(2008/08) Aug 2008

Shay, yup i bought my cot fr taka 2 weeks ago

Mulberry/dongle, there is alot of silent reader for dat thread. Y dun u gals join in

I dunno lei but for those who wanna to update their baby weight then let me ve the infor i will update accordingly.
Good Morning!

Where you got your sling and how much hah? I’m really interested…heehee

Oh, my gal now walks so dun need stroller liao unless we go overseas…Last Nov, I went Japan alone with my gal (with my colls and their kids), lugging the luggage cum stroller…it is so useful!

All the best to your DS and do update us. :p

Yap, I felt the shifting and rather uncomfy lor…gynae asked if I felt any hardening so I said when bb shifts then I felt it…he says then ok…

My gal was 339g at 20W2D, last Mon at DS. Thanks!

Congrats on your Mickey!
Tim, u wan to update us ur baby weight @ xxxweeks too so dat i will put into list

Anyone else got weight to update i will do it tonight.
wanted to join in but that time me got no internet access during work so only log in late at night from home... my bb weight is 354g at 20 weeks... thanks...

i bought the pupsik babysling at Isetan last weekend at $29.90... duno whether it's still on sale on or not.. what does "hardening" means? isit that part of the tummy becames hard whenever the bb kicks? i can see the bump these few days...

congrats on yr mickey & the good DS results...
I also experience hard hump after awhile it gone. Last time when I got my girl, my whole tummy will shift from right to left and left to right. Very amazing!

congrats on having a mickey

Good idea in updateing the weight with the pregnancy week. But my gynae not yet measure the bb weight for me.
morning ladies!
goodness, this thread simply moving too fast to be catch up...hee hee....

congrats on ur mickey. =)

bb weight changes every time we went for our scan, will it be tedious for u to keep updating?
Morning ladies!

congrats on your prince

the aussino thingy is cos I have a friend working there can get 40% staff discount. Til now, about 8 of the mummies here interested to get aussino stuff so "long pang" my friend to get the discount.

Not sure what the other mummies wana get but I think most of them wana get the bedding set or cot bumper. For me I most prob will get that too once I settle my cot.

Think for the Aussino buying, let me hold the horses first. Due to so many mummies being so interested, I think I better check with my friend if she ok that so many of us get the stuff thru her. Hope you all understand. Thanks!
Good morning everyone
Wow... the thread is moving super fast.. cant catch up with the speed of postings.

Last Thurs went for my amnio @ TMC and my result was out on Sat. Thank God our little fellow is doing perfectly ok and we are expecting a little princess this time..
She did a lot of cute actions during the amnio & scan. Likely doing my DS in 3-4 weeks time.

Hi Rat
please help me to update my bb's gender. Will update again on this Sat on her weight after seeing gynae. Thanks a lot
glad that you girl is well.

no problem. i think it will be hard for your friend to get so much staff discount for so many of us. do let us know. in the meantime, i think i will go check out to see if there is anything that i want to get. i think you mention that there is a upcoming sale for them right. can you tell us when is it again? maybe i will just get from the sale. thanks.

Do you all feel hungry very easily with huge appetite also? Every one or two hour(s) I hungry again. And I need to eat real lot. i can eat 2 or 3 bowls of food then i will feel full. Many time I just bear with the hunger, if not i will grow real fat soon. This is totally same when I got my girl. Luckily nv gain much weight and return back figure soon. But this is the 2nd one, scare difficult to return figure after delivery.
congrats on your minnie!

not sure about when the aussino sale will be. I think somebody here was asking me about any diff btwn staff discount and member price.
Maybe any aussino members here can advise?

Annabel's mommy/m2b,
ya, felt the hardening more. not too sure abt shifting hehe

Re: huge appetite
Yup, especially in the afternoon, I feel especially hungry. Like bb, need feeding every 2 hours or so. Yday lunch had one bowl of yong tau foo but not enough still have to eat something else.
Used to like eating noodles b4 preg but now noodles not enough to satisfy me.
My colleague yday also commented wa.. I eat so much, to watch out else aft preg I knw wat to do liao lo.. -_-"
amabel, no problem let me know when u ve the infor.

snow, i m ok wif it. I will update but bare wif me & remind me if i missed ur update
aussino sells cots too prob at the bigger outlets but my friend told me not to get fr there cos no further discount plus it's on consignment basis.
She told me to look around outside for cots first. HTHs!
<font color="0000ff">Rata</font>
me shy lah. You all seems like old frens liao in the 2WW thread. I feel like i'm intruding. :p

re: baby weight. Will let you know after my next visit. I wanna see whether my gynae got take bb weight after week20 or not.

