(2008/08) Aug 2008

yah, had been home. only out when hubby is around but for short while only. used to the medicine liao, so don't feel weak liao but hand still very shaky. side effects of medicine.

I also bought 1st teeth toothpaste. I saw it selling at NTUC for about $13+ and without the gum toothbrush thingy.

I'm getting another tube from snow too, since she mentioned she has spare. So I got 2 tubes.

Eh... I duno if kiasu or not, but I couldn't resist buying a toothbrush at the JL sale. Think it's Tollyjoy brand or Kodomo, meant for 1 yr old onwards?

huh? why hand shake? What's the medicine that's causing it?

Sigh.. tummy feels queasy & weird today..
I also must rant abt hubby now....
He's very sickening, everyday tell me I must go for natural delivery without epidural. I tell him it's damn painful but he keep insisting it should be like constipation pain, maybe just abit more pain....and even after watching the antenatal vids (which I got so damn freaked out by), he's still saying "yah I think go without epidural is the best. Don't you think so?" Then I just ignore him and don't reply him, and he will continue saying on and on "Not pain one lah. People bluff you lah...go without epidural ok?"....

-_-" MEN!
Ya, sometimes I think I too excited, go buy things in advance. That my mum thinks I buy abit too many things.
I also bought the training cup, some shoes liao.
I think it's the shopper mummy in me, got sale or sprees, just whack and buy.

Hehe, little twin stars and I bought bought cute stuff for our bbies during spree organised by snow. She bought sunglasses for her bb and I bought one bikini for my bb. haha, I'm one crazy mama.
Tell your hubby, since it's so easy, you pay him money to take your place in giving birth and "enjoying" the labour pain lo.. see whether he gets your point or not.

Heh, I'm seriously bracing myself for the labour pain. If really cannot tahan, think I will take laughing gas or epi lo. Hope I don't chicken out at the last minute.
I tell him and he say "Can! If I can give birth, I sure will do it!" He just talk big only lah, cos he knows it's impossible. And he's even talking about having a 2nd kid already...piangz!

I think I got quite a low pain threshold...should be going straight for epidural if I'm doing natural.
Valnsw: I am also preparing myself for the labor pain must tell myself I can do it!! Today felt some cramps when I was lying in bed, donno if its contractions?

Yuuri: Most likely I will go in the morning to see Dr Woody, see you!
yuuri & val

heheh.. thanks for the info!! Will go check out which spree I shd participate in..


IseeIsee.. Then must heed gynae's advise k? My niece was 2.5kg at birth & had no health problems
U guaiguai eat in moderation yah? How many more weeks to c-section?


Wah, ur HB thinks very highly of you man.. Tell him if he disallows u to take epi, u're going to stop at 1!!!
selling PRELOVED Avent Digital Bath and Room Thermometers

This digital thermometer is a bright and cheerful way to keep baby safe and comfortable. It doubles up as a convenient way to monitor the temperature both in baby's room and bath. Ideal as young babies cannot control their own temperature and are more sensitive to hot water than an adult may be able to predict. It has also been designed and tested as a safe, fun bath toy.


email me: [email protected]
I think probably will see you on my way out! Will try to guess which is you! haha

right now, I really cannot see a #2 in my future cos' so shack already!

I'm new here. Hw do I add my EDD ( 29/08/08) in the list?

Still trying to figure out how to post around here. Tks!
Hi morning mummies..

vone..can help me to update: 2.9kg at 34weeks edd 08 Aug

my tis lil boy is bigger than his sister but shorter than her..hahaa

catherine..i also went to get the pjs..thanks for the recommendation...
Good Morning!

So is the e-shopping on this round? Our loots here? Heehee

I got the satin pyjamas from Chinatown yday liao…it is under the brand “Silky” and it costs $8 each…bought it from People Park’s Complex and oso went Ocean to get some toiletries…

You ok now? Seem like you feeling rather depressed recently…cheer up ok? If not, you might kena post-natal depression when bb is out.

