(2008/08) Aug 2008

FMPS near my workplace. Ur hubby fr FMSS? Is he fr FMPS too? He is which yr? Should be my senior liao hahahaha

ruixuan, i considering ruilang too heard is not bad. u r very near to this sch.

Heh thanks for the confirmation! I sort of knew but still wanted to try my luck :p Use sport? But haven't even enter pri school, how would they know your kid's gonna be a swimming whiz?

Yah he's from the Pri sch as well and it's the school that I don't like the uniform *whooops* sorry. Yah he should be ur senior by many years lah!
YLN, hisstory
i dunno Nan Hua Pri is so hot.. i am a follower of Nan Hua PRI and SEC then after in Poly, i move to YIshun when in Nanyang poly..

i know last time nan hua Pri keep asking ppe for donation during my time.
talking bout schls to today?

babyemma, catherine,
i also wanna send my girl to st nic if i could. it not will it will b my old sch: st hildas liao. (st hildas n kc use to b loggerheads over st pat's guys! pllllssssss ,haha)
volunteer work.......the price parents have to pay nowadays ,hee but yes i agree, the first step is very important. i believe in a gd pri scl. sec is up to their ability liao

now can check pri scl enrollment thru teletext ....machiam stocks n shares
ya but must check if it's within the 1km of nyps. i know it's definitely 1km of RGPS. It's right beside only.. I think few meters only. hahaha. But i dread moving there, the traffic is horrible.
The high rates of churning out top scorers at the PSLE has made its places snapped up like hotcakes.. Lots of ppl have to go via backdoor..
talking about parents or parent in law
do ur PILs or parents want you to go visiting with them (cos they want to show off their grandchild)? feel like caught in the middle as dunno where to go?
Aiyoh jc long time more, that would depend on his own ability already. Church affiliation also not easy to get in right? Heard must be v involved in church activities, but I'm the nua nua type.
How was the teachers during your time at MGS? Were they caring and good at explaining?

St. Nick @ Ang Mo Kio
Was from Ang Mo Kio 5 years ago and now at Sembawang
Another school to consider haa..haa. Thanks babyemma for sharing your experienced at St. Nick. Personally, love that type of enviroment, too.

SAHM's Gathering
venue: AMK (Timminbuzz's place)
date: 6 Feb (Fri)
1. timminbuzz (OK with anyday except wed)
2. hisstory (anyday except Tue & Thur)
3. fitbaby (fine with 6 Feb)
4. catherine (tentatively anyday until kindermusik next term day cnfm)
5. babyemma (mon/tue best= otherwise anyday afternoon)
6. Linx (anyday but need to prepare really in advance :p)

Anyone else interested?

think too many ppl use this way so now hv to be very on. or at least the principal has to recognise u loh.

btw, which year is ur hb in FMSS?
The teachers were excellent! I had so much fun and still scored well (*thick skin*). But nowadays I can't vouch..still I like the school spirit. I don't think it's easy to get in though, if you're not an alumni and not living closeby.
Oh church affliation helps ah? Hmm.. Am fr PLMGS & attending PLMC, hoping to send my ger to either PLMGPS or MG Pri.. The latter more convenient, coz it wld be on the way to work. But Bt Timah traffic in the morn is pure madness
for NYPS, even alumni or old student don't have priviledge.

I saw a mum preg doing her volunteer work for the unborn in my gynae's clinic..... I was like ??? so kanjong ar

anyway....... for them... only accept special skills or professional for volunteers.
haha don't think he can remember anything from sec sch..not even the principal!

How does being active in church make the principal of the sch recognise you ah?
sylvia, u fr fmss? which batch?

yuuri, me too lei fr both rs & ss. uniform nice lei was voted once as most beautiful uniform lei. hahahaha


wah.......... nt even his own teachers ar? wah..........

but I gt sme frds are like that too.... boys.......

oops..... guys.... hahaha!
wahhh... everybody talking about school ready... I feel so lost uh cos havent even start thinking... now after so many discussing abt it... feel very left behind lehh
parents nowadays n the extend they have to go thru for the child's welfare ...

active in a way where you socialise n get to know him or he can recognise u. dun hv to over do though. but when u go n meet him n ask him for the favour, he can say halo before u do loh
OMG! u're from st. nicks?? me too! wch year were u??? and guess what! my hb's also from SAJS! haha..so coincidental!

SAJS very HOT now leh...cos of the new SA village. and i tink SAJS' standard not too bad. it's the sec sch that a bit *ahem*. but it seems in recent yrs...standard went up by quite a bit. very high in demand now cos of affiliation to SAJC.

like happy mummy, I havent do any research abt sch.

maybe the mummies teaching want to place their kis in their own sch?
my suggest is NO. very stressful for the kid.....
mummies, thanks a lot for the advise..actually I don't live with my ILs...just that Yuuri like u my MIL is the primary care taker of my bb, so over the days tend to accumulate a lot of frustration...sigh...wat to do...hisstory very funny abt the in-laws out-laws thing...

Ruixuan I think i know where u staying liao...heh..I used to stay there before marriage too..In fact my mum is still living ard that area..I also heard RuLang is quite a good school...better still RV coming to ur area leh...
wa...the topic move v fast to schools.

haha, i prob wana let her go to Temasek Pri, which I think is 1-2km radius fr my parents' place.

Sec sch hope she can go to my sec sch, i like the well-rounded education. haha, my sec sch is e v distinctive green uniform that is one and only in SG. haha
re: volunteering for schools

I prob also won't want to do that, needs time. Think I will also go mad over it.

Real scary to think that parents go to this extent.

Nope :p It's not St Marg. haha, though I played against them in the C' division or B' division tennis competition.

haha I live in the East, so it can only be a school in the East.

U see my FB info then u knw liao. Think those living in the East will knw which sec school I'm from.

U intend to use your other address to register Bernice if you intend to put her at RGPS?

Just wondering if can use the address of another property that u own but don't live in it?

I'm just wondering the "loopholes" in these matters. Cos I think my parents' place will definitely be within 1 km or 1-2km of Temasek Primary School so thinking if can use that address.

I guess my school's uniform is too outstanding that the whole of SG knws when I mentioned the color of the uniform.

Anyways, I like it for the well-rounded education, plus hv MEP if child is musically inclined. I still remember hving lotsa fun in sec school.

One thing I don't quite like is the school motto. damn corny.
oh yea, forgot to check, u mentioned your parents grind the brown rice and put in Mae's milk. So the brown rice is the raw one isit?

Cos I thought of putting the brown rice cereal into the milk, but I think the bits are too big for her to swallow ya?

Just a thought: if my baby was a boy, sure v easy to get into hubby's alma mater. Though I don't quite like his school.

I don't exactly have a great impression of his sec sch. I think his pri sch was affliated w the sec sch.

re: baby crawling
lately char likes to raise her buttocks and move her legs when she flips over..
but instead of moving forward, she moves backwards! :p

Timminbuzz, babyemma,
hehe..me too!
i wanna enrol char into st nicks kindergarten!

do u gals know if we stand a chance or must do volunteer work?

paiseh girl, haf u trf ah? cos i havent received leh..
