(2008/08) Aug 2008


social skills interaction........... think bb M having it nw leh. hahaha!!

virus..... ya. i heard go n fall sick faster coz spreading n testing immune system too. hahaha!!

morning mummies,
back in school now, since 6 am reporting time. Triple sighs...

I let Adel sleep on his own too. But he will stand up, so gotta keep putting him down until he gets tired. Sometimes i get tired before him ! If he is tired he will go to bed on his own. It is a tough struggle putting Adel to bed lah... I understand esp when he sleeps at 11 plus !
morning mommies,

does your bb refuse to let other ppl excluding family carry? yumin will bian zui & cry if my friends/relatives attempt to carry her... how to overcome arh?
bernice also like that ... she usually only let me, hb, my mom or the maid carry. she cannot be bribed with toys or food. dont want means dont want. but she will tease the person that wants to carry her by stretching her arms then turn away and laugh when they try to carry her. my daughter is a teaser.. what a bitch rite ??

i ever ask the teachers in JG, they say it's normal for kids to be like that.. they will outgrow the stage. try to encourage her by reassuring her that you are around her and let others play with her. never just "run off" when she is not looking. if u need to go away, tell her u are going to do something and then tell her u will be back .. then when u come back.. reassure her that "see mummy came back".. it's to develop their trust so they dont feel u ran off.

I was at my mum's place in Yishun. Was raining dogs n cats when I was there at about 3 plus.. Unless it's just a small cluster of clouds above me that's causing the rain

Cheril was blowing bubbles n saliva yesterday morning when we were out having breakfast.. Daddy n me were like ~ okay! it's gonna rain later in the afternoon n true enuf it rained.


Like what Cat mentioned, it natural that babies react in this manner... Cheril is okay with ppl carrying her but Clara is the one that's behaving like that, even my sibling's can't carry her.. my PIL also cannot carry her.. It takes time for baby to adjust.

I was telling myself, now can carry better carry more... next few months when they get bigger, dun think I can carry liao..
Morning mummies!

April, who else is coming for Polliwogs this weekend?

Mrs Teng, can't wait to see the party photos!!
Good monday morning mommies

omg... so many of u alrdy start to enrol ur babies for N2 alrdy. I think I'm the slowest here then cos I'll be shifting house in 2 yrs time n dunno where I'll end up... hope Kieren can still get into a good kindy by tat time.

wow! wow! wow! Chevelle can walk on her own alrdy?! I'm indeed amazed... she's a fast learner!

Mrs Teng
ur cake looks gorgeous!! I'm praying hard that the cake I ordered for Kieren has ur standard. C&C must have enjoyed themselves tat day.

Polliwogs gathering
can my hubby join in?
Good morning mommies!

Sorry, have not been posting much. Only managed to read a bit here and there. Was super super busy at work.

YLN, I have PMed you for the RSVP. Thanks so much for coordinating.

Potty training
Any mommies started potty training their babies? I want to start soon, but dunno how to.

I want to start my baby after 18 months too. But seems that Woodlands area no good CC centre
morning ladies. =)
i'm 1 of those "kia see" mummy, dun dare to send #1 to school till wed when those who just came bk from vacation should most likely be able to tell if they kena flu....hee hee....

understand, u must be very tired by the time u log in liao lor.

actually diff PCF like teaching diff things.
my #1 PCF got teach phonic some more, think PCF is after all not that bad ya?
the PCF near ur house very small?
i have not go and see but its should be under those hdb block kind loh. compare to kinderland yio chu kang, its definitely smaller. kinderland yio chu kang got a big compound with 3 playgrounds area, area where they have rabbits, area to plant veges. different loh.
Good Morning Mommies!

My #1 happily went to school today! Good that my mom finally can have peace...hahaha

I may have to pull out from the Birthday Bash. Cannot cfm our attendance until later date so better dun RSVP now. I will SURE try to make it and if closer the date I can join, I can?
oic...ya, but do that PCF have open playground outside?
cos the PCF my #1 went have 2 big playgrounds lor.
but yes, they are not "within" the school compound.

oh, thats good. =)
i cannot let #1 go school is cos need to avoid her chance of getting high fever, she will develope fits 1. =P
her record is fits twice in a day, and gotta hospitalise that kind lor.
hi mrs teng -- wow! the cake is really v v nice!! the cupcakes too!! haha..u must be feeling v relax now! Me in the midst of planning bday celebration for Elisha! the guest list is killing me already!
feels gd to be on leave today
hope jonah sleeps a lot this morning, then will have energy to go gymboree later, haha.
normally PCF will use public playground. =P
so if ur hb has concern on it, most likely gotta go pte pre-school liao lor.
i haven't been following the conversations on kindergarten. btw, is kindi allocated by where u stay? coz' i want to put jonah in catholic kindergarten or st paul's, since it's near kovan melody. must start applying already is it? i think need to take leave in aug to settle this if it's so easily snapped up, sigh.

