(2008/08) Aug 2008


The gals are slightly better today... just that the hot weather is making them cranky again.


I got the tofu cake from the market, those very huge piece.. these are without eggs. Well! different babies reacts differently, some outgrown their age very fast, stomach can take anything.. Ceyln gave Yu ze Chawanmushi, which is very good before there's lots of other things beside egg whites in it.. Of cos, mirin and sake in it...

YOu can give egg yolk first.. I'll be starting my gals on egg yolk soon... Got lots of ideas for egg yolk... once they can take egg whites, will be making my own tofu for them...similar to Chawanmushi but without mirin n sake...


That time not Zhai leh! Cry everytime when both physical and emotional pain is unbearable.. Even the nurses in SCN were worried that I can't handle my gals lor.. they refused to let me bring them home bcos they saw that I was really stressed out... everyday see me will be eyes red red.. No choice but to be strong lor... my gals needed me so much at that time...


Dun stress yourself up okay! Dun have to fatten him so much.. dun give him food that he's not used to and end up diarrhea, that would make things worst.. take it easy... when he better, slowly feed him lor... will grow fat one...
Dun worry, I'll be blogging my recipe soon and you can refer to it anytime..ya!


So envious that your gal can take 'gor gor' porridge.. mine hopeless.. like this tofu one, Cheril will show funny face and gag..

RE: Babies' Shouting

Haha! my younger gal been shouting for almost 2 months liao... she non-stop one... Papapa, mamama, jiejiejie..ahahaha... sometimes even stretch long long ~ "Ahhh paaaaaaaa",,, Can be at home, in supermart, Foodcourt, Restaurant... haizzzz.... Yesterday, at Pizza Hut, she also did the same thing... turn at other diners and shout and show funny faces... haizzz... initially, peiseh, now immune liao... just eat.. some ppl laugh at her, some frown. some come at shout with her also...
Egg yolks,
I started to give Adel that when he was six months ! Lucky nothing happened .... phew ...

Happy birthday ! ! Stay pretty always !

Glad you are ok now...marriage this kind of thing, they keep saying must work at it. But sometimes i think not only one side need to work, need both sides rite ? Sigh... just wished it was a bit simplier isn't it ?

Kind of sad thing to ask your hb if he would still be with you if there was no baby... and what does the smile mean ???!!

Wonder how people survive lovingly for 40,50 years.

Good luck at your job ! Have lots of fun !

train hb........ by sharing stories or theories I read online.

Usually I will start by... did u noe... blah blah blah. Then share MIL stories,etc lah. Sometimes if he doesn't get it, I usually will say..... next time when I am a MIL, i must reminder myself not to do this n that... ( what MIL did ) or crack jokes which will lead to what MIL did to highlight him.

Sometimes....... MIL did wrong, I will kick his leg till he tell off his mum. :p

If he makes me angry, I will tell him if u r so protective towards ur mum, then u go n marry her lah. She's ur mum, nt ur wife leh. :p

There was once I read about PNP is due on a few factors... one being is fm MIL. Then he laugh n see that's the biggest factor!

So now...... he will say nicely n explain to her. Even help taking care of bb loh.

Like what Sylvia said, you can try the traditional medical hall type, some even sell lor.. but dun know how they dry it lah!

where are you putting up? if near me, I can grind for you... or if you trust my ikan bilis powder, I can give you some.. Well, it all depends on what sodium level you wan to give your baby... maybe based on your standard mine may be to salty.. I can grind for you.. Just send you hubby over to my place, I grind on the spot and he can take home liao...

Re: Egg yolk

Most PD would recommend one year old.. but some say can start as early as 9 months.. However, EGG WHITE is a no no until after one year old...

bb grows up too. so hv to work out with HB in long run loh.

For me....... I use 4 yrs after ROM to train HB before wanting my wedding ceremony. Coz having a bb to bond both might work n might not work too. Might even coz more friction to the already tense relationship.

So after train, then wedding n then bb.

That's why hb also more protective.

I think is too young to see the counseling for the baby, I think is more to parent counseling. When come to discipline the baby or kids, the problem usually lay on the parent, both mommy and daddy must be in the same frequency. Actually we shouldn't be yelling at them also, instead use firm tone. I am still trying not to shout and yell at my #1 when in anger.

you start new work today? Happy working k!

Your question 'is being firm in saying no enuff'. Last time I also never believe in this especially when I dont know whether they so small can caught the ball or not. After I attended the educator consult, they do listen. Just that how persisting and consistent we are when we telling them the message. just like my #1 cases, reapeating message in firm tone do work better than beating and yelling at them.

