(2008/08) Aug 2008

Re: Kindermusik Trial

Sch name: Kindermusik - Trial session for Jan09 intake
Location: Tanglin Mall
Trial Lesson : Tues 9/12
Time : 11.30am (45mins)
Cost : $25.50

Date: 9 Dec
1) Catherine
2) Yuuri
3) Fitbaby
4) aurora
5) valnsw
6) Briebaby
7) Megan
8) Jen
9)twin stars
10) snow74
11) msapple
12) Ruixuan- hubby bringing

Shall I confirm for the above 12 babies with kindermuzic ?

Interested, but deciding on date:
1) Gayle ( confirm on 9th if have space pls add me in)
*Mummy: Gayle/ Baby: Evie/ hp: 97816775
2) faeriekim
3) missysz (confirm on 9th)
4) fairybees(confirm on 9th if available,thanks)
5) happy_mummy
you can call them to ask them if they have a trial coming up ? actually you can also walk in on their existing class. i think it's fri 2pm. i think YLN did that. Remember to tell them the age of your baby so they find you a class which already have similar ages. Because we have enough babies to start an entire trial session for ourselves thats why we have that date.
celyn, how much u selling the handsfree strap for?

dongle, u use on manual or electric pump? how to use on manual pump when u need to use your hands to press the pump?
I'm gonna start intro solids around End Jan/ Staring of Feb...for now, I haven't even started reading on how to introduce and what to feed :p
milk ss:
anyone experience diminishing milk ss? mine seems to have dropped quite a bit after my bintan trip, where i tbf my son. now i'm not even producing enough for my son's daily intake! who's still on tbf or partial bf here?
Krex for me 6 mths is from the date he was born rather than the no. of weeks. The 20 weeks is only a guideline something my health visitor told me to aim for. He said to at least try keeping my baby totally on milk until then. If he can tahan beyond 20 weeks better still. Otherwise we have to review the situation and think of introducing solids. He hasn't gone thru' the feeding regime in detail yet. Said he will do it nearer the time, in the meantime he gave me 'homework' to read up first.

I'm still on mixed feeding. 3 EBM for the day feeds and 1 FM for the night.

faithmum you can try rubbing a little olive oil on your baby's head just before sleep and leave it overnight. In the morning wash off the olive oil and gently brush with a baby brush. Got this tip from my health visitor as my son has cradle cap. It's much better now. He still has a little left as I'm not diligent and don't do it every night.
Think they will have la but this mommy here wants to choose for him ma.. haha, then can determine what kind of DIL.

So sorry! I was late ... there ard 1230ish .... cos i brought maid to go for medical checkup and to NTUC to stock up grocery.
WHen i reached it was soooo crowded that they asked me to wait outside till someone comes out.
It was so messy and crowded that I din quite enjoy the "shopping experience" and only manage to grab some T-shirt tops for my elder boy.
For KAI, it was just 1 piece.

U see what I did enjoy was they did not categorise things and it can be all over the place. Oredi so crowded and u cannot target the proper section, had to seive through all of them for sizes.
They shld have put 0-12 mths this section, 12-24 mths that section and for boys and girls it was also mixed up.

I met happymummy and after that we went for late lunch at CHA Restaurant till quite late.
Had a good time chatting and yakking away!
She oso too busy to log on .. hhaaa.

Came home, then had to play with sons.
On leave oso so busy .... din even get to nap.
u know ah... i took leave from 18-26 Dec ... now half the days are already packed with activities.
Think wanna stop arranging cos no time to rest like tat.
morning mummies.

you really very busy hoh. so much activities. heheh.....

shint & catherine,
will email out the sesame street alphabet to you. think got to do in many batches.

i got mine from mt a pharmacy for near $30. let me know how much you want to offer me loh. can pm about it. hehehhe..... i'm not using it for sure. but i don't have the instructions and bag for it liao.

hisstory & ruixuan,
don't say that lah. i'm a lazy bum actually. hehe... i always laze around the house while hubby is busy cleaning our house. hahahah...
Can find Avent at Taka? I always see Pigeon only leh. do you know if they sell Avent teats for bottles there?

