(2008/08) Aug 2008

dongle, ya lor, last yr, i kena so many projects and slogged so hard, all becoz my colleagues left one by one. i will feel so cheated if i dun get promoted this year.

jang/YLN, i think i will still wait till 2nd trimster to break the news lah. provided i dun get serious MS and have to take long leave. i'm not telling in-laws yet coz' my MIL is like a loudhailer. she will be so elated that she tells all the relatives! in fact, i dun look forward to telling her before CNY. i can't imagine everyone knowing and talking about it during CNY!

u reminded me something very funny...ha ha...
can imagine my last preggy when i went down to my MIL's market there, people who I dunno can congrats me?
really sweat leh, its funny when people who u din even know already knew about ur preggy lor.
that is the power of MIL, think they are just being too happy. =P
Rata: Sorry to hear about your fall. But think should be all rite, dun worry!

Aiyo!! 2 more weeks to know gender of baby. Not that I am particular about which gender but am curious!! Curiosity kills the cat ..hee, hee!!

My parents, inlaws and friends all know about my pregnancy liao, no secret.

Going to T3 opening today with my son!

take care. See wat gynae say tom. If u feel like resting maybe take 1/2 leave rest at home.


wah.. by the 3rd mth ur gynae will check for u the gender? Tat fast
Tat time mine was on the 4th mth.
Do take care ya. and rest more today.
Just to be safe, if possible, take leave and rest at home.
I'm Shint and this is my 2nd pregnancy, my first is now 22 months.

Wondering anyone having MS?

No MS the first round but this time, it's not vv pleasant. Any idea if there's anything that can help?

Thanks for sharing. Yes, i got a shock when i see red blood cos that's my worst fear! But lucky i have no blood clot. If I have I will also be very KS n go to 24hr emergency unit.
I have took 4 jabs so far and now im taking the jab twice a week at GP. They purchased for me so i just need to go nearby GP rather than to TMC to take jab. and the price is much lower. My gynae advised me to take the jab till my spotting stop. Got a feeling it will be till end of the 1st trimester. Good to hear that ur spottinh stops during 8th week. Hope mine will be the same.

I cant lie on the bed whole day.. will still walk to living room to watch TV or surf internet. and moreover i have moved back to my mum's so i will also spend my time playing with my twin baby nieces. Cant resist from playing with them but i dun carry them anymore though.


mine is from light brown spotting to dark brown then at times blood.. when its good, its juz the yellowish discharge. my folks also said its weak womb n been nagging that its cos i nvr take care before preg. but seeing the heartbeat really assured me. If the heartbeat is beating normal, is there the possibility that it will be otherwise the next time i go for my check-up?


THanks, will take care of bb especially


Thanks for the clarification and really good to hear the encouragement.

THanks!! But i cant help from worrying when i still see the spotting and at times the bleeding. can be really stressed up.
oh no! you take care of yourself & rest more...

will feel unfair if he downgrade my rating due to me being preggie but the rating is for last year ma... me no chance of promotion cos they change the promotion grading such that my next grade must be appointment holder (Head or deputy head) then can get... but i just want my fair share of performance bonus and increment lor...

me at home today nursing a bad headache & when trying to puke in the morning, my saliva got blood also
... my hubby called gynae and she asked me to take panadol for headache esp if got fever, but i got no fever lei... plus to take vitamin C for the "heatiness"...

when my gynae saw baby's heart beat and baby's growing well she seems to be pretty happy. She said no need jab but hormone pills so i guess it shld be ok. My boss also told me she knew someone who has spotting all the way and she managed to carry her baby till full term.

Juz be positive so long no cramps and bleeding red i guess shld be fine. Try to keep urself relax. I have been trying to.. esp din work for so many days my mail box will be full with mails and dunno wat's in my in tray sian..
its the acid that I vomitted made my throat so painful, so u better drink more water before ended up like me lor.
u take care ya?

welcome aisha & shint, congrats!

some of us do have MS, why are u asking that? =)
Yesterday I vomit also vomit blood again. Sian. Throat so painful. I dont drink water because it makes my gastric juice worse. I rinse mouth with milk then drink milk to counter the gastric juice. Btw can drink yakult too.

ya if u know the person is amplifier then dont tell. hahaha. I've to tell SO to tell his grandma later after 1st trimster. but she asked so say lor. Then tell her dont tell anyone. She said she wont. hahahhaa. I told my mum and i tell her DONT tell anyone but she also tell one of my auntie because she needs to ask her something. But she didnt tell the rest (father side). PHEW.

