(2008/08) Aug 2008

I think my hubby just plain lazy la. since the name kinda fits the criteria. Would've thought Ella or Chloe from the show sounds better. Cos to me Becky sounds like "begging"? and yup not v pro-sounding.

When I suggested Celeste, the first thing my hubby said, eii dowan, cos sounds like molest.

sigh..i told him u go search yourself since he so picky, but you know men somehow are not that on about choosing names. Actually coined up one name which we both kinda liked but I think I will wait til DS to finalise.

Anyway, I stood firm on the stand that if have bb boy ah, sure dowana follow the "jia pu", cos his nephew's chinese name v lao tu.. :p

mulberry, ok then. i m going to get it as i got $40 isetan voucher so i pay $280 for the pump

so u bought the cot from ikea ? ya ..i meant if the mattress height was adjustable..i m not sure if i should get that one the leksvik one...were there many other models in ikea? might have to make a trip down to have a look at it...
hi valnsw, sorry, i just activated my pm. do you think you can resend me? sorry for the trouble.

i am also cracking my head for a nice name for my boy. don't want to regret later..haha..
same as mulberry, waiting for closer to delivery then buy unless the offer is so amazing... keke...

re: gals name
im also considering chloe, celeste and celynn...
Yeah boys can be very fun too so its ok lah, hehe: ) Then yr boy will have a playmate mah.
Yeah think I will check on the cost of the DS again..

I think the nurse quoted me 180 too cos mine was "booked" about 2 months back... When is yr DS? Now everything also increase... that day I went to buy prata kosong and one cost like 70 cents! I remembered last time its like 40 or 50 cents nia... : p
Hello ladies!
Company server got problem, so cannot log in this morning. =P
Was telling my colleague that company too poor to pay subscription, thats why ganna cut off.
hee hee...

I dun even have enough sleep, let alone time to dream...my gal had been kicking me at night lor.

Just now my hb and me was just arguing on bb name, think men and women really think very differently.

M2B & wing
Our order's already processed in vpostUSA, will send u ladies the cost breakdown later today.
Do let me know if there is anything unclear about the calculation ok? =)
All of them are my friends, so I'm detail but dun wanna be too calculative lor...
hey ladies, please do kindly update this thread if there is any online spree for bb clothing esp for Old Navy, GAP, Polo Ralph, etc..hee..i never participated in any sprees before so very "mountain tortoise" hee..
i only know what is vpostusa recently. omg.
just PM you, can check your email if you received?

I was at Ikea Tampines, saw Hendsvik and Leksvik too. Think I saw another model but didn't note the model name. I'm not sure if will get from Ikea, will decide once my parents see the foldable one on display from Kiddy Palace.

Ya, I think Shay also mentioned the price is cheaper for her cos hers was booked earlier. I don't know when nurse booked it but she mentioned at my last visit on 3 Mar, so prob that's when she booked. My DS will be on 16 April.

Hmm, you got me craving for prata leh.. But everytime I eat from the stall at Century Sq foodcourt, makes my stomach feel funny. Don't dare to buy from there altho the prata is so nice and crispy!!
me too have problem getting a nice name that starts with A cos #1 also starts with A. I kinda like Zaccous but hb said like 'cursing' aiyoh very the 'huan suan'...men!
My DS will be on 3rd april so maybe really the price increase within that 2 weeks diff..
Hhehehe.. yeah i eat so much prata during my first pregnancy and history is reapeating itself now... Punggol plaza's prata is damn good.. I can eat 4 at one time... such a pig. : p
shay, go to "edit profile" on the top left corner of this page and check on "allow private message to be received from board users". hope this helps.

val, thanks much, i will check and reply you.
you can go to your preferences and uncheck the box "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users".
Then you should be able to receive PM from others.
Hehe, let me know when you activate then I can PM you.

I know Aidan/Aiden is a v popular name, is a branch of Kayden? Cos my hubby's colleague's son is called Kayden.

Duno why bb reacts differently to different prata. When I eat the ones bought from market hawker centre, I'm ok but not those that I like better. Could be the gravy...

Any mummies noticed their areola getting bigger and darker/blacker? read in June'08 MTB threads that it's due to hormones?
Activated my PM.....thank u so much for ur help!

Can u try to PM me but I can only check it from home 29 cos office cannot access to yahoo mail...v niao

my #1 is Ayden haha so that is already out. Cannot be kor kor Ayden and didi Aidan rite lol....
haiya i really cannot find any nice names that starts with A liao le....sianz!
You also having weird dreams? I often forget what I dreamt but these 2 nights, they are so clear…

Congrats on your amnio results and having a Minnie!

