(2008/08) Aug 2008

KP sale no more? sob sob sob. i still tot of getting the braun thermometer from them

when yr baby is moving n doing her waves, get yr hubby to put his hands on yr tummy to feel it. initially baby may not wanna move cos she is not familiar with his hands. but after some practice n when baby is familiar with hubby;s hands. she will move. now every night my hubby looks forward to playing with baby and trying to catch her backside! :p


nt yet. 4 me, tink i'll bring d following :

4 bb :
- 4 pairs of mittens & booties (if nt enough, will get hb 2 bring more)
- 1 set of clothes 4 d discharge

4 me
- 2 sets of pjs
- 2 nursing bras
- 4 disposable undies
- shawl
- tummy binder
- 1 set of gg hm clothes
- hp charger
- camera

Dr Heng did the Strep B on wk 34 and 2 wks later CTG. My CTG will be scheduled on Jul 9 afterwhich she will give the admission letter ba. U can also ask her for the admission letter if u want to.

it looks something like tis. http://www.orchardcorset.com/p_AN17403bes.html

mine is d 3 panels 1. it was given 2 me by my gynae when i had my boy. he said tt it can help me 2 compress my tummy so tt i dun feel tt pain when i walk, stand, etc. it's usually used 4 mummies who had c sec. my gynae gave it 2 me coz my boy was delivered via emer c sec previously.

if urs is normal delivery, then no need. u may wanna consider d swimming float instead. bt it aso depends on d mummy hor... coz some of my frens need it, some dun.
Blood Type - Cos I got a shock when one of my friends suddenly msg me , saying she might be adopted.. cos she is blood O but none of her parents are O.. and her mum suggested her to adopt a kid (as she has no kid yet though trying) so as to get rid of bad luck and then will have children.. So it set me thinking of my long forgotten biological classes..
Twin Stars,
Hahaha, gyanes like to give standard answers 1 but to go BW must get gynae letter leh so if wana go, sure must ask…was asking my sis wana go together or not but she oso scared of pain…hahaha
hi ladies! =)
today this thread seems like moving very slowly hor?
myself like eat and sleep the whole day, hopefully resting the whole day is something gd for bb bah.
saw discount in gap and ON webby, anyone wanna buy anything there? =P
celynlee: I called SCBB, they said hubby no need to be around as long as i know the history of illness of his parents. I will be arranging with them to meet up.
today i went for my prob 'last' BW before i pop..dunno y, but it felt a little more painful than usual...maybe i thinking too much...but anyway done liao..so...crossing my fingers will pop in the next 2-3 weeks before growth again...anyway..after popping , also must wait maybe 1.5- 2 months before waxing again...sian...cannot imagine the pricky feeling..eee..

i rem my gynae telling me to use nipple cream now to soften and moisterise the nipple now...cuz this will help reduce the chances of having crack nipples (when bf-ing)...anyone applying already?
ha ha...no lah, cos both gap and ON sent mail to me mah.
incase anyone really wanna buy, just make sure they dun miss this big discount lor. =)
i'm ok with buying, but u gals can come n collect during confinement meh?
unless for those who edd is end aug lah, then still got time. =P
else, think all those hb gotta appear at my door instead liao.
Applied for leave next Mon and Fri coz clearing leave...can rest liao...

You wana start a new spree? =P

BW painful ah? Dun need gynae's letter?
think i will give this round a miss cos my edd is soon...........
then dont wana disturb u during yr confinement too. u must rest also la. after my confinement..........that's when my real shopping will start!
me too, not going to see. i might not be able to meet up with you to pick up my loots for last round. might have to trouble you to send me again.
if u gals really wanna buy, i'm ok.
but it might reach only 3wks later, think most of u doing confinement liao lor. =P
unless those edd mid to end aug, then should still be able to come pick up their loots ya?
if most of them not buying, think we skip this round bah....how?

twin stars & celyn
understand, we can order during confinement...hee hee....that is when all of us will be confined at home to do e-shopping ya?
if we order during confinement, our loots will come in rite after our confinement lor.
gd timing? =P
Twinstars, Snow
Yes actually I also cannot wait for confinement.. haha. Cos got more time to slowly pick and choose! Yeah shopping time!
i saw the Gap discount .. was soo tempted :p I spent half hour on the website then after choosing, i told myself must control. hahaha. but they slashed the prices further for the sale items.
jb shopping :
i went to jusco, bought my newborn tops from there. in rm and got discount, cheaper than sg price loh, bought tollyjoy and disney brand.quite good price. chin chin can try shopping there, esp with the good ringgit rates these day.