I am taka member lah. u can tompang your purchase with me..hehe..
are u working this fri?

Have pm u the particulars for the trial class. Thanks.

Celynlee and valnsw,
You gals are so creative! The wall looks so colorful.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning mummies,
Wow, the server went bananas over the weekend, couldn't even access. Felt so weird. Reading this thread is like an addiction to me, needs a daily dose of it. Feel like going to the Fox sale later too. Will leave my girl with mum, hee.

I prefer Lilian the most. Went to the ParentCraft lesson conducted by her after I gave birth. She also came to see me in my ward when I had problems nursing.

Ira and Jocelyn,
I'm staying at Admiralty.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,
I'm selling my The First Years Breastmilk Thaw &amp; Warm Cup. Brand new, unused. Reason for selling: I didn't read the product description thoroughly when purchasing. Didn't know warm running water needed. Stupid me.

Not every baby will develop fever during teething. Onset of fever normally occurs during the cutting of teeth.</font>
hi smurfette,
i am selling the first year warmer too and also brand new. :\

mommies who have started using the warmer, may i know how long does it take to heat up the milk? TIA.
mrs n, it's nice to have a health visitor give you such great advice. wish we had this service here in singapore. is your health visitor = PD? and how long will she visit you for?

when u said bb cannot tahan before 20 weeks, did u mean bb wants to eat solids early? like maybe he exhibits certains signs like being interested in the food u eat or feeling hungry after his regular milk feed?
morning ladies. =)
thx for all te well wish.
mine is a temp job, not part time lor.
so, no more shopping....hee hee.....

got avent stuffs, all bottles and barang barang.
u noe where is pigeon rite?
its just at those wall shelf rite behind pigeon, when u walk in from the cashier there.

i pm u regarding the kindermusik thingy liao.
cos me working, so most likely hb will bring zynn there.
I not working on Friday but Amabel is having a sch performance at 5.30pm. Let me check what time need to be there. You not working and wanna go the taka sale? Do let me know

So welly done. Very nice. Can send me the softcopy alphabet doc. [email protected] Thanks so much

M2B and Snow74,
Is abit difficult to tell you which one esp the size that I like to purchase. Perhap will get help from missysz if we can arrange to go together hee

Ok then so mommies the food I will decide k?? But what else i need to take note or ask for when order catering huh?? Very blur scare later miss out anything.

You got msn? Can add me? [email protected]

Btw are you bringing ur #1 to the kindermusic also as what you told me that day. Cos my #1 sch is close so she may need to tag along

What is mani biscuit??

I have PM you the detail. BTW which Burberry dress you want to buy? I saw a few one quite nice
ya,..u can just call or walk in and ask them about trial classes..but like i menitoned b4, our age group bbs only have classes on fridays , 2pm...i think its quite worth to go for the trial first..cuz not all bbs will enjoy..(i think)..there was a slighty older gal when i went..she was basically wondering off in her own world..not really following leh..her mummy had to catch her most of the time...thankfully our bbs still cannot crawl or walk..so they have no choice but to stick with us..heehee

wow..u very patient n meticulous with the decoration hor..i dun have artistic talent leh..cannot decorate until like u...*envy*

ya..very messy at the fox sale...i anyhow grab and take one..grab , check size, not correct, throw one side, grab another batch again...heehee...all the mummies all like dat leh...heehee...i saw some set(top n bottoms)..quite cute..did u buy them? i didnt cuz i wanted to buy separate tops and bottoms ..i bought one sleeveless lacy top for my gal..so small and cute..heehee...even my maid said very nice..hmm..but i think she everything say nice...she actually was shocked to see me buy so many clothes..cuz i asked her to wash..then she say 'wow madam...many many'...:p

feeding bb with cereal
i think it might be best to check with PD b4 embarking on feeding cereal...i checked with my PD and he said ok..n even gave me like 10 packets of sample cereal...so, if PD dun recommend to start at 4 months..then better wait...