Hehe, my gal sleeps like a log like mommy and we sleep in diff beds, so she can’t kick me…

Thanks for ordering the item…dun worry abt the calculation, trust you.
oversea spree kinda thing hor...once u started, abit difficult to stop lor.
unless u really like something very much then u start hor....hee hee....

ever since my gal know i got bb, she dun wanna sleep elsewhere leh.

no problem lah.
just that i'll only collect after i received the stuffs, must do quantity chk 1st.
met twice which OldNavy missed out some orders during their process of pkg.

do let me know if there are any good sprees
i'm currently buying from local bp as i can't post on the overseas one yet......yes, can be addictive but i control myself la
just want to share a happy news with all of you here... my hubby just surprised me at my office with a 1 carat diamond ring & a big bouquet of 99 roses and a thank you card... on cloud 9 now...
Yeah could be the gravy. I always go for fish curry cos sometimes the normal ones I find got a funny taste..
Areola, yes definately will change colour. Mine was dark and big during pregnancy and after that when i was breasfeeding it changed to the normal colour. Now its back to black black again.. so sad : (

Little twin stars
Me too! *sigh* I keep looking at the website to see got any new things anot.. jialat. But I am still in control : )
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! wow! so envious! if only my hubby is as romantic. u r one lucky lady! enjoy the "cloud" moment,hehe. m sure it will last for weeks

so far i've spent $160 this wk......... so i'm cooling it for awhile
so envy.... =(

twin stars & medusa
u ladies also wanna buy from oversea sites ah?
normally i only buy from gap and oldnavy lor.
Waaaaah xin fu de nu ren! Hehehehe : )

Little twin stars/ Snow
Haha! Ok i think so far i only spend $200 since I started on this BP thing.. hehe. But really must practise lotsa self control man..
I haven tried the oveseas BP yet.. is it that we still too "new" then cannot participate ah?
Gap and old navy? you mean from BP or overseas website?
hi twinstars and snow, i don't think i can post in those spree threads coz i am still considered newbie looking at my no. of posts. am i right? haha. okay, we will keep each other updated of any good sales/sprees.

dongle, your hubby is so sweet! i reckon your 1carat ring costs an arm and a leg hahaa..
Gap and olnavy is from oversea.
me also cannot post in oversea spree section, that is why jio a few friends to buy together lor.
if item is not too heavy, price is normally much cheaper as compare to those selling s'pore. =)
ur hb is so sweet. so envious!

jus wanna share, i jus gt back fr my detailed scan. i m hving a gal tis time round. so i can officially close factory liao.
Ya, kids can start to seek parents’ attention when they know another sibling is coming along. Bear with it…hope Aug comes soon…

Envy you! So romantic of your hb to do that.
Do you all feel unattractive when preggie? I feel so fat and unattractive leh...sad...can't wait to get back to shape...sob sob

Congrats on your Minnie.
i also can't post in the spree thread but i normally PM the organiser and order thru email. do u guys do that too?

how do u normally do the ordering then? u got direct from the web?
<font color="0000ff">Rata</font>
oic u got vouchers, then it's quite worth it for you to buy now.

<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
ya lor, dunno why got weird dreams. I read somewhere that mentioned preggies usually dream more.

<font color="0000ff">dongle</font>
me so envy you! your hubby so romantic &amp; sweet lah.
so so, is the 1ct ring the one that u wanted? i remember u said u had some requirements, right?

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font> / <font color="0000ff">Medusa</font>
wow you both spend so much on BPs liao! but becareful in joining those BPs ya. Choose those that have previous experiences.

<font color="0000ff">missysz</font>
to be able to post in the Overseas Spree section, you need to be at least 1 year old member.
hee...it doesn't depend on your no. of postings.

<font color="0000ff">Snow74</font>
you joined SMH in April 2007. So you can post in the Overseas spree section in another 1 month's time liao
hi mommies,

this thread is moving so fast i really lost track!!

M2B you are not alone, i feel the same way too and worst!! Since i preg until now i have totally lost my sex drive. Have not been intimate with my hubby for a long time, he so poor thing......think its the hormones, i just totally no desire anymore ley.
snow, missy n medusa

ya seems like we cannot post in the overseas bp spree yet. that's y i go to the local bp...they do have some nice things. so far these few days i bought alot of burberry dresses and socks etc for my bb liao

like wat shay say, we can pm the organizer if we really like the things in the overseas spree. but i KS...i rather everything in black and white over the post so they can tract back order. the other thing i do is to get someone that can post to help me post my order with my nick and transection number. i feel more secured this way la

but what i do now if i see anything i like overseas is to order via vpost

congrats on the ideal combo
wa... your hubby so romantic. hehe, think alot of mummies here will show our hubbies your post ah.

