(2008/08) Aug 2008

Yeah lor. I was also surprised cos supposed to be after that mah...but now I am experiencing it already...


i gt d same prob as u when i was preggy wif no. 1. bt mine occurs on d legs, so it's v unsightly. till nw, i still hv d scars. dun apply j & j baby lotion. coz it doesn't help 1. u can try using d calendula cream fr california baby. it really helps. at least 4 my case.
anyone getting leg cramps already? i sumtimes have the feeling like want to leg cramp..then quicky turn the leg in all sorts of angle to prevent it...sigh...then i also noticing a lot of green veins on my feet..
..hopefully they dun crawl up to my calves...otherwise so ugly..
i also have the leg cramp feeling especially at night when i want to sleep or before i wake up. well, even before i'm pregnant i get leg cramp or toes cramp very easily. i can do shopping half way then stop due to toes cramp. so i'm prepared for it to get worse but still haven't lah. must cross my fingers.
I also got leg cramp last night!! aiyo.. I was so shocked.. cos I never got leg cramp before, and now I know how it feels.
I was shifting my sleeping position and I wanted to lift my left leg and realised I could not lift it up! Was about to ask my hubby for help, then felt I could move my leg again.
Damn scary.. I felt so immobilised.

Anybody knows the reason for leg cramps?

today so far no vomitting but abit tired from lack of quality sleep and plus yday was out on the move.
Had weird dream last night that I can still remember..
dunno y will have cramp, but its damn irritating..cuz its so painful...i wonder if there is anything we can do or eat to lessen the frequency of such cramps..?

same here, i get hip pain.. Only on the left hip, lasted 2 days. do u think it's because our bodies are adjusting to the additional wt?


weird dream? Not nightmare i hope!


Have nt experienced the leg cramps, but my frens say they did have them.. So sleep will be qt interrupted, must get HB to help them massage
mine's more like pelvic soreness, especially when i get up from bed or carry too heavy things. Now I'm abit worried about carrying heavy stuff cos I forgot to ask doc abt my placenta moving up and sometimes after carry too heavy things, my pelvic area starts to feel sng sng.

thank goodness it's not a nightmare. Just a weird dream. Noticed you're same age as me.. You born in year of monkey or goat?

I've had part time helper for a few years liao. She only comes during weekdays and does simple cleaning and ironing. Hubby and I still have to do alot of other things but at least the major things like washing toilets, ironing clothes and cleaning floor, no need to do. This arrangement will continue when I give birth.

If I have to go out for meetings after baby is borned, then will leave at grandma's place. Her place got maid and she lives just 5 mins away from me. Another family friend has also offered to help if I need babysitter for a couple of hours, so hoepfully this arrangement will work out. I would hate to have a full time maid around the house. Must sit properly, walk properly and talk properly. And then hubby will have to be careful around maid.

Yesterday, when I was shopping at Robinsons, my toes got cramp. Read that leg cramps very common. Sigh... I see signs of varicose veins leh. So ugly.

Btw, did someone say that the Ameda pumps available in tangs? May want to go down and take a look...
Glad things are ok with you and hb liao..guys sometimes are like that and need regular reminders…manual gear lah…heehee

Leg cramps are common during pregnancy...me kena for both and can be very painful...
glad things are ok with u n hubby

leg cramps:
i used to have it when i face the aircon or fan to sleep. then my tcm dr told me not to. ever since then i change my sleeping position to head facing the aircon or fan...so far so good. no more cramps ever since. also i use a pillow to elevate my legs when i sleep to avoid blue veins ( there;s a term or it...can't remember )

i also work from home. but i have cancelled most of my projects for now until i can handle the baby well. i will go back to work as soon as i can handle. both my mom and mil think i can;t handle the house with my part time helper...even if she comes in 2x a wk. they are also concerned as a have a dog as well. as much as i want to try.............. the bargain as of now is....get a full time maid = keep the dog. if not the dog goes
seems like i'm stucked
M2B / twin stars,
Thanks. Things are ok for now. I will take one step at a time.