anymore shopping sale ar? think the mattel one i will give it a miss...cuz friday no free leh...i heard from my SIL the shisedo DAMN crowded...LONG LONG q...but the range and variety quite good...does anyone know the sale until when?
hahah, on the otherhand, i prefer hb to spend time with my ger while i clean up the house.. It's my kind of 'me time' *heheh*

Was the lacy top in brown?? I saw sthg like tt, but my ger doesn't take to brown.. So sayang!
Ur maid's so cute *LOL*

I think the Shiseido sale was only on for 1 day.. The ad i saw stated only yest, sayang again..

Go lahgo lah, i generally find the crowd in the afternoon quite okie.. So near only!!
ya .ya..the brown lacy top..very sweet hor..
...shisedo sale one day nia? hmm..ya lor...sayang leh..where u see the adverT??
mani biscuit is khong guan's marie biscuit. Dunno why the older generation call it 'mani' biscuit.. hahaa... traditionally they will string 12 biscuits together for baby.. but mine v simplified, just let bb lick one and brush it over his lips and throw.

Re: weaning
Yup, agree with YLN. Check with ur PD and see what they recommend for ur baby.
hi mummies,

re:kindermusic trial
yuuri,fitbaby,aurora,twinstars,snow,msapple,ruixuan - received your details

I need details from - valnsw,megan,jen - pls send me today !!!
Hi mummies,

Thanks for all the advice for cradle cap...

Celyn, u r so artistic and hardworking... Can email it to me too? I can never do such stuff... failed my art since primary school.. :p

My email add : [email protected]

Im still on tbf... not latching on cos my girl no patience to suck due to my inverted nipples... have been expressing out since day 1 for her... luckly managed to maintain the supply... my milk ss also dropping... not sure if it is because she is sleeping through the night now... so i drag my pumping at night too..
She's very scary... can sleep up to 12 hours without waking up for milk!! not sure if she will dehydrate... anyone got such experience??
faith, we've recently trained our son to sleep thru the night. last feed at 11.30pm (150ml), sometimes he wakes up at 4plus but can easily be put back to sleep with pacifier. so his next feed is at 8am (150ml). now i'm giving him 150ml for almost every feed except 8pm to compensate for the missing feed at 5am. unfortunately, every time i pump, which is every 5 hours plus, i only get ard 140ml or 150ml. how to match dd???

i still pump in the morning (even during weekend) so my breasts won't get engorged. my last pump is at 11 plus at night, then i wake up around 4am (on weekends) or 5.30am (on weekdays) to pump.

now wondering if ss dipping coz':
1) i latched him on too often and he drunk up all my milk!
2) stress at work and long intervals between pumps (5-6 hours)
3) bb is ready to wean and should start semi solids

sigh, i'm hoping to TBF him till 6 mths. maybe now i'll consider FM at night once my FBM finishes.
Dear mommies,
Can I confirm the attendence? Do let me know by tonight as I will proceed to order the food tonight or tomorrow. Thanks! Those backup on that day will still have to pay for the caterer to be fair to the rest of the mommies.

Please PM ur email address so i can send my address and contact to you all.

<font size="+2">X'mas Babies bash'08</font>

Venue: Boon Tiong Road (near Tiong Bahru Plaza/MRT)
Date: 14 Dec 08
Time: 1.30pm

Event include
- Temperature measuring, maybe check for HFMD (to be safe for the babies hee!)
- Name tag will be given to the babies and Parent (Can provide the name just like what I did for mine below. So I can prepare the tag. Thanks!)
- Catering Neogarden ??
- mingling
- Phototaking of the babies
- X'mas Gift exchange for the toddler and babies (budget = $15 or more as you wish)
- Gift opening?

