(2008/08) Aug 2008

are u on MC today? went to see gynae for MC only. Dun wan to take medication. Anyway gynae also mention that medicine is to provide relief only. It's virus infection so we have to fight our own battle. Sleep thru this afternoon but still feel sleepy.

you r most welcome. must have give u a fright. guess u have to rest more and take it easy.

could you update for me under "Cat".
EDD: 13 Aug
Wt: 2.3kg @ 34 wks

Mrs Teng,
Congrats! That's fast. Guess ur gals cant wait to see the world.

I thot mine is big. Urs even bigger. Already feeling the strain. Just happen to look at the mirror and was surprise to see that my tummy is HUGE!

Interrace, Vone, Catherine, Hisstory

Thanks for your suggestions regarding bedding set. Any idea how much the full set (incl bumper) costs at Kiddy Palace, Robinsons, Mothercare and Metro?
Baby head down,
Any one baby head down then head up again? Mine was down two weeks ago. Today, gynae scanned and was surprised that she's head up! hopefully in 2 weeks time she will go down again. If not, may have to go C-sect. *sigh*

U're down today too? Same here, woke up with a very sore throat & a cold.. But i went to GP instead.. GP gave some milder medication

How are u feeling now?


Hmm, $100+? I can't quite recall.. *sorry*
will post by next monday, brochure left in opi.
tomolo on leave thus will post on monday k, tks.

thanks for the contact.

noted, will call them and make apptmt.

Think Aussino's cost ard $80+ yah? There are designs which are quite nice


sometimes rest is the best natural medication
Rest early! Hope we recover real soon.. Still have many things undone
received your spreadsheet... very detailed... thanks for everything...

me on HL/MC since Apr 1... have been drinking chrysanthemum tea & coconut water to relief my throat...

But ah Aussino's boy designs only like 1 or 2..so I thought if price is similar, can shop other places also
Wow, today thread run fast!!

I am also thinking of donating cord blood to SCBB. Still doing some reading up & research. Below is what I had extracted from SCBB link to LA times.


Extracted some parts from the website:
<font color="ff0000">"In the still-experimental field of stem cells, the banking of umbilical cord blood has emerged as its biggest industry, driven by marketing claims that the blood could one day have the potential to cure ailments such as Parkinson's disease, paralysis and diabetes.

But there is little evidence that the promise of cord blood will ever be realized. The blood does indeed contain stem cells, but they are far different from the much-touted embryonic stem cells, which come from newly formed embryos and have the ability to become any tissue type."

"At Family Cord Blood Services, just one sample has been used out of the more than 9,000 collected over the last eight years. The child died.

"This is purely a commercial business," said Dr. Eliane Gluckman, a French hematologist who performed the world's first successful cord blood transplant in 1988. It is "just for profit and not for benefit."

"The focus was embryonic stem cells, which have the proven ability to transform into any type of tissue — and only a vague resemblance to stem cells in cord blood. That didn't seem to matter to people who bank.

"For the general public, they just hear the words 'stem cells,' " said Kaj Rydman, president of Family Cord Blood Services. "A large portion do it on blind faith."</font>
Pls help to update my baby weight @ 34 wks is 2.3kg.
Thks for the help.

I have gain a total of 9kg liao, think this time round will exceed 10kg.

I have donate my #1 cord blood to SCCB as my first gyane also told me to better save the $ on insurance more worth.
anyone under Dr woody got the pre-admission letter? I got mine and it is just a blue for and I did not need to fill in anything, do I have to do anything?
Haven't gone down but called them up already. They said the 90 days policy is correct and so long the item is in resalable condition and with tag.
I have not open it up yet so it's in perfect condition. So no problem. Trying to find time to go do only ;)

Strep B test
I asked gynae but he says dun need. I even asked if need to do the glucose test, he said dun need.
He like everything oso dun need though i remind him that my infection does not seem to have cleared.
I said I have a small fybroid, he oso say dun touch it. He everything oso dun worry, no need to do anything.

Gotta tell gynae if u wan to donate is it?
Me still thinking of going for my C-sect earlier.
Instead of 1 week earlier but scared that baby might come out earlier, maybe 2 weeks and 4 days earlier ... dunno if this is too early?

Cos i thikn if ok, i wan to deliver earlier cos stomach is vv big. Baby is now 2kg and I had gained only 7.5kg(or 5.5kg - cos i lost 2 kg during 1st trim).
My current weight = Original weight - 2kg + 7.5kg

My stomach feels like exploding and my EDD is almost end of Aug.

