(2008/08) Aug 2008


ELDDS & netball.

U noe Ms Yee Pui Ling & Mrs Tan Chay Hoon, u will know me .

Nanyang Primary
Sylvia, did u say there's no affiliation for Nanyang Primary? Old boys cannot have privilege?

Me so blur ..
sylvia, netball sch team? My batch of sch team gals are renee chan, hazel tan, etc.

baby crawling:
reirei, Jacinta ve been lifting her buttok up too. now she can even lift her whole body off the floor & on 4s but still cant move. hahaha
bb crawling
hehehehe, my bb oso move backward... so i tot her come forward lahhh dont reverse hehehe :p now she's biting her doll
wa sudd talk about scl the topic move so fast! i jus went to bathe n feed bb n it' the next page liao

ya man, teletext for sch enrollment. hotter than shares. actually my cousin is the one tat told me. they monitor to see which scl stands a better chance as u can;t sign up for 2scls. so need to go to the one u think u have the highest chance. although she can get her girl to st nics, she send her girls to mgs nearer to their place. if its me, i;ll travel

we talking about pri scl not kindergarten. bernice n georgine r going to b classmates 4 some time as we sign our girls to the same playshl n kindergarten. hee. at least got each other to accompany wen waiting 4 our girls

i know of ceo becoming traffic officers jus to get their boy into acs. donating alot of money helps too. one of their eca is golf lei
reirei, to add on mine is also sliding backwards. she moving backwards since last mth now she very fast slide out of the ssw matt liao.

I also played in front of Chevelle, she was watching it too

haha, I think on FB there's a fan club too. Saw one of my ex-colls became a fan of it.

Here's another link with the giril singer singing it:


Same here, Chevelle will raise her butt in an attempt to either crawl fwd or roll back from tummy to back. But somehow kena stuck.

veron (or are you little twin stars?),
Aiyo... can only choose one school? damn stress. I think more stressful than watching stocks on teletext wor..
not yet, not yet.. Will do so now

Bb Ashley was cranky this morn..

Let me hazard a guess, TKGS?? Is tt how u got to know Hwee Koon?

heheh, guess we've got to either act dumb or firmly explain with scientific reasoning at times. I rem my mil kept asking me to take durian when i was preggy,saying it's very bu

She already knew I dun eat durians to begin with, and i asked her, bu what?? In addition I told her durians may increase risk of gestational diabetes, then she diamdiam
reirei, valnsw

aiyo jus realized i used my sil's acc. she came over to my place to borrow laptop n settle her spree stuffs n didn;t log off so ended up i use her nic as i type.

my niece who is born in aug 13 2008 is here. so put georgine n her to play together. really got size diff n i told georgine not to crush her cousin. haha
sil drop my mil n her bb at my place 4 babysitting while she go out to meet her friend. if not mil can;t handle bb n she hasn;t got a chance to meet her friends as a result ( she is only here for a mth ) so i offer to bbsit. i very nice hor sob sob

my mil jus told me that later my nephew is coming with my fil. now then tell me n she even got my maid to prepare 4 big dinner! hubby n i plan to go out tonight as it;s the only night he is free to go with my to do new year shopping. hiaz......OMG, i better prepare my maid 4 war cos my little nephew whom i adore will throw my stuffs n press all the buttons r remote control in my hse. i also won;t b able to use my laptop in front of him. wander if he is still like this cos he broke my hp n my 2 new designer candle holder when he last came
No probs! jus to highlight mine is autosave acct hor..cos v few pple use tis acct..! thanks!!

got got...a few of my frens were from st nicks kindergarten.
r u in alumni?
twin stars
Aiyoh.. U've got an early & impromptu reunion dinner today ah? So last minute, i sure buay tahan..

