(2008/08) Aug 2008

dun mentioned. any idea if anyone is organising any spree for this? A bit too late for me as I have just bought 4 NUK bottles so do not plan to get anymore unless bb not use to NUK bottle.
thanks valnsw, cocomo for the advise

why i asked the question, as I was considering male doctor for consultations (dr adrian woodworth) stay near sengkang so thought it would be convenient. But donno that would be able to be comfortable on my D day with a male doctor. Srry but my first pregnancy and aiming natural delivery so wanna be comfortable, so thought that female doctor should be good, my preferred one at orchard. So sort of made my mind- go for female doctor!!
if u are more comfy with female gynae, go for female gynae.
i have a friend who is so shy till last mins decided to go c-sect as she feel so embarass to be touch by her male gynae, its not funny lor...
y friend wants to order them to ship in but i think no need as i've asked mothercare already. the salesgirl said they r also waiting for it to come in. guess we can wait since we r not giving birth yet...still got 4mths to go
yah, agree with snow74. most importantly is that you must be comfortable with your gynae. even if he is the best gynae around, no point going to him if you are not comfortable with him. don't force yourself.
thanks everyone!

hmmm...i dunno my baby's wt. only know that he's in the 95 percentile! quite a surprise cos i'm actually small built.
snow, is there a lot of touching by the doc? i still haven't got any clue how it's like to deliver bb :p

btw, does gynae also help examine breasts to ensure that they're suitable for breastfeeding? i heard there are some mothers who have inverted nipples, etc.
hi Ratatouille,

Could you add my details also

Age- 28
EDD- 11th Aug by 1 doctor, 15th August by another
Sex- Donno yet
Hospital- Mt Alvernia
Gynae- Dr Urmila Babu
BB #- 1

you are welcome. this is my 2nd gynae, change the first one not cos he is no good. just that i had a miscarriage with him though not his fault. but feel like changing to another one, like change of luck kind of thing. hehehhe.....
if natural delivery, ofcourse have lotsa "touching" lor...
how to avoid right?
dun think gynae should examine that, maybe those snr nurse in hospital can help u after ur delivery. =)
it's good that mothercare will be having them soon. more convenient for us to get off the shelve. do u think it will come with latex teat? have not seen latex teat for dr brown. wonder how much will one bottle cost. i sud hv hold bk my horses 1st......hmmm too late liao.

Ya, they still have quite a lot of stock left but limited design. I only saw two different designs.


My gynae only examined my breasts if there are any lumps during my pre-pregnancy checkup. For my 1st pregnancy, he only did a swipe test when I was 37 weeks, that was the first time for v check and on the delivery day itself when he broke the water bag for me and subsequent for dilation check. Not much touching cos #1 is assisted delivery with vacuum, within seconds the baby was out. Plus I was on epidural, the bottom half of my body was totally numb, no feeling at all.
Hello, all

I've just discharge from Mt Alvernia. Was warded for about 15days already. Experienced bleeding and was ordered to bed rest and finally into the ward... haiz... so unlucky.
Valnsw tell me about it man.....i have been vomitting since good friday. Spent fri, sat and sun at home. Was feeling better after 1st trim and enjoying food then suddenly felt terrible on fri onwards.....

Lost some weight over the weekends cos i vomitted everything i ate. Worried that bb is not able to get enough nutrients as i stopped the vit pills as well cos my stomach cannot digest anything.

Wonder why suddenly like that.....

Oh ladies, if you all still wanna get stuff from aussino later in Apr or May can let me know as my mum and i have birthday discount in those mths. So far i only bought a piece of bb clothing, waiting till Jun to buy the other stuff due to warranty issue and also no energy to shop now lah.....haiz
hewchen, hope u're feeling better. your pregnancy still unstable at this stage?

lindsay, i dun suppose my gynae will do any breast inspection now that i'm preggie? is vacuum considered assisted delivery? i thought u only pay more when u take epidural?
hewchen, u shld stroll by life when u're preggie :p do u have a case of low placenta? my hb's colleague had a low placenta and she was taking mc for the most of her 9-mth pregnancy.
hi ladies,
thanks for your concern. had a nap but still feeling abit woozy.

oh dear, hope you have taken some rest. looks like our pattern abt the same. the vomitting will come for me either the food too oily or the tummy having the queasy stomach flu-like feeling. I think the latter for me maybe cos of tummy expansion as I felt tummy tightening last night.