Anyone want Similac FM for after 6 month. It's opened and only given to my #2 once but she rejected FM (now trying enfalac which she at least drink abit) so I am giving out if you dont mind.

Oh my lunch is here, will continue later and finish all the post above. so many to catch up
Happy birthday !

Rei Rei,
It's really sad to hear you ask your hubby whether you will still be together without the baby. And what's that smile supposed to mean ??!
Sigh... maintaining relationship is really a skill, and with the baby, it is worse sometimes. like before Adel, we used to watch movie, go out. Now we haven't watch any movies for months already ! My father says that is called sacrifice after having children. Sometimes i think it is more like a punishment !

like your mother, my mother also say very hurtful things which makes me feel I am not a good enough mother. Sigh... why are they like that ? Will we become like that next time ? My mother is the only mother in the whole world that told me, one is enough liao. No need to have another one because you can't even manage one . And I thought pp always say must have at least 2. So i told Hb, whether i have one or two depends on me. I am not going to bother about what my mum says. Cause if Adel turns out very lonely how ? In school, I see too many only child that just can't seem to get along with others.

Your niece is really spoilt leh ! Must take taxi ?!!

My mother also says no shoes for Adel until they can work. Not even the soft soles ones. So now Adel only stuck with socks lor...
Good! U recovered fast!

Yeah, my mil and her elder dotter's relationship was quite bad before i gave birth.
Mil calls her 'siao gao' aka crazy dog behind her back. i mean, which mother in her right frame of mind wld call her own dotter dat rite?
sil may be rude to her mom sometimes, quarrelled wif her, ignored her when she nagged, datz all..she has never pointed a knife at mil wat..such name calling is realli uncalled for.
But ever since i gave birth, they seemed to haf become best of pals..cos now mil complains abt me & hb in front of her.
U see how mil changed 180deg?!? datz why i'm damn pissed wif her.
RE: Babies' Shouting

My ger also did the same things too... keep shouting! At first feel a bit Pai seh then turn bo chap!

Re: Egg
OIC, thks mummies for explanation, now understand liao, me blur blur don't know when to give. Dumb mummy!

Re: Shoe
Old folk especially those traditional type won't allow bb under 1 yr old wear shoe... kinda "pantang"...
Trudy looks cute and healthy in the photos ! Glad she recovered well. Still feeling quite sore about not given a time slot to do Adel's photoshoot... Oh well...

Adel shouts all the time ! At home, outside, when he bu shuang, he will shout. Sometimes feel very embarassed by it !

Mrs Teng,
People shout WITH your baby ??! hahahaha ... so funny !
training of hb

heehee..its quite furni that we have this topic on training of hbs..imagine how our hbs will react when they see this thread and how we describing them! heehee..

anyway..i think we all have our own way of training hbs..hehee..some hbs more stubborn like mine..some more sensitive..so its easier to 'train'...but my hb very stubborn ..and very very objective...so i always use the CRYING method to train him lor...very bad hor me...but usually it works lor..if i use sense and talk to him, he wont listen and will insist on his own logic and reasoning..like the MIL issue...so, i bo bian...have to use CRYING lor..but i was really very sad lar...so i cry and cry..until he say ok, he will find a way..heehee..even tho he cannot understand why i feel a certain way..but he will still accept it lor..so that i stop crying...:p
Did a new batch of mashes for my gals today, Pumpkin as usual and a new try

Russet Potato (70%)
Swede Turnip (25%)
Carrot (5%)

Mash the steamed veggies with a seive using the the back of a spoon... Slightly less refine den purees..

Mixed Mashes


In case, some mommies like to have a look at Swede Turnip

haha ic ic, better not praise then.. Men require so much trg sometimes!
Sounds like a good short week for u!

wow, falisha very pretty, SL is a lucky boy! heh heh

oops... then shop when he not ard? :p
Did u manage to go vivo on Fri then?

happy birthday in advance!
mrs teng,
me stay in woodlands leh, reali thanks for offering to grind the powder..your standard i trust totally coz can see you reali put in a lot of effort to cook for both your gals..haha maybe can also learn a few tricks from you on cooking..

me love cooking but hate washing keke...blogging soon? yeah like makes it easier for our forum mummies to refer for receipes...
I think your hb is really very nice leh, cannot ask for more liao.

Where is the heat rash? around the folds in the neck area?

