(2008/08) Aug 2008

cani check which area is the bb at now? lower abdomen? cuz yesterday i kena hit by tennis ball near stomache/gastric area..but no extreme pain or anything...just the usual kena-hit-by-ball pain...shld be ok hor?

Jang, I m over weight too dats y i m watching on my diet. coz i read over weight mummies can onli put on max of 11kg for whole pregnancy.

twin, i dunno lei. but i take it as 12 weeks is end of 1st tri then i will crack news to my boss. Think the lost might ve affected u, but think on the bright side k.

dongle, sorry then i cant remember who but someone did mention she saw her baby moving at 9 weeks appt. Excited over tomolo appt? Should b able to see movement liao
My discharge was no colour juz feel my panty dam. so i got worried thot water bag leak.

m2b discharge the next day will b wat colour? the nurse told me might b brownish at times.

YLN, my gynae mention no pain, no bleeding should b ok. But of coz if u r worried then go see ur gynae like me
I m sure everything will b ok.
baby should be between the belly button down to you know where la... that's the place my gynae will do the baby scan... you can consider bringing foward your appt if you are worried...

that means you will wear maternity pants instead of tights right? i cant fit into my tights now cos the elastic band at the waist very tight aledi...

it's ok.. of course excited la... my hubby also very excited... oic, i got some discharge but it's not a lot and it's slightly yellowish when i wipe, not on panties though, so duno it's my urine colour or what?
Hey mummies...lets take 1 thing at a time...so wat if the promos etc dun come this time round..if it comes its a blessings ..if doesnt we have a even bigger gift waiting for us that others want also cannot get

I had to tell my boss very earli cos I was actualli planning to quit for a new job then boss offered new role so I stayed and din want her to think I am staying cos of BB so told her very earlier on.....

So everything happens in our lives at this point for a reason...including this chat place
so...3 cheers...mummies!
twinstar: sorry you hear about your breakdown. i also dun care to eat my mil's cooking these days as my taste buds want something stronger while her cooking is bland and healthy type. But I am not afraid to let her know that I prefer to eat out to save her from cooking my share.

Wow! so we have 2 mummies due on 080808 now!!

Rata: Great to hear that your baby is doing fine :)
dongle, mine is like urs all the while onli wipe then see it. but yesterdae discharge is like water no colour juz make panty abit like wet wet. Update us on ur gynae visit.

m2b,going to visit gynae tomolo? update us
i heard some only gained 7kg. so thats my aim. i do not think my legs/joints can stand gaining so much weight.

My EDD initially July but recent scan delayed to Aug.

Is it better to be 080808 baby or 090808 leh? hehhe i tihnk national day baby will have presents one..... those born on 010808 get $2008 hahaha. so good. give birth also has $$ but must be on National tv/news hiak hiak

u shouldnt be upset anymore because u still have one baby and u shouldnt upset or make that baby worry. BBs in womb are said to be able to sense mummy's electronic waves or feelings lor. i was reading this bk n they did a scan when one parent said dont wan bb and the baby will be shaken and hands v nervous or what. so they can sense our feelings etc.
Too sick to post today. =P
This is my 8th wk u see...early in the morning go vomit liao.

Good to know that the bb is ok, nice to see the scan ya? =)

Hi Yi Lin,
080808 is a nice date, welcome.

Yes, bb is at lower abdomen now.
Me still gotta wait till next Wed to see my bb again leh, my gynae appt is 3 weekly one lor. =(
Hopefully by that time, can see my bb moving slightly or something.
i seeing gynae tomorrow, so i guess it should be alright..no need to see earlier ba..

take care ya snow...i understand the sickening feeling of vomiting early in the morning...
cant remember my gynae appointment cos I saw 2 gynaes the last mth...think I will stick to Paul Tseng for now.

Btw Dongle thanks for sharing the website..its very useful!

20082008 is really a gd num too!!!
Hope mine will really due on 080808 cos gynae say it's more or less ......... BTW a National day bb really got $$ to take meh? where got so good~~
HAVE! I read the news mah on this yr 1st baby. 2 of them. Both girls. hahaha. So they said parents get $2008. So good hor. ANd i think shld be 2 parents since 2 babies born together as 1st. Next yr should be $2009.

Mine was intially 07.2008 but now changed to 08.2008 BB. hehehe

Oh thats good too hahahaha.

But Aug baby is July Lunar . my mum said ok. July lunar also got good date
Thank YLN, just hope that this is my worse wk lor.
Wish next wk wake up totally ok liao...

Yi Lin,
I think its the 1st few National Day bb that will receive hamper or something like that.

No need to be pantang lah, so many people are born in Aug right? =P
if really 010808 got money to take means i got chance... if only national day then cannot make it liao...

you are welcome, after keying in yr EDD, you can save the page as favourite and you can check the calendar anytime...
my MIL also asked if can give birth on 08082008 will be good cuz got $$..but i edd 010808...how to wait so long..!she also a bit strange...
Dont know leh. but 010808 got money??? I dont even know if 080808 got money? hehehe

so 080808/090808 mummies, rem to ask them first before showing yr face for pic hor. haha

maybe got sponsors give milk powder/diapers etc. hehe

well, maybe EDD is wrong leh?
wk 8 is the peak for me......i also puked non-stop for the whole day! I felt a lot better in wk 9. So, hang in there, it will be over soon!

great to hear that everything goes well for the bb & u! do take good care ya.......

i can't wait to end the 1st tri. have changed my gynae visit from jan 23 to jan 14 cos the nurse told me i can't start pkg on the 1st visit eventhough it's wk 12. will be 11 wk by jan 14 and should be able to see alot of the bb by then.....can't wait till then!
im confused... saw yr posting at 2.25pm that "those born on 010808 get $2008 hahaha"... rat also asking the same question as me...
hi snow,

yup. 20082008 indeed unique date.
i got ask my gynae if i can deliver on 080808, 5 days early than my EDD, easier to rembr, also it's my mum b'day. but not sure whether my wish can be fulfilled, my girl was born exactly on the EDD!

