(2008/08) Aug 2008

Hi Vern,

I can't make it next saturday.

Yup, i think toys, books are best bets!

mrs n, i guess all i need is more encouragement coz my hb initially cldn't understand why it HAD to be bm. to him, any kind of milk will do as long as bb is not hungry. wish i had more friends and family who are pro bm. helps tt i can get gd advice here

vern, u wake up at 4am to feed your bb? i will only wake up at 4am if it's weekend, but more to pump so i dun get engorgement. pumping at 5.30am daily is already quite tiring. wish i cld have more sleep...
hope to get good buys.

ok. will update you.

your car seat is the infant one is it? mine can last till 4 years old. i don't like bb hypermart, i find it too messy.
celyn, mine is the infant one that can last till 9 mths. but i think my son getting a bit bored in it already, esp since he's kinda "tall". i'm thinking of getting the convertible one (the kind that can use from 3 mths onwards and can last abt 3-4 yrs).
Hi Mummies,

I have a box of balance Tollyjoy Breast Pads which I use only afew. Anyone interested?? I can bring along for the Christmas party..
yea. long life. hahahah.

u have so much from 1 oct .. wa.
But can Yu Ze finish so much if u keep storing?

I still have that age old question - why u dun feed him fresh EBM totally? since u have so much.

FBM does not have antibodies, only nutrients left. The whole purpose of us doing breastfeeding is to give them the antibodies so they can be stronger ... so why not?

Sometimes i even wonder if there is any good giving them FBM but since pple say got nutrients.

how much do u give him for his feed from your leftover from the pump?

If not sufficient then u give FBM?
i mean the rest of the feed - that u are not feeding EBM .... the leftover from the pump enough is it? So much .... what u gonna do when it expires in the 3rd month?
For those in the normal freezer, if after 3 months, still can use to do facial? I have 1 big bottle which was there since initial month - dunno what to do with it and not thrown away yet.

Normally i will pump and keep aside one bottle of 150ml at room temperature and then wait for his need feed to feed him. If he does not wake up and i pump again, i will keep the new EBM for him and put the previous one in the fridge for his day feed when i am not at home.

If I have extra extra in fridge then i freeze 1 packet. Slowly accumulate one ... but the old one in fridge seldom use ... once in a blue moon like when i go out really late then may have to use one.

So far KAI had been taking fresh EBM - but never fresher than those direct latching. That's the best ba.
Ah, tt's the other model I know tt's quite high-end too.. Gd tt u're so diligent, heheh, makes the $$$ spent on the pump worth ;)

Hope you get gd deals at the Mattel sale..

Maybe ur experience in sales makes u a very efficient person *heehee*

What gd offers did you manage to grab?

re: Mattel sale
Hb went at 11am & there was a huge crowd oredi. The stuff are housed in a tent & the arrangement's kind of luan.. Here's our loot
1. Kick & learn piano
2. Laugh & learn learning phone

He's thinking of going down again, but with me this time, so tt i can have a look too & see if there are more gd deals
Hi mummy,
sorry to interrup. I am selling my "Super Baby Food" book 2nd Edition. I wrap it nicely but never read it. Selling at $20. If u intrested pls PM me. Self collect at Hougang
me back from mattel sale. i think got to go early in the morning. when i'm there around 1+. its already in a mess and nothing very good left. i saw others people having things that i want.
people are buying a lot like its free. i saw a person's car boot is stuff with his loot. its fill to the top. hehe....

i manage to get a toy for xmas party, a baby gym, a ring stacker and roll and round thing. total spend $113.

jumperoo is $180
lots of rocker/bouncer - didn't check price.
the play gym that vone had at the gathering is $50
ocean wonder fishbowl - $15 or $20
http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pcat=bubrilliant&pid=23 - $8
lots of barbie toys.
the toys are all very dusty.

i ask the staff and he told me they will add new things everyday due to space constraint.
i don't think he is drinking 1 oct fbm lah. could be mid or end oct liao or even early nov now.

the leftover from pump each session is about 20-60ml. so i will combine 2 or 3 sessions one together for him loh. that's when he got the fresh ebm. by the time he come back on weekdays, he will only get 2 feeds, once fresh ebm at home and oncee fm. then weekends, he will get 2-3 feeds of fresh ebm loh. so far i will use less than 10 bottles of fbm on weekends for his feed.

actually, i also don't know leh. i have been doing this since birth loh. heheh.....

but when we warm fresh ebm, it will also kill all the antibodies right?

i didn't see what you want. maybe i'm too late liao. i do see people taking laugh and learn series.
I'm also back from Mattel sale. I went there just before 11am (supposed to open at 11am) and it was already full of people!!! Some people really buy like lorry loads of toys!