Then ur date with hb how? Now u & ur maid better hide & keep everything out of reach fr ur nephew, even though his agenda is to help u spring clean.. *faint*
no i'm not. but now i've got a boy, so not in a hurry to join. haha...plus i live w/in 1km radius. i'm thinking of putting my boy in SAJS. opting for the least hassle. i cannot handle watching teletext like stocks. haha...
Twin Stars,
hah! knew it was u!!
haiz..if put the 2 kates togehter, u muz oso tell urs not to crush mine leh! haha..
u having early reunion dinner tonite?
hee..if i were u i will let him destroy and i'll get new ones...the new pocketsize sony vaio is sooo cooool!!

btw, how's georgine now? still on soy formula?

talk about reunion dinner.....
mil refused to let me eat with my family. i already tolerated for many years. we always rush to my mom;s after mil n end up not eating at all. my family eat first. then they wait jus to see me n watch some tv n talk. this yr she made my sil get her in laws to eat at their place n refuse to eat earlier so i can go n meet my family. mil say i eat with them already, dun expect to eat with my mom, jus show face can already. anyway u will eat with them on new year. sil was shocked tat i have bare with her mom about this for years. this year i book restaurant n got everyone to eat together to b fair. if it goes well, every yr we will do this. i cook up some excuse tat it is diff to cook with the kids since she is helping to babysit sil's kids now. she happily accept my proposal. hiaz.......

sorry for venting

jus now dunno wat my niece did cos i put them in the playpen, i was in the kitchen, mil with them. next i hear georgine crying n mil gotta carry her n niece happily smiling lei. think she poke her eyes cos we gotta stop niece frm poking georgine;s eyes
yaya, the 2 kates....
1 supermodel, 1 sumo....haha
georgine did the WWF n flip over to cover niece's body. we had to pull niece away. then niece hold gg's hands lei. it was a fani sight.
i got a new hp as a result of my nephew's actions. i am using my hubby's powerbk. spoilt. he'll kill him, hee
but both of is dote on him lei cos he knows how to manja.

bb on nan ha still. i plan to slowly introduce back to see how.( actually i plan to use half half or alternate each feed....i want the best of both la. i think soy milk alone, not v gd in long run ) i started her on heinz bb rice cos pd rec tat to me. so far can poo everyday but dry.

Bingo! no prizes for guessing correctly, since Yuuri alrdy guessed it right. Ya, Hwee Koon was my lower sec classmate. haha

Thinking of buying the DVD when it's out then watch w bb? Don't think can go to cinema w her, later she will cry the whole cinema down.

St Nicks hv kindy? First time I've heard of it and w affliation too! but it's all in the north side right? Far for me
twin stars
*hugs* Gd thing ur sil is 'on ur side' & ur mil finally see the light ah.. But u're not scared of the awkwardness of the 2 sets of families together ah? 2 sets of grandparents fighting to carry the same grandkid?

I've seen tt before.. Of coz I will side my parents lah, esp when I see how ILs sometimes fawn incredulously over Ashley.. *gosh*

We used to have steamboat with ILs for reunion dinner,but now with bb, quite diff right? My mil still thought of having it, luckily i asked hb to pre-empt her.. Bb has no patience for us to enjoy a steamboat man

Alamak.. I missed yuuri's post! *hahah*
Hwee Koon juz delivered to a bb ger
i have milk powder for sale.

EnfaMama A+ Vanilla flavour expiry July 2010
Isomil for babies above 6 months expiry June 2009
* Giving 20% discount from retail price. Dun remember how much I bought it for.

Selling cos I don't drink powdered milk, so it's a waste if I were to open it up. Last time wasted some liaoz, never manage to finish it. FIL bought it for me.

For Isomil, I don't think I have the chance to use it since Kai is still on TBM. I am wondering if Kai starts on FM, can he drink this even if he has no problem with normal FM? haven't given him any FM milk except when he had jaundice.
little twin stars,
Think u gota prepare impromptu dinner v stress.

Abt reunion dinner, also v sian one... every yr since marriage, though will hv at my parents' place first, but stopid hubby keeps rushing, cos gota reach his parents' place at 7.30pm.