CNY clothes
talking of clothes, may i know where u gals have seen those flare dresses? nowadays, i seldom shop, even got shop, is for my girl.
got a wedding lunch on 27 Jan, really dun think that i can still fit into my normal clothes by then. and i do not wish to wear my maternity clothes yet.
ya, it think those with EDD > 080808 will stand a chance to deliver on 080808 cos normally actual birth will be earlier by 1~2wks.
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
does you MIL know what happenned? If yes, she should understand your situation now. It's normal to be sad and no appetite. If you need to cry, then just cry it all out. Don't hold it. Sometimes it helps just to release it all out. But after that, don't cry anymore okie. But strong for your little one.

<font color="0000ff">Yi Lin</font>
Hihi! finally a MTB with same EDD as me.
Btw, Who's your gynae?

<font color="0000ff">YLN</font>
aiyo how come you got hit by tennis ball? were you playing tennis??
If kena hit at stomach/gastric area, should be ok coz bb not so high there.

yeah it'll be nice if my baby really come out 080808. But it's only estimation. I think it will change on my next visit coz my last visit i'm only 8+weeks. I think it's still early.
<font color="0000ff">dongle</font>
Those flare tops i saw not really baby doll tops. They are just like baggy looking. I think it's trend now to wear those loose fitting clothes.

<font color="0000ff">Gemini</font>
I too seldom go shopping nowadays. Last weekend need to meet someone at Taka. After the meeting, me and hubby just walk walk around. Saw those flare dresses there.

ya loh the ms is making me so sick that i dun feel like going out at all - not even go downstairs for a walk! not in the mood of trying out the clothes too.

any great sales for maternity wear lately? dun plan to spend too much cos plan to close shop after this one but still need to buy some for cny. i top still not a problem for me now cos can still wear some of the loose cutting top but i have limited bottom to wear liao. i hate maternity bottom leh...they all look so aunty! i'm kinda tall (1.7m) and dun look good in barbie doll dress. so gotta but those 2 piece maternity wear.
Hi twin stars,
It is good to cry out, dun hide your sadness within. Hope you are better now.

Hi Rata,
The discharge will be yellowish depending on the colour of the pill. Sure, will update you gals tmr. :p

Hi dongle,
Yap, will wear maternity bottom with those flared tops…I got a black Capri pants from Spring at $39.90…maybe will wear that…

Monitor the pain and like what Rata said, to be safe, you might want to consult your gynae.

Hi Gemini,
You can try shops like Southaven and BYSI…

Hi Shay,
I’m oso 1.71m tall so won’t look nice in bb doll dresses too…I’m actually looking at flared tops with maternity bottoms…saw some nice pants at Dorothy Perkins yday but at $73…
<font color="0000ff">YLN</font>
aiyo your fren play so 'dangerously'. Don't go watch them play anymore leh.
Are you ok now?
snow, actually i got to wait 4 weeks to next appt this time but becoz of the fall i went to see gynae todae.

Shay, 11 weeks will get to see baby kicking away &amp; the shape more like baby liao. like me todae

Next visit i should b able to start package liao.

ya ya that's y me so excited. btw, when is ur last mense? think our EDD will be ard the same date. 11 wk is based on my last mense but if based on bb's size i think it sud be bigger liao...
my lmp is 19th oct. So if base on dat i should b 12weeks liao but all the while i know dat it will b smaller coz i ve long cycle of 32-36days. I o on 10 nov. when u o?
think i need to go home liao.
ate alot liao still gastric pain, dunno what happen. =(
hopefully tmr will be better.
see u ladies!
sorry is o=ovulation? how do u know exactly when u o? did u use any test kit to monitor?

my lmp is oct 30 and i think i ovulate quite early. anyway, did it on nov 7 (day 9) and nov 12 (day 14) so dunno which one hit the jackpot.
wow.. seems like more mummies are into curly fries. I oso had the same cravin yest midnite. lucky my hubby went out n buy for me..

mine is a little album which state the different growing stages n at the bottom u can paste the scan pics. Yr gynae gave u the slot in kind ??
shay, ya coz i did use opk &amp; monitor my bbt. so i know when i O. i usually o late like cd20-23.

happie, if hubby dun go then call delivery lor keekee
oh my gynae didnt give me any albums! Next time ask if he has any to give me. He has those brochures and there's this palmer tummy cream sachet samples stapled to the brochure. err i dont dare to take because scare allergy. read about how some pregnant mothers are sensitive to it.
Hi MTBs,

Did gyane give you any duphaston? My gynae give me to me on my first visit...no folice acid or calcim pils.. Just wondering.

Peppermint, Krex, snow74: Sorry for my typomistake. It's 16th week which means 4th month then my gynae can check the gender!! Not another 2 weeks, it's another 2 months!! Aiyo, I must be too eager to find out that's why type wrongly