1) msapple(E-Ling) + 1 toddler(Amabel) + 1 baby (Aisleyne) - <font color="ff0000">confirmed</font>
2) balugu (shirley) + 1 bb (Gerlene)
3) celynlee (celyn) + 1 baby (yu ze)
4) vone (??) + 1 toddler (??) + 1 bb (??)
5) M2B (Lillian) + 1 toddler (Lorraine) + 1 bb (Maegan)
6) aurora (??) + 1 bb (Reagan)
7) missysz (sereen) + 1 baby (Jonas) - <font color="ff0000">confirmed</font>
8) Roiv (??)+ 1 toddler (Xavier) + 1 bb (Allivier)
9) snow74 (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Nynn) + 1bb (Zynn)
10) whatodo(Samantha) + Mom + 1 bb(Yu Min)
11) Shint (Cynthia) + 1 toddler (Quan) + 1 bb(Kai) + 1 helper
12) Fitbaby (??) + 1 my mom + 1 bb (Trudy)
13) Happy mummy (Katherine) + hubby (??) + bb (Adel)
14) vern (Laverne) + hubby (??) + bb (Izzy)
15) krex78 (karen) + hubby (??)+ 1 bb (Jonah) + 1 helper (KIV)
16) catherine + bb(bernice)
17) cocomo (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Jayden) + bb (Shervalle)
18) april + bb (Denzel)
19) megan + hubby +1 4yr old(megan) + 1 bb(titus)
20)hashisan + hubby +3yo (ryoutaro) +1 bb (misaki) + helper
21) Shay + bb (Ashton)
22) Nini + bb (Braiden)

Total= 31 adults (excluded maid) + 9 toddlers + 22 babies
For who will be coming with ur mom, I do added to the above (31 adults). Let me know if dont need to cater for them.

Those who bring along maid. Do let me know whether to cater for your maid.

X'mas Babies bash'08

Venue: Boon Tiong Road (near Tiong Bahru Plaza/MRT)
Date: 14 Dec 08
Time: 1.30pm

Event include
- Temperature measuring, maybe check for HFMD (to be safe for the babies hee!)
- Name tag will be given to the babies and Parent (Can provide the name just like what I did for mine below. So I can prepare the tag. Thanks!)
- Catering Neogarden ??
- mingling
- Phototaking of the babies
- X'mas Gift exchange for the toddler and babies (budget = $15 or more as you wish)
- Gift opening?

1) msapple(E-Ling) + 1 toddler(Amabel) + 1 baby (Aisleyne) - confirmed
2) balugu (shirley) + 1 bb (Gerlene)
3) celynlee (celyn) + 1 baby (yu ze)
4) vone (??) + 1 toddler (??) + 1 bb (??)
5) M2B (Lillian) + 1 toddler (Lorraine) + 1 bb (Maegan)
6) aurora (??) + 1 bb (Reagan)
7) missysz (sereen) + 1 baby (Jonas) - confirmed
8) Roiv (??)+ 1 toddler (Xavier) + 1 bb (Allivier)
9) snow74 (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Nynn) + 1bb (Zynn)
10) whatodo(Samantha) + Mom + 1 bb(Yu Min)
11) Shint (Cynthia) + 1 toddler (Quan) + 1 bb(Kai) + 1 helper
12) Fitbaby (??) + 1 my mom + 1 bb (Trudy)
13) Happy mummy (Katherine) + hubby (??) + bb (Adel)
14) vern (Laverne) + hubby (??) + bb (Izzy)
15) krex78 (karen) + hubby (??)+ 1 bb (Jonah) + 1 helper (KIV)
16) catherine + bb(bernice)
17) cocomo (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Jayden) + bb (Shervalle)
18) april + bb (Denzel) - confirmed
19) megan + hubby +1 4yr old(megan) + 1 bb(titus)
20)hashisan + hubby +3yo (ryoutaro) +1 bb (misaki) + helper
21) Shay + bb (Ashton)
22) Nini + bb (Braiden)

Total= 31 adults (excluded maid) + 9 toddlers + 22 babies
For who will be coming with ur mom, I do added to the above (31 adults). Let me know if dont need to cater for them.

