(2008/08) Aug 2008

congrats celyn...

thx for ur info. =)
me going to c-sect this fri liao, now trying to rest so that can delay till fri.

that is our initial plan, but my sis (my gal's caregiver) against the idea.
just like what u said, its lunar 7th mth and they believe hospital not so 'clean'.
but i scared i'll miss her leh, she had never spend 1 single nite w/o me before lor. =P
dun lah, its better to have hb with u.
c-sect need to be very careful lor, especially when u 1st get down of the bed....its gonna be giddy u noe?
Celyn. cocomo: congratulations on your delivery!

Krex78: thanks for the rates on your massage lady.

Kel: Yes, so many different ways of massage so I also choose until cannot make up my mind. Feel like taking on 2 different massage ladies to benefit from each type
i just cannot get use to my hb's laptop, think the letter "n" keep missing when i type too fast.
pardon me if there is some spelling mistake hor.
my laptop can't make it liao, going to re-engineer it during my cofinement time. =P
I think you are right and now I feel I did a good thing by not delivering in 35 weeks.

Going for doctors appointment now. Would update after I come back. I pray that everything is normal and Dr doesnt utter the word "Induce".
i noe...my first was c-sec also..and tt time glen E no more 1 bedded and they chase my hb home..and i got depression..but tis time was thinking sigh...my gal will miss us and i scare she think how come bro, daddy and mummi together..she alone with my mum...
U'd better take care! if u try to eat a bit lesser, would it help?

my tummy has been feeling kinda queer since tis morn, and i'm abit cranky too.
Today oredie poo-ed 3 times, and now abit backache wif mild tummy pain & tightening. dunno if labour is imminent..
anyway, had jus taken a quick shower and standing by now.. :p

btw if bb born today, then good cos 688 (in chinese) sounds auspicious.
but if tomorrow 788 (in chinese) not so nice wor, and quite 'dui' oso, cos shy of 1 day, could have been a 888 baby!!
huh? how come they so cruel?

exactly, i scared my gal will feel very sad also.
cos she had been waking up looking for me during mid nite the past 2 wks.
u still have a choice, my case is my sis against the idea so i bo bian lor. =(
gonna miss her, 4days w/o her u noe?
all 4 days...she coming to visit u during day right?

my gal tt day say...what if di di cry so loud that she cannot sleep..walao..my hb and i look at one another..we neber even mention about this point before...so we told her..get used to it lor

ya....even though i was staying at 2 bedded, the next bed was empty and we had asked for 1 bedded but they were full...so wasnt realli our fault..

btw..how much we pay for hb to stay har? got to pay extra right?
yah, i read somewhere b4 tt before labour, u will poo more often and also ur poo is those soft soft kind (almost like diarrhoea). I used to have constipation, but pooed more often 1 week before i went into labour. The morning when i had 'show' and contractions, i also had diarrhoea.
congrats to all the mommies who have popped!

cocomo: Thanks for sharing the birth story..I thought epi c-sec is very scary..hehe..i might go for epi c-sec too. Can our hubby go in with us?

My bb is super super active.. I keep feeling my tummy like mount fuji..Left...Right..Boxing, kicking, jumping..Buey tahan!! Hope he is not hyperactive when he comes out.. :x
Halo Mommies!

Congrats Cocomo, Mousse, Interrace & Celyn!

My gal drinks and sleeps most of the time…at night wakes up twice for milk but luckily she will fall asleep after drinking…hope she can cut down another night feed…heehee

Excited over seeing your princess in 2 days’ time? Anyone popping on 0808?

Now still ok coz bb is still drinking and sleeping so can spend more time with #1…think when older will be more headache…hahaha…my hb said he is more prepared this time than 1st pregnancy… :p

Your gal stayed awake at night? Even after feeds?

Your bb okay already?

Twin Stars,
Dun be stressed up ok?

Dun be sad that you may need to go c-section ok? Most imptly is health of bb…I almost wana gave up after a long labour liao but glad my gynae preserved and let me wait coz bb’s heartbeat is ok…

Massage – My massage lady charges $280 for 7 sessions and tmr is my last session already and tummy has gone down a lot and the massage lady said no need to extend more sessions liao…

I went to buy a Mango jeans and a top during the sale and I’m so happy I can fit into them when I tried just now! :p
thanks for the info. Will look out for the signs of frequent poo. Usually I constipate now. Shit once in 2 days.

