(2008/08) Aug 2008

Any news fr interrace?

Hows everyone? me still trying to cope as my gal she sleeps in the day & awake at night... so tiring....

snow74 and valnsw,
i'm back from kk. i'm 1 cm dliated but got irregular contractions. gynae say i can choose to induce now or wait. we choose to wait for baby to come naturally. so its more waiting now. hehehe....

your baby is cute.

celynlee, so got chAnce for 080808
Those who has not delivered, gotta enjoy our last few weeks, days of freedom. It's true that now the baby is under our control .... but once they are out, we are under their control ... hahha. Say bye bye to freedom.

Now still can sleep at our own fancy ... go out, shopping, watch movie ..... once they come out, we will become a COW during confinement ;)

So let's enjoy our freedom while we can.
I think i shld be safe cos I've had chicken pox before. *Phew. Just checked on the net.
Anyway, for those who had not had before, better stay away from those who is infectious (initial stage or recovering).
maybe loh. but my lower back is aching badly, hubby say its a sign. i'm going to eat sushi tei tonight. haha....

yah, must try to enjoy now.
Alot of mommies are now waiting for natural and not induce. Sounds good cos if baby decides to come out, it's the best. Unless there's risk to the mother and baby, then induce or c-sect.

Let's think of the positive side and don't complain when the baby's out .. when we'll have vv little rest.

I need to find out how to use it ... haven/t even open it up yet.
Dun give urself too much stress when bf. My bb also demand feeding every hourly or 1 and a half hourly during a certain period in a day. My mil will also keep saying, bb hungry easily, is it my bm not enuff for him lah, or bm not filling lah, blah blah blah... i just told her it's bb who is notti, drink little every time then gets hungry quickly. I do supplement with FM during this period cos i feel my supply might not replenish fast enuff especially by the 3rd feed. Also, my bb is underweight, so my PD did suggest to supplement with 1-2 FM feeds per day. So dun feel so bad tt we hv to give FM at times k? As long as we are still bf our bb, they will still get the best nutrients from us. Meanwhile, relax and im sure ss will increase gradually.

helium balloon - think i saw some helium balloons at this shop opp delifrance at TMC. They shd hv the helium gas cylinder.

can we introduce pacifier to newborns? think my bb also using my nipples as pacifier sometimes. just suckle for a few minutes then fall asleep.

dun get too upset over wat ur mother said. I sure she felt guilty too. Maybe she's also stressed tt ur bb's coming soon n she's trying to settle everything. All parents love their children.

maybe u can try to entertain ur girl during the day so tt she'll be more tired at night? My PD said it's normal for newborns to be more active at night. Can try switching off/ dimming the lights.
Haiz my bb got readmitted to hospital yesterday due to jaundice level 18. When I heard have to leave him in hospital, my tears started to roll sia! So loser! But secretly, I am guilty of being able to enjoy a good rest! This morning jaundice level still high-- 12. So I'll only get him back tomorrow.

Today went to remove stitches, and my doc v funny. Tell me coke is very nice, quickly run opposite and get a can! HB say the stitches cannot see liao but I think he's bluffing me cos' I refuse to look into the mirror!

Your bb very cute!
Now my bb in hospital, so I just let them feed FM. As long as I don't see, then I won't feel so bad. So meanwhile yesterday and today pumping more so when he come back, I can totally feed EBM

Ameda pump is v easy to use. Which part do you need help in? I find the pumpin' pal set of super shields and handsfree SUPER useful! Can lean back and read a magazine while pumping away!
i give u the PD's contact when hubby comes back k, cos i dun have it with me.

celynlee, reirei,
u girls have the chance to aim for 08 or national day bb :p

yr prince is so charming, hehe
( dun look underweight lei )
since our baby is born same day, month n year.....hubby say it;s very rare, must keep in contact!
r u on msn?
i PM u my contact later

my supply is declining.....dunno is it i;m stressed with CL n have been crying on n off this 2 wks

now i keep minimum contact with CL n never go n see what she does liao. jus now i stroke my dog until i cry. my dog miss me so much n i can;tcarry her
2 of us like some lost souls waiting to reunite
venus, sorry i'm not very sure leh. it's some kind of grease that you use to lubricate joints like squeaky doors, etc. not sure if it's WD40. it won't contaminate milk as it's on the exterior. just have to find the part that is causing the squeak and apply there. make sure it's not applied inside the milk bottle or where there's contact with milk.