<font color="0000ff">valnsw</font>
hee....still not sure yet whether moving to HK. My hubby still discussing with his company.
But if i really do, whenever you all go to HK, pls do visit me.

<font color="0000ff">timminbuzz</font>
Congrats on your mickey!

<font color="0000ff">Sandy</font>
good to hear your amnio went well. and congrats on your minnie !
Guess I miss the good sale on the sling liao…sob sob

Hardening ah, I felt it when bb seem to be shifting inside, quite uncomfy…not the kicks.

Can understd quite difficult for your fren too, dun worry we understand. :p

Glad that your amnio results are good. Do rest well. And Congrats on your Minnie!

Eating a lot and not gaining much weight is VERY GOOD leh! I also want. I’m trying to just take 3 meals a day plus milk to control my weight gain…
val, anything else worth getting at aussino? haven't been there for awhile, though i know they sell kid's bath robes, towels, bed linen, etc.
wow....took a long time to read thru the postings today!!!!

congrats on yr little mickey

glad to hear all's well with yr little princess. now u can relax and enjoy the moment

thanks for putting the info on the misha's cot...think i will check it out this wk. i called aussino, they didn;t have what i'm looking for. if they do, i will join u gals

my gynae never update me baby's weight one
hehe i don't really shop much at aussino. i suppose it is known more for the colorful children's bed linen.

I suppose you will give birth in SG before going to HK if your hubby is posted? I'm not sure abt HK, but I think in China the medical costs is quite high, so HK may be similar to China. Moreover, there's the temperature changes during the 4 seasons. Gota adjust to that.
Hehe, do let us knw if you move over, can visit u ;)
when i was at the taka fair, the aprica sales lady said there will be a robinsons baby sale in april...so look out for it
little twin stars,
actually it was YLN who brought it up and I just googled it. Saw it's quite interesting but cot cum bed looks big might not be suitable for my needs. checking with YLN the dimensions.

Arggh.. feeling uncomfy today. the stomach feels queasy and I vomitted my breakfast. haiz. tot the vomitting shd be over. Am i weak or what?
Dear Amabel,
At this moment I am still as per normal appetite. My colleague &amp; my friends also have 2 kids. Their figure back to normal aft 2nd one. So, it should apply to your case too. Looks like is the gene issue.. so dont worry
Enjoy your meal :p
<font color="0000ff">twin star</font>
u gonna get the misha's cot? It looks very pretty &amp; sweet!

<font color="0000ff">valnsw</font>
yup, will be giving birth in SG. I read that the gynae+delivery cost in HK is double of SG!
If i do move over, it'll be ard October. Ya lor, it'll be quite cold then. A bit worry whether bb can adjust or not.

oh dear u still have MS? or today only? Maybe your breakfast food is too oily? I get very uncomfy if i eat too oily food.
no problem, anyway i'm waiting for to see if they have any new designs arriving in near future. Just let us know when is it convenient for ur fren to welcome us hehe....

Re: DS at East Shore
Rang up Joanne to check and she said Paragon is done by sonographer whereas East shore will be done by doctor. She told me my charges is $180 and b4 that she asked when my app was booked. so i guess it depends on the timing the app was booked ba.

Congrats on your mickey!

Congrats on your minnie and the good amnio results!
Oic, yup cold weather is a killer. Cos when I was in Shanghai in Nov, I didn't want to go out of the house at all. only time I go out is no choice ie to buy food hehe. It will be fun if you have neighbours who're Singaporeans, then got companion.

vomitted today and last sunday. think must have been the episode on Sunday at Kiddy Palace TPY. Felt v stuffy and things just start go downhill from there. tummy is just feeling v queasy like those stomach flu but bb still kicking me ;P
hope u get well soon. perhaps it's jus a surge of hormones. don't worry

ya, i will ask the next visit. i'm not sure if they have the cot at the taka fair

i'm popping by mosque st this sat to have a look ba
if like valnsw say too bulky then i might not.
Hi Sandy, its me, Megan's mum. Congrats on your minnie! Glad that everything went well with the amnio test. Feel so happy for you. It is good that we have our #1 and #2 around the same time. Your morning sickness over already? I am quite busy recently, wont have time to msn.

