(2008/08) Aug 2008

Noted w thanks! M2B, mulberry & dongle... Now I'm taking hormone pills and even need to be back next week for jabs. Till today there're still some spotting and i have to use regular flowing pads. So worrying...
I'm so scared till yesterday didn't dare to move much while sleeping and did not sleep well.. Sob sob...
celyn/ YLN, me no aches yet but will prob get it soon :p

yeah, gd idea. i think i shall do that also. there's one lady doing it at selegie, maybe will try her out. cheaper to go to the shop for prenatal but for postnatal, they will come to ur place.
hewchen, are u still on mc? your boss understanding abt your situation? u're the one with the nasty boss rite?

Don’t think there is other equip to reduce the pain, not that I know of. At that moment, i just want to have epidural, despite they asked to sign lots of documents, i simply signed blindly. After epidural, i really think that epidural was the greatest invention of the world and i could even fall into sleep after that, no more pain. hahaha. Of course there are side effects, i was shivering and throw up twice. I also find that my memory deteriorates terribly, I have become very absent-minded nowadays.


Same case as u, my gal heartbeat dropped during the pushing, so the gynae decided to go for a vacuum.

Saw the sling, nice! but they are double the price of pupsik. Btw, u are so tall! 171 cm.
haahaaa.... yes, that nasty boss of mine. Of course tried means and ways to deduct my bonus! I'm already head on the chopping board. Anytime kena replace... so worrying... how? How to rest in peace? Ooopss... resting with a peace of mind.
ignore your boss. most important thing now is you and your baby. the rest can wait. you have the right to rest well since you are on official hospitalization leave.
as wat celylee say just rest well, the rest can wait till you are better. me also in similar situation 1month ago as i was on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks and man was i worried for my job. luckily my colleagues are all very encouraging and helpful.
Hi ladies!
any kind soul went to robison sale liao, remember to update all of us ok?

take care.
if really flu, must rest lor.

me serious backache too, planning to go do pre-natal massage.
2nd time mum like me cannot do massage at home, my gal will jump on me.
so, need to look for a spa....hee hee....

my gal is opposite during birth.
she refuses to be pushed out and heartbeat too fast, so ended up emergency c-sect.
till now, can see that she is still those timid type of gal lor...ha ha....

ignore ur boss, ur own health is more important now.
u can always prove ur ability after u deliver, and earn back whatever u lost now. =)
Agreed chubby cheeks bbs are so cute!
Hehe, my #1 doesn’t have sharp nose leh so hope #2 will have…heehee
But all NBs seem to look the same hor?

I really think you shd rest a lot and dun worry abt anything. I have a coll who has your prob so she decided to stop at just 2 kids although her hb wants another kid…

The fabrics nice hor? Yalah, I was thinking since I lazy to go down Isetan to get plus the fabrics nicer then just order…heehee, yalor, I very tall so my #1 is like me…
haaahaaa... took the opportunity to ask my hubby how much he's willing to support me if I'm out of job. As he has been bothering to quit job but how to tahan imagine you have to face bb 24hrs>!
Saw this information while browsing over at TMC website...

What to Bring For Your Stay
For maternity patients, please bring along your:
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• maternity brassieres
• cardigan or dressing gown
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary belt (optional)
• sanitary towels (optional)
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:
• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens
Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.
hard to eat small meals es this wk as i have many dinner apps. eat until can't walk properly n at times can;t breathe!!!!! haha

do u realize our baby follows our sleeping n awake timing? i sleep late wake up late.........so's my baby. think i better change my lifestyle liao
celyn/ YLN,
gd idea. i think i'll also try that. there is one at selegie who does pre-natal massage. cheaper if u go to the shop, but for post-natal, they will come to your house. the one at selegie is done by chinese, and they claim to combine theory & practical knowledge. sounds impressive! anyone knows the market rate for postnatal massage?
sorry for double post! i tot the earlier one didn't get posted.

twin, i tot bbs normally sleep in the day and get active at nite?
<font color="0000ff">M2B</font>
my sonographer also commented my bb got sharp nose
. hee...if really got, then she takes after my hubby coz my nose not sharp one. When I was a baby, it was quite flat.
But most prob my bb won't be tall coz me and hubby not tall. :p

<font color="0000ff">twin stars</font>
no leh, not for me coz sometimes early in the morning (like 7-8am), I can feel her kicking me...but lazy mommy me still continue sleeping. Haha...maybe she's trying to wake me up.
money is very important but baby is most important now... no choice but try not to worry lor cos your spotting might be aggravated... concentrate on other things like reading or sleeping or watching TV...

twin star,
i also eat until very tired &amp; feel like got something stuck between the breast &amp; tummy area... overeat? yeah, i find my bb kicks me early in the morning, ard 12pm, ard 4pm to eat breakfast, lunch &amp; teabreak... hunger bb... hehe...
Jvenus (venus)
The master said can leh.