Thanks for your compliments. How Elisa doing? Hope he's recovering fast.

I'm done with their bday celebration, now it's back to cooking good stuff for them to eat lor.. Believe the gals taste buds are changing, need some new menu for them, time to start cracking my brain again.

Re: Guest List
I've realised that with the H1N1, lots of my guest last minute couldn't make it. Most came back from affected area n decided to quarantine themselves. 5 families (20 ppl) didn't turn up cos they were either self-imposed quarantined or ill. However, I've still got 54 who made it! we had great fun and it gave me more time to entertain each n every guest lor. Comment on the food was good, esp when there were a few picky eater around. Some had 2 or 3 servings and that make up for the extra food that were meant for those who didn't make it. I did not use Neo Garden, changed to another caterer and I was very please with their food, looking at how the food were wiped-out.

Here's a pic on my self-made birthday card. Indicated to my guest to call me if they can't make it. So it did served it purpose
<font color="#CD3278">celyn &amp; happy</font>
Thanks for sharing.. It's like back to square 1. Quite sian actually. Now must spend more time with her.. Got to pat her, or put her back in place..

<font color="#CD3278">MrsTeng</font>
How pretty a cake!! And it's a huge cake, 6.5kg!!!
Hi Mrs teng

I love your cake and the invitation card !

I do not have the cooking skill of yours
hence i am ordering from aimummy on the cake. Keep my finger cross on the cakes...

I think i will skip the invitation card, but will do a center piece on each table. I am ordering the center piece to insert picture from birthday direct and put on each tables. After that, the grandparents can get one of the centerpiece back home .... I am going to select my picture from Sean Lau this thursday, hopefully the picture turn out well that i can use as a centerpiece

Can you share what you do with the pinata party ? I was thinking that Baby is too young to play pinata hence i cancel the pinata items.... Maybe i should continue with it ?

TRIPLE WOWWWWWWW !!!! It's such a huge n nice cake... Like the theme I want also on the cake hehehe... u made it urself ?? Gosh !! n u still said u dont have confidence ?? ohhhh.. cmonnnnn.... can I order from u ? hihihihi

agree what u said abt bb.. I used to sneak out when bb naps but nowadays I do it only when she can see me leaving n I'll said I'll just go 4 something n will b back... She never cry one lor... or mayb she just dun care hor.. as long as ppl carry her kai kai in the lift n go down, she's fine...

Rona &amp; Celyn
wahhh Serangon got one nice class uh ?? hmmm, I'm not very close close to Serangon but not that far also.. :p
Celyn, after u inspect the place mayb can share ur view hehehehe

Center piece is a good idea. If u can, do a watch me grow, I've had many liking it becos it shows them how much the gals have changed over the 12 months.

I did a coffee table album for my guest to see, they were mostly comparing the pictures of the gals lor.. some say looks alike, some say look different, some like the colors.. aiya.. ah lot of funny comments.

Initially, I wanted to forgo the Pinata party too, cos I thot my gals won't know what going on, but I realised I made a right choice bcos, it rained and all can't swim.. Any most didn't want to go into the Karaoke room to sing. So the Pinata Party kept them entertained, even the adults were hillarous. Especailly when the pinata finally broke open, kids with goodie bags scrambling for all the candies. It was sooo fun, hearing all the kids scream. Make a Q &amp; A, singing and spelling list. Also made the big one blind-folded and turning 10 round... Hahaha! they couldn't walk straight after that, not to mention about whacking the Pinata.. My gals were the ones starting off the Pinata, they pulled the string. (Oh!, I bought the pull-string type n also the pole for the bigger ones to whack)

All kids were given helium balloons to take home lor.

mrs teng,
congrats on the success of C&amp;C birthday party!
what is Pinata Party? omg, i am so sua-ku!!!!

welcome back. how was phuket?

i will be furious if i were u too! she should have asked u if she can keep it! I'd rather spend some $ and get her new ones than to let her wear mine. not hand-me-downs leh..
Cat/Mrs Teng,
Thanks for sharing. Yumin is one very shy ger (outside). Maybe she arent comfortable lah. If we go shopping, she's okay. But she just dont like other ppl to carry her. Very mao lor. Haha.

Mrs Teng,
Your cake looks great! Which other caterer you use? Can share?
WOW !! Congrats on the succeesful party !! Nice 2 hear everybody had such a wonderful time... Gee.. My stressful time now...
Love the card u made.. was thinking to make mine also but hb said no need cos mostly his friends he can jsut call them up or email them... ok lor... was thinking to put up N pics :p

Pinata was first called a pignatta, meaning "fragile pot."

The pignatta was filled with jewelry, candy or other trinkets and hung from a rope and swung while a blindfolded player struck at it with a stick. Then just like today, when the pignatta was broken, guests would pick up the fallen goodies.