Congrats!! Same bdae as my younger bro. Very nice boy. But he so poorthing, celebrate his 21st in camp.
6th aug is a very gd date I would say.

so you decided to use 2 massage lady? The one my friend recommends uses clarins. Per session is $55 or $60. My fren went back to pre-prgnancy size by her baby's man yue. But she's those slim slim type lar, though she gained 15kg during pregnancy. I cham already lor, up till now gain 23kg. I need to do at least 10times massage I guess. Hai
Your rates quite gd. Can share more about your massage session? Uses tradional oil? Got give jamu? Bind for you?? Around how long is 1 session? Can share her name / contact?
Thanks for your concern. My boy is fine now. jaundice level went down to 7. Will be sunning him religiously to make sure he doesn't go back to 'jail'.
M2B: wow ur massage lady charge quite cheap.. I was quoted $400 for a 7 Day massage + 4 day for bb... HMM...

Looks like moms who went thru natural delivery is easier to slim down than moms who do c-sec?? Cos c-sec can only do massage 1 month later??? Haiz.. i already gained 16kg so far..xianz...
Congrats to Yuuri, Mulberry, Huichin, Cocomo, Mousse, Interrace & Celynlee...

Me still persisting on TBF despite my mum's daily comments that my milk not enough for my baby as she still cries for milk every 2 hours & that she doesn't seem to put on weight... have tried to pump out my milk & saw some gradual increase in the volume after taking fenugreek... at week 3, my EBM is about 80ml... how abt the rest of the mummies here?? if latch on, she takes abt 45mins or more to finish... after burping & cleaning up only got 1 hour to rest then she demands for more milk...

thinking of ordering fenugreek, milk bags & desitin from drugstore.com.. esp the fenugreek, cost me S$29.50 for 100 capsules locally but is only usd10+ for 200 capsules, after shipping, shld be ard S$20 ba... me taking 9 capsules per day so very fast depleting... anybody interested to ride on my order? can let me know by tomo night? collection via post or at my house near serangoon mrt...

how abt ameda pump parts, anybody interested? any recommedations on which website is more reliable?

can share yr massage contacts? do u happen to know if she is gd for c-section mummies?
*pants* So terribly busy, will try to catch up with all the flurry of activity going on here!!


*congrats* Looks like many mummies will be very gan dong after they deliver & hear the 1st cries..


*congrats* It's so rare for bb & daddy/mummy to share the same bday!! Ur bb is prob daddy's best bday pressie!


*congrats* Ur labour's really chopchop! Take care & enjoy mummyhood

aurora & ReiRei

I also seem to be poopoo-ing more.. Then when HB checked against this local book on pregnancy, he says by right shd be constipation.. But looks like ur experiences seem to indicate tt maybe D day is coming right up for me...


*whistles* Ur success in slimming & being able to fit into jeans wld certainly be for me to emulate!
I want to fit into my old clothes asap.. *hahah*
Yes, Epi C-section can go in but not sure when.
My hubby went in last round but hor, they were so fast that after he changed, he waited out the OT and dunno which one I was in.
He was only brought in after baby came out, like in 5-10 mins after they started C-secting me ...hehe.
I was busy thinking like, where is hubby? baby come out oredi still no sign of him ... hence, no time to think about the cutting part ;)

Epi C-sect is not scary at all la. Can hear the gynae talking to the others about their trip, etc.
Maybe they try to distract us .... can share their story .. perhaps it's a rehearsed one .. hee.

Don't worry, you will see your #1 everyday when he visits rite? only at nite when he sleeps then u wun, afterall he sleeps liao. He prob can sleep better at home than in hospital rite? and u also need the rest to take care of #2. At least, they can still bring him to see u in hospital in the day.

For me, I had just sent my #1 to my MIL place and already missing him. Called him and he is so cute over the phone .... My MIL say dun talk to him lest he misses me ... so angry. I told her he is ok one so i spoke to him for a while - dunno what she trying to do. Then next, I heard her wanting to give him raisins but he has a cough and she kept asking him to put down the phone ... so irritating. I keep telling my son to pass the phone to her.

