(2008/08) Aug 2008


yup, admitting to induce.

jia you ...u meeting ur gal in few hrs time. happy for you.

me also wor, joined my co for less than 1 yr, was still on probation when i found out i was preggie, luckily they din sack me or not confirmed me. just glad i had a good and understanding boss then.

cute lei, celynlee, u say u just follow law ..kekeke..


At least u got ur hospital bag packed liao.. I still yaya not done with tt! *ooops*

Hahah, we all follow law hor.. Wonder if the new perks for baby bonus wld apply to us anot


Aiyoh, dun think tt u 'owe' ur co. coz u joined them only this year.. By working till 7-8pm even when preggy is already remarkable.. I dun think ur boss wld dare the take the responsibility of any complications of the pregnancy too


The preadmission guide recommended us to bring button front tops/ gowns.. But I've only gotten half-button front/ gowns. Hope I wun kena nagged at

I think 2 shd be enough.. *i think* But dunno if u want to bring more bottoms, dunno if will stain with lochia anot


Wow, u can deal with uncertainty with such a positive mindset! *heheh* Must learn fr u!!
How did the false contractions feel like? I was asking gynae abt it & she said it can be like stomach cramps or it cld also be backaches.. Hmm
hahah.... of course, i didn't tell them that lah.

yah. i was hoping for the baby bonus will apply to us. i think will announce at national day rally loh.

i kaisu, hospital bag after last admission. hahah...
Cocomo, Interrace,
Good luck on ur c-sec/induction!

Oh, for me it was tightening of tummy wif -pain- on my upper and middle part of the tummy.
Reason why i said it was 'false' becos it did not get stronger nor closer in intervals.
In fact, after i got up from bed and walked abit, it somehow subsided.
i described to gynae today and she nodded, so i guess it was really false contractions loh..hee..good dat i had some rehearsals before the real ting.. :p
u need to wear their surgical gown 4 delivery, after give birth when u r mobile, u can wash up or clean up n change to PJ's cos when i didn't have enough cos i stayed so many days, they dun provide. i need to ask mil to bring 4 me

take a break if u can n rest as much as u can now cos when bb comes...........i'm more shag than i was preg

*heheh* I also hope they wld announce at National Day rally & bb will tahan till then! *hiaks*
I packed here & there only.. So busy to really sort out the stuff.. U not kiasu lah, ur HB also gan jiong mah!


Are the pains more painful than compared to menstrual cramps.. The 'rehearsal' seems like it wld be a relatively gd gauge of the real thing.. at least more mentally prepared *heheh*

twin stars

Oh.. So u're saying tt more changes of PJs wld take place after delivering yah? Will be hothot ah? Oh yah, u stayed a few more days coz of c-section.. Think I better be kiasu & bring a few more changes then

U feeling better now? Hope u're not so pek chek with ur CL now


i will get my hubby to self collect the valve cus the collection point is near my place..it dosent include postage wor...must pay $5 for local delivery..so expensive..i rather ask my hubby to collect..:p
<font color="aa00aa">Hi,

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check out www.jazzytoes.com for the designs

If u all want I can help to co-odinate…but must COD...</font>
Rei Rei

Re - Storing of cord blood

Hi , am a Mar08 mum. saw your question on which to go.. (btw i went for cordlife)..either one is okie except that one of them the way of storing is different. I felt that it is necessary to store with now so many diseases surfacing. There is only one chance and this might help your child in future(touchwood ...hope no need to use)
Thanks, will try to get fenugreek from GNC.
Good it'll help to lose weight

Having another one? Err ... prob closing shop liao.
THis is my 2nd and I doing C-section, even wan oso gotta rest long time first.

Valnsw, Nini,
I was induced for my #1. Din know the difference cos it was gynae's advice.
I checked in at midnite, got induced, slept through, next morning, at 11am, gynae break waterbag.
Then contraction started ... dilation took another 7 hours.
Tried natural but baby din "move" so ended up emergency C-section.
The waiting time ah ... from midnite till next day 6pm ... 18 hours ba.
And u pay for those hours if yours ended up C-section.

I feel dun induce since baby not ready ... that's why now i change to later date.

So Dr Lilian Lim is good? She came to see me for my #1 but in the end I never visited her cos she went on a holiday and I went to a nearby PD where I did my confinement.
Ended up my son in hospital and I had to go to polyclinic for regular check up so I did all my tests and jabs in polyclinic.
Aiyo so terrible of yr company.. Somemore yr boss is a lady, shd be more understanding rite.. Yeah some companies are lidat one.. Once they think you pregnant, you are a liability

Celyn/ Interrace
Yeah we are lucky in a way.. cos i think really got many companies discriminate pregnant women.No wonder so many ppl scared to give birth.

