(2008/08) Aug 2008


My gynae gave me that and Folic acid. Folic acid is required during first trimster.

As for discharge, best to check with gynae. for me, dont have this prob but i read earlier its normal to have more discharge but more prone to infection
<font color="0000ff">Snow74</font>
If you got gastric pain, eating a lot doesn't necessary mean better. It depends on the food you take. Eg: dairy product is no good, it will cause more gastric juice. And for me, I can't take those white bread, I can only take wholemeal bread.
Hope you are better now.

<font color="0000ff">happie</font>
I had my curly fries at 8+pm. I asked my hubby to buy on his way back from work :p
Your hubby very sweet. Midnite also go out buy food for you.

<font color="0000ff">NiNi</font>
I'm also given Duphaston on my very 1st vist. But that's because I had miscarriage before. So he scared my womb weak. My gynae said be more kiasu, don't want to wait for anything to happen only then give. Just take first.
Folic acid is very important to take during 1st trimester. If your gynae didn't give, just buy outside bah. It's cheaper outside also. I told my gynae no need give me because I had already bought myself.
Calcium pills no need to take now. 2nd trimester only usually gynaes will give.
i think yr gynae might have coz mine mini album is frm mead johnson..these suppliers always give gynaes these to promote their stuffs..

haha..i oso tout of callin delivery but hubby volunteer to go buy coz he say 1 packet of fries u call delivery..seems very funny.. hehe.. i oso wonder if mac will accept my order for 1 fries..
really envy u , can see yr baby move..
shld be able to. no min purchase but add $3. i ordered mac breakfast the other day. but 1 meal like too exp so i ordered 1 more ala carte sausage muffin with egg
<font color="0000ff">Jang</font>
Yup, milk is dairy product. If you are having gastric attack/pain, cannot drink milk. It will be worse. Something (can't remember what my doctor told me :p) in dairy product will cause your stomach to produce more gastric juice.
Of course normal times, can eat lah.
oh because when i told my gynae he told me to drink milk. and i feel better after drinking too. like the gastric juice not so bad. kind of neutralised it. hmnnnnnnnnn hmnnnn how
Maybe yours is not gastric pain? or only mild mild pain? Maybe then it's ok.
I've gastric all along, since I was teens...keke..so i have alot of 'experience' in this. Last time (many years back) I dunno, drink milk when I have gastric attack (really pain type), it doesn't help at all. Makes it worse. One day ask my family doctor, then he told me.
your cycle really long, nearly 2 months once...

folic acid is compulsory for 1st trimester, you can buy it from any pharmacy, about $2.50 to $3 for 100 tablets...

after hearing so much raves about the new mac twister fries, i asked my hubby to taobao for dinner tonight, but felt that it's a little oily... eat a bit burp out the oily taste then dun want to continue le... i used to like the a&amp;w curly fries a lot... now singapore dun have anymore... about 2 years back, i went to batam for holiday and ate the a&amp;w curly fries there... yummy...
<font color="0000ff">dongle</font>
I'm such a glutton. I finished the whole curly fries! My hubby bought large size somemore.

I find it ok but maybe because I spread it all out on those kitchen towel paper to absorb the oil first.
my hubby also bought large size, i din thought of absorbing the oil 1st... nowadays, everything also eat a little bit only cannot take it anymore... hungry very often but appetite still poor...
curly fries??

yum yum....now my craving was dumplings after i watch the 'snack show on ch 8 at nite yesterday'? haha....

me got to control my diet.aim not to put more than 15kg for this #2....
I never realized that almost all preganant mummies have almost the same kind of craving and behaviour.IM also always eating Macdonalds and shouting at my husband but i think my anger and shouting at him is slowly getting better already if not i think soon he can't tahan already.BTW my edd is also in august and im seeing DR Edward Lee but i want to change Gyne anyone got recomendations.I thought of Ann Tan but shes very expensive her packange is 1000 i think.
happie, for $2 they will come. keekee dun envy u will see ur baby moving too

for me i like the previous shaker fries.