I dunno if i can tahan 2 weeks and maybe longer cos baby gonna be out and #1 is at his recovering stage.
He's gonna miss the most special moment which I had prepared him for ... even taught him to say "Welcome baby", make balloons, buy a cake to welcome his didi.

House feels so empty without him .... and it's only 2 hours he's away. Guess I have to pretend he is in school.
Gonna call often to spot check and make sure my MIL dun "poison" him.

On the other hand, my hubby's so happy ... immediately suggested bringing me out for nice dinner tonite he says, since baby not at home.
He's glad cos son had become first priority to me and maybe he feels neglected. *Oops.
Shall have a good time out tonite - relieve the stress and give him some attention before #2 comes out and he gets lesser.
Wasted I just ordered the Ameda Cool N Carry Milk Storage Tote from Amazon. But I'm still interesed in getting replacement valves from Ameda.
As for Fenugreek, is it really effective? I heard there are side effects, but can't remember what. Right now, just over 1 week and I average 50-70ml per pump. My boy's still taking about 55-60ml per feed, so still can cope. But scared when he go up to 120ml, I cannot give enough.

Jia you with TBF hor!

Anyone interested in getting Desitin Creamy? I ordered extra! $10.30 total plus shipping from US. Can ask Hb to meet up at Far East Plaza, Upp BKT or actual normal postage.
how much the milkbags fm drugstore? i'm trying to join a spree tat has lansinoh milk bags at $20.99 for 4 packs of 25.
i dun mind the fenugreek as well, juz to add on. btw, r u ladies who r now breastfeeding drinking tea tat promotes lactation?
Hmm...contraceptive effect, does it come along with weight gain? :p Just checked, and I'm back to pre-preg weight...but lookswise, still fat fat. Tummy still flab flab!

Got what tea to promote lactation? I'm interested!!
Where do you live or rather where's the collection point if were to join the spree?

I'm kinda interested to get the replacement valves from Ameda and First Teeth Toothpaste.

Was looking at the links, which is the link for the Ameda replacement valves? Sorry me blurr...

Re: First Teeth toothpaste and Desitin cream
Any mummies can advise how many tubes to get? I've 2 tubes of the First Teeth toothpaste and 1 tube of Desitin cream (fresh scent) with 1 tube of Drapolene. Thinking is this enough? Or should I stock up? TIA
Just realised the milkbags are 6oz each! Must fill up 6oz in one pump?? Is that physically possible? haha

I found the Ameda replacement valves in amedaonline.com
only US$2.95 per pc as compared to getting locally!
My massage lady is Mdm Zu and per session is about 1 hour…she uses some oil (dun know what) but nice smell 1…yap, she bind for me and asked me to get a corsette to be used together with the binding…tmr is my last session liao…

Her contact nos is 98804301.

Glad that your boy is ok now…dun know how they measured the jaundice level 1…coz my gal’s PD said my gal’s is 150 and thus is very mild…can don’t need sun as it will go down gradually…

No lah, I bought it before I pop…heehee, but I did went out like for my #1’s class, submit details for calculation of #2’s name…

You mean she wana be carried throughout the night? My #1 used to be like that in her 1st month…will wana be carried from 11pm to 4am…so tiring man…but we tried wiping her and keeping her awake in the evening onwards and the condition improves abit…

The massage lady contact is 98804301, yup, she does c-section too and she said c-section can starts after 3 weeks…

I’m interested in the First Teeth Toothpaste.

Hisstory and Mousse,
Guess what, hb and I shared same birthday and year too and I dun like it coz dun feel special anymore…

I haven’t tried my pre-preggie pants or jeans though…hope they will fit in time to come…dun dare to try coz only 9 days after delivery…dun wana be so ambitious…heehee

Have a great time with your hb while #1 is not ard and #2 not out yet. =P
I am eyeing this item, anyone used it before or is using it now?

Flexishield Areola Stimulator
The Flexishield Areola Stimulator by Ameda is a comfortable, flexible insert that fits the Ameda breast shield and provides increased stimulation to the areola area. It closely mimics the feel of a baby feeding and helps stimulate letdown. It also reduces shield size for more effectiveness with smaller breasts.

