(2008/08) Aug 2008

i checked both places - yuquan and berries before i decided on berries. Berries - more learn through play and they have a very good set of teaching material and such. Yuquan - they don't have make-up classes if you need to miss the lesson and i think the principal oversell their program.

actually they run full day childcare. so if you are very interested in the chinese environment, you can consider their daily program. That is quite good.


ya Cath i guess ur right...aiyah me too long never work....mind not working liao....

so mummies..if u dont want the photographer to use ur pics...make him sign this before u let him take ur photos

1. I shall own all rights including copyright to all images taken without exception
2. and no such images shall be reproduced, transmitted or displayed
3. without my express prior consent in writing
4. All hard copies and soft copies of images should be given to me. And all other copies deleted.
i not really bothered that they publish ber pics. doesnt really bother me. actually i spoke with impact modelling they say even if bernice joins them, all pics from the portfolio belongs to them, cant publish or use for other purpose other than personal viewing.

i also think berries looks quite good.
chinese enrichment program
there are a few popular centres:
confucius Institute

go check out and see which is the best for your child.
I myself like berries. the classes are so fun! for their n1 class, they intro one word every week. so if they teach apple, they will give each child an apple, sing apple song and do a craft on apple.
i went to see the gp for my thinning hair. was told that i may have female pattern hair loss. sparse hair on top, 2 bald patch and 1 bald patch at the back of my head. heheheee... so she gave a dosage of injection of steroid to stimulate hair growth. she gave me this 'GROWELL' scalp lotion also to massage into the scalp twice daily. it cost my company about $100. :p
Cost ur company nvm la. U don't need to pay. If u believe in TCM. try the hair loss medication from EYS. Quite good I was told. I contains shouwu which is good for promoting hair growth. B4 ber I took the shouwu drink which my mom boil for like twice a week for few mths and it did make my hair more healthy and not so limp. Can see bb hair grow. Else if u can still find eys got the chicken essence with shouwu. They already stop producing but some guardian still got left over stock. Recently I bought 3 boxes. I drink it 2-3x weekly now still.
actually i was thinking of going to raffles hospital's TCM centre to seek hair loss treatment there. it is near to my office and i can just pop in and out after treatment. i can also go EYS too. do you know where are their clinics? maybe go for acupuncture? anyway, i will have to give some time for this steroid and growell to see if it works or not before i try TCM. by the way, there's 20% discount on cordeceps and ginseng now at EYS. I guess you are a member right? wanna ask you what do you know with the points? we just keep accumulating then?
happy belated bday to sweetie pies C&C

received invitation n yes, will be participating in the whole thing lah. no need to separate. thx yar!

can't join polliwogs gathering oso! sorry! last minute got guest come to visit me..
jonah's down with gastric flu...doc confirmed this yest when we visited. he's been having fever and diahrrea till his anus is a bit torn...poor boy! i think the worst thing for a bb is to have diahrrea. we had to change his diaper almost every hour yesterday and every diaper change was a nightmare!

now doc says can't give milk and milk pdts except for BM, and my ss is running really low. have 8 more pkts of FBM to tide me thru this week, coz' my pumps are only good for less than 2 feeds a day, sigh. thankfully i haven't totally stopped BF, else the boy wouldn't get to drink any milk these few days!
<font color="#CD3278">krex</font>
Speedy recovery to Jonah! Thank God you're still BF.. Hope he doesn't feel too much discomfort
o dear! poor jonah! remember to keep him hydrated as well. you can also give him some porridge water - its easy on the stomach (cos its alkaline) and it still contain nutrients. is he on anti-biotics or any supplement to help him clear the virus? my bbJ now also having blocked nose. dunno why, keep him at home also ganna. i suspected its because the maid got lazy and didn't change his shirt when it got wet either with perspiration or drinking water and then as the weather is hot, use the fan and blow at him... cos no one at home is sick.
morning mummies. =)
my turn to have sleepless nite, althought both gals slept like dead log. =P

dun scare me leh, i also dun wanna be bald!!! =|
at least u still can claim from co, i can't claim till after probation.
think TCM should be gd in this area ya?
if yes, then i can go EYS also....member got discount i think.

hope jonah get well soon.
Morning mummies

Hope jonah recover soon.