Any mummy feel like your tummy is drooping to the side when you sleep on your side? I'm thinking of getting pillow to support the tummy cos it feels like jelly when droop to one side and abit uncomfy.
hi mummies,

did my detailed scan yesterday. i'm having a boy! can close shop already. baby should be of a big sized baby like my #1. my placenta is a bit low, so gynae advised me not to carry too heavy or do too strenuous stuff, which mean now really have to restrain from carrying my girl. hopefully, my placenta will move up...

hi twin star,

saw ur posting yesterday as i was surfing the forum while waiting for my lasik post-review check up. nope, the 4D scan was not done by dr ho. it's by another gynae at Mt E.

leg cramps
maybe can try propping up the legs while sleeping, for blood circulation. though anenatal class got teach how to relief the cramp by ourself, normally, i will wake my hb up to massage for me. the feeling is v terrible... actually have to learn to relax so that the pain is not that painful. and also my mum say that need to relax so as to prevent "green veins" from appearing.
twin star
having the dog around can be a prob with new born...im quite concern as well cuz mu MIL has a dog at her place...since im getting the full time helper..so i think its easier to jaga the dog at the same time as well..i wouldn't want dog fur in my bb's eye's or clothes or milk man...plus its a jack russell they have...shed A LOT of fur one...
No leg cramps for me yet but am already wondering how to trim my toe nails wif a protruding tummy. Recently lifting my legs to wear shorts has become quite a challege too...

Heheh, iseeisee..
Me am neither monkey nor goat, am born in the year of the rooster. 1981 baby


Tt's a really wonderful arrangement..

With a maid must be more careful, if we don't want her to hear our conversation, must speak in mandarin. But nowadays some maids are very clever, they even know dialect! So it becomes very tricky.. And when we speak in a language she doesn't understand, then she knows we are talking abt her


The pain is perpetual, or only when you stand and walk?
i also experienced leg cramp last night! had to wake hubby up to 'straighten' and massage my leg. So painful.

extracted for your info.
Try these tips for keeping leg cramps at bay:
• Avoid standing or sitting with your legs crossed for long periods of time.

• Stretch your calf muscles regularly during the day and several times before you go to bed.

• Rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes when you sit, eat dinner, or watch TV.

• Take a walk every day, unless your midwife or doctor has advised you not to exercise.

• Avoid getting too tired. Lie down on your left side to improve circulation to and from your legs.

• Stay hydrated during the day by drinking water regularly.

• Try a warm bath before bed to relax your muscles.

• There's some evidence that taking a magnesium supplement in addition to a prenatal vitamin may help some women. Check with your provider before taking any kind of supplement during pregnancy.

You may have heard that having leg cramps is a sign that you need more calcium, and that calcium supplements will relieve the problem. Though it's certainly important to get enough calcium, there's no good evidence that taking extra calcium will help prevent leg cramps during pregnancy. In fact, in one well-designed study, pregnant women taking calcium got no more relief from leg cramps than those taking a placebo.

twinstar and YLN,
my in laws' place has a labrador retriever. i also have the same fear as you. :\
I already cannot cut my toenails myself with the protruding tummy. cannot stretch out to the toes. Got my hubby and mum to cut for me.

oic.. hehe.

thanks for the info!
Maybe I didn't drink enough water..
wow..thanks for the info...think must have more blood circulated to leg liao..

ya.,..me too ..recently wear shorts also keep losing balance...so furni..
as for toe nails...i solve that problem by doing pedicure every 4 weeks...heehee
Hehe..i've hinted to my hubby..hope he'll do it for me... dread going for pedicure and sniff in the horrible nail polish for my bb...
Hi All,

I got leg cramps for 2 times. Other than pregnancy cause, get cold, if we dehydrate, will have leg cramp too. So, nowadays I try to drink alot of water, so no cramp since then.
i wanted to go for manicure and pedicure too but hubby refuse cos gynae never say can. so for next visit must remember to ask for permission from gynae.
don't know leh. at least now can look pretty mah. if need to remove, that will be problem at a later stage don't need to worry now. heheh....

ic. my gynae gave me d go ahead. ask hb 2 sponsor somemore.
d oni precaution tt i took is tt i find a salon which is well ventilated so tt i dun breathe in too much of d fumes.


yes, they'll. jus in case d mummy needs 2 go 4 emer c sec. so when it's nearer 2 our edd, it's advisable 2 jus cut ur nails or go 4 clear polish.
Joanne, no need to say sorry juz wan to min updating
btw siglap belong to which zone?