I think sometimes we also have to give some face to them and also put our feet in their shoes lah. its all about communication skills. see how they are and talk to their style, maybe the messages might be easier to get through and understand. I know some of the MILs are very nice but sometimes its just the communication part that spoils the relationship. We are going to be MIL ourselves in the future, so I also want to do the right thing and hope I won't read about myself in a bad light in any threads! heheheee... but i really must say that my MIL does not bad mouth me among her relatives - think because she loves face so cannot bad mouth no matter how bad she thinks i am. But i know she does complain to her dotter once a while. Then again, she also helps me with the kids once a while and i know she loves them too although my kids got to queue behind her dotter's kids for her attention.
happy mummy,
haiz long story see you then tell you more...

gathering at serangoon north ave 4

date: 1 may (too rush or not? its fri leh)
time: 2pm onwards
food: light snacks (any suggestions, i will prepare so that mummy don't have to bring along)

1. celynlee + yu ze + hubby (not sure)
2. Adel + Kat + HB
3. april + denzel
4. balugu + gerlene
<font color="#CD3278">ReiRei</font>
Aiyoh, how can you call ur own daughter siao kao.. Even if she were jokingly naming her daughter tt, she shdn't tell u leh

<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
These moments are precious &amp; far &amp; few between man.. Sometimes hb wld meet me for lunch, but nowhere romantic. Just at my work place.. hahah

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Wld give a review of the buffet.. heehee

<font color="#CD3278">huichin</font>
Falisha's really pretty! I only had time to take a peek, wld look see in proper later on

<font color="#CD3278">fitbaby</font>
Trudy's a beauty! She looks so elegant in some of the pix

<font color="#CD3278">vern &amp; shirley</font>
i saw the pics. falisha's very pretty.. getting very feminine looking.

ahhh the weather is soooo hot. i thot wana go vivo but dread leaving the house.. decided to order mcdelivery. hahaha
The wardrobe is so untidy now leh…see liao really disappointed w myself lor…

Yaya, Mae likes shouting too…excited she will do that so I very paiseh when bring her go library…heehee

Mrs Teng,
The episode is over…now you are handling both gals so well…great job!

Happy Mummy,
Yalor, I see those senior citizens 50-60yo liao still holding hands…I so envy leh…so loving…my mom got a neighbour kena stroke (last time always scolding her hb), but now her hb still look after her so well, bring her go therapy and downstairs walk walk everyday…

Wonder does our hbs complain abt us when they meet up with their frens/colls…hor? My hb’s new boss did a very sweet thing…he passed a card to hb which is for me…in it, he thanked me for taking care of the kids and house when hb was away for a month…thought it was really sweet and thoughtful…
that gathering har?
think both my gals will be happier, got so many jie jie and mei mei play with them lor.
funny, think most my ex-classmate gave birth to gals...ha ha....

bb shouting har?
if u put 2 bb together, they will look like quarreling lor....hee hee...
but its cute hor, cos shortly they will go into another stage and u gotta bye bye to this shouting stage liao.

i'm currently doing the TCP table, will send to u later okie!?!?!
dun worry lah, u din top the list...hee hee....

talking abt flu : http://sg.news.yahoo.com/cna/20090426/tap-063-singapore-pro-active-handling-po-231650b.html

me just wake up only, abit feverish again. =(

hb asked me last nite "those clothing u order really cannot find in sg meh? ur gals got chance to wear them anot?"
seriously speaking, i also dunno...neh neh ge boo boo. =D

hee hee....unless i dun sign card, else he sure noe 1.
actually he is ok lah, just abit nag lor.

i went, but only bought a gap romper for bday gift nia.
u bought anything?

ya ya ya, then next time we go ourself to makan ya?
hee hee....buffet....
agree totally! some men are just insensitive.. my husband also like that need to show alot of emotion to get a reaction... haiz.. very tiring sometimes...

wow that is very thoughtful! if u dun mind me asking, is your hb's new boss ang mo? Cos sometimes I have to say the westerners are more family conscious.. think most local (male) bosses still have some way to go to be so sweet.. (just a personal observation)

eh.. then hard to run away liao! Rest more wor and take care!
heh I bought rompers as a gift for a fren's newborn plus sleepsuit and shorts for Izzy.. but nothing for myself lei.. the collection a bit casual for work lei...
nowadays hardly buy things for myself, mostly for baby...
Mrs Teng
Hahaha...yea so funny one! Ppl come n shout together? Ohohoho...oh yes Falisha somehow like gor gor type better. Haha...think maybe u can slowly intro texture to Cheril gradually?

Thanks! :D

i lurve Trudy's pix too! And her hair! hehe...she got nice smile :D

Happy Mummy
Hahaa...i think Falisha has that similar 'symptoms' then. Yesterday brot her to HB's sis house. Her younger girl is Jan BB, so she's 1 yr + liao. The moment Falisha saw her, she shouted 'Ahhhhh!' Cos excited. Then guess what? My HB's niece cried!!! Ahahaaha...and thereafter, she cried another 2 time (cos kena shouted at by Falisha again) , and the niece was so scared of her, all the way wanted her dad to carry her. Hahaa...the way she see Falisha like see ghost like that. Ohohohoh...