Yeah I will try.. : )
I can imagine the tiredness and fatigue that is coming lor.. somemore still got to deal with #1..kekeke. Dunno how man.

Yeah she is quite gentle and very patient. But her session usually quite long.. My boy seems smitten with her half of the time cos last time she baby-talks to him, he will coo and coo.
Rei Rei
I just signed up last Friday, got the collection kit and all. I made the decision to store the cord blood cos of high risk of cancer from both side of me and hb's family. Think its a very personal decision... not a must lor... The lady who came down to help me sign up was very professional and straightforward, lemme know if you want the contact.

Only downside is close to what your husband said, its commercialised. The contract got a lot of clauses. And the cord blood collection is not 100% and then harvesting the stem cells is also not a guarantee. Got different stages of refund if the above happens.

There is a annual renewal fee too - $250 a year. I am crossing fingers and toes that my gal wont need the cord blood, but I kiasu, so this is really just in case.
About Preggie sack/"force to go" during pregnancy

I was one victim too. Joined my ex-boss's hubby's one-man show company as he "head-hunted" me to go ... then i told him i gonna get married and plan for a kid immediately cos i old liaoz. He said no problem, u can even work from home.

Few months later, I really got preggie(vv fast), then when i told him (once I found out cos he's my ex-boss' hubby) .... he immediately invited me for "coffee" and asked for quotas, set achievement milestones which he cannot even meet. I was so stressed n had to live day by day, fearing tat I'd lose the job. It was terrible.

Thank God, I found another job when I was 4-5 months pregnant and the company even gave me 12 weeks maternity leave even though I was with them less than 180 days. It was definitely a blessing in disguise.

Singapore companies, especially local ones are vv cruel ... I'd not join a Singapore company again .... Govt shld do something to such companies.
i've requested 6th floor rm, but they say no guarantee 1 leh...sounds bad hor? =(
if they showed me black face, i'll cfm complain.
GlenE is a pte hospital that focus alot on their service quality, show me black face then they sure die....we dun pay so much to suffer rite?

jia you!
dun be afraid ok? =)

i think my hotmail today got problem, might only be able to see any mail u might have pm me tmr or when it is up lor.
so sorry abt it. =P
Wow, these few nights my body is like heating up. Even with air con ON, my back felt so hot. Couldn't sleep cos couldn't toss to the sides. So when reached office, very shacked liao.

EDD next week, its finally coming!!
hi mummies,
I went for my check up (I'm 38 wks) today and Dr said I must go for delivery tomorrow nite. water level not so good already.

So he'll induce me , but he said can try natural delivery. wish me luck.

to mummies who already delivered: congratulations!!
Erm..menstrual cramps to me feels like uterus tightening.
For me, contractions didn't feel like dat.
It was mere pain dat comes wif tightening of the tummy.
So painful dat i had to sit down, hold my tummy and wait for it to subside.
Hee..sorry i'm v bad at describing it. But when it comes, u'll know it, trust me.
thx. =)

actually my company is a big MNC, but yet i'm here jobless now also. =P
so, think nowadays not only s'pore company are "niao" huh?
if govt is to annouce anything that wanna encourage us to give birth to more, compulsory maternity benefits might help abit bah....

i only got two button down pyjamas wor, think should be enuff ? otherwise think will bring those t-shirt type, at most just pull up the whole pyjamas during feeding and cover the rest of body with blanket.

re: hospital bag.
till now i havent finished packing haha..still got some toiletries to dump in and maybe one or two more baby cloth diaper.
later will dump those in then can get ready to go hospital liaoz.

thanks rei rei for the jia yous.

ur first one was induced before the edd was up ? that's what i fear also..take too long to come out then in the end got to go for c-section. been telling my boi boi dun be too naughty, must come out soon, dun torture mommy and make me go through c-section in the end.

keep fingers crossed.
if ur boy boy size not too big, and position is already rite liao, dun worry about the need to c-sect lah.
jia you okie? =)

thanks! been feeling fearful abt tonite and tomolo's happening, guess is normal/common to feel ths way since is first time for me.

go luck on your induction...

re: job and being preggie
it depends on company and our imm superior ba, how they view preggie and our efficiency during this time. just hope there are more companies who will be "nicer" to preggie women.
Serena, Vern,
Thanks for the advice!
Gee, i din know it's not 100% guaranteed.
Will go do more research cos need to decide fast!

ur plight sounded like one of the victims in the newspapers! i worked in MNC oso kenna leh.

