(2008/08) Aug 2008

hi shay,

another thing is that, my gynae did tell me that it will be quite hard for me to conceive, cos other than PCOS, i have epilepsy. I'm on medication. that's why i cant bf. so, i always tell others that my girl is a "miracle baby".


his charges really not cheap but as we wanted a gd gynae in mt a so no choice lor.
m going back next wk for follow up. there goes my $ again .hee

can i eat choc? yest i ate royce choc. wander if it's ok
Choc should be ok, right? Of course don't take those got alcohol content.

Chocs is my No.1 favourite before preggie. Dunno why now I just don't want to eat it.
twin star, i still eat chocolate but of coz not too much la.

snow, poor thing. Hang it there soon it will b over liao.

mulberry, but the shaker fries onli out for awhile then no more liao.

Ladies, u mean we can buy the curl fries withou getting the beef meal?

initially i will vomit out milo and choc cake but yest i didn;t throw up the choc. mayb cos royce. hee

my ms seems to have gone.yeah! except when i'm too full. i still feel nausea

yes, u can just buy curly fries. normally i'll order that with cup corn, healthier
<font color="0000ff">Ratatouille</font>
yeah. but usually it will come out again but dunno when. I remember few years back, I ate the shaker fries with Wasabe flavour in KL or Bangkok (can't remember :p). That one is also very nice.

Yup, can just buy the curly fries by itself.
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
So good you no more MS. Now you can eat whatever you want.

I still have some mild nausea in the evening or late at night.

So cute lah you, trying to offset the 'unhealthiness' of fries with cup corn...keke..
gastric juice= wei huan? i've le. v sour n they will come to my throat, making throat v 'burnt sensation'. i tried eating/drinking milk/yakult to neutralised but in the end, vomitting it out is the best

how does u guys vomit? i vomit till juice all come out. then vomit till legs raised up one hah. whole body curl up tt kind. sound over exerting?

they use to have. it's when they have the sumo meal. it's seaweed with salt i think. pour the packet in n shake.....wow.....ai ya when will it come back!

also kfc's spicy little drumlets, my fav
Me still in my 8th week leh, EDD is late Aug u see... =(

twin start,
So gd, no more ms.
I like their shaker fries also, but hb dun like to let me touch on oily stuffs leh.

for me, the most is vomit till blood come out only. =P
never vomit till curl up lah, but tears will auto comes out lor.
that is why i never like my hb to come near the toilet when i vomit, scared he thought i'm crying...then show me that kinda guilty face.
haha..u describe till so funny..i will sometimes vomit til curl up...but never raise leg lar...but vomit till legs both trembling..very er xin one..
aso dun want husband to see cuz i dun want him feel bad also...like there's nothing he can do to make me feel better..
so good. guilty face better than mine why u vomit until like this?!?! stop stop. all the juice coming out. *roll eyes* yup, i also vomit blood hehhee. Juice out follow by blood last. Oh ya, tears will come out, even nose also has the bi ti hehehehee

oh ok, i will ask him about that. sponsor albums hehe. Thanks

i dont think i can take milo. i will vomit but no prob with chocolate milk. For choclates, dont eat too much because of weight gain issue and they said cocoa also has caffeine....
haha mayb becus this is my 1st pregnancy so hubby super attentive, every night asking if i have any craving..
same here, i used to have gastric since my teens, so "xin ku" each time it attacked. Doc also advise no milk coz it will worsen.
thought i've recovered but it seems to come back again now..

if i m not wrong, Dr ann's package is increasing to $1500, used to be $1200..but ain't sure when the increment will start. Think i will check it out in my next appt.

me onli in my 7th wk.. gotta wait another 3-4 wks before i can see bb move.. my neck is growing soo long..haha

same, i will vomit milo almost immediately. rich choc cake i can't take too.

m still not gaining weight yet lei

write in...haha

my mom is very strict on my diet but i will just get hubby to smuggle food up to my room. if it makes me happy. as long as in moderation, i think it's ok

i'm also drinking mug rootbeer ,hee but not gaining weight with all these junk food
twin stars,
this is something I very envy again, cos I can't drink gasy drink....will burp like siao leh.
unless add some water, then can drink abit lor.

sometimes body changes here and there. when i was having gastric and ms i also cannot take gasy drinks cos my tummy will be very painful n gasy n even when i wanna fart also tummy will have cramps first......

think when yr ms gets better, alot of food can eat liao
happie, read dat baby actually start to move on week9. when is ur next appt? But i onli see it yesterdae coz my last appt was since week 8.
still within 1st trimster :p

wa u eat cakes? i dont eat cakes. fattening. those baked one ok but those with fresh cream etc dont eat because not cooked/well cooked.
i didn't know cannot eat chocs with alocohol. the amt of alocohol inside is quite minimal leh. i'm still contemplating whether to marinate my meat with wine, etc. or not. i used to do that for better taste, esp with minced pork or steak. i think it's only harmful when u drink by the glass.

btw, pregnant can drink cold drink after meal or not? i noticed many ex-colleagues who were preggie last time avoided cold drink...
yummy...subway! yest i passed by and i was so enticed by the smell of bread. so far no craving for subway but i think if u put in front of me, i shldn't have problem eating it :p
<font color="0000ff">Jang</font>
When i say gastric juice, i meant the stomach acid. Hmm...i think what you experiencing is different le. That's not gastric attack/pain. Gastric pain is pain in your stomach area, upper abdomen.