Gemini, congrats on ur baby boy
mil probs again. mil is here today. first thing she did is to go to my store rooms and look through all my bags. she even know which is a new bag and guessed the price! then she wants to borrow bags from me to bring for her tour. the last time i lent her a hangbag....it can come back with the ziphead broken and i had to throw my fairly new bag away!
this time she took my new nike bag and luggage i bought from japan. i only use it once! i see the way she try to unzip my luggage, i know the fate of it liao! she always come to my hse n "bio" my bags...i wanna cry already. the last time i told her the bag she wanted from me does not match what she intends to wear. she got angry and say forget it then. i will use the bag my daughter bought for me! so if i don;t lend her, she will throw temper! sigh. she only eye on my branded bags or overseas import! my hubby will have to do some fire fighting tonight!

wow, congrats!!!! you have your "hao" in mandrin. one girl one boy
fantastic! now i'm researching on low lying placenta....scarring myself already

i have my dog for ages. i have childhood asthma and have no probs as mine is a hypo allegic dog. don;t shed much fur. but i understand babies will have a lower tolerance for dust n fur.....guess to keep "both" my babies. i'll have no choice but to loose my freedom
Thanks for asking... im better now... yesterday visited gynae on my scheduled 24th week visit & was told to cut down my ventolin from 4x to 3x to 2x to 1x to none every 2 days and monitor if the contractions come back... so happy got to see my gal during the scan yesterday... gynae say she got a chubby face, looks like daddy face shape... kekeke... only gained 400g for the past 4 weeks, total weight gained is 4.1kg for 24 weeks...

went to mothercare PP yesterday & got some romper and sleepsuits at 50% off, after dinner walked around Giant for a while aledi felt so tired... no stamina at all...

re:itchy tummy
i got itchy tummy & trying very hard not to scratch... showed my gynae & she immediately said stretchmarks coming & gave me some samples to try... she asked me to moisturise more...

re: leg cramps
i also experience leg cramp for abt 3 times so far... asked HB to massage & help me to straighten... read from another thread can wear those calf socks/bandadge to prevent leg cramps...
Rata, its East zone. Thks =)

Gemini, congrats on ur mickey!

vone, why cant we have nail polish on during delivery le? Im jus curious

anyone here who quit their job before delivery? i did tt n kinda regret, cos im getting so bored now. But my previous job was full of stress n i hated my boss, so quit.

oh yes, just to let u girls know that the megastore mothercare at harbourfront is not officially open yet. They mentioned will be opened this week but im not sure when. I went last weekend and was a wasted trip. So better go next wk or sth if u girls wanna go
i never ask hb on sponsoring pedi. The only thing he volunteered to sponsor is slimming after preg and maybe how to get boobs back in shape. He keeps repeating that slimfit advertisement "quan2 tian1 ran2 de4". bleah.. now duno what he says = action or not.
i prob will go for a waxing on my legs before delivery. cos think confinemt no time to think about hairy legs ;\
Hi rata,

so sorri,i've not been loggin in for a long time. Yup yup, i m stephie. But i think there is some mistake, mine is a minnie not mickey. Hee. btw can help mi update baby's weight. She is 340g at 20 wks. thankie =^_^=

i agree with u. we must still look pretty now. hehe.. i've also been goin for pedi but as vone said, its better to find a well ventilated place.
i think most moms are divided whether to go or not. for me, i can still cut my own toe and finger nails. i think the alcohol from the nail polish is really strong. haven't been able to find a mani/pedi salon that is well ventilated. so looks like none for me till i give birth.

leg cramps:
are u all referring to that sharp pull at your calve area? i get it sometimes in the middle of the night. the first time i got it, i woke up in shock, luckily it subsided after 5 mins. i tot it was because i exercised too much, coz' i went swimming the day before. so now i know it's pregnancy related...
little twin stars,
Oh dear, why your MIL like that? You better be prepared what to say in case your MIL badmouths you to your hubby. and be prepared that your hubby may side his mum wor.. sometimes, the poor hubby also stuck in between.

hmm.. maybe next time should lock your store-room. Else give some lame excuse that you are selling them off or somebody borrowed alrdy to "da fa" her.

Remember not to flare up at hubby cos don't affect yourself emotionally.
celyn & vone

Maybe can choose the salons which are not so enclosed, then less of the harmful fumes in the air

twin stars

MIL probs indeed.. She keeps telling me to eat this and that, and not because of Dr recommendation, but 'ren jia shuo', all the hearsay & old wives tales

I was qt pissed with her when she asked me for the umpteen time if i take durians. Even before preggy days, i dun fancy durians, and she knows. So she claimed, others said durians are very bu. I told her, I won't take it, coz it might result in gestational diabetes.. Man, I pay Dr for all supplements, might as well eat durians right?

