(2008/08) Aug 2008

Baby Sleeping through

sigh im so envious...im still breastfeeding full latch on...im still co-sleeping with baby coz i couldnt bear waking up picking him putting him back in the cot...Too tiring....and im still waking up in the middle of the night coz he screams when he cant feel me next to him...when wake up must latch on otherwise cannot sleep

haiz! like that how to have baby number two

morning mummies

yah, i'm a strict mummy. i tell hubby if he wants to interfere, he will be the one who is going to make yu ze sleep every time. don't ask me to help.
Morning Mummies!

read that MMR Jab could be link to autism. Will you delay the MMR jab or just go on as usual?
morning mummies

envy those babies that sleep thru. bernice is still not sleeping thru. and last few nites she refuse to sleep at her usual bed time and dragged till 10pm. so tired for me.. and yesterday i intentionally not let her nap when she was nodding off at 5pm and played with her all the way till 7pm. then she dozed for like 30min and then like powernap she was up and about again .. sometimes i really wonder where she gets all the energy from. can give me some pls...
Morning mummies;

Rona, i did check with my family doc & he told me not really true MMR jab will cause autism. The chances very rare.... my colik told me this before & ask me drag the jab till 2 yrs old.

Sometimes quite confuse also.... but i think i'll proceed as usual as my ger last jab 5-in-1 will be on 18mths. After last jab, will let her chickenpox jab.... if skip MMR jab, dunno when the jabs will end
any mummies notice ur babies bones got cracking sound ? like those when u crack ur nuckles type ? bernice always has the cracking sound at her shoulder arms when we carry, like as thou we carrying her to hard. we went to see dr cheng yesterday and he said it's normal. not to be alarmed. but he told us that it's impt for babies to get sunlight.. let them play near the window to get some sunlight maybe 10mins a day . like morning sun is good.

just thot to share with mummies on this advise
morning mommies!!

thanks, actually wanted to take off to hcmc..but then change mind, will keep ur tip in mind should i decide to go. din see this water theme park mentioned on trip advisor so far.

glad to learn it from u though.

bernice full of energy wor..

but think they are at the stage whereby they fear to miss out on exploring the world by sleeping, thus explained the lack of naps during day time and wakings during nite time ??

all is well with keston ? sorry din read the achive.
Good Morning Mommies!

Hope Ashley passes this stage and give you your undisturbed sleep back.

Hi 5! I told hb disciplinary of the kids is on me so he dun interfere...heehee
<font color="#CD3278">brie</font>
My hb &amp; I had a gd laugh when we saw the pix of Isaac sleeping, and sitting up.. He's getting himself ready for bus rides &amp; NS

So did u really jinx urself last night? Hope not!!

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
hahah.. I also hope!! Gd thing she can go back to sleep quite quickly after repositioning her, but I want my beauty sleep leh.. keke

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
The ultimatum to ur hb! Was just reading ur blog, YZ's abt 7.5kg? Ashley's abt there too, the last at the PD abt 2 weeks ago, she was 7.4kg..

Didn't know she's at the 3rd percentile.. hee
Good morning mummies!

Re: Babies with Boundless Energy
My baby was also like that. Don't like to sleep, don't wanna sleep, only need power naps, etc. But everything changed after he started walking. Guess the walking tired him out, cos nowadays he'd take two 1-2 hrs naps in the day and sleep from 10pm - 7am.
Hello mummies, anyone interested to get the Walking Wings Moon Walker for their baby to help them walk? The price is $35. There is a 10% promotion if there are 10 buyers from bigbellymama. My friends and I need 5 more mummies to join the spree. If anyone want to join this spree, please pm me. The walker looks something like this but in black and red.
celynlee: u got blog?
YZ only 7.5kg? but he dun look small leh!

mousse: hi!long time no see~
i rem ur bb is very chubby right? hehe.. Thats why my #1 niece did too..she tired herself out when she started walking n sleep thru the night. haha..

Thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes, today they are officially one year old.. Wow! it seemed like it was just yesterday that I'm complaining about insufficient sleep, colic, poor feeding, etc etc.. Now that they have touched a certain milestone in their life, it's time for me to step into another stage of their life ~ climbing, staggering and non-stop grabbing of unnecessary things, which also means, I have to keep a lot of harmful items away from them... Need to revamp the house to be more child prove liao...

Ling, Celyn

The template is extremely huge, even after zipping is about 64MB. Can u PM me your address and I'll burn a CD and send the disk to you.

You different from me mah! You've school going kids and a total of 3 leh! of cos, you won't have the extra time to do these 'bo liao' things.


Yes, there's fireworks on Saturday nite at 8.15pm. I won't be going to the actual place but another location where it closest to the area and visibility is very good. Dining and watching at the same time lor. The acutal location will be packed with lots of Americans and there's no parking, no bagpack, can't even bring own food &amp; beverages and lots of security checks.. you know lah! Amercians are very strict about security. So it's be a bit inconveinent for us with 2 babies. Some more, I also worried about H1N1, so its better to watch from another place.
thanks Mrs teng for ur tips..ya with this silly H1N1 must look into the guest list and hint hint to them if they have been to those ctries..

I think u can do professional cake baking, catering or party planning!! u will have me as ur first client!

Elisha is doing ok, yesterday took leave to bring him for follow up w surgeon and also do another urine culture test...the surgeon is pleased with him and no need to see him anymore, just follow up w cardiologist. The other doc his anenathetist doc played with him..for 10 mins and then surrender him back..she said how i can tahan it..he is so active! haha...he just learnt how to sit up by himself...been showing off reguarly to us and my parents...haha

Great to hear that Elisa is doing so well! Pat your shoulder for the good job and paitences.

I dun think I'll be doing any baking class or party planning. Now that the gals are getting bigger, they will need more attentions.

Yesterday, Cheril could quickly climb up the sofa set within 10 seconds.. she's very fast. Furthermost, my sofa set is not the small type, I shipped it back from American and it's good enuf for me to stretch and sleep on the sofa. Can't believe she's so agile.. Goosh! this is another '24hrs watch' baby, that makes it 2.
Mrs Teng;

Haha, can't believe it they are officially one year old hor.. 长大了!
and of cos they are even more active, so do keep those harmful items away from them!
Hi mummies

got back from sentosa yestd but was busy unpacking and clearing stuff..
we had a good time at sentosa..kaer enjoyed the underwater world very much

was really good fun..

Aug Bday Bash

thanks mummies for RSVPing with me..some mummies are unable to confirm attendance yet..there are still some mummies who havent rsvp yet..

1) nini
11) shint

can i assume that those mummies who RSVP with me already , will participate in the gym activities? cuz there might be some parents, who on that day, may not want to participate in the gym and only want to watch and chat..but if that happens , it will be difficult to separate the charge of the gym and the food...so im assuming all who turn up will go for the gym? if u decide not to enter the gym area, can we agree that you will still pay the full amount ? e.g. cake + gymboree activity?
otherwise, if we have to split who enter and who didnt enter and charge them less..its very confusing for accounts...i hope you mummies can understand..
Hello Nini,
hee hee, yeah... my fatty bom bom's 11kg alr! cannot carry him for long nowadays.. even longer time no see Braiden's pics liao! enjoying ur 'tai tai' lifestyle? :p
hi mrs teng... ya their actions and reactions v fast...my son too, i just look up to tv for less than 1 sec, he grab the pen and want to put into his mouth - shocked hb that he shouted "oi"...then i put him on sofa he crawled to the end to attack the pen again.

the funny thing is we weigh him on 12 june he was 6.5kg, we thot he will put on some weight but yesterday we weigh him still 6.5kg..i think all that crwling, sitting is keeping him from putting on weight..sigh, i still thot he is 6.7kg.
Sure, YLN. I'd prefer pay full amount also. Otherwise headache, so much accounting... Thanks for organising! Do let me know if you need any extra help cos got lotsa helpful mummies came fwd liao.
Happy Birthday Cheril and Clara! May you grow prettier and healthier every day!

