(2008/08) Aug 2008

i'm fine with the gym activities and the payment thingy.
thx. =)

i have friend who son develope autism only after mmr jab also, think of that also heart pain for that little cute boy. =(

Re: MMR jab

i tink if u search thru motherhood forum.. quite a no. of moms say their kid got austism after the mmr jab. Its like so scary!
the onset of autism is any time before 3yrs. so some parents may link mmr to autism. i personally don't tink mmr leads to autism...or else the s'pore govt will never offer it together right? for some children...autism seems to happen quite drastically. but in the most recent research, there's no link lah. but like i said...it's up to u really. just weigh up pros & cons and go for wat u're most comfortable with.
for those parents who reported child having autism after mmr...the thing is maybe even if they didn't take it...the autism would have surfaced anyways?
ok, else big headache computing the expenses. Thanks!

So there are 2 cover gals from our thread? one motherhood and the other one? i will go and buy too.

Yu Ze may be small, BUT he is fit and strong!
BTW, i can't go into your blog leh...
dr cheng say its ok. Nothing to be worried about.

Got autistic kids in your sch ? Thot they don't attend mainstream sch ? My eldest godson got mild autism. His parents spend alot of money to send him for speech theraphy, see specialist and attend special classes to teach him social skills. He is now 5 and they hope he can be well enough to attend main stream school. He has improved alot and now can converse quite well.
just a quick glance at the post so only picking out some to reply first.

i think boy and girl calculation is different, so maybe ashley is more than 3 percentile.

yah yah, yu ze is only 7.5kg last measure on 2 june. heheh... light hoh.

lingling, yurri and rona,
my blog is under the platform of multiply, must sign up and add me as friend then can see. unless someone wants to teach on how to use blogspot. hahaha....

hehehe.... he is small size only but still look a bit bak bak. not those skinny looking kind. hehehe.....
autism is a spectrum. so there's the most severe to least severe. it affects their social skills & communication skills the most. and it doesn't necessary come with intellectual disability. i've worked with some really really bright kids!
the main concern for a child who can handle mainstream curriculum and placed in mainstream is bullying. esp after pri 3.
the onset of autism is any time before 3yo? So then maybe its a matter of convenience that mummies link them up? could be. actually the MMR recommended immunisation is 1yo (checked the MOH website). I also don't think that MMR leads to autism, but then again, nobody knows for sure. I think its a matter of which heavier - the cons or the pros.
what is the best job option for an autistic person? My neighbour has a mild autistic son, 19yo liao, went to ITE (yes, mainstream, but the mother got to coach like crazy), graduated but now don't know what to do with him. luckily my neighbour is very well to do and has a viable company so the father took him to the office to help out everyday. But for the general public, who may not be so lucky, what is the best job option for them?
on ya I rmbr we ever talk about the autism bit cos its ur field. Moe has any guidelines on them attending mainstream school ? Sorry if my question abit silly cos I don't know alot about this. My godson mom doesn't want to talk about it. Mainly its with his dad that we discuss but now he is posted overseas. But last week I saw my godson and he's much improved now. And he's doing well in his art class etc. Just that we hope he is well and able to cope with mainstream school.
right now in sg...that's the biggest service gaps. cos most ppl & organisations now focus on early intervention...so the older grp gets left out. the best option is up to the individual. some love computer related stuff...so teaching and training them to focus on that area may be the best option but for others who are great @ drawing etc...maybe that may not be the best. so it really depends. got to see what's the child's narrow interest... what are his skills and then try to expand into a viable work area. hope i made sense? but yes... for those who can't afford help/support. it is tough.
no lah...not silly qn. in sg...every child has a right to basic primary education. so as long as parents choose to enrol their child into mainstream pri sch, regardless of IQ or ability, schs have no right to reject them.

no lah...not dr.

sorry didn't reply earlier. yes, we can make it for the gathering on 1 aug. received the invite card already. and participating in gym also. tks.