Traditonally, it's bull pinata, these days they have lots of different type. New age pinata comes with string for younger kids who have no strength to whack... Honestly, it's very difficult to whack.. think only adults can whack real hard to break it.

Here's some pictures of pinatas.



I went for YLS Catering Services. Cheaper, nice and value for money lor. Drinks are complimentary.. Neo Gardens included the drink as a course, so I dropped them. YLS, I get really good deal :

Thai Fried Pineapple Rice (non-spicy) kids love it
Sweet &amp; sour Fish slice
Sotong Yu Tiao (wiped out)
Broccoli with Mushroom
Fried Chicken Thai style (kids love it)
Five spice chicken wings (kids love it)
Braised Tofu (kids love it)
Buttered Prawns
Braised Pork with Bun (Adults love this)
Yam Paste with Lotus Nuts

I added my own dishes :
Fish ball,
Fish fingers
Chicken Cocktail susages
Longan Almond Jelly

Most of the food were finished, thot I could pack some home but only managed to pack Thai Pineapple Rice and butter prawns
Mrs Teng,
Thanks for listing down all your orders. Much appreciated. I read mixed reviews abt YLS. Thus, am contemplating bet NEO &amp; YLS now. Like you say, the complimentary drinks are definitely a plus point.
for me, i just leave E alone. cos he sleeps in his own room...i dun really know wat he's doing @ night. i'm happy as long as he keeps quiet. haha... i'm sure he wakes up in the night, but he usually puts himself back to sleep.

this sitting and climbing thing is temporary. but i feel that if she learns that she gets attn frm u if she does it, then she might just con't doing it.

for E...he'll fool around in his cot in the day b4 nap by climbing, sitting etc. and i'll leave him alone in room. but once he's tired, he'll lie on bed &amp; zzz...
hi mummies,

login a while to let my hair down...family mtg over..me be resigning to take care of ger and mil..no maid coz she went hm on sun..hb insists ger too young go infantcare so the job becomes mine..haha i longed to be a SAHM but when really becomes one is quite a feat for me especially now without maid and mil requires 24hrs care..she all rite liao juz cant be agitated and carry heavy stuff..me need to cook and clean for her..
ger is okie..she seems more happy mummy is everyday with her..haha anyway with my job being on the insecure side hb also in for the idea fr me to stay at hm...

how keston? do take care

mrs teng,
wow so lucky the gals to have such a grand party..more pics pls...

i am also sourcing for the buffet catering, YLS catering portions ok?


Different person will have different views.

my personal view on catering is dependent on who are in you guest list lor. I screen thru my guest list and see what they like before I order. That way, I'll be able to make the best deal out of it. Prior to ordering YLS, I've not really tried their menu yet. Yesterday was my first try, so I was expecting lesser and it turn out well.

So, it best to understand what your guest like before u decide on your menu.. For me, I've cooked for almost 80% of my guest, so I know their likes and dislikes. Before, I was preggie, I'm always the one catering for Christmas Parties.
Hi Mrs Teng

I am intending to do a "watch me grow" album to display around on that days for pp to look thru.

My take home giftfor kids are actually various favour bought from birthdaydirect.com. I mix and match different items. Both the gals and boys have different goodie bags.

I am using water-rise catering for the buffer and will top up with cupcakes &amp; agar agar
The review so far abt water-rise is pretty good and the price is reasonable.

I am still thinking abt the pinata. where did you got your pull pinata ? I am getting my balloon deco from terrorbaby. I will check if she has it...

Anyway i am renting a ball pits and swings for the party to entertain the kids... mostly babies actually ...
i think its very tough handling an old one and a young one at the same time without some form of help. Are you going maid-less?

If it's me, i will request for a maid as well... :p don't think i can take the hardship...
Hi Mummies,
Haven't logged in for a long long time...partly abit busy, partly no mood.
Think alot of you have read from my FB/blog about baby K kenna-ing Kawasaki Disease and really thanks for all your msgs, mails, smses. I am v touched by all the concern

It's been abit of a nightmare but K was finally discharged yesterday and is back to his playful, happy self. But having been confined to the bed for so many days seems to have made his legs very jellish. He'd cruise a few steps and crumble to the floor...

He took well to the 'blood transfusion' and all symptoms of Kawasaki disappeard. He is now on daily dosage of aspirin and will have to go back hosp for regular checks on his heart.

Thanks for keeping him in your prayers. We're ok for now

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Hmm.. I think E is soooo well-trained! I was debating if I shd let her CIO, but I'm worried she ends up in some precarious position!! *faint*

I think last week we had more problems with her coz I think she was sort of teething (though I spot nothing! she drooled waterfalls) so she stirred a lot.. Last night, only once, though she took a loooonnng time to fall asleep