Haha..thanks thanks

Thanks! remember to see the rest of the bbies too! So naaaaaice! hehe..

Haha..thanks too! Yea nowadays she abit more Ah Nia liao...cos of the hair oso bah i guess. Heh. Whoa i oso cannot stand the weather recently! Hot like mad! *faint*

Hahaa..ya i oso cannot stand wardrobe untidy. But dread to tidy/clean up. haha..

Whoa shout in the library! Ho say liao la! LOL

hehe...good leh, got company! haha...
sama sama here la! Hehee..i oso leh. Mostly for Falisha. I just bot a mushroom shade umbrella float (finally)! haha..wanted to buy the normal yellow float, but i really couldn't resist this cute float la! haahaa...maybe will get the normal one abit later. Haha...i oso seldom buy things for myself now. Abit sad but when it comes to mind to buy things for Falisha i will be happy liao :p
ya lor, i also haven been really shop for myself for the past 3 yrs le.
maybe also cos my size not ez to buy clothing bah...hee hee...

kiddo hor...if they dun quarrel, got company is gd lor. =X

ur shout in library reminded me something.
there was once i pass zynn to my mum at main hall of the library where ppl sit to casual read, and lead #1 into children book section.
when i came bk, both my mum and zynn sitting outside library.
i ask my mum what happen, my poor mum said the security guard chase them out cos zynn too noisy...
ha ha...she told me next time dun bring her along to do something so pai seh. =P
Happy Birthday!
Enjoy your day today!

Your birthday tomorrow right? Happy Birthday in advance! Hee

re:wearing shoes
I don't allow my girls to wear even "fake soft sole" shoes before 1 year old also
Adel only shouts at pp , and when others a bit louder than him, he will cry !

How to bring Adel to the cinema ??!! HE screams leh !

I used to be shopping queen last time. Now I go out, only my hb and adel gets things ! Wa !!! What happened man...

Training hb,
I think dun need to train, just find way to make them so in love with us that we can manipulate them ! kekekeke...
Hahahaha I can imagine how pai sey your mum is to be chased out of the library!!!
My boy also like to shout, but mostly when he is happy. He can sit there shouting throughout the whole meal, with a smile plastered on his face.

Think Kym is no longer taking baby 'clients'...but I think she may be looking for older kids, so probably can take for your #2.
Re: Shoes
Whoa seems like alotta mummies here very guai leh. Hmm. i think i shld stop letting her wear hers liao then. hahaaha

Hahaa..Snow, aiyo! Kena chase out siah. LOL
Happy mummy
Adel is so cute la! Lose liao cry...hehe

Hahaa...Sylvia/Happy mummy
I oso told HB tt we'll only bring our girl to watch movie when she's 4yrs old? LOL

Hehee..your boy oso very cute!

Ruixuan IL
where r u?
An older friend told me he didn't go to the movies for more than 2 years after his firstborn!!!
I don't dare to bring my little terror to the movies ley...but I die die will go and watch Harry Potter when it comes out, so will dump him for the day/night!
Activities- What's the timetable like, do they follow any educational activities, sand and water play?

Hygiene- Sanitizing of toys daily? Look at bathing area, Sleeping area...

Teachers- trained in childcare, first aid trained...
Hi-five! I oso Lurrrrve Harry Potter. Hehe...am waiting for the latest one too! Haha..oh when i go watch movie with my hb, i will put Falisha at my mum's place. Actually it's hitting 2 birds with one stone - 1st, we can watch our movie. 2nd, my mum can get to see/play wif her FIRST grand daughter mah! hahaa...
agree buy thing for baby I also happier then buy for myself
Have that mushroom float too, very cute esp in pics, worth the buy :p
you managed to feed falisha the chicken?

me too! finding clothes that fit my ultra large post pregnancy hips/butt is so tough.. esp pants

think we find such joy in shopping for baby that it is hard to get same satisfaction to shop for ourselves?
Hello everyone! Did you all have a good weekend?
Went down to London for Singapore Day! Quite fun so many Singaporeans almost felt like home. Didn't eat a lot though was more thirsty than hungry.
Now recovering from the long car journey. I must say travelling with an 8 mth old is a massive operation. Two nights away from home is tiring enough don't know how some of you could manage an overseas trip for a week! Hats off to you man. I brought my Avent hand pump and my ameda. Used the hand pump while on the road when we were stuck in traffic! We stayed in a travelodge which only had a kettle so managed the sterilising with antibacterial dishwashing liquid and boiling water. There wasn't any fridge. But that was ok as weather was cool and we used the EBM up on the same day. If we're going to do a trip again I think I'll wait until I have stopped pumping or find a self-catering apt to stay in. Too much washing and the bathroom isn't exactly the best place to do it even though it was clean and new! But still it was an enjoyable weekend. Did loads of walking. If any of you ever go to London, Kingston upon Thames is really a nice place to visit.