Those who bring along maid. Do let me know whether to cater for your maid.

X'mas Babies bash'08

Venue: Boon Tiong Road (near Tiong Bahru Plaza/MRT)
Date: 14 Dec 08
Time: 1.30pm

Event include
- Temperature measuring, maybe check for HFMD (to be safe for the babies hee!)
- Name tag will be given to the babies and Parent (Can provide the name just like what I did for mine below. So I can prepare the tag. Thanks!)
- Catering Neogarden ??
- mingling
- Phototaking of the babies
- X'mas Gift exchange for the toddler and babies (budget = $15 or more as you wish)
- Gift opening?

1) msapple(E-Ling) + 1 toddler(Amabel) + 1 baby (Aisleyne) - confirmed
2) balugu (shirley) + 1 bb (Gerlene)
3) celynlee (celyn) + 1 baby (yu ze)
4) vone (??) + 1 toddler (??) + 1 bb (??)
5) M2B (Lillian) + 1 toddler (Lorraine) + 1 bb (Maegan)
6) aurora (??) + 1 bb (Reagan)
7) missysz (sereen) + 1 baby (Jonas) - confirmed
8) Roiv (??)+ 1 toddler (Xavier) + 1 bb (Allivier)
9) snow74 (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Nynn) + 1bb (Zynn)
10) whatodo(Samantha) + Mom + 1 bb(Yu Min)
11) Shint (Cynthia) + 1 toddler (Quan) + 1 bb(Kai) + 1 helper
12) Fitbaby (??) + 1 my mom + 1 bb (Trudy)
13) Happy mummy (Katherine) + hubby (??) + bb (Adel)
14) vern (Laverne) + hubby (??) + bb (Izzy)
15) krex78 (karen) + hubby (??)+ 1 bb (Jonah) + 1 helper (KIV)
16) catherine + bb(bernice) <font color="ff0000">confirmed</font>
17) cocomo (??) + hubby (??) + 1 toddler (Jayden) + bb (Shervalle)
18) april + bb (Denzel) - confirmed
19) megan + hubby +1 4yr old(megan) + 1 bb(titus)
20)hashisan + hubby +3yo (ryoutaro) +1 bb (misaki) + helper
21) Shay + bb (Ashton)
22) Nini + bb (Braiden)

Total= 31 adults (excluded maid) + 9 toddlers + 22 babies
For who will be coming with ur mom, I do added to the above (31 adults). Let me know if dont need to cater for them.

Those who bring along maid. Do let me know whether to cater for your maid.

you have started using the first year warmer already right? can i check with u..it this battery operated or need electricity? or both? how long does it take to warm the milk? someone is interested to buy from me but i never used before so cant advise her. hope u can answer my queries. TIA.

tks for organising. i have pm u my email address.

am i in for the 9 dec trial? do let me know as i need to apply leave in advance. TIA.
hi all,

is it cheaper to go to the polyclinic for baby's vaccination:? i just spent $500 for third month vaccinations at the thomson medical baby centre. Really expensive. wondering if you all would advise me to go somewhere else cheaper?
Re: Kindermusik Trial

Sch name: Kindermusik - Trial session for Jan09 intake
Location: Tanglin Mall
Trial Lesson : Tues 9/12
Time : 11.30am (45mins)
Cost : $25.50

Date: 9 Dec
1) Catherine
2) Yuuri
3) Fitbaby
4) aurora
5) valnsw
6) Briebaby
7) Megan
8) Jen
9)twin stars
10) snow74
11) msapple
12) Ruixuan- hubby bringing

i have the above 12 confirmed for the trial on 9/12. all ok ??

sorry the rest... kindermusic say the max is 12 per class. unless any of the above not going then i can replace
im using ameda dual electric pump...

