(2008/08) Aug 2008

glad that you are ok. yap, I agreed Singaporeans not so civilised now...hiaz

twin stars,
your MIL really 1 kind man but she must be those modern type right? my mil sure won't borrow my stuff coz doesnt suit her...heehee

wow, u are fast!
have u thot of what brand diapers to get? looking at def's posting.....what if we buy 1 brand than can't fit...give the whole thing away?

gd for u. i think no matter how u can get along.....it's best not to stay together as ils are still ils...they are not yr family...it's hard to voice our displeasure to them unlike our own parents. we still need to have "courtesy" but to them, they know we can;'t say no to them.....u know what i mean. so if we are not firm and play the bad guy, we'll be taken advantage of lor

yes, modern.....but alot of times she also come and wanna take things for her daughter! she will say this one u seldom use...give her la. when i say no, i plan to give another friend even if u do not want...black face. i mean. i have the liberty to do whatever i want to my things what. moreover i have given my sil alot of things liao. there r things i just let her "test" to see if it fits as she wants to buy the same thing, so she can go n get it...she say can fit, then put into her bag!!!!!! i had to resort to asking her to buy it over so i can get a replacement as i'm still using it. then she say she don't want. so expensive....she already know the price and said she wanted to buy then....of cos "free" better than buy la.


having said that......they are also very nice people. they do treat me well. jus all these "chao kuan" sigh, i'm soft hearted afterall. my hubby knows that's why he always "protect" me from them
sorry for late update, just came bk from clinic.
yes, the mothercare in harbourfront is opened.
quite alot of selection for car seat and pram.

gotta learn how to protect urself lor.
i remember there was once when i board a crowded bus carrying my gal in hand, a young guy (20+ yr old) actually fight seat with me... -_-"
like what M2B said, u can see how civilise s'porean is now lor.
so, take care hor.
twin stars
for new born, i recommend pampers premium...but think they rename liao hor? =P
i tried a few brands on my gal previously, pampers for new born is the only 1 that won't trigger my gal's ezcema lor.
on the topic of crowded buses/train..
i haven't actually taken the bus since i found out i was pregnant...cab all the way...very shiong leh...but then when i see th crowd on the buses and trains..i sian already..rather pay more for comfort...heehee..like so spoilt like that..
i was thinking of pampers premium n nepia. they say pampers is gd till 6mths is it? after that switch brand? some use diff brands for day n night. how did u manage? jus pampers thruout to make things easier?
twin stars
my gal used pampers for around 1yr, then i switch to mamypoko and huggies ultra.
my gal like the pooh bear on mamypoko leh, but her ezcema will relapse when the weather is hot.
think huggies ultra air ventilation is better.
sometime pampers will have sale in Giant, and i got 10% discount voucher for Giant....so, i bought pampers on and off also.
cannot alternate day and night leh, my gal skin is just like a diaper thermometer.
if diaper not gd, her skin will "reject".

twin stars & celyn
if u ladies going harbourfront mothercare on sat late afternoon, we might have chance to see each other...hee hee...
tks for the info. babies tend to have sensitive skin. glad pampers works
yr girl very gd lei. diaper thermometer
u so funny.

i'll def be going on sat...maybe after lunch?
twin stars,
your mil and sil really terrible man...i'm so glad my mil and sil are nice people but anyway, we only see each other once a week...heehee

rbr our date this sat hah...will msg you...heehee

diapers - my #1 gal helped me to save alot on diapers leh, she used Petpet and before she turns 18mths, she is diaper-free liao...heehee
twin stars
ya, i'll be meeting M2B around that time also lor...hee hee... =P

ya, this sat har! =)
ur gal gd leh, my gal still need diaper when she sleeping at night now.

can understand....mil always think they are family mah, so should be able to come in and out freely.
there was once my mil came into our rm at night, luckily we have our blanket on.... -_-"
think she just too used to cover blanket for her precious son bah. =P
thereafter, we decided that maybe we should move out....ha ha....long ago liao lah.
<font color="0000ff">twin stars</font>
hee...i fast coz I had already bookmark it last week when I saw it. Useful info mah.
me plan to just buy 1 packet of Pampers Premium. If bb skin is ok with it, then will just ask hubby to go out buy when it's used up. Got a ntuc just few minutes walk away from our place.
During 1st mth, I plan to use diapers during nighttime only. Day time will use cloth nappies. Coz got CL to do washing mah...keke..
After that, should be using diapers coz don't think got time to wash as I won't be hiring a maid.
Yap, rbr our date.

will sure persuade hb to go there this Sat...you there at 2pm right?

actually the credit shd goes to my mom who diligent trained my gal to be diaper-free in the day...then her cc teacher trained her for the nap time and me trained her for night...hahaha

can tell you diaper-free liao really save alot and so convenient coz travel dun need to bring any liao.
yup, 2pm.
my gal got class till 1.30pm, thats why.