Ya she's a lady, but not married mah, and she's v v career-minded.
Plus, if i'm not around, she has to cover me mah.
So it will oni do her and the company good if they get someone else (of not bearing age) to do the job loh. wat to do?

U take care yah? Dun overstrain urself today.. All the best for tomorrow!!


heheh, maternal instincts yah?
Dun worry abt it, I am also quite bad at describing pains.. *heheh*

snow, ReiRei &amp; Shint

Wah u mean MNCs so jialat ah? My HB's in MNC but his boss has been very nice, coz he wld have to take time off to go gynae visits with me.. Are ur direct bosses female &amp; Singaporeans?


I think shd be enough.. If not u may want to ask ur mum/ ILs to drop by with more? With the aircon it shd be alright, i'm a little more worried abt staining the bottoms only..
Interrace I'm fine. My EDD is this Friday so not overdued yet. Had to go for a pregnancy assessment at the hospital last Friday as my MW wasn't sure about baby's size when I went to see her last Tuesday. Her measurements were smaller than what she expected! But there was nothing to worry about. Hospital MW said measurements were out because baby head was already quite far down the pelvis. It's already engaged so hopefully anytime soon. She did mention that if overdue for more than 12 days they will consider an induction. But its an option I can discuss with my own MW. Hopefully it won't come to that as don't really fancy an induction. Bumped into my GP on Saturday while out shopping and he also told me not to worry if baby's a little overdue.

Anyway good luck for tomorrow. Fingers crossed for you.

Also to all who will be admitting into hospital in the next few days. Good luck and hope to hear your stories soon.

Found an interesting article on the National Chidbirth Trust (NCT) website about: How late is really late?


Hee! Hee! Seems there is a valid reason why so many baby girls are coming out first!
Interrace / hashishan
Jia you!
Hope your labour process will be quick quick!

As what you said, I'm worried that induced birth later end up emergency C-sect.
Looks like have to discuss with hubby on this. He kan cheong, asked if I still feel uncomfortable or any further dilation.

so your gynae said if you can choose to induce right? So your decision is to let it be til nxt week when your EDD is due? Think the both of us sama sama situation, dilation about the same.

why do you say that if baby size is not that big and engaged, no need to worry about C-sect? Hmm... what's the definition of big then?

I think it really depends on the colleagues and boss you have. I used to work in a local bank and an MNC. My boss in the local bank was really nice lady even though she is not married, whereas in the US MNC (it's an advertising co) is not really that pro-family. So far, my ex- Finance manager quit once she knew she was pregnant and the next one has alrdy left the firm for baby-making in Melbourne.

So I think it boils down to the company and your superiors.
mulberry, huichin, congrats!!!

krex, sooooo xianmu ur rapid weight loss. dun tink i will lose weight tat fast. and ur good milk ss is great news as well!

celynlee, my aim for last day of office is in a week's time and i will be trying to tie up all loose ends at home. good for you that you have already completed ur 'last' day!

btw, did i tell u ladies that my GD test was clear? started eating my ice cream once i heard the news fm clinic...
<font color="0000ff">krex</font>, paiseh, take so long to respond. been bz the whole day.
but what did he use to lubricate? will contaminate the milk or not?

<font color="0000ff">reirei</font>, i still hv interrace's $150 voucher for cordlife. if u r interested, can send to u. unlike my #1 plan, now the new plan can up the annual fee every 5 years unless u lock the price with a long contract period. but can use baby bonus to pay.

<font color="aa00aa">re: work</font>
my boss though married also has to cover me when i not around. always show black face when she needs to cover. i understand that no one likes to cover extra work. but imagine if i take leave 3 days, as long as deadline is on 4th day, she will leave everything and expect me to finish 4 days work when i return on 4th day hor.

<font color="0000ff">interrace</font>, i hvn't even BUY the button down pjs. dun talk about packing the hospital bag. cham.

<font color="0000ff">valval</font>, it's very hot! i feel my bed radiating heat!

<font color="0000ff">shint</font>, woody asked me to induce my #1 too but i decided to wait. think i will wait for this one too if it's overdue. kind of worried that if induce will end up emer c-sect. i wrote a birthplan for #2 and plan to go through with him next appointment. hope he is receptive and willing to follow.
I had my pre-natal massage today..My malay masseur told me my bb is head up again! Last week at 37wks my scan show bb head down but not yet engaged...

