(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hiring maid
Anyone hiring a maid ah? My maid has a fren who worked here for 4 yrs liao and taking care of 4 children .... not becos employer cannot afford to keep her due to the economy ... so cannot pay her. Now placed her back to agency.

Anyone interested can let me know then u can go interview her... since she is put back to agency becos of no $$to keep her, then she may be an ok maid. 4 yrs in same family means she is not that bad eh?
burping baby
Normally after milk, burp (so long got a burp - loud or soft) then place him back on the bed to sleep liao.
Sometimes Kai so deep sleep after drinking he will not burp, then we just place him back to the bed ... if he wants to burp then he makes a lot of noise. Then we carry him up, he burps and back to sleep.

Now that he knows how to flip, he will flip and sometimes even burp ... so it's self-service.

I dun think need to wait for 30 mins cos they will not burp if sleeping.
30 mins was when i had my #1 ... i dunno how to burp him and he always cannot burp and i carry him for 30-45mins to try to burp him, put him in all sort of positions .... in the end still cannot burp and i was close to tears. BUt that was only the initial 3 months ...
finally got time to log in. after being so free in my previous work for so long, today is the first time i'm really working hard. my ex-boss asked me to help her with amendments on some artwork. feel so tired, going to sleep soon before i wake up again at 12am to pump.

i pump 5 times now, 530am, 1030am, 3pm, 8pm and 12am.

happy mummy,
according to my babysitter, yes loh. i have not seen it myself though.

i will burp yu ze after feed but within 2-3 mins, he still don't burp i will just leave it. if he drinks in his sleep, he will not burp at all. then after feed, i just put him down to sleep. like kai, if he wants to burp he will make noise when we put him down. i never wait for so long to let him sleep. somemore yu ze sleeps on his tummy, so in a way he is always lying on his full tummy. so far no problem at all.

catherine & fitbaby,
so fast book for kindergarten and start thinking of primary school liao huh. haven't even look out for any good childcare or kindergarten around my place. as for pri 1, my hubby is an old boy for pei chun so think we will just put yu ze there but hoh rosyth is just down at my block leh. so everyone keep asking me to send yu ze to rosyth but i don't know what is the possibility of getting in there loh. don't know if i should risk it.

krex78 & jen,
i wanted to buy nursing top from mim too but just don't have chance/time to go down to see. now, i don't think i will need them anymore. heheh...
hi all,

today super tired... last min getting my house ready for cny....bzbzbz

yay finaally a gathering on weekday =) weekend i cannot coz must spend time with hubby...i dont see him much during the week coz he's always working working...

re: SAHM gathering
how abt after CNY? what days and time are good or no good for you gals?

venue: AMK (my place)
date: weekday
1. timminbuzz (OK with anyday except wed)
2. hisstory (anyday except Tue & Thur)
3. fitbaby (anyday)
4. catherine (tentatively anyday until kindermusik next term day cnfm)
5. babyemma (mon/tue best= otherwise anyday afternoon)
Horeeeeyyyy another gathering.... :p

re: SAHM gathering
how abt after CNY? what days and time are good or no good for you gals?

venue: AMK (my place)
date: weekday
1. timminbuzz (OK with anyday except wed)
2. hisstory (anyday except Tue & Thur)
3. fitbaby (anyday)
4. catherine (tentatively anyday until kindermusik next term day cnfm)
5. babyemma (mon/tue best= otherwise anyday afternoon)
6. Linx (anyday but need to prepare really in advance :p)
thanks.. mayb should go for their trial class

yes finally I got the template..thanks
so coolll mann... u have time to organize them all n really write it down uh ?? 2 thumbs up gal...
thanks everyone for responding!
can't wait for the gathering! how about a fri? just remembered that my cleaner comes every mon. so mon can't. babyemma...my weekends are also out for gatherings. 6 feb OK with everyone?