Why can't sleep? too much coffee during day time? stress? me too le, recently v stress, my mind really refused to settle down!
think maybe due to work bah, brain cell still active. =P
actually coffee can't do much magic on me le, drink liao still will be sleepy sometime.
why u so stress? =|

work + some personal issue really make me feel stress &amp; tired... My gal also, think will bring her to PD again cos she vomiting too often. now really phobia when she merlion. LOL

think no bbs here like mine, like to be a merlion...
morning mummies

hope jonah get well soon.

i just use for the disc. i think now EYS has the website u can keep track of your pts. never check what to do with it too. maybe i go check later. i still got alot of stock of cordycep at home. i tried the accupunture at their paragon before for my hand. If you not in hurry i ask for u which outlet to go for hair treatment.
Thanks! yeh, i'm not in a hurry, could you check for me which outlet is good for hair? what's wrong with your hand? hope is nothing serious. let me know about the points too. thanks again.
Good Morning Mommies!

Rona &amp; Krex,
Hope your bbs recover soon!

Your gal so young worried abt her figure liao ah? Eat liao vomit out so won't put on weight? heehee Just joking. =P

Can't sleep ah? Try lie down on bed earlier than bedtime...it works for me...
She got Acid Reflux(GERD) &amp; cause repeated vomiting, effortless spitting up, coughing, and other respiratory problems.

Sometimes just I wondered what was on my gal's mind.. why dislike food so much, after drink or eat, she make those i want to puke that kind of expression... headache huh....
oh dear.. maybe should see a specialist ? is she like that to all food or only selected food ?

initially not long after bernice was born my wrist was very painful cos of the carrying. so went to see to see accupunture lo.

Replenish with Pedialyte (isotonic drinks for babies). If u need I still have a bottle of plain one and 3 boxes of flavoured ones, that what I did for Cheril and Clara when they had gastric flu. Everytime they diarrhea, I will give. That is to replenish their sodium level in their body.

If you are not keen on Pedialyte, use rice water with a small amount of salt.

As for the torn butt, do not use baby wipes anymore. His poo poo will be so watery that you can wash it off with water... I use cotton bud soaked with water and gently clean away most of the water stools and use shower to wash both Gals. It's cleaner and faster. Even in the hospital the nurses or us will do the same method.

Most importantly, your personal hygience.. wash you hand when thoroughly after you clean him. Otherwise, you will stand a high chance of getting it.. That's what happened to C &amp; C's daddy. Becos I got to go home to get Cheril barang barang, daddy stayed with her in the hospital and while doing so, she pooed on his pants and he's got no change of clothes until I returned. That's where he got the virus.

Do take care, if u need the Pedialyte, let me know otherwise, I'll be throwing when it expires.
u r rite about chiltern house, cuz i got a fren who also sends her son there..wah liao.damn ex..half day + transport, $1000 plus liao...then learn until very angmoh pai liao...very TAO one..hmm..talk to him hor, bo hiu pple one..hmmm..so attitude..i dun like..wonder y my fren still insist on sending him there...
Morning Mummies

hehe..correct rite! Oh it's by Sean Lau huh...but just wondering they can anyhow use your photos one? Hmmm...

Aiya..very long never see u n bb liao! LOL...

Baby Super-active
Anyone going thru this? Falisha is super duper active siah....bueh tahan!
the photographers owns the rights to the photos so they can do what they want with it.

Bernice is super hyper too. plus getting very naughty and demanding.

my cousin thinks chiltern high class ma, she say gives her daughter X factor. hahaha. In the end after 2 yrs she now puts her in Pat sch but she admit that she now needs to send her to Lorna whistler to help with her reading cos her foundation is weak cos chiltern didnt emphasize on reading, more learning thru play. Most of chiltern kids are expat kids so they mostly go international school.
morning mommies

wow... so many aug babies featured in magazines. this thread sure has alot of star babies

Glad that Keston is back to his usual self n hope all will be well always.

sayang jonah. hope he'll recover soon. u may wan to give him some porridge water cos it helps wz diarrhoea.

sayang baby J... did u try to clear his blocked nose?

mel ocean
Kieren also used to have reflux problems when he was younger. he'll merlion so often tat it freaked me out. PD gave me a medicine for his vomitting n mentioned then tat to try to burp baby in the middle of a feed n not only at the end of feed. We were also told to change his FM to friso comfort which is thicker n thus "easier" for it to stay in the stomach. Babies normally outgrow reflux problems by the time they reach 9mths or so. Kieren is still on friso comfort now. I tried changing to other FMs but he dun like cos I think its too thin. PD say friso comfort can be taken till 1yo. hope this helps
ya, bring her to pd bah...
think something to do with her digestion ya? =(
dun worry too much, else who going ot look after her when u are down.

i might sounds not so gd, but, i really dun have the luxury to goto bed early lor. =P
#1 dun sleep early.

yes, super active bb now.
sometime can bring me to our shoerack also, take her shoes and want me to wear for her...u noe why lah.....ha ha.......
I see! hehe...then ok mah..so long not like nude photos or smthing. haha..