but gonna start diaper training all over again when the new little 1 is out right?
ha ha... =D
wa, yr mil is scary too! it happened to me before. also caught unprepared n "braless" after that hubby talked to her n she always call before coming liao.she's scared of her son, so need him to do the talking

now i jus close one eye lor. too much, my hubby will kena nagging from me n have to settle , hehe

u guys go ahead. my timing depends on what time my hubby wakes up, how long he decides where to eat etc...heh
come to yr room to cover blanket for yr hubby?!!!!!! er.........time to move

i think, i will prob do the same as you bah. i think i will need to get a maid. no choice. i can;t handle the house. even when i'm not working, i need a part time helper liao. on this area my mil is very understanding, she don;t expect me to do hsework. she told me this type of money cannot save. think she know my limitations ba
what is your technique for diaper free so fast? must teach me ok.

i won't be going down on sat. so won't be able to meet up.

re:in law
lucky for me, my parents and fil don't have my house keys. so don't have problems of them coming without informing. also fil is very near my house, so we will drop by every week or at least my hubby will see his father very often.
So far I find pampers to be the best also but it is quite ex. So what I do is in the day, use Huggies and at nite then use pampers. I dunno if its becos of the way my boy sleeps, everytime he use huggies at nite will sure leak but pampers so far ok.
My gal’s piano class also ends at 12.30pm so will probably lunch at Vivo and them meet up with you. :p

Yalor, gonna start all over again but ok lah, need to wait till at least 16-18mths b4 starting but must spend $ on diapers and exp milk powder again…sob sob…

Twin Stars,
Haha, think my PIL know such problems thus they won’t wana stay with us lor…heehee, at least we only meet once a week so no conflicts as when we meet, they will be busy entertaining my gal to bother with us…hahaha, sometimes we will leave my gal there and we go out for awhile…

Diaper-free, must really thank my mom for her patience man! :p

Sure, will impart some skills to you when the time comes to train our kids to be diaper-free ok? Heehee
hey M2B, do u hv to religiously wake up at night to train the gal to pee so that she wont wet the bed? Whats the interval frequency like?
hi M2B,

ur gal diaper-free @ 18 mths! Wow, really an accomplishment. we managed to train my gal to do her poo poo on the potty when she's about 10-11 mths and she's ok with it but after a few mths, she refuse to sit on the potty and now poo poo in her diapers. really wondering when she can go diaper-free...

for NB, i will be using Pampers Premium (think change name already) and Mamy Poko. The Mamy Poko NB diapers got a U-cut in the front,so that the diaper rest under the umbilical cord.
my gal now using Huggies ultra/Sealer for nite and day time, she use EQ.
Megan and Gemini,
What I did was b4 her bedtime at 9pm, she will pee and b4 my bedtime at 11pm, I will wake her up to pee in the potty and thatz it...now, if she needs to pee in the night which is seldom, she will wake up and walk to the potty herself...

I think my gal is someone who can hold her urine very well lor...heehee, like mommy...

to prevent accidents, best is to have plastic sheets on their bed to separate the mattress and bedsheets. :p
Hi all dear MTBs,,
I am new member to this group and want to share that I am an August MTB with TWINS....
Glad to see all other sisters out here supporting and sharing their experiences..just wanted to be a part of it..Wish all of you good luck..
hi doubleblessing,

welcome aboard! when is your EDD?

hi M2B,

ur gal is v guai. mine is a little tyrant. wont listen to us...
hi everyone, sorry to interrupt
i'm selling my quinny Buzz 07 model
(lime green colour) for $450 inclusive of basket which is sold seperately. it's in good condition used only for last 9mths.

interested pls let me know!
PM me!

hi doubleblessing,
welcome! congrats on your twins!

you must teach us how to toilet-train our babies ;)

Re: diapers
I prob will let bb use Pampers brand NB for the first 2 weeks to let the umbilical cord to drop off and in case bb golden butt and sensitive skin. After that will use the cheaper brands like petpet or mamy poko. Heard drypers the worst, but seems like my hubby's niece can take it. So it depends on the baby too..

Re: PIL issues
It's always better to live out on your own. One thing I noticed is that the parents on the guy's side tend to have alot of comments, whereas the parents on the girl's side are ok with most things. My friend was lamenting to me her MIL wanted to do so many rituals for her new home, while her parents are fine with anything she does.
little twin stars,
good 2 hear tt hb is on ur side &amp; u dun stay wif ur ILs. i stay wif my fil oni bt he has been giving me a lot of headaches liao.

i agree wif u. nowadays, d ppl in sg r nt as nice 2 preggy women as b4.
Yesterday I eperience leg cramp and I have to endure the pain in silence for at least 10sec as my girl was sleeping beside me and I do not want to make any nosie. I can't wake hb up too as it will wake my girl up as well.
Was surprise it attack me so early.
Any MTBs having darken and lots of tiny moles on their neck? Recently, I noticed some changes on my neck. I'm sure it got to do with the pregnancy hormone. My concern is it won't back to normal after delivery.
twin stars

agree, it's very diff to voice our displeasure with our ILs. Thankfully my HB's qt supportive and his mum listens to him alot, only child, so she rather listen than incur his 'wrath'

You MIL is so buay zi dong.. Where got test if it fits anot? Tt's qt ridiculous.. Exactly, if your house is a department store, then she better pay for it


your MIL also qt scary! Arrive unannounced!! I will never give my ILs keys of my place..