Mrs Teng,
You can send large files via yousendit.com.....send me also k? Btw, how come the girls' Chinese birthday came before their English birthday?

YZ got blog ah? share share!

It's usually the case that chinese lunar birthday will fall earlier den acutal. For your case it's after, bcos this year there's two 5th month in the lunar calendar, so Keston's birthday will be later lor. Which also means C &amp; C will have 2 lunar calendar birthday! What a bonus!

Thanks for the website, I'll try and see if I can send.
Mrs Teng
Happy Birthday to ur 2 princess... May they grow pretty!

happy to know keston is better now. Is he hard on medication?

i anything as long as it is fun in Aug Bash

Huichin in law
DIL appear in young Parent mag? i must buy liao lor.. haha...

Aqua swim
Must be the baby on those swim suit? cos i got a swim suit which is sleeveless.. can or not?
research has shown that there's no statistical correlation in MMR &amp; autism. watever accounts so far of MMR &amp; autism are all from parents' reports. u can choose to delay the MMR jab. they only need to show that they've taken the jab @ pri 1. but delaying also means that they'r exposed to getting the diseases. so pros &amp; cons lah.
mrs teng: happy 1st birthday to C&amp;C! they r the first to celebrate their birthday here! :D

mousse: hahaha!! 11kg!? kekeke..arms so aching! mine abt 9.8kg but i feel my arms really cannot tahan! btw u got facebook?

YLN: thanks for organising!
Mrs Teng

Happy bday to Cheril n Clara.. ! Grow healthier n happier.. !! TIme flies uh.. ur little bundles r now on their way to bcome toddler...

re the file hehehe no need to send me lah... just tell me when it's ready I can just go n collect from you...
Can also learn how to do mah ...
plus got many cake snack Buahhhahahaha LOL

Wont b able to join the POlliwogs.. got repair man coming in this sat, making rack for the bomb shelter then have to bring bb N for her review with dr. Gong... Sigh.... always dread this day...

Didnt know YZ got blog... cmon cmon share share

no problem, prefer to avoid all the headache

Glad Kaer enjoy her underwater world.. was thinking to get N there too...
glad you went to the underwater world ! Adel had a good time there also ! Better than zoo ... did you manage to get the discount I mentioned for singapore citizen ?

I ok to participate in the gym activities. If not, hb also can rite ?

Adel also got cracking sound, but not very often. I dun think much of it leh, is it serious ?

Sleeping through,
I cross my fingers, Adel may be sleeping through these day. Wait up at about 4 plus, but i give water and less than 1 min sleep again. Too bad I can't gauge how long he can sleep as we have to drag him up from his sleep at 6 am. but he sleep back in the car, so i think he may be able to sleep till 7 plus. will see how this weekend.

What is MMR jab? I did hear my friend say also, but i think Adel has had that already leh ...here in school we see some autistic children. Sometimes it is really a headache for teachers and parents. Hope all our kids will grow up good and well.
Ruixuan, Pinky, Ling ling, Nini

Thanks for the birthday well-wishes!

Ling Ling

Will let you know when the CD is ready
Now a bit busy, baking a small cake for the gals.. but no fondant decoration.
recently i got to know a mummy whose son is autisic. she told me that her son was developing normal and then after MMR, her son's development regressed. So she told me to delay as much as possible. I remembered that i read about this in 2006/2007, hence i also delayed my #2's MMR. worried leh...
today the thread is moving very fast...

Happy Birthday Cheril and Clara! May you two grow healthy, pretty and strong and be good to mummy and daddy! hugs and kisses!!

MMR jab - Mumps, Meascles and Rubella. It is a must jab for P1 registration and recommended time of jab is 18 mths and above (i think). my #2 went for this jab when she is sightly older than 2. think i may do the same for bbJ.