Not everyone has MS but i have! argkkkkkk

For those with spotting, try not to eat too cold things too. Cold as in the food's ie Ju Hua, Bai Mu Er, Hei Mu Er, Seaweed etc they are said to cleanse body/cooling so its not advisable to take within 1st trimster. But also depends on individual body type. Just like some more heaty while some more cooling, wet body type. So thats why some people eat no prob, some eat has probb
try taking redoxon...i m aslo drinking redoxon cuz its vit c...cuz now i dun drink alot of water n eat a lot of fruits..so vit c is important...
hi rata,

as long as no spotting, it's ok but better see a dr to ease yr mind. i'm sure all is well with yr baby

dear all,
i'm afraid i can't keep to my name of little twin stars anymore as i lost one twin. baby heartbeat stop beating this wk. last wk all seems fine but at least it happen in the first tri so it will not affect the other baby.

i really can't stand the system of kk anymore. i went in for bladder pain n waited for my dr for 2 hrs even with app ( cos i told him of my pain and needed to get it checked) and in the end he sent a registrar dr to attend to be only to find that one of my baby's heart stopped beating. even so, nothing was done and i was told to go back again on fri. with advise from my friends i switched gynae to h k ho mt A to have a second look. true enough i lost one twin. at least he bothered to explain to me the complications of twin pregnancy etc and gave me a jab to stabilize the other twin as well as arranged to see me next wk to monitor me closely.
this is something kk can never do. they even scheduled me a 4 wks gab in appointment when i told them mine are twins and need close monitoring. they even refused to push my app forward or squeeze me in even though i was having cramps. to think that i'm a tps patient and not a subsidize one.

i will never go kkh again.

i'm very happy with my new gynae, although alot more in price but it;s worth it. sharper better monitor and close observation from dr. even the jab that the nurse gave was close to painless while kk's jab left me limping .haha

sorry for the long post, just need to vent out
twin stars,
so sorry to hear about that.
at this moment, take care of urself is most important ya.
lucky that u made a fast decision to change to a better gynae.
what milk u tried? I cannot take HL/Marigold. TOO strong milk smell. Maybe u buy a small bottle of Meiji to taste? If u can take this, most prob u can also take MASTERS. From Australia the milk not so strong too.

oh ya i drink milk, my stomach also upset. But at least i pass motion everyday and drinking milk is better than my gastric juice coming up. or still there when i vomit.

i dont dare to take up KKH because my family doc. He's quite old liao. See him since Pri sch. So he knows lots of doc friends (specialists) in different expertise. He told me 1st one better go find a better doc. Find male which is more zai. Then i find one from his recommendation. My gynae at Mt E. Package wise seem slightly more exp but he has lots of experience and he is also examiner too at times to test the doc. so should be not bad ba.
twin stars, i m sorry to hear abt wat u experience. Stay strong ok. I hope mine is ok. I m still at work today will go see gynae tomolo at 11am. *pray*
twin stars, sorry to hear abt your painful ordeal. I will tell my hubby abt possible consequences if we were to use KKH system. Be strong for your BB and family!
I was given a week MC and 1 week supply of duphaston till my bb stablizes... Meanwhile, awaiting for my blood test results...
Rata, r u feeling anything discomfort?Be extra careful, Walk slowly and avoid those 'ugly singaporeans' around the MRT station or the walkway okie?
thanks for the concern... b4 preggie used to drink a lot of water, now have difficulty and if drink too much also feel nauseous... so sian...

twin stars,
so sorry to hear that, i thought non-subsidised patient at kkh has better privilege similar to private hospital? my sis-in-law had a traumatic delivery in kkh that she swear to all her friends not to go to kkh and the thing is that her bill nearly $10K somemore!!!
<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
so sorry to hear about that. But good news is your other baby is well. Rest more ok.
gosh, kkh sounds horrible! how can they just 'bo chap' when they found out 1 twin's heartbeat no more...so irresponsible.
Yeah Dr HK Ho of Mt.A is very famous. I've also heard good reviews of him. One of my ex-colleague was under him. She had complications during her pregnancy. but now gave birth to healthy bb liao! Thus I'm sure you will be fine under Dr.Ho

<font color="0000ff">Min</font>
Don't mean to be naggy but bed rest is really important. Initially I also don't really rest on my bed, I also go to living room to watch TV or surf net but I found if I sit too long, the spotting is like more. So one day I try really lie on bed nearly the whole day (except go toilet lah). Then i realised the spotting lessen. So i continue try to bed rest more for the subsequent days. Then one day the spotting just stops.
So you just try to lie on your bed as much as possible. Perhaps if you have a laptop, you can use it on your bed, then can surf net or watch dvds ya ;)
twin stars, sorry to hear about your lost. do stay strong for ur baby. from the way u post, i think u r strong to take the blow. wish u a smooth pregnancy thereafter....hug hug!

rat, u dun have any bleeding or pain so, i think everything sud be fine. rest well and keep us posted after u see ur gynae tomorrow....take care!
i'm sure yr baby is fine.. dun worri..

twin stars
so sorry to hear that but do take gd care of yrslf.

same here, can't take fresh milk, stomach will get upset, but lucky i can take soya bean milk.
Read frm a book that soya bean is gd coz it contain the essential amino acids the body need to synthesize protein which helps our baby 's brain cells to develope.
dunno how true it is ..but no harm drinkin
i took HL..cuz i used to like...then i keep vomitting...im too scared to try milk now...the only for me to pass motion is to drink coffee with milk..
soya milk is good if u can take. i cannot take. i very scare of anything with tofu now. almond milk is better if u can take. i was told almond good for baby brain. i dont dare to drink almond milk/drink but i eat almond agar agar hehehehe. i read the ingredients contained almond powder so also good.

me too. Tea/Coffee with milk i go do watery biz.