Xian..i wanted a natural delivery for bb..but if really no choice, then have to do c-sec.
hi mummies,
went to check my csec wound today, gyane said it's ok no prob but she thinks that i would have a scar (dono what term she said something like those bulging ugly scar) so she told me to get this thing to tape over wound and its suppose to reduce or prevent scaring, hope it works. tummy is still looking big and gynae said can only do massage 2 mths later
meanwhile now still cannot do any strainous work or carry heavy things. She said lucky my girl small if those 3.5kg baby then I will have problem even taking care of my own baby.

Today my girl is 1 week old
so happy.

re: EBM
Must religously pump every 3 hours ah ?

there is this indian nurse that is really very nice unlike those "old timer sisters". now alot of filipino nurses around. my mom screamed at one of them cos we press the bell so long and no one came to help with changing the baby and she was wailing so loud, and it was the meconium which is so hard to clean.

twin star,
can send me the contact for the dono what lim PD pls.

PM and sms you already.
Hi mummies,

For those who are breast-feeding, keep up the good work!! I know it's not easy due to sleepless nites that's why mummies are great!

Catherine: Thanks, I have received your sms. I called the pd Dr Terence Tan referred by my gynae and was told by his nurse that his charges is about $250 to $300 so think my gynae has made a mistake.

Nini: Sorry to hear about the position of the baby, wow! your prenatal massage lady knows how to tell.
morning mummies,

with my sleepy eyes and half sleeping stage, i went to peep this morning. i think i got 'show' but i can't confirm since i can't really see well without my specs. i'm now monitoring. even with 'show' we don't need to rush to hospital right? i don't have any pain yet, so can still idle at home, hoh.
any GD mummies from kk? i have a few medisense optium machine test strips (about 5 left) and lancets left. can send it to you if you want them.
Jvenus (venus),
For #1, I went to see Dr W as I had some spotting. He checked and said, oh my water bag is low so gotta induce in the next 1-2 days. So I chose 2 days later. My son was born 1 week earlier Emergency C-section after being induced, tried natural.

Anyway, for this time, initially I wanted to C-sect on 080808 but he strongly discourages it and say I have high risk and complication. Then I found that there's actually no risk and compication as it's week 37+ but it was a popular date which he said hospital charges $800-$1000 more .. of course, this is not the case la. Hospital dun charge unless it's a specific date and time (JI CHEN) that the baby MUST come out then they charge 388. My planned date with him is week 38.

Next I found online that it's better to deliver after week 39 so wanted to change to week 39 instead of week 38, know what he said to me?
Better not delay cos scared my last C-sect wound would burst. Based on that, does that mean all women who had C-sect before can never have antoher C-sect or even natural?

I din bother to ask further cos I have backup plans to get my new gynae to C-sect me on week 39. Just asking to see what he says only. Oh, before this I also managed to book 080808 from my new gynae, no extra charges.

So I wan to deliver earlier oso cannot, later oso cannot. But well, if I am only under him then I'll listen to his advice rite cos last time first timer, everything oso sotong. Gynae knows best isn't it?

Of course, some mommies he does natural births too, etc but I guess have to just trust him and pray that u wun end up C-sect unless no choice - but make that clear to him if you want that. Prob he might try to accomodate your wish. Haha, u might want to ask him if u can deliver on 0808080 (just to see what he says?) .... * curious
Halo Everyone!
Havent been here regularly coz need to take care of Maegan and also spend time with my elder gal.

Cocomo or Vone,
Maegan is 50cm long and head is 34cm...thanks!

Congrats to all mommies who have popped!

And Jia You to those who are waiting to pop!

Now Maegan is waking up abt twice a night for milk...sometimes she will be cranky after milk but sometimes she will fall asleep straight after milk...headache man...hahaha

Maegan is 1 week old today...real happy man...hope time flies past fast man...
Yday went to see gynae to check below...gynae said all ok and can resume sex life in 2 WEEKS TIME??!! Hahaha, where got mood now...

Maegan's jaundice level is ok and will go down gradually over the next few days...relief man...

To those who are stressed over bfg, just give whatever you can, dun stressed ok? Must enjoy the time with bb, if so stressed over bfg, easy to go into post-natal depression...cheer up!
Thanks so much!
I'll pm u my address laters.
Btw, u are not signing up wif them for #2?