re : confinement & onlineshopping
got time to do shopping ? am worried dun even have time to sleep wor. :p

re: nipple cream
which brand is good? wanna buy and start to apply after wk 37..

have a fabulous wkend mommies!!
I go to Dr Heng at her Bedok clinic. Find it a hassle to find parking at East Shore clinic.
Looks like I will check with her on the Strep B next Mon when I see her.

received your email on the spree. Thanks for helping to organise. Ya, will be gd if next time can have spree for desitin or First Teeth toothpaste. BTW, when are the loot expected to arrive in SG? Cos I was thinking if next Thur or Fri can collect from you?

hehe, Sorry la. I meant if it tastes nice or not? Cos if too sweet or "siap siap" don't knw if want to buy.

mrs teng,
glad to hear that you got your milk supply kicking in already!
thanks for reverting on the raspberry leaf tea. Yup, mulberry provided the link.

hihi *waves* long time no see wor.. how've u been? your EDD is early Aug right? Excited or not? Your next appt on 9 Jul, too bad mine is earlier, else can bump into you.

even if your friend's parents is not blood group O, your friend possible to have O blood group.

Re: nipples
I don't know if rubbing/washing the nipples will stimulate birth but for me I have to use wet cotton wool to wipe/clean like almost everyday. Cos there will be some colostrum leaking and once it solidifies, it becomes some crust on the nipple. I have to clean it up else i scared later block the milk ducts.

Anybody experience some tingling sensation in the tummy when cleaning/wiping the nipples?
hi all,
anyone ordering their full mth package from Choz ? I have a $20 voucher with min purchase of $300. Expire end Sept. Anyone interested ? Pls PM me
what's the nipple cream for? More for moisturising to prevent cracked nipples right?
Actually, mine is more of the prob of needing to clear up the crusts/deposits when the colostrum dries up.

I'm interested in the Choz voucher, may consider to get something from them. I just had some cake from Choz, not bad. Is the voucher valid for ang ku kueh too?
Me not seeing him next Mon, just went on Tue. Next appt is 22 July i remember. I prob call him and ask him whether can do it earlier not lor.

Hehee, me din mention but if u check u know who la. I had him last pregnancy and went back to him cos he did a good C-sect and cos it's convenient for me so I can ignore his quick and standard answers.

Everything is like no problem for him when he did not really help with my problem leh ... my discharge .... he din even check, just prescribe me cream, etc when i describe to him. He did not do any test.
I cannot drink milk, ask him if need calcium pills but he said dun need, will cause constipation but everyone else is like taking it to supplement.

Is this your first encounter with him?
i think the cream is to prevent the cracked nipples. To clean up the crust, i think can just clean with some baby oil.

The voucher i think is valid for any purchase above $300.
Haha..yah this is my 1st pregnancy and chose him. At first quite skeptical with his 'chin-chyeness' but now used to it liao....and find him quite amusing.
Thanks, will get in touch with them. Anyway, I am not keeping it so why waste it rite?

I had been checking around and it seems ok wo.
Will check with him why he thinks so lor.
Anyway, my tummy feels like it's bursting. No more space liao leh.

It is really big, it is now 42 inches know.
I am quite short oso ... so no place to expand liaoz.
my tummy is 36 inches now, expanding some more lor.
unlike my first pregnancy, it is 36 inches when i give birth.
Hi there! Just to alert you all: Maternity Exchange @ Marina Square is having a fantastic deal every Saturday in July, starting tomorrow, 5 July!
- Additional 10% off their clearance sale items (which are already at up to 75% off!)
- 10% off regular priced maternity and nursing wear
- 1 extra credit with any rental package (It means you get to rent 1 more pc for free!)
It's a rare offer, do take advantage of it! Visit www.maternityexchange.sg for more details on best ways to get there during the ndp rehearsals too. Raffles Boulevard, the main road that leads to Marina Square is fully accessible to traffic, so it is actually very easy to get to M.Sq! It'll be worth it with the offer! See ya!
Yurri: At 1st I also abit hesitant about his short & fast appt time.. But now also get used to it until last appt he keep asking me & DH whether we have any questions for him or not.. Haha.. But he is really reassuring & kind & amusung as well!!