OIC, you went to a fren’s place to do it…now thinking how to pop the question to my gynae this Fri man…hahaha

So you gg on NPL after your ML? Hahaha, yalor, I sure go broke with 2 gals to indulge in and that is not including of my own shopping man…

Men can be real irritating at times…now I oso find my #1 more caring towards me than her daddy…hahaha
morning ladies! =)
had not been feeling well last wkend, so only log in today.
i'm arranging vpost to come tmr morning, so u ladies wanna meet up for a lunch on wed?
location preferably wheelock or forum can?
cos i dun think i can walk so far with so many things liao. =P

i'm ok with boxes at home during normal days, as long as during my bb full mth that day my house is clean can liao lor....ha ha... =D
sounds abit play cheat ya?

c-sect wun have heavy flow.
but the day rite after c-sect u wun be able to move or get down of ur bed, so the nurse will help u to change...and sad to say, they will use the loop pad.
ya, think bring 2pkts (8pcs) of that sofy 40.5cm to hospital can liao.
cos c-sect really min flow only, using longer pad is to avoid stain during hospital stay.

then u should ask ur hb back:"how u noe people is not bluffing u that its not pain?" =P
think must be those ya ya papaya mkt auntie that tried to showed off, that is why told him natural w/o epi is not painful lor.
man normally will listen to "stories" from friends...

welcome to this thread. =)
u just need to provide those info inside that table to vone here can liao.
seem like everybody more gan jong about poping soon leh...hee hee....
u wanna buy ah? =)
but the gap and ON sale ending today 12pm, which is soon lor.
You beta now?
I can't meet on Wed, is Fri ok for you? Coz I'm having gynae appt on Fri so will take the day off. You still gg yoga?

Nvm, can always wait for the next spree.
morning mummies

i think this morning i had too much for breakfast, fail my blood glucose test again. heheh...

tomorrow going back for review at kk. hopefully, won't be ask to admit cos hubby can't go with me, going alone.
Got something funi to share...
today I took a bus to work and it was so crowded that I was standing near the entrance door...b4 the bus driver moved on, he asked a foreign worker to stand up and give his seat to me...so nice of him leh...decided to write a compliment letter to SBS...heehee

BTW, last Fri, my ex-boss came to my office and asked em when am I delivering...so I replied shd be end of this month...he was shocked and asked "Are you sure?"...my close coll commented that it is because my tummy still considered small for an almost full-term...hahaha
me having gynae appt on fri also, will be bringing my gal along...hee hee....
but my appt @ 12.30pm leh, u think u can take lunch only around 1.30pm?
where u wanna meet for lunch.
if there is a change in time, i'll update u again?
cos some time i can reach earlier, and clinic no people so faster lor.

ya, i think we wait for the rest bah. =)
till now that princess bow had not come back to me with any discount code leh, u wanna try writing to them?
maybe i'm not those that are good in words when come to $ nego lor....ha ha....

ai yo, do take care if u need to go out alone leh.
drink more plain water now, hopefully ur reading will be normalise abit later. =P
play cheat, but i always did that during my prev preggy....hee hee....
ya, should compliment that bus driver.
hard to find such a gd driver liao.
i also met once that the driver make sure i sit down b4 he started driving off, so sweet. =)

we belongs to the small tummy club.
so, guess ur hb also must make sure u wear clothng that are more obvious b4 u can step out of the door ya?
cos my hb did that, he said so that people will be more careful when they see me. =P
Hi all,
did anyone go for the maternity exchange sale? Anything nice there?

I see you added a new column for delivered babies. Thanks!!

If i didnt recall wrongly, there is someone here who used to work for slimming centre. Can i ask those plastic wrap that they use to wrap around your body is it the same as cling wrap that we buy from supermarket? Is it effective if we use it to wrap our arms?

My arms have gotten so fat during pregnancy and post natal massage only focus on wrapping tummy so was thinking whether i can buy to wrap my arms.
hehheeh..... i have been drinking super lot of water now cos i'm taking medicine. i need a full cup of water for 2 little mini medicine. hahah....
yup, my pump will be delivered this afternoon..will have to take a good look at it and read the instructions properly..actually a few months ago, i was surfing the net and chanced upon a website that shows videos on how to breastfeed and use the breast pump...its an angmoh website..but i cannot rem which website...the videos were quite good and educational, so now i have at least some idea how the pump will look on my breast!..really like milking cow like dat!..
I am a water tank man! since 5 mths, i started to drink lots of water! at night will wake up to drink water :p

Just washed the bb nappies, towels, handkies...still have another round to wash the clothes then should be all ready. Then have to start cleaning up my room & fix up the cot. wow so fast another 5 weeks time Due liao...excited!!!