Your ger's amazing! She is able to communicate her needs? Clever ger!


Hmm, i dun think i've noticed that.. But i shall go take a look later. You checked with you gynae oredi?

My prob tt came because of the hormonal changes is some outbreak on my shoulder blades.. *sigh*
poor u. i can understd d feeling.

no worries, it'll b back 2 normal after u give birth.

my bb's weight is 370g @21 weeks..Pls update? Thanks!

I think my boy abit small hor..as compared to the rest of u here... But gynae say he's middle size..hmm..but i still think he's pretty small leh..
Good Morning Mommies!

Double blessing,
Congrats on your twins and welcome!

No prob! When the time comes, we can exchange pointers but 1 thing I find out is it seem easier to train gals than boys…just my opinion…maybe coz boys can’t hold their bladder that well…

Think you can check with your gynae on the prob as every woman may experience diff symptoms when preggie…

Ya, my gal learnt to talk quite early maybe coz there is my nephew ard to guide her so she is able to communicate her needs quite well when young…very talkative now…hahaha

Dun worry abt bb’s size, since gynae commented bb’s size is ok then you shd trust your gynae. :p

heheh, talkative ah? Bt must be really cute too right? Hmm, then maybe my bb will also be the same like ur ger, coz i've got a niece ard too


Dun be too worried.. If gynae does not say anything negative, dun get too concerned k?
Gynae say medium size, not too big not too small.. But compared to the rest of you here, my bb seems small...hahaha.. Is it i watch my diet too much or what? (no sugar, no salt)
Thanks everyone, I will check with my Gynae.

Don't worry, it will be easier for you to deliver your precious. My baby's weight is 573gms at 21 wks 6days and the Sonographer said she is bigger than 1 week (for that weight should be already 22wks and 6 days). *Sigh* have to watch my diet. Recently, my appetite is too good. I don't want to end up with Caesaeraen.
U mean bb's weight got to do with our diet? If we eat alot, bb will be bigger? Cos i just eat normally... i didnt put on alot of weight too. hehe..*touch wood*!
Hi mummies,

Sorry for disappearing... just came back from perth with my hubby... last "couple-only" trip before baby arrives...

Cant catch up with all the posts... only read some.. Talking abt baby's weight, mine also feels small... only 323gms at 20 week scan.. When i went to perth, no one could tell im pregnant... hmm.. guess my tummy not really showing yet... am i too small? should i eat more??

yes, our bb's wt is related 2 wat we eat. coz our bb get his / her nutrients directly fr us mah. bt u r good, hv d determination 2 watch ur diet. 4 tis pregnancy, i can't b bothered tt much. been eating all d forbidden foods.
Morning Mommies

Yesterday I went for my DS and we got to see a lot of poses from our gal. Even our sonographer commented that she gave a lot of cute poses during the scan.

Hi Rata
Can help me update my bb gal's weight at 390g (20w5d)? Thanks a lot

I do think size of bb shd be related to what we eat.. Like the durian thingy. Nvm, so long as the foods are nutritious and we take supplements, we are okie


heheheh, what sorts of forbidden food?
hi all,

i disappeared for a gathering. some of my friends can't tell that i am preg! i'm 24wks lei on mon! some say i look like i need to gain more weight. they told me at 24wks... gaining 3-3.5kg is uderweight...is it? one of them a nurse told me to buck up and eat more if my baby is born less than 3kg, it is not so gd

these few days i only eat 1 -2 meals a day. tummy feels very tight if i eat regularly so i wanna avoid tt uncomfortable feeling. i admit at times i only eat my lunch at 3pm when my baby kicks me non stop....i know ( i kena alot of nagging liao ) nowadays my appetite is not so gd lei
like now......i've not eaten anything yet....sigh
Hi ladies,

would like to check how much weight have you all put on now.

Went for my gynae appt last week and put on some weight and my gynae nagged at me throughout the check up, kind of stress... My total of gaining weight is 4.2kg at 20weeks, is it too much?? Now I have to watch what I eat, only 2 meals a day and oat milk in the morning. No fried food, mostly soupy stuff, porriage for dinner and lotsa veggies and try not to eat sweet stuff although I'm graving for it.

pls update for me,
Baby Weight: 361 gms @ 20 weeks
Gender: Boy
EDD: 12 August 2008

little twin stars,
your appetite is so bad? maybe you can eat smaller meal but more often or at least drink something. at least you gain 3-3.5kg. my friend only gain 2.5kg and i think she is at 22 weeks now. don't be stress over your weight unless your gynae warn you about it.

i have cut away my 2 teabreaks and back to my 3 meals only. not that i cut them away purposely but don't feel hungry for tea now. i will eat tea when i feel hungry. i just came back from a heavy lunch at jack's place. now feeling sleepy. heheh...