Any idea where to find out if it's really safe to have C-section 2 weeks+ earlier than EDD?
Talking abt blood grp, in my family 4 got 4 diff type lei. My mum AB+, Dad O+, Brother B+, me A+

i m A+, Hubby is O+ so i think baby is either A+ or O+
Good Morning!

Nope, dun think will be doing any 3D/4D scans at this stage liao…shall see how she looks like in person in few weeks’ time…

Yalor, my hb is always complaining that my #1 has so many clothings, bags and shoes…more than him man…hahaha…so imagine next time, I will be buying for myself and my 2 princesses…gg broke liao…

My dad doesn’t allow me to shift anything in my room at my mom’s place now…he said he will do it when I’m in the hospital…

Twin Stars,
I only seeing my gynae again next Fri so can only ask him then but abit paiseh leh…heehee

Hahaha, the gals’ clothes look so small and tiny and the wardrobe looks so huge leh!!!! Yap, Vhive has this wardrobe in brown, red and white and my hb chose RED!

Snow and Happycat,
Both of u ok? Take care ya…weekend is here liao! =P

I think CTG is to track contractions if any…
Blood Type
A+ = A + O
B+ = B + O
O+ = O + O
AB+ = A + B

A(hubby)= A + O
B(wife) = B + O
Baby = A+B, A+O, B+O, O+O

It's something like that ... so u can go match it.
<font color="0000ff">LC</font>, why the sudden interest in blood group?

<font color="0000ff">valnsw</font>, this LG mat is the same as the bumper mat from SSW? seems really ex!

<font color="0000ff">vone</font>, my fren using the CL now and say she bought more herbs than the CL expected. So she thinks the CL quite modern type. So I was thinking what are the usual herbs, at least I can prepare some first.

<font color="0000ff">avocado</font>, so early got pre-admission letter? he haven't even ask me which hospital I want to deliver. duh...

<font color="0000ff">shint</font>, you only put on 5.5kg?! I put on at least 15kg liao!

<font color="0000ff">interrace</font>, thanks for ur help!

<font color="0000ff">rata</font>, I think my family blood group may also end up all four types. Ha!

<font color="aa00aa">Re: Aussino</font>
sorry to rake up past history, just realised I may need to get cot bumper. may I know who is the mtb here with the discount?
re: Dr Woody's admission letter, I will see him on Mon and let you know abt it...unless he never give me and I forget..

When you describe your gynae tell you everything also don't need to do, I was thinking sounds so much like Dr Woody and sure enough....haha!
morning mummies.

if you want to donate to scbb, you need to contact them and sign the necessary form before you deliver. you can't do this last min. i have a friend who wanted to donate. although she inform her gynae and nurse before hand but no form was sign before she delivered. she couldn't donate in the end.
Good morning mummies

Yep my gynae also dr heng. I think she will ask you to do also cos last pregnancy and this time she was the one who told me she will do the test on the day of appointment. She is quite strict about this test one... I haven got the admission letter yet, if I am not wrong.. not so soon maybe bt 35-37 weeks then they give. Not sure if need to pay for 1-bedder tho no rooms available cos the last time i took 2-bedder. This time I cfm taking 1 bedder...hopefully on the day of delivery have... Yr appts usually at bedok or eastshore?
morning ladies. =)
thx for all the concern, me still giddy, and not going to yoga today liao.
cos i took flu jab before getting preggy, so now is a feeling of wanna flu cannot flu like that. =P

the units thingy that i posted yesterday is a cut-n-paste from oversea spree section, i personally dun calculated till so complicated.
view from a pt that i'm only helping friends to buy things, i dun wanna be so niao lor.

those with aussino membership card should have at least 15% disc.
unless u can wait till aug, cos that is my bday mth and i can get 40% off most items.
but not sure if bumper inclusive or not lor.
Good morning ladies

Mothercare got advert today.

Some items on special discount (though nothing suitable for me). Spring 08 fashion- 50%, Summer 08 fashion + Essentials (Baby &amp; Kids PJs, socks etc)- 25%

Now till 20th July.

Does anyone know if we get the J&amp;J baby lotion, do we still need to get the diaper rash cream?
hi avocado,

my gynae is not Dr Woody, but i have already got the pre-admission letter @ 33 wks. his nurse still tell me to bring it along from now onwards. was asking her, so early give me the letter already?

blood type
i'm a A+ whereas hb is B+, so my #1 is AB+. so for #2, the possiblity will be A+, B+ or AB+.

hi celynlee,

thks for the info. so do u know whether scbb got collect from Mt Alvernia?
avocado, so fast got pre-admin letter already?

val, i wldn't know whether it's gd till i'm in labour, haha.
Hi krmeow, where did u see the sale for Mothercare ah? Newspaper?