Wana watch HellBoy 2 this thurs.....hehe
Hehe, me oso bringing my gal for my checkup this Fri…hb busy w work this week so can’t make it…I’m fine with lunch at 1.30pm...My appt is at 10am at Paragon, so you just let me know where to meet you k?

Yalor, the driver really sweet hor, I was so shocked by his action…heehee

Yday, hb’s relatives oso commented that my tummy is small but I’m fine with it coz as long as bb is growing well…no lah, my hb not so sensitive and concerned 1 lah, he doesn’t bother with what I do or wear, he just commented that I like to roam abt a lot with a tummy when he is not ard…heehee
val & m2b,
i had washed all baby's stuff but baby's room is still not ready. lazy hubby say want to set up over last weekend cos he thinks baby is giving him warning liao (with my unknown contractions). but till today, nothing had been done to the room. sigh..... don't know when he will start setting it up.
Hello Celyn,
Stay cool, I also failed my bsl test after dinner last week.. 8.4!
Best part is, I was so tired that I went to bed after that and didn't do the final test for that day. :p

Sylvia, welcome to our thread!
morning mommies!!
monday blue today ..dun feel like coming to work after a long wkend.

who packed their hospital bag already? avocado?
i havent pack my bag yet, feel so nua and tired over the wkend.

i just got my baby cot over the wkend, din spread the bedsheet yet, it is too early to have the bedsheet on the baby cot ?
maybe this wkend will get the cot ready ba, is not too early rite ?

re: ameda pump
how much did u gals bought for the pump?
am thinking to get manual one first, then if got milk supply or intention to breastfeed even after maternity leave, then will consider getting the electric one..budget lei..
celyn & valval
drink more water gd lah, heard that drink more plain water can prevent water retention leh.
so everywhere i went now, i'll bring my water bottle filled with plain water along lor.
cos hb said "no mineral water pls!". =P

gd, then both of them can kids talk w each other lah....ha ha....
too bad the free transport from GlenE to Mt E stop at 12.20pm from GlenE, unless u still in time to take the last bus from Mt E to GlenE?
then we can lunch at tanglin mall, think camdam there also got some eating outlets rite?
else, we find a centralis place so that u dun need to wait too long for me.
hehehe.... i'm not so bothered by it liao. whole of last week, i didn't even get to follow the diet plan at all. due to i'm hospitalise then came back, all my meal time go hay wire. hhahah...

only try to follow back the timing today. my after breakfast test is also 8.4 (highest record liao, hahhahah)

yah, me too. i also have a water bottle with me everywhere i go. when do we transfer $$ to you?
Morning mummies,
Packed my rooms over the weekend to make space for the baby. It can be quite tiring. Now waiting for the my baby cot to come on 18 july so that we can start preparing the bed for the baby. Wanted to wash my baby's clothes over the weekend too cut no sun in the east... MIL nice to offer to wash them durign weekdays if there is sun.

So are you feeling better now?
Our loot is here! Excited to collect them. Cos am a working mtb, might not be able to meet you all for lunch. May I know which area u staying? Maybe I can pop by your place to pcik up my loots. Think I have quite a bit so not very nice for you to carry so many things around.
catherine, the ntuc one no opening, so hubby had to use a knife to probe it open. in the end the knife got a little spoilt, haha. next time i'll buy from cold storage.

maid hunt very "xiong". yesterday registered for the course by SP for first-time maid employers. maybe this sunday we'll make a trip down to maid agency to interview some shortlisted maids...
gd, drink more plain water althought its troublesome for us to bring that extra load out now.
same thing lah, pay after i stock check lor.
but this time maybe need to use a bigger envelope to post ur stuffs liao, cos u got more this round...hee hee....

thx, feeling better now. =)
understand, no problem.
i live in telok blangah area, u can arrange to collect ur stuffs any time after wed bah.
is it ok?
telok blangah is fine, very near my working place cos my office at keppel road. I will make arrangements with you to pick them up after wed. Thanks again for arranging the spree. Do you prefer me to pay you when I collect the loot for transfer the amount to you? PM me lah.