fae, my weight loss very slow now. jamu massage showing slight results each day. i can't really see it but my hubby says it helps with tummy and my hips have become a bit smaller. hopefully on my last session, i will regain my pre-preggie figure!
dont feel bad.. parents sometimes drive us crazy. there were a few instances when my mom also drove me up the wall ... but after a few days then she's ok. same thing every day during dinner she will complain abt the maid, but yet she say dont change.. i also nothing to say.. haha. (same like u we also living with my mom so I understand how you feel .. but when bb was born, my mom really dote on her alot .. )

i totally agree with u .. cant even take a shower in peace. Thot she sleep already then take a quick shower, havent towel dry myself she wake up already .. haha. but i cherish all these moments with her

re: pacifier
my girl also suckles on my nipple to sleep.. i read somewhere it's like a form of comfort/reassurance to them to do that. That day i really no choice and gave her the pacifier to suckle abit then i take away.. or i give her if i need to just go make the milk to stop her from crying .. but she dont take it if that is the case, she will only take the pacifier if she wants to suckle something to sleep. so sometimes no choice i give for a short while.
twin, dun think too much. my CL also does things her way but i think ultimately, she knows best. i realise she's feeding him a lot to prevent him from jaundice and he's getting better by the day. more alert now. my bb can't latch on but i'm not giving up on BM so i still pump lor, and let CL supplement with formula milk. she also use pacifier on him. maybe i'll get rid of all these bad habits when she leaves but meanwhile, i really do need her help to get my sanity back. at least i get to rest at night and take afternoon naps. w/o my CL, i will be at a total loss.
Hee..welcome welcome..join me & valnsw in the waiting game!

ur bb seems to be waving 'hi' to us! hee..

btw his features r quite distinctive..can tell who he resembles? u or hb?
Just back from gynae for my 38th week checkup. Hmm..Although baby head is down (but not that down)but not engaged yet, my gynae says its quite surprising cos it SHOULD be engaged already. Checked his head circumference and its ok, normal. So "suspect" i have a small pelvic!? I m pretty big frame, so gynae quite surprised my pelvic is small... So, she say if baby head is not engaged by next week - i will have to do c-sec..

For mommies who does c-sec, is it true u can only do it twice? And c-sec very painful? Can we be awake to witness the birth of bb? Sorry i m totally unprepared cos i was expected natural delivery...but if lets say bb head is engaged, i can TRY but gynae thinks my labour will be quite long n 'dificult' due to my small pelvic.

Sigh..xianz... All the past few months of walking so much mean nothing also.
aurora / catherine,
thanks for listening. I knw it's just my mum ranting and shd ignore but haiz.. it's tough when she goes on and on... yday I had to listen to my parents' minor argument. sianz.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to bb's arrival, think at least my parents will be happy once they see the bundle of joy.

reirei / celyn,
ya now waiting and more waiting. hubby asked me if got pain or not. I said so far no leh, except this morning 3+am got crampiness again, when I think I also woke him up.

Think let baby come out herself, but the crampiness is sometimes quite uncomfortable to bear.

little twin stars,
don't get too upset over your CL. Can get your MIL to handle her? Keep pumping to stimulate your supply. Jia you!
Congrats on your baby!
Do update us when you log in!

perhaps you can play by ear? As in, by next week, if bb is not yet engaged, better do C-sect. Else if natural cannot, end up emergency C-sect, I think you will feel even worse.
At least your gynae gave you some options, you can be mentally prepared.

As for going for natural if your bb is engaged, if your gynae is confident enough to do so, I guess it's how much you trust your gynae's ability. Since you mentioned you have small pelvis.
All the best and wishing a smooth and quick labour!!

My gynae avoids doing it as she says it may disturb the membranes and other thing I had dialted 1 cm on 27th jul itself. Bracing myself up for this wednesday visit. Hopefully she wont ask me to get admited.

Please take rest. You know atleast 2 weeks before I went into preterm labour, my body was telling me to take rest and be at home. But I have to go to office and also visit client places and at the end I had to be admitted into hospital and go through so much of pain and monitoring.My problem was I didnt have mcs (only 5 per year) but now I am on Hospitalization leave but still working from home

Please take rest and listen to your body.