Next yr, duno how e arrangement is gona be, cos will be living on our own liao.
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Westside Gathering</font>
Venue: Hillview area (TBC)
Date: 15 Feb (Sunday)
Time: 11am (lunch potluck)
Program: <font color="0000ff">Swimming if weather permits, so Easterners, Southerners, Northerners welcome too...</font>
1. Gayle + hubby + evie
2. Jen + hb + Phil
3. happy mummy + HB + Adel
4. Interrace ?
5. Snowhamster ?
6. M2B ?
7. Sylvia ?
8. Denise ?
9. Yuuri - cannot make it on Sundays

* if not too many coming, Gayle has kindly offered her house. but if more, condo function room will be arranged. exact place can confirm later based on attendence ba?
Reunion dinner.
I've invited ILs and my mum, sis and family over ... then i dun need to travel so far and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Eat one dinner can liao. kekekke.

But that means alot of work oso ... buy things, prepare things and furthermore have 2 kids. Sometimes i prefer to have it at IL place so we dun have to prepare but then my mum and sis family cannot meet us, gotta arrange another day.
This is the stress for all married couples who has 2 sides to go for reunion dinner .... on the same day. It's like having to go back to parents place or IL place during the weekends. It can take the joy out of weekends sometimes.

When i was small, we'd visit my grandma every weekend until i was so bored at the place and dreaded to go.
shint / little twin stars,
at least u all can arrange for everybody at one venue.

I doubt I can do so, cos hubby's side got so many relatives, every yr's reunion dinner go to ILs' place to house everybody. Plus still hv hubby's grandma (who's Chevelle's great-grandma) who can only travel short distance, the nearest being ILs' place.
I tot I can more relax dis cny........ mil said she gng cruise......

but dunno why she ask us to meet her n dunno open wat on 1st night.....

I was like........ so fast??

think she gng 2 show off her grand daughter n repeat the same mother goose story........
Twin Stars,
Sorry, missed u on msn jus now.
Char was sleepy but had to finish her milk..so kept crying..angrily..

Twin Stars, Valnsw,
re: reunion dinner,
it's natural dat ur hb family wld want to haf the proper reunion dinner on CNY eve, instead of ur own family...
bcos u are married oredie mah, so belong to ur hb's family loh..(sorri..i know i v old fashion!)..mayb bcos all my uncles and aunties practise it, so i can accept it.

for me, i will haf it wif my hb's family first..either dinner on the day before CNY eve or lunch on CNY eve.
Then on CNY eve, i will go to my ah-ma's house for dinner wif my family, and my uncles, aunties and cousins.
anyway, i've been going to mil's place for dinner every week wif sils...so reunion dinner is no big deal on hb's side..(datz wat i tink..heee..)
Hi all,

I started Braiden on rice cereal today. He just turned 5 months.
His size quite big so i think start earlier la... He is like 8.2kg liao. Pd give the go ahead cos rice cereal will not cause allergy.. Braiden is on total latch-on until today i give the cereal + forumula milk for him... Feel quite bad about it cos i am lazy to pump out.
He ate quite a few spoonsful of the cereal... So i think i can feed him on cereal for a month until he turn 6 months... Can i feed him those organic apple puree too?

Which yr did u graduate? wa... didn't knw hv a schoolmate here.

I didn't join MEP, cos in the end I quit piano in sec 2 or 3. Actually it was my piano teacher's temper that made me quit. Else, i kinda enjoyed the piano lessons without the exams.

Haha, just now let my bb play on the piano. She was banging her way through. V naughty.


Eh ya i knw once married must follow hubby's family. But hor, i go there damn sian, nothing much to say or talk abt. Lucky this yr hv bb, then I can just use her as excuse haha.

RE: snacks
Just saw this BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2100621.html?1232526331

Looks interesting. Any 2nd-time mummies let your bb take this before?

haha so u and I were checking out the same BP :p

Looking at the food, looks gd enough to eat, even for adults. boy... am i hungry.

My #1 tried before all. I like it too especially the pigeon pumpkin and spinach snack. My kitchen cupboard got alot. So yummy.

My #2 can crawl abit too. Even when sleep she can end up on tummy and head on her mattress and leg on the floor