Abt bb weight, although you throw up but what matters is bb gained weight. Cos I was vomitting til wk 14+ but gained 3 kg as at wk 16 and bb weighed 151g. Doc says everything's normal. So do not despair, just check with your doc at your next appointment ;)

oh dear, pls take care in the meantime.

Me counting down 6 more days to seeing bb!

im experiencing lower abdominal discomfort these few days... It feels crampy (not sharp pain) n it feels like got wind inside like u wanna go pang sai that kind of feeling...or like before menses come that time of crampy feeling...

Pls advise.. im worried that my bb is stressed inside..or wat...
if your condition still persists and you still cannot take in any food i.e. vomit all the food you take, then I think you better see your gynae.

For me, I still can take my lunch just that my stomach still feels queasy.
Welcome back! Hope you are feeling rejuvenised and everything goes well.

I'm just back from my DS. Wah, took so long...more than 30 mins cos' bb naughty don't want to show face. Turn left, turn right also he don't want to show his face....finally he show his face, his hands cover his mouth so the sonographer cannot check his lips. Sigh....anyway, all seems well and the little one is confirmed a mickey. After that went walk walk around with DH but 2 hrs only suddenly felt like fainting! Scary!

Finally booked my antenatal classes with Mrs Wong. Starting in June.
Thanks for all your well wishes....QiQi0505 hope your appetite could improve.

Thank you, celynlee, YLN, valnsw & Snow74

krex78, how do u guess? You r right.. but still hoping that my placenta can migrate upwards.

B'cos missing for so long... that's y n hubby refuses to bring PC along. No choice, lost contact here for >2 wks!
ya, I've a feeling it's not going to be a easy delivery...though. B'cos gynae also suggested that my cervic is unable to support the weight of my bb as he grows.... Haiz, another problem later stage...
don't worry, i think you and baby will be fine. just have to be extra careful. take care.

i super kiasee and kiasu now after my first miscarriage. every little thing that i don't feel right, will go striaght to kk 24 hour clinic.
heheh.... its not tip lah. this is what i did in my first trimester when i have spotting once in a while. i go to kk either to see gynae or 24 hour clinic almost every week. even now, i do that too.
<font color="0000ff">HewChen</font>
oh dear, do take care ya. You must walk slow slow lah. and don't carry heavy things.
but don't worry, you are still early stage, i mean still got time for placenta to move up. You are not even 20weeks yet right?
when i was in 16weeks, I had low placenta also, and it caused some brown blood bleeding. Scared me when i saw my panty full of brown colour stain.
Luckily as at my DS last week @ 20weeks, it shows my placenta move up liao
In the meantime, just remember to take things easy ya. Ask your hubby to serve you hand n foot. :p

<font color="0000ff">Yuuri</font>
congrats on your mickey!
Thanks for the info…thinking whether to go down and buy or get from the BP…the designs seem nicer. :p

Are you okay now? Must rest well leh…poor gal.

Some preggies will have MS throughout their pregnancy…some can be ok in 1st and 2nd tri and then MS kicks in on the 3rd tri…you take care and hope all go away soon for you.

Congrats on your Mickey!
if ur lower abdominal is really very uncomfy, i suggest u better consult ur gynae.
its the place ur bb is in now leh.
good gal, go. =P
Snow, thank you

i called my gynae liao but she's too busy to answer my enquiries, should be expecting her call me back at 8pm or so ba? Its like a lot of wind "growing" inside n i dont know is it wan to pang sai feeling or wat..haha.. sorry i sound gross.. :p
do you all feel that your stomach is so tight that its going to burst soon? i get this kind of feeling especially after food.
oh dear, all of you are making me worried now. i've no spotting, etc. but still can't feel bb's movements, not to mention tight stomach! and it hasn't been growing that much over the past week. now i'm really anxious for my DS on friday.

congrats on yr mickey!

hew chen
before my placenta move up, i told hubby to slow down when driving pass humps cos painful. then don;t walk too much. remember to rest. if yr gynae scared weak cervix, did he rec that he do a stitch for u to close the opening to be safe? can check with him the next visit.take care! u'll be fine

my tummy also wanna burst after eating.....