venue: AMK (my place)
date: 6 Feb (Fri)
1. timminbuzz (OK with anyday except wed)
2. hisstory (anyday except Tue & Thur)
3. fitbaby (anyday)
4. catherine (tentatively anyday until kindermusik next term day cnfm)
5. babyemma (mon/tue best= otherwise anyday afternoon)
6. Linx (anyday but need to prepare really in advance :p)
mrs n,

i think if i use bumwear at home, i won't let my bb wear pants. the diaper already looks so nice, heh. but then again, most of my bb's clothes are rompers...hmmm...
burping bb:

actually i dun really wait that long for him to burp lah. usually after drinking milk, i try to burp him but if he doesn't do so within 5 mins, will leave him in his rocker so that he's seated straight. i usually won't put him straight to bed. but for nite feeds, my hb will put him to bed if he does not burp, since the bb will be quite drowsy by then. so far, i've been putting bb to sleep almost immediately after cereal feed. he will cry a bit after the last spoon, but when i cradle him, he goes to sleep quite instantly. sometimes he burps only when he wakes up, haha. so far he has not vomitted, so was wondering if it's really necessary to burp. if it's milk, there's a higher chance of spit up since it's liquid.
Re: Westside gathering
Let me start the ball rolling... anyone who is willing to travel to westside are welcome even if you stay in the east!
Venue: Hillview area (TBC)
Date: 15 Feb (Sunday)
Time: 11am (lunch)
1. Gayle + hubby + evie (prefer potluck )
2. Interrace ?
3. Snowhamster ?
4. Yuuri ?
5. M2B ?
6. Sylvia ?
7. Denise ?
8. Jen
9. happy mummy + HB + Adel ( I vote for pot luck ! )

*if not too many coming, i can offer my house...but if more, condo function room will be better i guess. exact place can confirm later based on attendence ba?
This is so silly but I felt super proud when you said you were considering putting Trudy into my pri school (not the R one) :p Really wish I have a girl then I 100% know which pri sch to enroll...now it's just a constant headache cos I don't like my hb's alma mater.

Westside gathering
Sunday's out for me as I gotta bring bb to BJG class.
Hee! Hee! Krex forgot Sg weather so hot no need pants.
Here got no choice temperature is close to 0°C at the moment so legs need to be covered. Can't wait for summer then can put Dominic in bumwear with no pants!
*sigh* jonah has been waking up 1-2 times every night, can't seem to sleep thru the nite anymore. think it's coz we're not swaddling him at nite and he's not used to it. his dad is getting very frustrated abt it coz' can hear him crying thru the bb monitor and maid is unable to pacify him. after milk, he also has trouble sleeping coz' his dad refuses to carry him to sleep. so end up he's one really unhappy and bitter daddy. sometimes i wonder why he has to be so hard on the boy...
i hear rosyth a good school hor...heehee..u go and be a volunteer in the school lor..then get priority!..i dun think i will go to that extend tho'..im those kind that believe if the kiddo can study..anywhere also can..as long as not troublesome for me!..heehee
mummies..I wanna rant! anybody living with ILs here?? Mine is really getting on my nerves..they see me as anyhow spend money on my bb...recently i rented a exersaucer for my bb wah so many comments from them...so ex lah..cannot walk lah...what is the purpose of this lah..is it necessary lah...sigh...I don't see that I need to give justification to rent a toy for my bb to play with esp afterall I'm using my own money...
Now I feel so stressed whenever I wanna buy things for my bb
oh yes..1 more thing..when I was JUST MENTIONING that nowadays milk powder very expensive..my MIL immediately replied that "Of course...u buy so good one"....pls..Similac is very common and more than once they keep on mentioning that the things I bought for my bb is good one..expensive one...buay tahan..I don't feel that I'm wrong as I believe that we do evaluate the things that we buy for our bb

PS: Sorry for such long rant..
ILs are such tricky business and I think most of us can empathize with you. Although I'm not living with my ILs, I do have to see them everyday as they help take care of my little one for now. I also have to put up with mil's remarks and stupid comments. I'd also get very worked up, worse still for me cos hb's a mummy's boy so I cannot complain to him too much also. Now, whatever mil say, I just 1 ear in 1 ear out and I feel much better! For eg, if she say why you buy this this this, I'll just say OK and move on. If she say why babythis and that, I also say OK. Haha..OK become my universal answer to everything even if it doesn't make sense. Once she feels she's not getting any reaction out of me, she will stop bothering me
Ling ling,
No choice got to squeeze out time to do this. Need to organise everything properly for the maid if not sure everything very messy.