You bot "Satin" pyjamas? Wanted to get that but my DH say that "Satin" will be very hot if you are not staying in the air con room. Did you get the botton down ones? the 2-pieces set or skirt type? Hoping to go for natural birth so if natural 2 -pieces set should be ok but if *touch wood* have to opt for c-sect, wearing the pants may be difficult.

I have lightly used Medela Swing pump (used for only 1mth+). The pump come with Medela Cooler Carrier and 4 bottles. Pictures as attached.

Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101


hey mummies,
we're all gonna pop soon. a few more weeks to go... excited??? hee hee..

hubby and i had an argumant cos he only intends to give our baby a chinese name...

i asked why not? and he said why bother with chinese name if everyone's gonna call the baby by his english name.. blah blah blah... i was so upset cos my side of the family doesnt speak chinese... really dont know how to convince him..
Hi mummies,
Remember I had brought up the issue of having painful and bloated hands. Its getting worse for me every day. As Im working, luckily it still doesnt hurt to much while I was typing, but when I carry things or writes which needs more strength, my joints along my fingers hurt rather badly. Any recommendations to make it less painful?
Yalor, at least the gals have company liao…heehee
I can meet you at forum coz no prob for me to walk down since my appt shd be done by 11am coz plus CTG this time…but anything to eat at forum except Mac?
But you must see if my loot is too much for you to carry or not leh, if too heavy then I will arrange to pick up from your place when hb is available…

Yap, I bought the satin 1-pc button-down pyjamas…I was wearing that during my last confinement too and was ok with it lor…easier lor for the massage since will be bind up…heehee
hey mummies..

do u guys noe where I can get organic bath towels at good prices har/

btw..anyone with the FBI card from thomson signed up for cordlife? is it true theres a 400 discount?

so soon!! Are u mentally & physically prepared?? Hmm, I wonder if we can ever be 100% prepared *LOL*

But I'm sure we all can't wait to hold our little ones in our arms.. *heehee*


Same here!! I often play with my 21 mth old niece, who is very active.. And with the current preggy stage, it's so difficult to up keep with her.. Was telling my hb, maybe must wait till bb's coming to 3 years then can have another..


Yupz, most likely to take NPL up to 6 mths after ML.. But if I get too bored at hm, I may go back to work earlier. *sigh* With my shopping streak in me, I think I wld def be living on my savings quite a fair bit.. *boohoo* Hahah, prob I shd do sthg on the sideline to get some pocket money!

That's a really nice driver u've met! Hmm, I do notice some bus drivers are really nice.. They will wait for the elderly, preggy ones & those with a few toddlers to sit before driving off..


heheh, no lah, not play cheat.. I also do the same, make the house neat & clean when I'm going to be hosting ppl at my place.. If not, hb & I can live with some mess

Oh me can't meet for lunch on Wed.. I may have to pop by ur place to pick up my loot..
cindy, i also got the same prob. gynae cldn't offer me any solution. sometimes my wrists also hurt, so when i turn door knobs, for example, can be quite painful. every morning also have to be careful when using my hands to push myself out of the bed.
i'm also suspected of thal initially,same as u but thank god results were fine. my mom is here to take over mil to cook 4 me..............except, cooking is never her strength
i had to help her organize n tell her exactly how to cook the minced beef she bot. she wanted to cook all sorts of dishes with minced beef! i was so frustrated, i got tummy cramps n took a break. she even wanted to cook lunch 4 me at 11am! really dunno how to handle her lei except to stay cool. i wish i am well enough to teach my maid to cook n ask her to just visit me without cooking

sorry ladies. if i miss out on replying.......not feeling too well last nt till now. breathless n cramps. can't concentrate to reply.
will try later
hi yumeumi, welcome

re: pjs
I got another one from Muji. It's long sleeves, cotton and button all the way down too. Very soft material but abit more ex. About $59. I told my mom after i discharge pass to her cos she wear pjs.. hahaha

aiya men ah .. they really talk thru their backside sometimes. that day hubby told me, this bb is a gift from god so maybe i should have it natural instead of csec. i look at him and said i'm going to be the one to deliver so i choose how i deliver the bb. then he keep quiet. hehehe

Good Morning MTBs

Guess everyone is getting tired more now. I have said No to shopping to my hubby. Really Cant believe it!

Got any recommendations on where to buy the cot from?
