(2008/08) Aug 2008

Re: Kindermusik Trial

Sch name: Kindermusik - Trial session for Jan09 intake
Location: Tanglin Mall
Trial Lesson : Tues 9/12
Time : 11.30am (45mins)
Cost : $25.50

Date: 9 Dec
1) Catherine
2) Yuuri
3) Fitbaby
4) aurora
5) valnsw
6) Briebaby
7) Megan
8) Jen
9)twin stars
10) snow74
11) msapple
12) Ruixuan- hubby bringing

Shall I confirm for the above 12 babies with kindermuzic ?

Interested, but deciding on date:
1) Gayle ( confirm on 9th if have space pls add me in)
2) faeriekim
3) missysz (confirm on 9th)
4) fairybees(confirm on 9th if available,thanks)
5) happy_mummy

::mattel toy sale::
oh, so its at Lok Yang. i thought loyang! haha...anyway, I also don't know where is Lok Yang but if it is near Boon Lay MRT then not that far from my place. What time does the sale start?

your 2 boys are so handsome! your #1 dimples are pretty obvious.
thanks missyz, #1 dimples are more obvious ... for #2, cos he's fatter/chubbier so cannot really see yet. #2 do look like #1 when he was young - so shld be quite handsum too ;)
*trying to promote my little KAI ... before the xmas gathering ... hahaha - sourcing for potential DIL. kekekkee.
hisstory, thanks ...

aurora, my ger dunno how to latch on properly. so doubt she can help me.

ruixian, thanks for the advice. think i too exhausted to wake up for wee hours pumping. already sleeping less than 6hrs everyday. so tiring.
moring mummies.

ok. let me know.

i see that you dress kai in long sleeves, he don't sweat is it? mine in sleeveless can still sweat a lot leh. if i leave him on my sofa to play, in 5 mins or so, you will see water patches where his feet and head are and his feet and hands will be wet. really see water kind.

ur boy needs promo meh? he already got stylo milo hairstyle at such a young age. gers will flock to him when he's older. hehe.
val, it's huggies swim diaper S size. my bb is 6.1kg so ok for him to wear.

hisstory, i think my SIL's P does not allow lor.

sam, blocked ducts very common one. i get them once or twice a month. usually it goes away within the day and no fever. BF is the best way to remove it but yesterday, my blocked duct went away during my 2nd pump at work. maybe i pumped a bit longer so it decided to unclog :p
shint, so nice u get to style your boy's hair. mine still very botak, haha. waiting patiently for his hair to grow...
Good Morning Mommies!
So many sales gg on leh...cham, sure burn big hole man!

I'm still doing online shopping too...sob sob...

I LOVE La Senza nightgowns too!

Ya, will sign up for family mship maybe next year.
morning mummies...

ya..so many sales...for sure I want to go to the Mattel and Gap sale

I just spent 500usd on online sales..over the weekend..sigh...see lah..the convenience of clicking "BUY"...actualli DKNY online not bad...prices quite reasonable

and tis friday...baby prom...yea...
Hi to all

Have been reading this thread but didn't have the time to post...usual reason- busy with baby and work. hehe!

My baby girl arrived 3 weeks early on 29th July instead of 20th August. Have been a huge learning curve the last few months.

Rui Xian, thanks for updating table. Could you please fill in table for me?

Mummy's name: krmeow
Gender: Minnie
DOB: 29th July
Name: Mabel

Btw, are you girls going to introduce your babies to solids this month? Was reading this book and it says we can start giving rice cereal for them to taste- just to let babies get used to solids... What are you all planning? Here's a photo of my girl at 4 months last week.