i dun feel pain le..just got cramp..yesterday was examining my tummy..like got a little bit big..but im not sure if its bloated..then this morning checked again..the lower abdomen part like got expand a bit...hmm...dunno if its my eyes playing tricks on me...now i should be around 10 weeks plus..dun think will have tummy so fast hor...

btw..i was thinking of buying open toe flat sandals for work ...i guess soon we cannot wear those 'closed' toe shoes in a few months..like quite hard to find nice ones that can wear to work leh...i saw alot very casual ...too informal to wear to work..headache..
yea yea i'm also craving for the dumplings now after watching the snack show on wed! i was telling my hubby &amp; colleagues yesterday must go eat this weekend liao.... i used to buy from Kim Choo but from the show, i kinda like the 1st stall at hong lim market. my this bb very 'tam chiak' crave for everything i see on tv.

u put on only 15kg for #1? guess wut......i put on 23kg arrrrrrr! so scary. each time i visit the gynae, she will say i overweight and ask me to sign on gym package after i deliver haha...luckily i managed to shed most of them 4 mths after birth - thanks to bf.
any >2nd time mummies giving goat's milk formula to their older kids? My son is 16 mths old now and i'm giving him Karihome goat's milk since i gave up bf ard 9 mths. The price has been increasing ($46 for 900gm)and I tot of changing to Similac. But I heard that Similac is kinda oily and heaty. Would like to hear some feedback from experience mummies before deciding which brand to change. I prefer Similac or Enfa.
Did heard before that Similac is using a kind of oil similar to coconut oil, maybe that is why it is oily. And also why bb drinking that milk will not ganna constipation lor.
Heard this from a snr nurse, I'm not sure also. =P
my hubby just bought me clarkes shoes for x'mas. quite nice. it's closed toe but wraps around the feet very stylishly, no heels. about $100+. i think i will only wear in 2nd trimester.
hey, i got a qn to ask. are most of you eating more now? i seem to get hungry quite fast in the morning. this morning already ate 2 slices of wholegrain bread and milo at home. then when i came to work, i felt hungry again. went down to breadtalk to buy 2 buns and i'm munching away now. but strangely, i still have MS leh. by afternoon i will start to feel nauseous again.

i also bought 2 pairs of clarks during xmas..but both closed toe..i scare wait when feet swollen then cannot wear..so thinking better to start buying open toe first...
i used to wear clarkes shoe (open toe with back wrap) for my 1st pregnancy in 2006 but recently i took out to wear and it broke into 2 cos the rubber harden after keeping for a yr. luckily i still have a few reserve clarkes shoes that i bought during the w/hse sales at tampines safra last yr. so will be wearing them for this pregnancy. i really like the cutting of the shoes but some of the designs are a bit opiang la.....
i dunno if i'm hungry or full cos my tummy is either bloated or with funny feeling all the time. i have to go according to the timing for meals loh. fret not, i have also been eating a lot. i normally take a cup of milk &amp; a slice of bread b4 going to work and take bfast (a plate of noodles) once i reach office at 8am. then i'll have another break at 10am - will take a cup of soya bean or coffee with some snacks. lunch at 12.30noon - normally take rice follow by tea break at 4pm and dinner at 7pm. i try not to take supper after dinner but will take a cup of anmum milk b4 bedtime. i think i eat more than u rite? haha....
sorry i blur sotong.....just realised that u have mentioned that u bought 2 clarks shoes during xmas haha.....

i only bought 1 closed toe and the rest r open toe - not used to closed toe cos my feet super big size 9 le!
I feel hungry easily also, but can't eat.

wah....u sure can eat alot leh, so gd. =)
can feel ur "relax" mood today ya? hee hee...

oic....ya, the design is not very attractive.
hi snow,

same as u. my girl is also taking Friso.

hi shay,

there was once i did not have menses for 9 mths, gynae has to give me Diane-35 for my menses to come monthly. took it for a few yrs. while trying for a baby, my gynae tell me that i'm not ovaluting, so give me Clomid. even after taking Clomid for 1st cycle, there's no ovulation. i'm supposed to start 2nd cycle, but realised that i'm preggie then.