Yes, i will wait for it to happen naturally.
Oredie told bb dat i let her choose her own bday mah, so i dun wanna confuse her by induction loh.
My cousin's kids see dr terrance tan and she says he's very good. but his queue is really very long.. hahaha. he's too far for me but so far i'm quite happy with dr gong. Well most impt is hubby is happy cos he driving us there and he is very impatient so as long as he willing to wait then ok lo. hahah
morning ladies! =)

its a very rich but niao mnc, my direct boss is a lady with kids herself.

what i mean is that if the baby size is not too big, and bb engaged. dun worry too much about delivery method 1st.
no strict definition on size of bb, it depends on size of mommy also.

from the way u wrote, think their service quality dropped ya?
cos GlenE dun use to be like that back in yr 2005 leh. =(

think its time....hee hee....
pls monitor, and keep us updated ok?
jia you!

must be very tired now.
dono lei.. seems like those "old bird" nurses quite yaya lo. When my mom scolded the nurse for taking so long to come, she replied saying we could have just push her back to the nursery. Wah lau.. I pay so much money and then I still have to push back myself ? Somemore I had a csec lei. Told her off. I cant say whether the std drop cos this is the 1st time in my life i stayed in hospital. Some nurses are quite nice, esp the LC all very friendly and helpful. A few young malay nurses dont know how to latch on and just put baby to ur breast and say " na .. breastfeed her" .. hahaa
Hi all,
To those who are popping soon, jiayou and have a smooth delivery!

din log in these few days as I was busy with bb. Not easy man. Sometimes he wants to be fed every hourly cos he likes to take small meals! Feel tt my breastmilk not enuff to meet his demand leh. BTW, mummies who r bf, how much is ur bb taking per meal? 60ml for 1 week old bb? Another qn: before and after bf, how do you 'clean' ur nipples? A nurse told me to just swab with wet cotton wool. Is it good enuff? Cos bb has some 'pimples' ard his mouth even tho i clean his mouth after every feed.

Here's a pix of my bb

if for me, i'll also scold them and "feedback" to their management. =P
we dun pay so much to suffer there leh, just operation still gotta push bb back ourself?
yes, their service quality definitely dropped in that case.
i remember they used to smile and sponge bath me, help me up gently to brush teeth, gave me extra robe to get out of my rm w/o even need to request.
or only nurses at 6th level like that nia?

ha ha....ur bb so cute.
start to wonder whats in his mind when this photo is taken leh. =)
you prob can wait around abit. My ex-colleague called me yday, telling me to monitor and look out for contractions and to time.

Last night, I woke up ard 3+am, felt 2 sets of tummy cramps which went off after some time. Later just could not go back to sleep and then went to pee. Short while later, felt like pooing.. Haiz.. This morning poo again after bfast.

hubby and I discussed, we prob be monitoring these few days, we would not want to induce where possible. Told my hubby to standby just in case, and to take leave for next Mon's gynae appt. Then was finalising bb's chinese name and characters.

your boy looks cute!
His nose is quite prominent too.

you must be busy juggling your time between 2 gals ya? Jiayou!

me was contemplating btween natural or induced. Guess I will let baby decide.

Think I missed out on your post, you said you asked your hubby to self-collect the valves from Mumsfairy. Whereabouts is that?

Just to rant:
Haiz.... I think my mum went bonkers abit today. She got agitated by something that the maids did wrongly today. Anyway I think the mistake was just a spark for her to vent her complaints and frustrations on me.

When I heard that I felt abit affected, cos what she said made me feel guilty. that all the things she doing is for me and if I wasn't staying under her roof etc, she would be so free..
Actually I kinda expected she might have said that cos I do feel quite bad to impose on my parents but now at this stage, I felt abit emotionally unbalanced. So I sms my brother who's overseas, kinda telling him what happened. Lucky he called me back and kinda consoled me, else i'll be feeling worse.

Sigh... I think I really have to move out with my own place soon
Cocomo delivered to her princess last evening liaoz
Both mommy and baby ok. Let's wait for her to update us.

Your baby is cute! Can look at camera some more

Hey mommies, I am hoping that my son did not contract Chicken Pox from his school ... keeping my fingers crossed. He ran a slight fever this morning but now ok liaoz.

He had some red dots appearing on his body and one is a vv vv small "blister" .. my maid said.
Now I am thinking whether I should "migrate" to my in-laws house for the time being and monitor for a few days before I move back.

It'll be bad if he really contracted it .... dangerous for baby. *Sigh.