me me... ever since i started working, ss dropped like mad... probably due to fatigue plus less frequency... me aledi using 1 pack of FBM everyday... soon will deplete my over 30 packs very soon
after finishing, will move on to FM for last feed at night lor...
the warmer no need batt or electricity ..just fill in hot water..with hot water..the blue portion will turn white..n u leave ur milk inside 4 maybe 5 minutes..will b hot ler...when it is really cool...the white portion will turn blue again..but i think must wait 10-15 mins..(i dun wait so long..once i feel it is warm enuff,i will let bb drink) i personally feel even my blue portion spoil ler..i can still use cuz it does warm up milk faster than use cup.. n 4 me..less water is being used..
Cat, have emailed u!
Pls sms me if everything is confirmed as I scared I miss the post on the thread as I dun check regularly...

Celyn, good job on the alphabets! I also want can?
Hee... thanks!

Valnsw, ur gal's room look so pretty too!

MsApple, so sad I can't come for the Xmas bash. DD has to check into hospital by 2pm.

Re: Fox Sale
Shint &amp; gals who went, couldn't go yesterday. Was it crowded? Bb running nose so decide to bring to polyclinic... since I also sick, shun bian see doc also... keep getting sick this ML, sianz...

Re: Handsfree Set
Got size one ah? How I know what size fits me? I think I need it when I go back to work leh...
dongle, when u went back to work? mine actually increased slowly to match dd when i went back to work. only started dipping after my trip when i tbf my son. so sad. even fenugreek not helping. how much less do u get now? i think for me, i'm short of abt 100ml daily

I've been training my girl since 2nd mth so she managed to sleep through at least 6 hours since wk 6. Only night time i drag my pumping, now drag about 9 hours... But day time i still pump every 3-4 hourly, unless go out then abt 6 hours. I also try to give her more to compensate but somehow she will refuse... so day time she still need to be fed 3 hourly... sometimes 2.5 hours.. Very busy like tat...

Btw, can i check with you all... does polyclinics provide pnuemoccal and rotavirus jabs??
Hi Mummies,

Can anyone advise/share with me which is the best way to warmer milk from fridge? Coz baby very impatient cant wait for long..will be very cranky and refused milk after that.

1) Conventional method, run the chilled breastmilk under running water and put in a cup of boiling water.

2) Use a milk warmer, but heard sometimes the warmer can overheat the milk content

In addition, did anyone of you use a travel bottle warmer? Coz quite cumbersome to warm bottled breastmilk outside.
Hi Faithmum,

I did checked with two polyclinics on the vaccination package. Different polys offer different packages, e.g. Sengkang polyclinic don't offer package price. However, Hougang polyclinic offers a package price, if remembered correctly, they do have the optional pnuemoccal and rotavirus jabs. But the last time i went in august, they had a reno in hougang, perhaps you wana check again, as I have decided to take up the vaccination package from a neighbourhood PD instead.

For rotavirus jab, baby may poo 1-2 more times than normal. Fyi. Hope this helps.
sabbath, if u est a feeding routine for your bb, e.g. every 4 hrs, u can anticipate and heat up the milk 15 mins before. i use avent iq warmer. temp is just nice.

faith, my prob is the opp. bb feeds well and seldom cries 4 food but has probs sleeping before his last feed. he cries w/o fail daily from 9 plus till 11 plus and won't sleep unless we pacify him.
Hi krex78,

Thanks for the advice, coz my baby very erratic sometimes can 4 hours without milk, and at times 2.5 hours need milk. How long can we keep the breastmilk after warming? Will ask helper to try that method out..as she is the main caregiver when I m at work. Thanks very much.


Thanks for the info... My baby took her first jab in tmc sbcc, so expensive... tats y contemplating polyclinics... otherwise pocket will have a hole...

As for warming milk, i use the avent warmer as well... ya it gets overheated at times but as long as u switch off the switch after the light goes off, it should be fine... so long as it is not reheating n reheating the milk over n over again...

Im also finding warming milk outside very troublesome... anyone got better tips??

does ur bb wants oto be carried or is he having colic? every night same routine?
