zynn so cute, want to go out! Btw, always wanted to ask you but always forgot...your gal's chinese name is it supposed to be Ning Jing (quiet)?
there is this kindy at joo chiat, Praise Kids Educare, that is very good. They are famous for their phonics and maths program. Just in case you decide to stay put in the east...
ok thanks... i guess even if i decide to live in the east i will drive bernice to sjck. at least thats what I think i will do. but thanks for the suggestion.
everyday like that quite siong. recci praise, their phonics and maths program really good. they are link to the seeds learning at katong mall, same principal. you put her there, no need to worry she can't read by 5. my niece in sjck, k1 now, still cannot read. I can't drive my kids up and down like what you are intending to, else i will put my kids in praise... btw, not related to the principal huh, not trying to sell or push... :eek:
aiyah, this is what the pd told me. its just a guideline lor. but i think my J also have no chance, not even close. don't think he can put on 2kg in 2 months. somemore now nose blocked and feverish, lagi worst...
Missed ur post this morning... thks! how's Kieren reflux now? He outgrow reflux problem? hope my ger will outgrow the problem soon.....

Hang in there, she will out-grown the reflux stage lor.. More meals, small feeds. Den u won't feel the pain of seeing her puke so often.

Initially, when my gals does that, they got the hang of it and repeat it every time when they feel discomfort, they force themselves to puke. So I reduced their quantity of feed, so that they dun have the 'full' kind of feeling and they won't make it a habit. Subsequently, they forget and won't puke at the slightest discomfort lor. Clara puke even when she burps!
Here's a pic of a simple birthday cake I made for the gals for yesterday's actual birthday. This one they took a bit... hehehe.. but both show funny face bcos it's a little sweet for them.

Longan n Peach Buttercream Cake


i'm back from doc and make a pair of specs. i got a tear on my cornea and its right in the middle of my pupil thus affecting my vision. given cream to apply and given mc for tomorrow. no contact lens for a week. now i look like captain hook without the hook. heheh...yu ze look at me like a stranger but at least willing to let me carry. phew!!!

snow74, mel ocean, yuuri,

mrs teng,
you cake looks good leh. you really can open shop liao.
Mrs Teng
Wow wow wow.. your cakes look and I'm sure taste amazingly good!!

Moms who give beef to their babies.. what cut do you buy?
Halo Mommies!
Hb subscribed a mobile broadband for me so I can log on as and when I like liao.

Ya, I dun care just let her wear coz the shoes so nice and cute! heehee

Mae will sort of follow what we say sometimes but she attitude 1, only say when she is happy...but we find that she is more reactive to her jiejie...

How is your eye now? Eye leh so must take care.

I gave but I didnt take note wat cut...heehee

yah loh. so quickly went to make specs loh. must be guai guai, give up contact lens for a week. they bandage me up like pirate, i fell so itchy due to the tape. but must ren till next morning then can take out.