Any babies here keep wanting to stand rather than sit huh? mine alway trying to stand if not she will be very pek chek and cry.
morning mummies.

i know rosyth is a good school but hoh i don't feel like doing volunteer work leh. if doing volunteer work will confirm a place in rosyth then maybe i will go loh. but doing volunteer work don't confirm a place and also need to go through interview with principal, so troublesome leh. i rather send him to pei chun cos pei chun is not a bad school either.

15th feb okie for me, potluck okie!

re : in laws.
when we feel this way towards our in laws, will ur hubby feel the same way towards ur own parents ?
celyn, YLN,
rosyth is a good school hor but duno whether i'll still be staying ard serangoon 6 years later lei... yup, i wont do volunteer work oso la.. me ah, din study hard at all and not so good school also gong gong end up at NUS... kekek...

oh ya, my cayla turns 6 months yesday... yipee...
Shint, linx
i had received transfer from u. thanks!

Celyn, YLN
so fast already think of the school.. baby not even start crawling
Added you on fb already =)

WAH…u and Catherine so kiasu….kee kee …I also waitlisted my baby for Nanyang Kindergarten…first day the waitlist opened….i still ended up number 51 in the queue somemore the place not confirm one….so I will place him in Julia Gabriel or Growing up Gifted if he doesn’t get in.

Primary School
I am 100% sure I want to put my son in ACS Junior…BUT how on earth am I going to get him in there…I see it like trying to walk through the wall…. =( already decided I will volunteer for two/three years and move within 1km….sigh…such hard work and we probably have to roll all our money out just to move.

Hubby from St Andrews Boys(ranking very bad sia)…and me from St Nicholas Girls(one of the top)….sigh…Aiyah if only I could just send him to my old school….no need to worry liao..

I’m a firm believer of good school produces good students….St Nicholas was a pressure cooker….teachers were strict and dedicated, students were bright and super kiasu….in that environment if I didn’t get an A1 I would feel really stupid…coz everyone else around me did. Some may think such stress isn’t a good thing during childhood….but Im glad I had that stress because I have done well with good grades which opened a route to higher education and a good job.

re mother in law…oh well no point using an egg to hit a stone…I figured the best way to handle my MIL is not to go too near her..otherwise kena a handful of criticisms or thoughtless words…and if u remember she’s not your mother…possibly treat her as a “acquaintance u have to work together with –not by choice ” u wont feel so awlful when she is horrid to u.

reason why mils tend to nag is because they treat us as daughters….just look at your own mums( I havent met a mum who doesn’t nag/teach their child)….with our own mothers we can argue back but mil of course cannot lar…otherwise spoil relationship…

so really the best solution is to avoid conversations and keep a distance..familiarity breeds contempt

but having said that we gals must be smart….u may not agree with mil but be nice to her (she is after all the mother of ur hb, an old lady and should respect the elders lar) Try not have an acrimonious relationship….otherwise ur making life hard for yourself, your husband and children.
yes yes agree with Yuuri's technique of OK OK to everything....im usually so angry with her thoughtless remarks i just keep quiet...then i'll think of something smartass to retort back...usually its so smartass she cant say anything back....but thinking back its really stupid...not like im getting paid for using my brain to argue with her....so yar the universal answer should be just to smile and say ok whether it makes sense or not.
I'm from MGS and from AC family all my life so I'd want to put my boy into ACS pri or ACS jr. But sigh, don't think acjc is affiliated to acs so it will be really difficult. I don't think I will bother to do volunteer work either!

baby emma
I have to say I agree with you. I believe in nature and nurture. If kids mix with the right crowd, they will naturally want to do better. Wah lau! Move within 1km of any ACS is very chor!! My school wasn't a pressure cooker but was very pleasantly well-rounded and I'd want my kid to grow up in the same environment...
Alumni is when you're an old girl/boy from that school and pay to join the alumni. If you're in the alumni, you're in phase 2A...if you're just an old girl/boy, you're in phase 2B. Or something like that.
wow !
Everyone's talking about which school to send when I am still thinking of which kindergarten ! I must be too slow liao !