Anyway at first saw alot alot of jumperoos and was contemplating want to get or not, then went for lunch came back. All gone!!! Only left 1 piece and that made the decision for me :p But then the box very torn already then ask them to bring new ones out!

Also got a Laugh n Learn Learning Table $50, Singing Snail $10, Stacking Action Blocks $10, Dance Baby Dance toy $10 and a bunch of other stuff for other people.

Don't bring your baby!
yuuri, i'm also eyeing the laugh n learn learning table. now selling at $79.90 at kiddy palace. dunno if i shld pay more and not squeeze with the crowd or not. did u see the laugh n learn learning home?

celyn, tks 4 looking out.
you manage to get the activity table. i want to get that too but i can't see any when i was there but see others holding it.
I didn't notice the learning home there...think don't have. The learning table got pretty good reviews, so I think it should be a good buy but haiz, only abit cheaper...

Got quite a few different activity tables there...I left at nearly 2 still have a few but yah, this one deplete the fastest
I'm sure they will bring out new stocks again, can try again..
yuuri, i tot the original price is abt $150 but now mark down to abt $80? or is the $150 just a bogus amt?
mommies, where can i get those activity mats tt i can put on the floor once bb starts to crawl? there are some with very nice cartoon designs like pooh bear rite? i'm thinking of setting up a play area and putting the activity table and learning home there. this play room is prob gonna burn a hole in my pocket. after tt, i'll prob just rent the smaller toys if he gets bored with the bought ones, heehee.
What is $150?You mean the learning table? Thought you said its $79.90 at Kiddy Palace? The activity mat nice nice one is bumper mat, can find in BP section
hi mummies,

anybody wanna buy or trade for my pupsik carrier? mine is size 3, brown color w pink polka dots. used only few times.

dunno how i buy wrong size last time. i need size 2...:p didnt even realise, i had to keep adjusting but still cannot get it right, bb is always too low. just check online n realised wrong size.
Mattel sale .... hmm .. jhhmmm .. hmm .....
so far ....
the crowd again ....
sat, sun, mon sure lots of pple ... weekend and PH .....
hmm ... hmmm .... hmm ....
Any Thomas the Train stuff?? or just baby toys??

Me thinking of getting stuff for #1 instead but vv de far leh .... oso no car ... so troublesome.
Save the $$ dunno can cover cab fare not. hehe.
good question. i always think that those in the fridge ones are better than FBM.

Does it kill the antibodies? prob so.

1. Fresh Latching - best!

2. Freshly squeezed BM @ room temperature. Got antibodies i think but after 4 hours? still better than fridge ones? anyway this one dun need to warm ....

3. EBM in the fridge compartment (cos we working so no choice) --> need to warm up so antibodies gone oredi?? *** WHO CAN CONFIRM THIS AH.

4. FBM - extra to keep so when we run out of fresh ones, can use this one. No antibodies but has nutrients ...
i didn't see any thomas the train at mattel sale.

yu ze don't like room temperature milk unless its those fresh from pump cos its still a bit warm. then if fresh from pump, might as well latch him. heheh...
hi mummies
today went for 2nd kindermusik class...i think bb starting to enjoy more..cuz she smiling more..
...mummies going for trial on tue..if ur bb dun respond very well during first lesson..think its normal..cuz they gave me a booklet ..saying that we need to give bbs 1-2 lessons to warm up before they will start enjoying..cuz its something new for them..

also bought the xmas gathering gift ler..
..so exciting ..
Are u referring to the playmat which is one whole piece or the jigsaw type?

I got a pooh design jigsaw type.. Hb can't imagine spending >$100 for the playmat which is very popular in the BP

Hb was also contemplating if he shd get the jumperoo.. But coz we didn't note the selling price in the malls, he cldn't quite decide if the price was really attractive
The jumperoo is $139.90 in stores. I keep asking hb wanna buy or not then he keep saying up to me....but if go all the way there and buy only small items, then the discount not worth his petrol. So whack lor! hehe
<font color="aa00aa">Shint,

I think if I didn't recall wrongly, the best temperature to warm up EBM is 40 degree celsius. I remember reading from the instructions of the Pigeon warmer and from attending the Pigeon seminar held at Marriott hotel the other time. It was instructed that 40 degrees will not kill the antibodies and nutrients present in our BM.