Hahaaa..oh Bernice oso ah? Really siah this period hor really need to give much more attention to her. Lucky my maid oso pretty gd with handling her. Only one thing: it's just sooooo hard for Falisha to sleep in the afternoon! She likes to tahan sleep. Even if she's sleepy, she just wanna play...then when kena 'rock' to sleep she wil.l cry cry cry weh weh weh...sighs...
M2B/ Cat;

Ya, did consulted with KKH PD, GERD is where the muscle at the stomach is not mature and the milk/food will back flow. The milk/food that comes up is acidic and thus burn the throat. For reflux baby, we have to feed little at a time. Cannot make baby too full but they will outgrow it. PD ask me not to worry about it, but how to?

So far no medicine for GERD in singapore... feel so upset whenever she vomiting...
hmm..like that, in the end, spend more $$...:p...but u r rite lor, i think some pple think chilternhouse/pat's school, more high class...but end up the kiddo dun fit very well into our own education system...

kaer the same...dun like to nap in the afternoons...so what i usually do is, after her lunch, i will bring her out to run my errands..and come back 2-3 hrs later..then she buay tahan..will sleep liao..heehee...but i dun bring her out every day lar...maybe 2-3 times a week...if i dun bring her out for long hours, then i will bring her downstairs to see flowers and birds for about 20 min...then she will feel abit drowsy and want to koon liao..heehee
I agree w Cat, can get a 2nd opinion?

What time Nynn sleeps? Sleep late can wake up for school the next day? Now school starts, Raine goes to bed not later than 9.30pm coz need to wake up at 7am.

Zynn so clever, wana go gai gai...she walking too?

Oatmeal shd be ok liao but I feed Mae anything so I might not be a good advisor.

Mae also very active but she is still napping 2x a day...either 1 will be a very long nap.
what do u add in the oatmeal ar? water or milk? cuz im thinking of buying the nestle oatmeal..but not sure if she is ready...
she sleep ard 10.30 everyday, some time 11+.
her class ah? 10am then start lor, she can sleep till 9+ leh.

ha ha...that behaviour started few wks ago, she used to roll but now commando crawl to the shoes rack lor. =P
she only walk when she forgotten...ha ha.....
Hey mommies,
"All things beautiful" childrens apparel featured in Young parents magazine looked really nice..the dresses looked apt for parties..anyone know where the store is? I can't locate it on the web too...thanks!
i've been giving E rolled oats for breakkie for a while liaoz. just that it's not his fave. haha...
i simmer in milk for abt 10mins. u can add in fruits to simmer too.
OIC her class at 10am...Raine's class at 8.15am so got to sleep early...got to wake up early coz she eats so slow...diff from Mae, Mae eats so fast! Every1 in my family like to feed Mae...hahaha

Hahaha, Zynn walks when she forgets?!

Yday, Mae says "Halo" when the phone rings...then she took my iphone and put it to her ear...so funny...
Mrs Teng, ur cake so impressive!!! I want to order!!! Ur invitation is so pretty too... hee...

Cat, congrats on B being in the mag!! Woow! She's sooo sweet...

Rona, I'm interested in Berries for #1 too... is it a drop off or parent accompanied class?

Krex, oh dear... hope J gets well soon... my boy also sick... now nose stuck until got problem latching... stop every 3 secs...
ya, that funny rat will only move a few steps when she too excided and forget lor. -_-"
else, she will jelly fish on me....

so cute. =)
she learning how to talk liao har?

You got to clear his nose before latching, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable for him.


Suggest to give small but frequent feeds. My gals also have the same problem when they were younger.. I've been giving them same feed most of the time.. Their milk intake is never been the recommended portion for their age. Even when they are now 1 year old, Cheril takes about 60ml to 100ml milk per feed and her meal are about 4 tbsp ~ 5 tbsp. Clara is slightly better than Cheril. Otherwise, they will puke lor.


Try giving Oat porridge with Apricot and banana. Good for digestive system.

Pic: Just for a laugh ~ my little Shrek (One year old and only 2 little front tooth!!!)

Think she will walk soon...Mae still long way, very lazy...heehee

She will say some words every now and then...that day she said "catch" coz there is an action that I will relate to elephant catch when she does that...she likes to babble alot...

Mrs Teng,