I rem someone told me once...... the most is 3. dunno why... forgot the reason but something to do with the pa zhi.

the swimsuit hor.. u hv to wear ur own , sleeveless also ok. then wear their thermal suit.

but heated pool, so maybe thermal suit dun need pah

MMR jab linked.............

eh.......... how come? coz just happ it happ after jab, so they tot is related to the jab?

I tot I posted, but cant find....

Congrats to ur success in C & C's 1st birthday!
very beautiful cake n cupcakes. n invitation card too.


u r nt the only one. Think babies on sharing bed n latch on are the same.

maybe mama's smell is their chow chow!

hello mummies,
help!!! my mil insists must have the birthday party at home for baby k. die die dont wanna go makan at restaurant. understand many of you've alr started planning for ur baby's birthday party. can recommend or pass me the contact for party supplies? TIA!!!
how many? just a simple one if not enough time to organise one lah. get the cake, caterer and prepare some goodie bags for the other kids and if you wan, can get a pinata too.
happy mummy
got got..lucky u tell me...got discount..each adult pay $16 only ..heehee thanks ar..
i dunno abt the zoo..cuz kaer dun really know anything also..as for the underwater world ..she just see the fishes swim here and there..n start screaming..so ma lu ...n waved her hands all the time...but it was really good cuz they have special lightings...so i thot its good for bbies to attract their attention...almost wanted to let her go and touch the fishes and star fishes...then think think ..better not..wait she grab very hard and KILL them all!..

..will update the list
Aug bday bash

7) shint

thanks to those mummies who have emailed me..

the above mummies, pls rsvp with me soon
i will hope to be able to give celyn the names soon so she can give it to the cupcakes baker..
Hahaha..Mel ocean, yea that's Falisha's. hehe...din expect so fast so i only sent in May! LOL

Ruixuan MIL
Yes she's in..haaha.

I saw Bernice's pic in Motherhood mag i think! So big - whole pg wor! hehee...nice! Issit the commercial shoot u went to one?
Bernice's photo oso hv wor...that article on the dental one (i think, havent read thru thoroughly) Got one cute toungue sticking out one oso! hahaaha...i was looking thru thinking maybe got some bbies i know - then really spotted Bernice! hehe...

Mrs Teng
Happy Bday to C&C! hehe
i saw too, about 4 pics of bernice. photos may be provided by sean lau cos sean lau and dphotofolio was mention in that article.
hi Cath,

actually i wouldnt have mind Seanlau publishing it if he asked first!

legally if we paid for his services he doesnt own the rights to the images...

ah hem
anyway on a different note...im getting really worried about the kindergarten. I have no where confirmed...if Mark doesnt get into Nanyang Kindergarten...Where am i going to put him? Haiz!

and i want a kindy where he will learn chinese...JG Chiltern house was my back up plan but i think there are not very academic..

so im thinking of Newton Kindergarten (newton life church)

anyone have heard any reviews on this kindergarten?
i shouldnt be arguing with u on the law.. but i read on studioloft posting once over an argument they had with a mummy cos they published their pic w/o informing them. then maryann posted the clause stating the the pics are the rights of the studio/photographer. wait let me check now
i have checked out the newton life church premises, looks quite clean. not sure about how they are in terms of academic. i agree on chiltern being not very academic cos my niece was from chiltern. and turned out very angmo. so if u want chinese it's out. actually if really no choice u can go to a normal kindy and go for extra lessons rite ? i read that berries is quite good. there's one at kembangan cc. a few of the SJCK mummies send their kids to berries

YAR my nieces also in chiltern...not only are they very angmoh..they dont speak very good english or chinese....

just plain spoilt brats sent to posh school and getting further spoilt in my opinion...

haiz..i better go check newton...they have a cheery tots program for 18 months old..so if i sign up with that program i get direct entry into N1...if Mark cant get into Nanyang..then stay at Newton lor...at least chinese environment

have u checked out Yuquan language school at middle road...apparently its better than berries...