Seeing him next mon!! Excited to c bb again!
Haha same! After every check up, I will rush out myself! Until there was once he was like "Don't rush. Sit down, any questions?" Then I think hubby and I went into a shock and just stare blankly at him! I also seeing him mon..morning. You too?
My first pregnancy I was 42 inches when I delivered. Now oredi 42 inches ok. My normal is ard 27 inches and now expanded so much .... so jialat.2nd pregnancy, the stomach really lose liao. I hope can recover back else i really dunno how.

You are delivering earlier than me .... imagine i wait another 1.5 months ... how many more inches to grow? *faintz.
Storeberry, Yuuri,
I always prepare questions to ask him and last pregnancy, he said "Wah you really come well prepared". Last week, I saw him and had a few questions but he made me feel that I had to rush to ask him questions that I even forgot to ask the important ones.

Standard procedure.
Go lie on the bed, scan baby then he'll say "Baby moving, ok". Next, go to the seat and he will say "Any questions?" and finally, "I'll see u in XX weeks' time" - 5 mins consultation. Super fast.

Maybe i more gan jiong that's why when he does not answer my questions at all and say "everything ok" .... i dun feel assured lor.
morning mummies. wake up early to take my medicine.

yah, why waste when can save another person's life.

had you tried sweetest moment before? between choz and sweetest moment which is better? still can't decide between the 2.
Morning! Today must wake up early for the cot delivery! yay! Baby has a bed finally! Next thing, hubby will be hounding me to clear up the room cos all along we use it as an extra room so dump all our rubbish there !

I also tried writing down the questions..best thing is my hubby will be very reaassuring throughout the time between the 2 visits and say he will make sure to ask all the questions...but then during consultation, he suddenly kan cheong until forget he's holding a paper with questions until I remind him!
Anyone here also have like emotional breakdown? Sigh..dunno why also.. Maybe i was v tired from all the walking n hubby dont understand how tiring it is to be pregnant. He jus think i m plain lazy...
Last night shopping at Ikea, he keep giving me the cold shoulder n i feel very 'wei qu' n felt like crying but didnt cry... Then i sneezed..urine leaked.. Thats when i go toilet n burst out crying. Sigh...

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations....
i go to a friend's place to do BW...not the saloon kind...she used to work for saloon but came out to do on her own...so she got all equipment at home...i have with her for many years liao...more than 4 yrs ba...so BW for me is ok...as for gynae letter...actually, i dun care leh..:p...cuz my fren told me she got customer who go for BW on their 38 weeks...but hubby must accompany and wait outside...just in case...but for me..only 35/36 weeks..so i dun bother..:p...just felt a little more painful than usual ..but pain went away in 10 seconds...so ok lor...
but i think if u go those saloon type...they will be more careful lor...their reputation at stake mah....

nipple cream
i bought the medala one from guardian...cuz can be used both for nipple and on bb for sensitive skin..so i think if next time bb got sensitive skin, can also use on her..hee...2 in 1...:p

wow...ur gynae really chop chop one ...hmm..the last few times i went..my gynae gave some mini tutorial on labour symptoms, and breastfeeding + problems and obstacles..i thought he quite thoughtful...though not a very very long advice session lar...

dun worry, u should vent out all ur frustrations...
i also do that mah...jsut let it all out and dun bottle it inside urself...no good for u and bb...everytime i feel upset, i also vent it out here..:p..and all the mummies here will listen and support ...cry if u want to..it makes u feel better...hee..cuz i also do that...

hello all

Was quite busy yest & had no time to come in.. Looks like there's a fair bit to catch up on *winks*


Can I get your fren's contact? I was hoping if it's nearer my place, it wld be more conveninent to go for a BW appt


Thanks for the updates on our loot!

Good planning for our next spree.. heehee! But most of you will pop before I do, so maybe while I've just popped, many of the mummies wld have been on confinement liao.. Nvm, for online shopping, I shall be 'diligent'!

Anyway even i'm popping later, i shall just be a tahan the excitement of the arrival of the loot & delay the picking up tt round of our loot
Just hope it doesn't cause too much trouble/ occupy too much space at ur place


heheh, i think when it comes to buying gerger things, we can never put a stop to it! And it doesn't look gd tt I'm going on NPL for awhile.. hahahah

twin stars

I went for gynae's appt yest & she ran a blood test on me.. *sigh* I'm slightly anemic but she says not a big cause for concern. I just hope it's because I wasn't feeling very well, so it caused the reading to dip below the range


*hugs* Hope u had a gd rest from all the walking & tt ur HB will be a little more sensitive, esp at this last stage!! U felt better after u let it out? Did HB know?