BTW anyone has gone to JB M'sia to get any bb stuff b4? Heard of a place or rather, a shopping mall where they have alotta bb stuff/pdts. But duno where.
krmeow (krmeow): If have J&amp;J lotion still need nappy rash cream cos it serves different purposes. J&amp;J lotion is to moisturise, nappy rash cream is to prevent or cure nappy rash.

SCBB: Ok will call them later to enquire about collection. Do our hubby need to be there as well?
Was at Giant Vivo yesterday, Pampers going at $27.94 for 55 pack (usual price S$40++) Lot of mommies grab..i also grab one box.
Check it out!
Hi Jvenus,
The Aussino baby bedding set cannot be further discounted, even with member/birthday discount. Only other items like towel, blanket, etc can be discounted. If you are only looking for cot bumper, can try mothercare / kiddy palace / ikea.
from the brochure, yes. Mt A is a participating hospital.

hubby needs to be around too cos they will ask question on medical history for both of you. so its good to have him around.

scbb tel no is 63945011

Thanks for all your well-wishes.. It won't be far where you'll see your darlings in you arms... just 'tong' and 'jia you'!

Jiejie is Cherilynn and Meimei is Clarabelle.


Jiejie's weight is 1.74 and meimei's is 1.84kg. Thanks for updating!
S ince they are small, there are unable to latch easily yet, soit's sleepless nites for me expressing my milk for them. Already having engorged breast on day 2 liao... so painful but must express lor... On my third day, can express 60ml liao... just nice to feed both of them... Wah I feel like a cow!!!


the online website is Momsinmind as wat one of the mum have posted...
my csec is 2 weeks + 4 days early. My gynae said it's ok. best way is to ask your gynae cos only they will know best the growth progress of the baby

ya Hancock was quite good. Surprisingly. I totally enjoyed it. Got some humor, some touching part ... not just action. Or maybe I didn't expect it to be good so it turned out good for me
mrs teng, day 2 meaning u got engorged breast when in hospital? did u use cold cabbage?

did u also have leaking milk? at night sleep must wear bra or not?
Catherine, koolz! hehe..so watchable la

BTW anyone has gone to JB M'sia to get any bb stuff b4? Heard of a place or rather, a shopping mall where they have alotta bb stuff/pdts. But duno where.
hmmm .. seems today quite quiet here ...

today I'm going to see BB again
so excited. Yesterday my cousin ask me if I'm excited/anxious to see BB soon cos another 24 more days for me.. I felt that just as I can't wait to see BB, I think I will miss the feeling of BB inside me. That feeling is just fantastic
Mrs Teng,
Congrats on ur princesses!
Their names r so nice &amp; unique!

Kiddy Palace:
Passed by KP, no sale liao.. *Sobs*
noted. will update 4 u. dun worry, my bb is like tt aso. v active...

4 kiddy palace, i paid $69.90. bt at robinsons, i paid $119.90 coz it's d pooh bear 1. tt was abt 3 yrs ago. u may wanna chk out d new prices nw.

mayb u can chk wif d chinese medical halls? coz i m nt v sure aso. 4 my last confinement, i dun recall using any herbs leh. valnsw used 2 hv d d/c thru her fren bt her fren quit liao. so no more d/c oledi.
Same sentiments!! I will miss her kick-boxing man!
No matter how i describe to hb, he'll neva neva understand the wondrous bb movements inside us!
I will sometimes go and buy formula milk for my #1..hee. My sil says generally cheaper lah but i think clothes wise, not that fantastic. Maybe you can stock up on generic stuff like pampers,wipes etc. I save alot on milk powder cos 1 tin of gain IQ in sg is 52 bucks and I get from JB for RM70+ which is like 34-35 dollars : )
Somemore manufactured in Ireland, same like in SG... can consider.
Hi ladies,

would like to check have you pack your bag for hospital stay? Can share the list that must bring to hospital?
i also dunno wanna ask gynae or not. my gynae has standard ans for me one. "baby is precious u know, u only left with a few wks, r u sure u wanna do anything to jeopardize it? " my hubby n i can memorize liao, hehe

thanks for the tel no. i am also thinking of donating my baby's cord blood

finally u get to see yr little darlings

must pump milk for them, BM will make them grow faster and will help them alot. jia you!!!
at least u got milk lei

Surprisingly Hancock was quite good...

My friend c-sect @37wks coz she wanted her bb to be same as her birthday.
Coz she induce 8am-3pm only open 1cm..so she go ahead with c-sect.. hehehehe