How are you feeling now?

Your baby is so sweet and content looking!

congratulations! Waiting for pics and story
valnsw: Ya..i guess so, thats the only choice i have now. My gynae do VE for me every checkup, not open yet.. so really envy u all the cervix started to open up liao.
Back aching ah..tink u will hafto Q in front of me & Valnsw..haha..ur turn shld be pretty sooon!

Thanks! Dun be too worried..i'm sure u are in ur gynae's good hands!
dont worry too much. their hearts will melt after they see baby ..and they fuss more over her than I do. hahaa.. then they become like bee like that hovering all over you for a piece of baby. then u have another set of headache with them

for csec my gynae say 3 times. i wont say it's not painful. But i manage to get off the bed on 2nd day. painful but still manageable. 3rd day onwards is much better. in fact they were all surprised see me walking around on 3rd day. but the wound takes time to heal, can only do massage 2 mths later. then now the wound and tummy area feels numb. gynae said cos of the nerves. anyway then for next 2 mths not suppose to do strainous exercise or hsework (good excuse). hahaha. oh BTW mine was csec by GA. if you do csec via epi then you can witness the birth of baby.
One tip. I had placed a chair in the shower room so I can sit on it while I bathe ... vv useful for one who has a super big tummy! Very shoik leh but be careful oso la.
That day I sit on the toilet bowl in the middle of the nite and almost fell off cos I sat on the side. Tummy to big liao, cannot balance.

Pacifier. I gave to my #1 on day 1 or 2 after he returns from the hospital cos got no choice, staying at some relative place and they have vv old pple there. Dun wan to disturb them.

I think pacifier is ok, i bought so many to standby liao ... hahaa. I manage to wean my son off when he was like 1 year old.

Hee, me haven't open the pack yet .. gonna try soon. Will PM u if i need any help

ReiRei, History,
That heartless hubby of my ex-boss? He's a man la and said he understand having children since he has 3 and ok for me to work from home if I get pregnant, that's why I quit to join him. I even "fought" with my hubby regarding taking up that offer. In the end, my hubby was right - Why would a one man show company willing to pay my maternity leave for 12 weeks? anyway, it was the most stressful period of my life and I had to live with it. Perhaps my #1 will also be vv strong too ... heee.

Anyway, if u are confirmed and with the company more than 180 days, you are entitled to your maternity leave if u dun quit la. But sometimes they vv mean, they make things so difficult for u to force u to resign.

MNCs at least can go and complain and bring up to higher management, depends on politics. But one man show, he is the boss ma, so what he says that's it.
Tips for Ameda pump I got from the supplier

1. Run on the base for 5-10mins first before attaching the pumps, etc ..... low power.

2. Valve - try not to pull out from the tip - most sensitive part. No need to sterilise it every time, just take out from the top & soak in hot water, to discharge out the excess milk from the valve. Don't run on tap water - the bottom part will open up. Use hot water to rinse and wash it. Can add baby detergent but wash it again after that.

Early morning, sterilise it once, and next time use hot water.

Try not to use tablets.

The more u sterilise the more it wears out.

Your valve spoilt is it?
Who did you call regarding the instructions? Think I remembered you got it from somewhere else, not Mumsfairy.

So means the valve no need to clean so vigorously. According to your instructions, that means can dump into the electric steriliser ya?

I think it was YLN's Ameda pump valve that got spoilt.

think I will check with you on how to use the hands-free thingy. It looks weird to me, wondering how to use.

celyn / reirei,
I just went to the toilet.... AGAIN!!! Wa piangs, it's my 3rd time going to poo today. Duno isit the body system digesting too well or what...
I think i could have ignored going to toilet, but felt if I don't, later will feel v uncomfy like got things accumulate there. Arrggghhh....
Everytime I go poo, bb will have lots of movements. Duno if she's uncomfortable that's why...

ya, maybe later my parents will love my baby so much, end up later my parents may quarrel amongst themselves how to do certain things w the bb. I've seen how sometimes my MIL scolded my FIL over the way he handles my hubby's nephew :p
my lower back is still aching so badly that i can't even take a nap. the moment i doze off, i can feel the ache coming. sigh....

i think so. the backache is sort of killing me already. i don't know if i regret coming back to wait or should have induce just now.
Catherine: Thanks for the advice! I heard GA is more painful than epi... Why did u choose c-sec huh? Since its 'said' to be more painful than natural..

valnsw: I heard that when ur bb is coming out soon, u will experience like keep wanting to poo/pee..maybe u shld start monitor for any contractions liao.

ceylnlee: all the best for ur delivery! ;)
Looks like you would be heading to hospital soon. Take care n rest well.