Yah lor, Lokyang is near Boon Lay & Tuas.. My hb says near his workplace, so he's IC of checking out gd deals.. Hopefully can get get gd buys ;)

We use the NUK bottles & teats too.. But I guess she's not used to bottle feeds. Cham, I must try to give her as often as I can.. Shall try to seize as many opp as possible to express, if not we wld have WWIII

Oooh, then u can bring ur ger down for ur session, the LC can help u try to latch ur ger on

Oh, gosh.. Can't be help, I guess, some Ps not very flexible
yupz, quite hard to reach Sister Kang. Read fr somewhere, a mummy who also delivered in Mt A in the end when TMC & got Mrs WongBB to help

heheh, u going to check out La Senza? I prob will go tmr.. heheh, going to be in Suntec area
hi ladies,

i think sister kang v popular. hehe. anyway, leave my no liao. hope to get her soon. if cant reach her by end of tdy, then i go tmc. thanks for all ur advice.

hope to clear it soon cos my supply dropped. see liao so demoralised.
sam, i always call joyful parenting coz' the call gets diverted to a hp. no need to pay to get LC to clear your ducts. just BF and pump more often and longer. take a hot shower. use warm compress. shld go away in one day.
yuuri, when is considered 6 mths? start of 6 mths, which is in end jan or early feb? your bb born ard same time as mine rite?
me now pumping ... going to Fox sale soon .. gonna be a little late! hehe. Those who going can just go in and cheong first. WE'll regather about 2pm to go for tea.

I dun have YLN's hp, who can sms me? *those who have my hp.
any mommies here using the pumpin pal hands free strap? effective or not? will the milk leak out? i'm tired of having to hold my 2 pumps since i pump so often. and in the mornings, i tend to accidentally release the pump sometimes when i'm too tired. think it's time to get the hands free thingy, heehee. where to buy?
I'm on leave tmr to bring my #1 for a play so might just pop by to La Senza after that...heehee...shopping again. :p

Your IC got report back on any good deals at Fox??
4 mths maternity leave
sorry ah, this is an old topic, but for you mummies who deliver & EDD is also before 17 Aug 08, did you write in to appeal? My colleagues has been asking me to do so but I'm hesitating as not sure whether appeal will be successful as both my delivery date and EDD are about 10 days earlier than 17 Aug.
hahah, u're on leave again huh? Gdgd, can go chiong sales..
No leh, he's not going Fox, but to the Mattel one.. I am thinking of going later for the Fox sale though. Coz I'm now at my mum's and Fox sale is 5min drive away

I think if your EDD is not 17 Aug or later, it will be tough to appeal successfully. Mb u wana ask your gynae if can certify your EDD to be on 17 Aug? *hehe*, dun say I teach u ah...

gd that u can go to e sales, I think not likely for me... gona miss out the sales liao

this whole wkend burn cos of work plus nxt wk gota bring Chevelle for jab.

Go for the sale! Since at your mum's place, shd be ok right? At most if need be, u can still rush back to latch Ashley on.
BTW, any mummy noticed your baby suddenly v cranky, wana play w things, won't sit still, mus grab smthg or play w something?
Or else start putting things into their mouth?

Mine is like hyper active, must hv smthg to amuse her or she also wun sit still.

Somemore, she keeps biting her lower lip.

Are these symptoms of teething??
hi mommies,

i am selling the 'The First Years Breastmilk Thaw & Warm Cup' for $15. i got it from the spree organised by snow74. It's brand NEW. Please PM me if you are interested.

you should go for the sale since it is just a stone throw away from your mom's place. do update your shopping loots ya.
Hey Mummies

so many posts to catch up! Hahaha...anyone went to the Fox sale liao? Was it gd and worth to go?