<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
Did a search just now. Yes, chocs is safe to take.

But of coz don't eat too much lah, just moderation.

<font color="0000ff">happie</font>
Me also 1st pregnancy. But my hubby don't ask me. Hmm...must show him your posting to him tonight...keke..
Actually my gastric problem is mild only before preggie, only will get if eat wrong types of food or if I forget to eat a meal.
Eversince is preggie, it's worsen. Very easily get gastric.
ai yo, u win liao lor. =P
everybody here are in 1st tri lah...ha ha...

tiwn stars,
that depend on individual, i can finish a whole pcs of choc cake.

my friends and i used to drink cold mocha during last preggy some more, dun think got problem lah.

its normal that whatever illness or problem u have before preggy to get few time worsen during preggy lor, just have to bear with it lor.
that is why our dear mummy always reminded us to drink herbal soup and avoid cold stuffs when we are young right? hee hee....
<font color="0000ff">Snow74</font>
Is it normal? sigh..... no choice lor, hopefully it will get better. Actually the thing I worry is sometimes gastric too painful that I have to take medicine and I feel guilty taking the meds coz scared harmful to the bb.
i had subway for lunch too. WHich subway did u go? I was at Jurong Point Subway. Finished the 6 inch bread, one big curly twisted fries from mcD plus one big cup of bubble tea! Feeling guilty cos dunno if i'm having too much caffein onot.... morning already had half cup of kopi-O. aiyoh i'm not eating healthily for this pregnancy but just can't resist the junk food &amp; caffein.
wah, cold mocha! i haven't drunk coffee for quite some time already. i've been drinking milo or tea everyday. sometimes on weekeneds i'll brew a nice cup of espresso but put a lot of milk in it.
little twin stars
dont eat anymore if u puke that partcular food almost immediately.

as for choco with alcohol, also with alcohol content and some of them are pretty high too. dont take. its the same as drinking in the wine. the alcohol content is still there too.

as for drinking cold drinks, yup i drink but v little. i read that not v good because the dont know what 'vessel' to the baby might shrink n then cause baby to be allergic easily next time. not sure what type. forget already.


then wei suan is what? I dont have gastric pain.
i was at the Holland V one...
but hor...just now i went to throw up the subway...ah yo...so sian..headache already then vomit...so depressing...
u seem to like tea and coffee too. i'm feeling guilty for drinking too much le. i drink small bud of chrysanthemum tea from mon-fri in the office. does chrysantemum tea contain caffein?
Dun despair, everything will be fine after 1st tri. Anyway, I dun feel too good after taking subway that's y i quickily went to get a cup of bubble tea to neutralise it haha.....
yup, its normal.
preggy will "amplify" most of ur problems.

bubble tea? hee hee...
i had that a mth ago, and was being nag by my mum.
now looking forward to be able to drink that again.

maybe u would like to eat a lighter meal instead?
easier to digest mah.
chrysantemum tea cooling. if yr body cold type then dont drink so much. keep to 1-2x/wk only.

bubble tea........ err better without pearls. listen to news their pearls are said to be overdosed of preservatives etc. thats in taiwan news but sg get their stock from where? *shrug* anyway eat without pearls or control no. of pearls ba.

Those who want to throw up, bring plastic bag with u. i have some in my bag to make sure i throw inside. make less mess for poor cleaners to clean if we vomit in toilet etc.
<font color="0000ff">Jang</font>
i think it's still 'juice' from stomach.
hmmm..i think i know what you mean, last time, during week 6-8, when i keep burping, sometimes will burp until out those sour juices and can feel in my throat. Then I just drink some hot water to wash out the taste.

<font color="0000ff">YLN</font>
yeah i also think you should eat lighter meal. Subway sandwich quite big portion. I think your stomach not used to it.

<font color="0000ff">Shay</font>
you very cute, i laughed when i read you drink bubble tea to neutralise....
shay, before preggie i like tea and coffee to wake me up. fortunately, i don't need both to keep me awake in the morning. now that i'm preggie, i seem to like milo and tea w/o milk. not very keen on coffee already but i can still appreciate a good cuppa every now and then.

chryanthemum tea no caffeine...all flower teas are safe to drink, e.g. lavender, rose bud, etc. but black tea, red tea, all got caffeine. not sure abt green tea though. so even those pokka flavoured tea i try to just limit myself also...
yup i stopped taking milo n creamy choc cake

think subway sandwhich's meat might not be cooked well. try to avoid of possible espeacially if you have a weak stomach hor
lucky the toilet is close to my table...as n when i need to puke, i go..n i try to clean up the mess if too messy also..sigh...really looking forward to ending the first trim ...
actually this is not the first time i ate subway, the last time it was ok...but i think since now appetite a bit upside down..plus the terrible headache...thats y throw up...but i think i will wait till after first trim then start to eat again...better be safe than vomit again..
Actually i almost everyday drink the packet chryanthemum tea..the less sugar one...cuz sweet mah..but i think at the rate im drinking, i think in the end got more sugar...:p

I love drinking my son's Magnolia SMOO chocolate or strawberry flavoured milk!!

Appetite wise is normal but choosy such as want to eat hawker food then home cooked food!!