Is Hospitalization leave considered part of maternity leave?

Does anyone have an idea on above.
<font color="0000ff">shint</font>, really? he had so many patterns? that doesn't sound like him leh. or maybe i was too bo chap also and didn't question much? hmm. my next appointment is on 080808. ha! so guess wun be able to deliver on 080808. so u confirm wun be using him to deliver anymore? u never contracted chicken pox before? then u have to be careful. hope ur boy is better.

<font color="0000ff">reirei</font>, i have signed up already. but as i am existing client and using the SBI discount, i cannot use the voucher. i got both ur emails. haven't mail out yet. anyone else needs the voucher?

<font color="0000ff">aurora</font>, thanks abt the balloons info! ur baby is so cute and alert!

<font color="0000ff">krex</font>, wd40? really? it works? i must go and analyse the pump first. thanks! from ur descriptions, u really losing weight fast! how many sessions of massage u doing?

<font color="0000ff">catherine</font>, ur gynae say will have keloid is it? yes, i heard there's a type of patch u can paste over to prevent or reduce it. can buy in normal pharmacy also.

<font color="0000ff">valnsw</font>, i oso keep pooing! buay tahan leh. ur bro is so nice. bother to call long distance back to console u.

<font color="aa00aa">re: bathing</font>
having problem soaping my legs. sometimes i even have to bathe #1 when i'm alone, we will bathe together. i feel so off balance when i hv to bend down to soap my kid.
I got it from TMC. The service centre is Infantree Pte Ltd, even mumsfairy oso send it back to them for servicing.

The guy said the valve need to sterilise it once a day can liao, the rest of the time can just use hot water. Sterlise too many times will spoil it.

Btw, i think i wanna get the handsfree, etc plus extra valves. Think Mumsfairy delivers >$100 rite?

Me gonna open it up tonite or in the next few days .... cos now oso kenna BAD backache.

Anyway, I am using the Tiger balm (white one) to rub on it ... every nite .... now i have to use it in the day so many times oso.
My ache only on the rite side.

I'm glad Tiger Balm exists, no need to rub too hard, just apply and then when it warms up... vv shoik!

Who going to see Dr W today? I prob go and see him to get MC to rest ... back killing me too and the frequent nite peeing.
it depends on your company. for me, maternity leave start when i'm due. if before i take hl, its still hl.

yah, you are right. i think i will go to hospital soon. dont think can tahan the aching till tomorrow.
Think he dun like me ... hahaha.
I still seeing him for regular checks on baby ok, water bag ok, the normal scan and prob get a few MC from him la.
So far the MCs he offered me I never utilise them cos i have work to do. Now ok, so wan to get some to rest.
abodominal binder for c-sec? I got it from Guardian Pharmacy at GlenE when deliver there. You can check with nurses where to get for your convenient.
I am glad I have started my 37th week, so if baby wants to come out this week, then I bobian but not premature ... i'm still ok.
Now hoping he'll cooperate and stay longer .... furthermore, dunno if my #1 has chicken pox, gotta monitor and see if more rashes or even if blisters appears. Keeping fingers crossed.

Since I've had my chicken pox before and it's supposingly safe, now my hubby says he wants to segregate himself instead at his parents place cos he never got it before, and if he gets it, then cannot take care of me. Now I am left with maid and #1 at home to monitor if #1 really gets chicken pox.

Heheh, must cross fingers &amp; toes tt ur next employer wld be less niao man.. And tt ur direct boss wld be a nice &amp; nurturing person


Ur boy's really cute! He has such pretty eyes *winks*


*hugs* Maybe ur mum's having a bad day too.. Is ur mum going to help u supervise ur maid in taking care of bb? If she's going to be the main caregiver, then must give &amp; take more k? Dun get too affected now.. Prob when bb arrives, everything will change


So exciting!! Ur turn's coming right up!