Twin stars
dont think too much now. maybe because the other twin is not stable so thats why. sometimes cannot be controlled by doc i think. anyway its good to have a nicer gynae now to take care of u.
isit good to drink those fresh milk off the shelf? I tot fresh milk is prone to bacteria infection? i only take anmum powdered milk - one cup in the morning and one cup b4 bedtime.

happie, just learnt from a colleague that has just given birth that soya bean is not too good if u r conceiving a bb boy cos she said her aunty told her that it will affect the performance of the 'birdie" hahaha......i think it's just a myth la. i drank quite a lot when i had my boy and i think he can still 'perform' leh hahaha....just to share with all....
thank you girls,

actually i don;t know what to feel. i'm with mixed emotions. when i think about the lost twin i feel teary but didn't shed a tear as my hubby say cannot cry cos the other healthy baby is still growing strong and he doesn't want my emotions to effect the baby so i'm just bushing things off and concentrate on my little one

the ONLY reason i chose kk was becos they r supposed to be gd with multiples and complications. yet the system there is so messed up. my dr apologise for the nurses' refusal to slot me in when i told him my ordeal but i think his hands are really tied as kk is still a public hospital. if i'm having singleton i will never wanna give birth there.

unfortunately for twins, the possiblity of loosing one is 50%. think that one not properly formed so better now than later.

now, my mind is at peace cos i don;t have to worry about premature labour etc
at least now, i don;t have pelvic pain from the weight of the 2 of them and i do not need to bed rest from 3rd trimester

actually i don't know h k ho at all. i just know i wanna give birth at mt a so just look for a dr there. glad to hear he is gd
my hubby likes him so guess we will stick to him.

that's what i'm worried about so i don't dare to be sad in case the other twin feels it.

don;t use kk pls!
Twin star,

be positive and strong and am glad u are happy with ur new gynae.

Mummies who aren't feeling well take care!

I din know ju hua is cooling and i have drank a couple of times. I also love pokka green tea and has been drinking abt 3/4 glass since mon cos it helps me to eat better. Think i better stop drinking since im spotting.
Twin stars,

it may be a blessing in disguise.
It's not easy but be strong for ur baby!
Keep being positive! U are really a strong mummy!
no matter if u r spotting, its always gd to avoid "cold" stuffs during 1st tri.
its ok if u drink a cup once a while, but dun drink too much lor.
only 3 more wks for most of us, try to endure ok?
ok i will try.. Snow
Sometimes it's difficult esp when i have no appetite. So almost all my dinner i have Mug root beer no caffine to help me finish my meal.
Will stop this from now on
think ur colleague told u that is because soya bean drink contain "shi hui gao" is it?
my mum used to tell me that its a "cold" ingredient, so intake too much not good.
especially when u drink soya bean drink during mense, u will have heavy flow.
i understand lor...because i had been eating junk food instead of proper meal for quite some time liao also, cannot tahan to eat rice or mee.
i just finish a piece of choc cake...hmm....
apologies, there's a lot of postings, can only select a few to comment...

hi little twin stars,

do take care and rest well!
i'm also seeing dr ho. his nurses are v nice &amp; friendly! but his queue to see him is v long... Dr ho is gd, but hor, if he's in a bad mood, dont ask him too many questions... normally his nurses will feedback to me one...

hi dongle,

me also like u. before preggie, every morning wake up will drink a cup of plain water. but now, definitely must drink lukewarm water or else, if room temp water, definitely will vomit out. perhaps u can try drinking lukewarm and in sips..

soya bean
mummies, drinking soya bean drink is ok. but try not to eat dou hua (soya beancurd). it may consist shi gao (plaster of paris).

meji milk
i'm drinking meiji milk. but i will heat it up 3-4 mins before drinking.

u making me hungry.. 3 plus i woke up from a short nap felt giddy and went coffeshop bought chicken rice for lunch but cant finish. I tried to munch something all the time to deal with my dizziness.. Think gotta get my hb to get bread from bakery shop otherwise dunno how to survive at work tom. Thinking wat to eat for dinner too... sian...
twin stars,
so sorry to learn about your loss...hope you are handling it well...yap, your hb is right, the other bb is still gg strong so you must be strong and healthy for him/her.

glad you have found a gynae that you are happy and felt safe with. cheer up

same here, promotion is due for me this Jun/Jul so really hope that this pregnancy won't affect my PA...luckily my boss is quite a pro-family person...
hee hee...dun envy, because its not a healthy food.
ya lor, my hb and i are headache about dinner now also...the little 1 inside has yet to hint me what to eat for dinner leh. =(

lucky for u to have a pro-family boss.
i'm working in a pro-family company, but have a VERY practical boss.
so i'm still reporting to work everyday till now, no doubt i vomitted few times a day.

<font color="0000ff">little twin stars</font>
You are such a strong mommy. Jiayou!

<font color="0000ff">Snow74</font>
sometimes i have craving for junk food like potato chips and french fries. But when it's in front of me, I don't want to eat liao....sigh..