Duno if my hubby sees, got reaction or not. Mention push present to him and he will act bluurrr...

i didn't know have the fish curry gravy. The one I took has potato in it. Won't the fish curry gravy have fishy smell?


why do you say u feel unattractive? is it your own perception or did hubby say anything to you? my hubby says I look cute and wana take photos of me every now and then but I don't find myself that "cute".

ya , i see if others who have ordered before me got their items. if they did, i will order. also i see their respond time and what others write about them. so far i only buy from 2 pp. i just started this wk. mostly ready stocks.....crossing my fingers..first time ordering ,hehe
hope u r feeling better today
m sure our hubbies will kena nagging tonight, hehe. i msn my hubby but no respond!!!!!! ACT BLUR LIAO hahahahaha

m2b, qiqi
my hubby's "boys" already in "retirement home" liao..hohohooh
little twin stars,
thanks for the concern. wanted to rest but had to wait for aircon to be serviced before I lie down abit. then calls started coming in. but now headache ok liao.

I think i give up on my hubby. don't expect too much, then will not have disappointment lo.
push presents..
my hubby also act blur when i mention..sian but no choice also....nevermind lor, i just go shopping and use his credit card..heehee
thanks gals... still smiling looking at sparkling stone...

hubby showed me the GIA cert but not the invoice, he say secret... yup, it mine exact minimum requirement of F colour and VS2... that time when i was talking about it, we went to a few shops at Toa Payoh Ctr... Lee Hwa, Soo Kee, SK, Taka &amp; citigems... looked at close to 10 stones... he got one of them from citigem &amp; reset it to a setting which i like but it's a bit too big...

congrats, can close shop liao... good...
<font color="0000ff">vone</font>
congrats on ur Minnie

<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
smart girl ;)
should be ok lah, since it's those ready stock. Those that says need to wait 3-5weeks one is frustrating. For those, unless it's exceptionally cheap, i won't join.

<font color="0000ff">dongle</font>
so so sweet of ur hubby.
abit loose now? maybe u wear your wedding band to sorta block it. u know what i mean?
That's what i did last time. But now no need coz my finger has more 'fat' now...hehe.. so it's just fitting now.
Yes, there is fish curry one. No leh, the ones I have usually dun have fishy smell.. taste good in fact, yummy!

Yeah usually its cheaper that way so more worth it. I like Old Navy stuff too!

M2B, Val
Me too! And worse is cannot do shopping for normal clothes... and cannot really buy shoes cos scared later feet expand. But hubby never complain lah. That day I just told him I feel so unattractive and then he just said no matter what I will always be beautiful to him... want to console me else later I everyday complain to him I very ugly...muahahaha

Twin stars, qiqi
It's normal lah i think during pregnancy but maybe now we still initial period can try... later become too big then even more difficult. They also poor thing,must stay celibate for 9 months.... hahahaha!
your hubby is so sweet! hehe, i told him what does cute mean? isit ugly but adorable? then he stumped duno how to answer. haha but I knw what he meant to say.

medusa/twin stars/qiqi,
ya, my hubby sometimes also abit horny but I told him better not do it la.. cos I also scared it might hurt bb. he told me to ask gynae if can do it after 3 mths but i didn't bother. Eh.. but sometimes if he wants it, just use hands do it lo. haha hope my description doesn't get me flamed :p

Sorry for late reply, dont have time to check this thread. I haven't made up my mind about the sling leh. Min is 20 pcs right? I think quite hard to hit leh, will she still proceed with the order if the MOQ cannot be reached?

Anyone bought the pupsik, can share the feedback?
val, yr aircon break down? same as mine!
my hubby scared will hurt baby so we never bother to even try. sometimes i ask him how he is hanging in there.....he said his "boys" have backpacked for a long holiday liao...at times they wanna come back..but he sent them to the monastery again....so poor thing, hehe
val, u very funny...me no mood at all to do anything. after dinner at night already so uncomfortable...where got mood?

i try...hopefully will have a successful bp spree
Hi mummies,
Just back from my DS, confirmed is a girl and everything are fine. So happy!! ya, the DS cost $180 and all the scan photos was given to me in a CD.
little twin stars,
aircon didn't break down. just that the aircon unit in my bro's room is leaking. found out something stuck in the pipe leading to both my room's aircon and his, so just do servicing. quite fast actually but made the whole place abit dirty. had to get the maid to clean up. lucky tdy service, cos v hot today!!

you're right, i no mood to do anything after dinner. think 3rd trimester will get worse when more heavily pregnant.