What I do is to prefix my warmer at 40 degrees then heat up the BM for 15-20 mins. I alternate between feeds. First feed is latch-on, next feed is EBM from the fridge and so on and so forth.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">I jotted this down for my reference during the seminar conducted by Pigeon and Sister Kang from Mount Alvernia back then:

Duration to store BM:
Room temperature - 4 hours
Cooler (meaning normal fridge) - 24 hours
4 degree celsius (fridges that can adjust to this setting) - 48 hours
Freezer - 3 months
Deep freezer - 6 months</font>
Today baby super cranky. Sigh...she actually refused to latch on, prefer to take bottle. Luckily, after taking bottle, she ok with breast. Dun know if my flow too slow for her. Sigh...

Thanks. Have followed your advice. White spot seems to be slowly going off. Yeah, super painful when baby latch on or when I pump. But I think getting better.

What kind of oats did your mother use? Those instant one or quick cook type? Did your baby like it? Think I gotta start reading up on baby food liao.

Shint &amp; celyn
So envious. Got so much milk. Me trying very hard to keep the flow, but she seems to be taking more and more leh.

Mummies, any idea on how to increase milk supply hah? My left side super low- like only about 20 to 30 ml. Right side still ok, about 100 to 120 ml.
Oooh, so the discount is pretty gd! I shall go look see again, prob Tue. Was contemplating getting an exersaucer, but if the deal for the jumperoo is too gd to resist, jumperoo it shall be.. *cross fingers* tt there wld be jumperoos on Tue

Hang in there! My bleb lasted for almost 2 weeks or so.. But thank God it has gone off

Is ur bleb on the left?
Actually the discount not that fantastic lah...haha..only 25% but I see other people snatch so I v gian. Heard that tomorrow have new stocks coming out, feel like going again but hubby say house no more space liao.
Hi mummies,

I'm new to this forum bt find e stuff here very interesting... Can I ask how to increase milk ss? Mine's definitely nt enuff for my girl
She's taking abt 150 - 180ml every feed nw...
I want to get this for my baby so that when we go visiting or reunion dinner during CNY, he will have somewhere clean to sit. Any mummies interested?

The Dinky Diner D’Lite is designed to fit over most dining chairs**. Simply slip it over the back of the chair, tie the straps around your baby’s waist and over their shoulders, order a latte and you are all set!

Features include:

• A five point safety harness

• Extra wide waist and shoulder straps to keep baby comfy and safe

• Secure waist strap that firmly holds baby to the chair

• Trendy black material to match most decors and hide those hideous orange food stains

• A nifty little carry bag so you can pop it in your nappy bag or hand bag

• Machine washable and can be tumble dried

• Suitable for all infants once they can sit well unsupported (approx 6 – 30 months)

** Max width of chair is 50cm and ultimate height of chair back is 50cm, although the flexible design accommodates chairs slightly higher and lower than this.



Wanna start a BP on this, need 20 moq to proceed. Total including shipping is S$21.
Colours: Black, Red, Turqoise Blue

FYI, there is already a current BP on this at $22 :p
Interested mummies pls pm me.
i saw the bp.very cute.. but abit worry dono can fit how many types of chairs. plus dono bb will sit still or not .. hahhaa.. but still very tempted ..
yuuri, activity table was advertised to be $150 but slashed to $79.90. at robinsons, $10 cheaper and selling at $69.90. yest went but no stock. leap frog one is $69. dunno w/c one better leh.

hisstory, jigsaw type. can only buy from bp ah? not selling in stores? ya $100 really ex. maybe i'll reconsider.
morning morning.
Now i am really the 5am mommy. Almost finished my pumping liaoz. Last pump was at 11pm then finished one round of MJ, heeee.

KAI slept since last evening 730pm and has not woken up to drink. He started stirring ard 3+ and the went back to sleep .. until now, he's starting to stir again. Wow, a good 10 hours sleep. Is that considered sleep thru?
Thanks for sharing.
So far I had set the temperature 1 notch higher than the volume of milk for the Avent IQ warmer.
Cos when i set exactly, the milk sometimes is still cold.
I tot different settings is for different level of milk?
Not sure if it kills the antibodies oredi.

U mean even if it is in the fridge (not freezer), the antibodies are still present?

Room temperature - i know it is normally recommended at 4 hours, but i read it can last up 6 hours so i oso did give to KAI before those 6 hours milk.
I normally put my milk in the normal fridge compartment for up to 2 days ... only 1 day u mean?
Last question. If i were to leave the milk in room temperature for 4 hours then baby still din wake up, i can put it in the fridge after that rite?

And how long if i put in the fridge then i can STILL put it into a milk bag and store in the freezer?

Hi - sorry to interupt. am a sept mommy n i went to chiong the matel sale. Overbought and decided to sell the FP Jumperoo (sealed and not open yet) @$180.

PM me your email , location and contact no. if interested and i can arrange for it to be sent to you.