Oops, so much for missing my son ... now i have time to check out on spree.
dun need to fill 6 oz lah...u so furni..i dun think i have so much also...heehee...u just fill up to what ever amount u pump each session lor...and then freeze..maybe some mummies have so much mah..so i guess its better to have more space than less..
i also just joined a spree to buy the milk bags..but dongle..im interested to join u in getting the fenugreek...
Hello All,

Good news! Doctor asked me to stop the orange pills for contraction. She said my pain threshold is very high and I need to go to hospital only if my water breaks or the pain is 3 times of now. No need to go hospital even if bleeding is there.

I am still at 1 cm dilation so guess baby would complete atleast 37 weeks before coming. Very happy for today :D

Contraceptive and also helps lose weight if taken first thing in morning.
Good to hear that

I am still in my 37 week and gotta tong another 2 weeks cos now i surely wun want my baby to come out ..... too much germs at home liaoz.

Hoping he comes out on the planned C-sect date and then with the few days in the hospital, my #1 has fully recovered and we all can "reunite" for the celebration.
Hi Dongle,

Great that you are keeping up with the bf efforts. I know it's not easy, good job! I stay near Kovan mrt so you are just 1 station away from me :) Do you know that Dr Ang be on leave from 080808 to 100808 for a family fishing trip in Bintin, good thing that you have delivered. Think we should meet up one of these days after my confinement at my mum's place cos Dr Ang cannot imagine that we can be friends without meeting each other so she does not like to talk much about you.

M2B: Can share your massage lady's contact? I am just comparing some of them before deciding engaging their services.

Kel: Yes, I am thinking of hiring 2 different types of massage ladies. Cos jamu also good, clarins also good...hee!!
Shint, Nini,
For my c-section via epi, HB only allowed in after all the preparations done e.g. epidural done... he say he din really witness the cutting of my tummy cos the place where he is seated, the view kena blocked by my gynae body... he is able to see all the action like many pple including the anaethesist pushing my tummy... the moment my baby got out, he was asked to go over to the baby cleaning table to look at her... after cleaning her, my baby was put on my chest for me to see, then my HB was asked to wheel her to the nursery for further cleaning etc... then i was left alone again for the aftermath... actually the scary part is the preparation part when i duno what to expect & my HB not with me... after that, everything happens so fast & before you know it... you are done... the lightening part is that my anaethesist is quite good... Dr Chiu... he likes to chat & his skills are very good... near painless...

drugstore website is www.drugstore.com, their lansinoh bags more ex at uss6+... the other website for ameda pumps also got the us20.99 4X lansinoh bags

if you getting this, then i might get the ameda pump spares from http://www.breastisbest.com
im also ordering the cheap playtex liners

regarding the tea, i dont mind trying too... hehe...

just PM me yr order after u consider ok? i used the medela nipple cream instead of the lansinoh one so i cant comment..

i heard some mummies actually mix a few pumps together & freeze them, but the date will have to indicate the earliest ones...

im staying near to serangoon mrt...

thanks for the massage contact... can PM me yr order?

just PM me yr order after u consider...

other mummies who r interested in the 2 websites below, pls PM me yr order by tomo night... will do the consolidation tomo night & order latest by this weekend cos need my fenugreek fast fast...

Hehe I thought people can fill 6oz then I really very laoya! But if fill a little freeze, take out fill somemore...then wouldn't germs/bacteria get in? And also the 6mths validity of frozen milk would be counted from when? Dunno why I'm thinking of frozen milk when I can barely gao dim daily feed.
So I gather you are hving a spree for drugstore.com and breastisbest.com?
Whereabouts does your hubby work? Cos I was thinking if your hubby works around Suntec area, maybe I can get my hubby to collect from your hubby.

Is there any cap on the total purchase amount you are going to accept for each spree?

I'm interested in getting some things from drugstore.com. Thanks. Will get back to you ASAP.

I saw the amedaonline.com site, saw the valves you are talking about.
But I can't find the product in the breastisbest.com website that YLN is going to hv a spree.

no no...everytime u pump, u use one bag...cannot re use and fill in ur second pump...when u want to use the milk then u take out of freezer..then by then see how much ur bb needs to drink and thaw the amount lor...cannot pour into the pack that u have filled ur BM before..
thats y im only thinking of using the milk bag in the 2nd month or 3rd month..when my milk ss is more , to store when i go back to work...now milk ss not enuff lah to store...

this is the spree i joined for the milk bags..but havent got a reply yet..