From Shint's post, iZzit u all going now? Lemme know k! Hehehe...
hi valnsw,

haha... i also got thought before, asking my gynae to "certify" my EDD to be 17 Aug, but dont think he will do it one lah..

keep biting her lower lip and putting things in the mouth, plus drooling are typical symptoms of teething. as for wanna to play/grab things, i believe now they are at the stage where they are recognising things and is more conscious of what's going around them.
Hi Gemini,
My edd & delivery dates are both before 17 aug.
i sent in my appeal wif gynae's letter and tonnes of justifications y i need the extra bonus..haha..but they still rejected me.

re: Fox sale & taka sale
How how? any good buys?
i'm dying to go but how to cheong wif bb?!
Hi Mommies,
Anyone using goon diapers?
My ger is using pampers S size now and i'm tinking of getting goon cos cheaper, but dunno wat size to get. Any advice? Thks!
hi mummies,
finally got time to log in, sorry too many many posts read till blur blur liao,

not sure about that but my gal symptons like your leh valnsw.
somemore my gal drop her feed from 120ml to 90ml for her 3/5 feeds. no mood drink milk, can 4-6hrs liao also not eh eh for milk leh...me worry loh.sum more yesterday got a bit like lao sai leh..3 poos, mil say could be teething cause my nieces also like tat. must monitor see got fever a not leh....

so many sales, me also want to go but got so many audits on going now...dun like year end leh.mummies going do update us on the status hor

table of bb,
neat job leh ruixuan, now can see everyone bb at one glance

me never bought any toys up till now cause all hand down by my sil..see YLN the exersaucer looks quite fun leh.the sites for loan also looks promising to me...

well my gal finally flipped once only last nite, she flipped half way grab the side of her playmat and flipped outside. luckily never bump bump her head. now put her on my bed, she can turn 360 until she is upside down...haha so funny

me will be starting around 6mths and above, mil also say dun intro so early...

mil mention according to chinese calender hor, ah gal 4mths liao leh, can eat chou liao (meaning can eat meat) thus must find one day give ah gal bit bit the chix drumstix and tau kua (mean next time will become officer woh) any mummy got practise?

2oz cubes,
know a bit late, any idea where can i get hold of some?
my girl also start flipping but half way only and she has been turning 180 degree until she is upside down...and even 360 degree. haha

my girl also like hyperactive, can kick kick kick, hand keep moving about. Want to change her diaper also very difficult, very fast she kick away the diaper liao.

Can send me the caterer webby or contact. Thanks! hehe
val & missysz
Decided to postpone the chionging to Thur.. heheh, my mum's keen to go too, but if after 5pm cannot, my mum needs to prep dinner..

See the review of Shint & the rest of the mummies makes it worth going..
aurora Dominic's fine. Started taking him to a babies group once a week. He seems to enjoy it. Such that when we go home he has his milk and then sleeps for an hour. If only everyday like this ... best then I can get on with my work in peace.

Saw your pics on fb your little Reagan seems to enjoy swimming. Too bad over here is too cold. Weather forecast expecting snow.

Krmeow my health visitor said that we should try as much as possible not to introduce solids before 20 weeks. He gave me a booklet to read about weaning when we were discussing this topic at baby clinic a few weeks ago. And the booklet said that around 6 months is the best age. Before 6 months baby's digestive system is still developing and weaning too soon may increase the risk of infections and allergies. Also if you do wean before 6 months there are certain foods that should be avoided or else it might make the baby ill or cause an allergic reaction.
shint, how much u sell yr hands free strap? gd or not?

gemini, my edd on 18 aug; gave birth on 27 jul. appeal successful. ask yr gynae to help u lah.

rei, i'm using goon. still using nb size. s very big. can get sample b4 u buy.
gemini / shirley / msapple,

thks for sharing. At least I knw my gal is not the only one!
Real headache. Now she's playing w her toes after bathing. Hope she keeps at it this way.

ya, wait for the other mummies to update us. I think other mths' mummies are also cheonging the sale.

Re: weaning
I knw all the PDs will recommend weaning at 6mths but I was thinking mb intro some brown rice cereal at 4mths wor...

mrs n, 6 mths = 20 or 24 wks? i plan to start solids at 6 mths also but can't figure out when 6 mths really starts. did yr health visitor advise how to plan the feeding schedule? i hope to start with iron fortified cereal 1st. which brand is gd? do i prepare it as a drink or feed 1 or 2 teaspoons of the cereal?