Ok now I'll go and catch up on the weekend posts!
Hehehe...happy hor! Oh yes nice hor! haha...how u blow it up ah? Manually blow up or use pump? I bot a pump as well leh. Haha..

Oh i went to pasar last Sun but chicken minced meat finish liao so i bot beef. Hehe..Falisha lurved it! She very funny one, when i feed her she will swallow the porridge one shot but left the meat, then shift to her front teeth then chew leh. hahaa...looks like Lao Ah MMm loh. haha...
Hi mummies,

Need some advices from mummies who are giving their baby formula milk.

My 15 weeks old baby is currently drinking Enfalac A+. Thought of switching to Nestle Nan/Dumex Gold/Frisco because these 3 brands have the prebotics and probotics that help to suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria, improving immune system which Enfalac does not have.

I read that Nestle Nan seemed to have a bitter taste. Is it true? Any mummies can give me some feedback on the FM milk your babies are drinking?
Hi Cocoa
my bb is drinking Nan Pro 2 now. So far she's ok leh. She's been drinking Nan since birth and so far she's fine with it. Hahaa...bitter taste? Maybe i shld go try the milk. LOL
over the weekend i was still looking at your happy family photos at the zoo... ya, "jia jia you ben nan nian de jing"... every family got it's own set of problems... seems that you ride out of the storm so fast... being a mummy make you have more super sonic powers right?? hang on there for the sake of reagan

whenever cayla is cranky, MIL will tell cayla that "mummy will cane you, cane you, cane you" repeat soooo many times... there was once she kept repeating until i bueh tahan &amp; tell cayla "you better be a good gal cos i think nainai wants to cane you as she has repeatedly say cane you for 100 times..."

mrs teng,
so C &amp; C got no more fever aledi? must be very tiring when both kena fever together...

falisha and trudy both got exotic beauty looks... future miss singapore?? keke...

happy birthday.... how are you celebrating your BD?

you &amp; celyn's BD only 1 day apart? so coincidental... happy BD in advance... you mean you can take leave tomo??

re: MIL
my PIL came on sat morning uninvited again &amp; MIL carried 2 big bags of vege + meat into my kitchen... i asked HB, you asked her to buy food? he say no ah? so he went to the kitchen &amp; asked her &amp; MIL replied that his sis + HB + 2 kids coming over to have lunch! wat the #$%&amp;... come my house for lunch &amp; me &amp; HB last person to know?? this is not the first time, every week PIL come uninvited never mind, now whole gang come never say anything.... i dont mind them coming but must say 1st wat... plus their 2 kids always sick bcos of CC &amp; i dont want cayla to kena from them again... yes, again cos cayla kena her 1st flu/cough from them!!! especially cayla haven gotten her #2 6-in-1 jab yet so i think her immune system is weaker bah... waited till almost 2pm then can have lunch bcos they are late bcos of her #1 got lessons... whenever we are late, MIL will say bcos we like to be late... bias one la...

after lunch, 2 of them just disappear &amp; go out to run errand &amp; leave the 2 kids with us... i mean i love my 2 nieces but how come all the adults like that one ah? then cayla cranky cos need to take nap but cannot cos my 2 nieces are disturbing... then MIL told me to bring cayla upstairs to sleep... somemore tell me in a very loud and commanding voice somemore... very irritating one la.. so nevermind, 3 of us nap together... cayla slept for 1.5 hours &amp; when we went downstairs... i was asking where are my nieces... MIL say go back aledi... but then why are they still here... they very funny one... SIL got car, come &amp; fetch kids cannot send them back one mei... they stay at Toa Payoh only ma, 15mins away... why must wait for my HB to send them back... everytime like that... PIL think it inconvenienced them cos they got 2 kids!!! wat about us?? wat lau...

Hi Cocoa Tan,
Nestle Nan HA does have a bitter taste cos of its hypoallergenic formula. But Nan Pro tastes good. My baby took Nan Pro 1 from birth to 6 months, and now, he's taking Nan Pro 2. Hope this info helps.