really envy u mummies. got cravings one... me got none, and the worst part is that, no appetite, me have to force feed myself to eat, cos just my regular 3 meals is sufficient. normally i will try to eat what's presented in front of me.
there was once which i did not have menses for 5 mths also.
my hb still try to comfort me that i can save $ and energy then, no need to buy so many pads.
hee hee....he is just like big bb. =P
ya i have bad ms but still eat a lot that's y i put on 23kg for my last pregnancy...big mama!

wah, mense didn't come for 9 mths ar? were u bf then? mine was delayed for 6 mths due to bf.
good morning!

I din eat curly fries..but i just need to eat fries like almost everyday this week

like dongle, hungry fast and wants to eat but can onli eat alittle, which is very unlike first pregnancy..yday i felt tt i need to eat pizza and then after buying i realise i dun wanna eat anymore.aiyo..headache
shay, u really eat a lot, haha! i think i shld join the bread talk loyalty club during my pregnancy. seem to like popping by to get buns in the mornings, even though i've already had brekkie at home.

i'm still not eating small meals more regularly although it was recommended by gynae before. maybe i feel it's quite leh cheh. i hope i still have appetite for lunch after eating those 2 buns just now, haha.
Nvm lah....just this morning I told my hb I wanna eat rice kway.
When he bought and bring all the way outside my office, actually I dun want liao. =P
megan, maybe u can try eating your food with a sour drink. the other day, i didn't feel hungry for dinner. on the way back, i tot of prawn noodle. then when i entered food court, i started to lose my appetite from all the smell. ended up ordering porridge but didn't finish. it tasted better with mui chai coz' it was salty/ sour. then i finished my meal with lime juice. i didn't feel so bad after that.
hi all,

i'm feeling so much better today
last nt went to eat roti prata. very happy. think my happy hormones are back.

my happy food is also the curly fries and long john silver;s fries

ann tan's package from 12wk $1k is cheap lei. my gynae very ex. think package start from 20 wks $800

how;s hk ho's package?
my first visit i paid $300 lei
<font color="0000ff">Ratatouille</font>
Yes i remember the shaker fries is also very yummy! Wah i really sound like a glutton now...always talking about food.

<font color="0000ff">Demelza Nangoi</font>
It's normal for us to be moody now. But me also try not to get angry, else my hubby very poor thing.

<font color="0000ff">YLN</font>
You mean now still got cramps? Hmmm...perhaps just go to gynae and checkup to be safe.
I also have tummy but I think mine is because I eat right before I sleep. So it's mainly fats. :p
But I think it's not impossible to have tummy now. My best fren's tummy showed very early in her 1st trimester. But then in her 2nd trimester, her tummy didn't grow very big, got grow lah, but slowly slowly. Which is a good thing because it grew gradually, she don't have any stretch marks on her tummy at all.

<font color="0000ff">krex78</font>
I also still got some nausea and I need to eat all the time. For me, if I'm hungry and I ignore it, the nausea will get worse. Eating actually lessen the nausea.
hi megan/snow,

same as u. sometimes, i wanted to eat a particular food, after the food is put in front of me, dun want to eat already.

hi shay,

that was before my marriage days. suddenly, my menses just stopped coming. but i got PCOS one... did whatever checks, and the result was i'm ok.
i cant bf due to medical reasons.

hi little twin stars,

glad to hear that you are feeling better.
hk ho package is not cheap. in fact, his prices (package, consulation) has increased. i cant rembr his package price in 2006, have to go home and check, but his only started from 20wks (5mths) which is quite late compared to other gynae.

<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
Good to hear you are feeling better.
Yeah eat eat, go eat whatever makes you happy

I think most of those very famous gynaes's package starts late and is expensive.
I heard Dr.Foong LC's package start at week20 or 22 (can't remember). and cost is >$1k.