Do C-section can only do 2x ah? My fren's mum delivered to her 3 gers all by c-section leh.. And tt was 20+ years ago...

I think can stay awake during C-section, via Epi &amp; not GA..

Which hospital are u delivering in? My colleague delivered at Mt A (so am I) and she says can ask the nurse to gauge the size u need &amp; get fr the pharmacy.. She says it's really gd coz it was only 4 weeks after delivery tt she started her post-natal massage, and the masseuse says she was in gd condition becoz of the binder..

you may want to check the back of your #1. usually for chicken pox the spread is from back to chest. Torso portion.
annlee: thanks!

hisstory: im delivering at TMC.. I just did my homework, c-sec via epi is not really that painful and u can get to witness the birth of baby. But its for the strong hearted cos some may get scared at the lightings n sounds in the operating threatre.. For GA, its completely KO..hehe but compare epi n GA, epi heals faster..
Can do more than 3x la ... my fren is going for her 3rd C-sect end of the year and the gynae says can go for 4th one oso. Fren oso said she knew of someone who did 5 C-sect before.

Fren said that for C-sect, if u do it twice then not recommended to do natural for 3rd one liao cos scared the wound might erupt.

He has some small spots on his back and buttocks oredi but like rashes kind, no blisters kind yet. Think i take MC for myself so i can bring him to doc tomorrow.
ya, let the bb choose her own birth date if possible lor.

be strong and dun think too much okie?
bb will be alrite. =)

twin stars
dun need to be stress over breastmilk leh, there is nothing wrong about not enough breastmilk.
ur cl might be feeding ur bb fm cos dun want her to ganna jaundice or gastric problem, dun think too much.

think its coming....hee hee....enjoy ur sushi tei tonite ya!?!? =D

both way of c-sect are equally painful, cos its the incision that is painful mah.
but do remember to try to walk abit the moment they remove all those tube, its really helps in recovery.
like what catherine said, i remember i can walk around w/o help on 3rd day liao also.
but we planned to stop at #2, so got maternity benefits or not in my next job might not affect so much liao lor.
unless "accident"...ha ha.... =D
the pacifier was a freebie from pigeon. I didn't intend to buy any.. hahha.. my mom dont want me to use cos she say it's no good for bb.. hubby will ask to use if she's keeping him awake. haha.

you are right abt that also. my aunty always scold my uncle when he tries to reprimand my nephew and everyone in the family feels my aunt spoil him ..

is GA more painful than epi ? my gynae said not really lei. she said in fact recovery is faster for GA cos in epi case ur legs numb so may not be able to get out of bed so soon.. i chose csec cos i didnt want to go natural, and i dont really think it's more painful than natural .. maybe recovery process is longer but i dont think less painful.. hahaa.

the abdominal binder can get from hospital or your gynae or even pharmachy. i got 1 from medela, then my gynae there also got one. if u may be having csec then ask ur gynae for it, cos theirs is better and more suitable for post-operation. very comfy.

ya keloid. the patch damn ex lo 1 pc 50+. hope it really works man.
Krex: How long is each of your massage session? 1 hour or 1.5 hour and for how many sessions did you book? The usual quote is 7 sessions at $60 each at 1.5 hours.
Hi mummies,
Haven been posting for sometime. Went office to clear some stuffs. Office shifting so gotta pack some stuffs &amp; bring them home 1st.

baby so cute!! know how to pose for camera lor.

confinement cannot cry &amp; cry 1. Try to relax k. Speak to your hb, you'll feel better. As for breast milk supply, are you getting enough fluid? worst come to worst get supplements from doc's clinic or fenugreek lor. Cheer up k

I'm waiting for the national day rally. Hopefully will have new implemented baby bonus scheme that will benefit all of us here. Like lower maid levy for family with kids, extra baby bonus $$..
hi hi mummies!

i've popped on monday 4th aug after 12hrs labour.
baby kaiwei's 3.2kg and 49cm long. same birthday as his daddy! hee hee...

Kel: Heartiest congratulations! Such a beautiful coincidence as in same birthday as your hubby so he must be very happy :)

Catherine: I decided to stick to Dr Terence Tan since not a lot of difference in the charges and also because he is based in Mt A.

6 days countdown to seeing baby Amber if she is on time on the EDD.