On another occasion, she wanted to touch my tummy.. *faint*


Have u told ur gynae abt it? Maybe he wld be able to advise how it happens and how to handle.. I try to shift my wt to the right when i stand/ walk
*Raise Right Hand* I'm oso becoming bored liao...jus complained to my HB last nite.. everytime i go shopping i wished i still had my job so dat i can buy anyting i like for my lil' pwincess...*sobs*

Twin Stars,
Try putting your branded or fave bags in your wardrobe lor..datz wat i do... or mabbe ask your HB to buy a ncie bag for ur MIL so she doesnt come ransacking your store room?
There's so much to complain abt my MIL too but dun dare too in case HB suka suka come in and read my postings!
whereabouts in Siglap do you live? I'm also at the East side, at Tanah Merah.

I think it's better that you quit if you didn't like your previous job. Else you will be very stressed. Now all the more you can enjoy your pregnancy!
little twin stars,

gosh, ur mil is kinda of 2 much liao. mus ask ur hb 2 talk 2 her oledi.


ya, try 2 moisturise more or use a richer moisturiser. hving an itchy tummy is no joke. i hv been thr b4, so i understd.


coz 4 c sec, d nurses can monitor d oxygen level in ur body by looking at ur nails. if u hv nail polish on, they can't c. so they'll ask u 2 remove.


wah, if he's willing 2 sponsor ur slimming sessions, i tink tt it's more than enough oledi. mine doesn't believe in tat. he always asks me 2 exercise so tt i can lose wt. bt then i m 2 lazy 2 do so. will c hw after tis pregnancy.
Not the gynae say, it the GP who say cannot apply too much moisturiser during pregnancy.

GP say not allegy cos the rahses only found in concentrated area (tummy and breast). I applied Clarins oil on my tighs and buttocks too but there got no rashes. Been using the oil since my 4th month and only devleop the skin rashes recently. In any case, I had stoppped using the clarins until my situation improved.

I meant that we should not cut down on the intake of food but since Joanne's gynae say can cut down so was suggesting to her if she's doing it, should not starve the baby cos its eating from us :)

What mositurizer are u using?

Tks, Will do more research on your recommendation. For now, I just use the cream that the GP gave it to me.

*itch* *itch*
my MIL abit like yours. She keeps telling me: Don't worry about getting fat, must eat when hungry like indirectly telling me not to starve bb.
Cos she ever commented v proudly her 2 other grandchildren by her younger son, all hit 3.4kg so were the models for demonstrating to parents how to bathe baby. She ever said my hb and his younger bro almost hit 4kg even though they were due 2 wks earlier.

I know I'm slim and I have v small appetite pre-preg, but that doesn't mean I'm starving my bb lo..

Sorry for the ranting.. haiz.. maybe she did not mean to be intentional.

hahah u know, my mother not allow me to eat durians .. she said eat durians and the baby will become very heavy.. very hard to deliever ...

thanks. yes.. i asked my gynae b4.. she told me that it's normal
ask me no need to worry

*sigh* I eat when i'm hungry, coz it's not very nice to have those hunger pangs which may develop into gastritic pains, and I don't starve myself nor baby.. Dunno why they so worried that we wun eat. We eat moderately and sufficiently mah

I think the older generation like the bai-bai pang-pang babies.. My fren's ILs feed her 1 year old ger anything and everything, and blame her for breastfeeding, coz those on formula milk are bbpp *tsktsk*


I think eat occasionally is prob okie.. Maybe just 1 or 2 pieces. But what your mum says has truth in it.. Esp during 3rd trimester, better avoid
reirei, im like growing mushrooms at home alrdy! Yeah, i miss spending my own money too. Hee but just got my hubby supp a credit card for me, so im gonna spend hisss money! But still, nothing beats spending own money

valsnw, im putting up vvnear pasta fresca at siglap.

vone, thks for ur enlightenment. I didnt know that.

Thinking about delivery scares me. Hb just asked me yest how long after delivery can hav sex, he asked out of curiousity. I told him i dunno, perhaps 1+ mth? But i said, i think its scary to have sex cos might have tear or epi so i would think the fear psychologically will be there..then he asked me to stop the topic cos it scares him thinking about the tear or cut part. Haha..
I never bothered to go buy special stretchmark cream like clarins, mothercare or palmers.

It's this cheapo brand of baby lotion called Nozomi from Beaute Spring that my mum got. I just use cos it's there. It's lotion easily absorbed and there's this cooling feeling so at least helps in soothing the itch. As to whether it can prevent stretchmarks, have no idea. Heh.. I quite lazy so praying for the best I don't have stretchmarks.

celyn, when did u email them? I was there on Sunday and they were still putting up some stuff n workers ard, so the girl at the store didnt allow me to enter, say its not open yet. Perhaps they officially opened these few days? I really dunno le..mayb can try calling to confirm before going down.