My girl did not sharp nose and during the DS, sonographer did not comment my #2 nose, so I guess should be the same as my #1, not sharp lor. I also like sharp nose, envy you all.
I did not have sharp nose but my hubby have sharp nose, maybe both my kids follow mummy nose.
How many weeks are you now? If you are 28weeks and above, the company are not allowed to sack you and if they do, they will have to paid your 2-3mths ML. MOM only protects preggy when they are 7mths and above.
krex, mul,dongle

maybe i don't feel the baby when i sleep....hehe.i only feel y bb when i wake up lei.......so i tot she follow my sleeping time
i notice when i'm hungry and when i'm eating, baby will kick me. then last night 8pm when i still have not eaten.......wa, kick until. then silence, late night around 11:30pm wake up to play again.
nowadays after eating i also dun feel good, kind of indigestion and hard to burp....baby shift more rather than kick though..funny feeling

I am a new mummy. Can I join this thread? Thanks

My details:
Gynae:DR Jocelyn Wong
Hospital:TMC/Mt A
EDD: 24Aug08
Do rest more and dun think much. I have frens spotting throughout the pregnancy. Don't worry so much k.

Thanks for the welcome

I don't have the weight yet. My doctor din tell me. Will check with her at my next appt.

Re: bb kicking pattern
definite times when I feel bb kick is during/after lunch or at night when I lie down to sleep. MIL commented is cos at mealtimes, the stomach is full so kinda pushes the womb below so bb kicks. Then at night when lie down, you are not so active, so bb wakes up. Cos in the daytime when you are moving about, bb is "rocked" to sleep by your movements like yaolan.
Hmm, seems to sound logical?
heh, sometimes when I take the pink guava juice that bb and I crave, then bb kicks too. hehe
bb kicks me too when the sleeping position is not comfortable for her or when she's hungry...
as what the other mummies said, just focus on getting yourself in gd health and don't walk about too much or do strenous activities.

I'm sure things will turn out fine! Cheers!
some questions as this this morning when i do my big business, although i do not exert much strength, the paper which i do wipe is full of blood...scare me to death leh i noe that i sound gross but till now i am still quite worried.

could it be due to i am too heaty?
I have not encountered this problem before. Maybe you wanna go c a GP?

white cloud:
I am attending a pre-natal yoga class at forum the shopping mall tomorrow. If it's good, will post the details of the class here.
hi, where is the blood coming from? if from vagina, u need to call yr gynae. if not, mayb really too heaty, try to drink more water. u ate alot of fried stuffs or "bu" is it? when i'm too heaty the most i get is constipation. maybe yrs constipate until piles? ouch! think regardless...better call to have a peace of mind is also better. take care ya!
i ganna that blood problem yesterday also, and was having the same thinking as u lor.
today constipation liao, think its really too heaty bah. =P

hello joybleu
welcome. =)
think you better check with your gynae. is it piles? take care ya?

Any mummies there suddenly feel like your bras suddenly become alot tighter? I put bra extensions also like no help. I don't think cup size increase, just that the band on the underbust seems v tight leh. Feel like so hard to breathe...
thanks snow74, quite worrying as its not painful. the blood is from my backside and not vagina as today when i go pee i try to see any blood from vagina...no have..me now try to drink more water and see now.
a bit skeptical for my next poo session, if persist will go see doc...to see fresh red blood in the morn when just wake up is so frightening hope i will not get piles....
sometimes, it could be due to heaty or constipation. i do get it once in a while if i didn't go toilet for a few days. so i try to go everyday if not 2 days max. any longer will be hard. but do monitor your situation.
Could be piles. Seems that it is quite common in pregnancy. I got it first time round and also I saw so much blood after doing big biz. Actually dun mean to be gross.. but you can check. Jus touch around yr anus area and if you can feel there is this soft like bubble then most likely it is... Maybe can get yr gynae to give you some cream on yr next visit.

If it is not then maybe too heaty... take lots of prunes. It helps for me.
Hi Shirley, i do get that when my stools are hard also.. But eating papaya, drinking yakult n yoghurt helps soften my stools n the bleeding stops...
thanks everyone for their advice, will monitor and see. also will get my HB to look at my backside to see any thingy there....pray pray
Problem with me is, my stools are dark green in colour... Anyone has this problem also? Going for my detailed scan this sat... will ask my gynae then... Hope everything is ok
hi val,

me.. my bras are getting tighter... bought new ones liao.. getting C cups now.. any bigger I will have to get D~!!I go for cheap ones now.. What I used to spend on 1 bra, i manage to get 3 L size panties &amp; 2 bras for the same price. will dispose when they grow small again
sometimes I get dark green stools but not all the time.
Mostly, it's dark brown.
My mum says it's most likely due to the multi-vitamin or calcium tablets that I took.
You may want to check with your gynae.
I also thought of getting C cups but somehow when I see them, they look so big that I cannot imagine wearing them. Maybe i should try them.
Ya, want to get cheap ones cos after preg, don't know if can still wear them.

my poo also dark green..think all those vits that we are eating lor.

very gross lei.hehe but what u mention is true la, i would do it too to check

i've been wearing sports bra so it's stretchable so don;t feel that it's tight at the chest. however i think the sports bra is pressing my bust down. not very gd. need to search for a bra too. i;ve tried mothercare's bras. not bad but can see nipples lei