Anyway, for P1 registration, if your kid has a sibling, or if you are an old boy/girl, your kid will definitely get it regardless of the phase !

For very popular sch, volunteer doesn't gurantee a place also, some school also ballot within 1 km. Competition is very fierce ....
Sometimes i think our hb may feel the same.. So if he wants to complain abt my parents, i'm okie, at least i think he's being honest to me.. And if i agree with his standpoint, i think it's gd, coz i dun agree with my parents entirely & tt wld give him the idea tt i'm not bias against his parents

hahah, agree.. close one eye & ear. If really cannot tahan, both! Otherwise in-laws wld become outlaws!!
out of curiosity .. what's the diff betwn ACjr and AC pri ?

I would love to send bernice to st nics if i could. That's the reason why i wasnt very keen on chij katong , cos i personally dont feel it was a very good school (sorry if anyone was from there)

I thot u want to send mark to nanyang k was so he could go to nanyang pri
You mean nanyang K is affiliated to nanyang pri?

I think there's not much difference between ACPS and ACJS...some might argue ACPS is better, but ACJS got new compound. Either one is fine with me..cos can't think of any other good single-sex pri sch for boys.

That's a good one! haha
Wa... u go research all the school stuff for Keston already.

haha I went to those normal pri school, only my sec school onwards considered to be better. hehe, I didn't knw old school girl puts u into Phase 2B.

But this is for Primary school right? not sec school la... cos I think that one is based on PSLE results.

gtg... Chevelle woke up liao.
i am really not sure if they are related. someone told me, but i did not verify cos it's not a choice k for me thou it's a choice P. hahah but again .. abit far for me. have to move to bukit timah.

Catholic high is a good single sex boys sch.
same here like YLN, I will just nod and say ok or yes even though I do not do what MIL told me to do. haha

We alrdy lao jiao in this..

Just keep cool ya? I knw its hard to be living w ILs, that is why I die die also wana move out and have my own place.
yah haha! I am very kiasu for school...I'm already intending to call up during this yr's p1 enrollment to ask if MGS or ACJC old boys/gals can be in phase 2B for acs :p

You mentioned you have a place near rgps right? Then it's also near nyps!
Catholic high...ermm...I don't like the uniform *hides face*

re: ILs
I think I might be tempted to murder my mil if we live together...
talking about in law too!! last sunday, hubby and me had a dinner with PILs. My PILs insist of eating together, end up i put SL on the bumbo seat. my FIL was nice that he ate quickly and carried SL so that the rest of us can eat properly.

after dinner, my PILs were playing with SL while i did up the washing. then i heard SL cried loudly. my hubby went over to check what happen and i continued what i am doing.

i took quite a while to finish the washing. then i went to check on SL who was still crying away. my hubby said "i smell something bad.. (SL poo poo)". the moment i look at SL's pants, i saw one big patch of greenish liquid stain..(SL had overload his poo poo).

imagining my PILS and hubby did not even notice the green stain.. and till trying to pacify SL to quiet down.
hahah, my fave take-away fr the marriage prep course hb & i attended

Nan hua pri is very hot nowadays.. The comp to get in is reallyreally stiff
yurri, u fr MGS? me for FMSS wonder if i cna enroll my gal in as is near to my workplace too. So fast can start calling to reserve for seat liao?
heehee..actually just think only lar...like what dongle said..dunno whether if will live in the same area 6 yrs later..so plan also no use...but i know im the kind who wont do volunteer work one..very lazy to do that leh...actually nowadays..pri schools quite competitive also..some neighbour ones also quite ok and good one..just that the name not so famous lor...
lol! You're from my hb's school!You say MG or Fairfield near your workplace? Cannot reserve place lah haha..I just wanna know what are the chances of my boy getting into ACS first :p

Nanyang K & Nanyang Pri are not related,.

Same for Fairfield K & Fairfield Pri too. But if pri will auto go sec

JC work differently fm Pri n Sec.... so AC jc will nt be auto for ACS. But u can use sport to go in.