M2B, dongle, ya, i missed the pupsik sling too, went one day after the sales was over. The original price is 42.90, now they are having 20%, still thinking whether to get or not cos i already have MIM sling but which is a bit troublesome to use.


I also pm u my handphone for easy contact. Let me know when the gathering to aussino is on. Thanks. Btw, heard the outlet at Plaza Singapura got more selections.


Less appetite nowadays as compared to first term, but still can eat 3 meals and snacks in between.

Baby movements

This fellow likes to suddenly punch me very hard, very painful! Other then that, not much movement.
Re: update on aussino
my friend's limit for this month is $600 after discount. guess the limit for next month shd be abt the same?
Staff discount is off the regular price items. Discount no further except for 20% will be changed to max 40%. baby dept will hv staff 40% discount which is off the regular price.
This is what she replied to me, hope it makes sense.
Looks like the max is 40% whether on offer or not.

So depending what the mummies buy, the total purchase amt cannot be more than $600 after discount.
so Joanne told u that? hmm.. why didn't the Malay nurse tell me? She just said charges went up. Is there a difference if it's to be done by sonographer or doctor?
Anyway, do update us on your DS ;)
Joanned was busy when i rang so the nurse that pick up the phone was relying her msg to me. I think the diff bet sonographer and doc is that the doc may be able to interprete the result to u better ba.... will update after my DS tomo.
think u ate something too oily, and over tired liao bah...
do take more rest, and drink more plain water.

its not nice for us to use up ur friend's quota also ya?
unless all of us noe in adv what we wanna buy and the amt, then it will be easier lor. =)
duno what it is that eat wrongly ah.. haiz. think will take a nap then later gota go ikea w my mum to see if they hv any suitable cots.

i checked with her alrdy, i told her i feel abit paiseh to get her staff discount but she said she's ok, cos she seldom use at all.
she even suggested that split into 2 batches, some this mth and some next mth ;)

Re: Aussino
If wana shop this mth, for those who alrdy knw what they wana get, better arrange one fast, cos it's alrdy almost end of tis mth.
I think weekends is better for most, cos I can't do it on Wed or Thur.
Let me finalise the details. gtg bb hungry liao kicking me.
thanks for the info on aussino. i will go check out aussino first then let you know if i need your friend's help in getting the stuff. thanks a lot.
ya, do rest and take more small meals.

thanks for ur effort.
i'm getting bed sheet for my own bed, so i dun mind q up lor.
i can wait till next mth if need to, can let those who wanna buy bb's stuffs to go 1st. =)
but if possible, prefer weekend...hee hee...
hi Valnsw,

Thanks for the update. I'm also fine with this or next mth. Maybe we propose 2 dates and see who prefer which dates and we meet at aussino at a specific timing etc. Which outlet does your fren wk at?

Congrats to all who knows their minnie/mickey....too many to list one by one...

Val, you still having MS? That's sad. Thk goodness mine over liao!
u rest well and take soupy stuff till u fully recover. u may be getting stomach flu i reckon. go see doctor if u still feel unwell.

Re: Aussino
I will go to other outlets to see if they have other designs for the cot bumper. I will join the Apr gathering k? May be can get some nice bath towels too hehe....
hi shay,

i'm using plastic NUK bottles. maybe cos the bottles are boiled in boiling water, that's why for me the pics fade quite easily.

hi valnsw,

do rest well.
thks for checking on the difference btw aussino members and staff price. i realise that nowadays, aussino always have sale, i don't even need to utilise my member card as members do not have any additional discounts. so the staff discount is gd, can used on top of sale items.
i think now they have sale till 30 Apr, must go home and check the phamplet. aussino got a new branch at Hougang Mall, last wkend got special buys.
Take care and do see a doc if still unwell.
Guess let the other MTBs who are getting bb stuff make use of the discount 1st then coz same liek Snow, I'm getting bedsheets for my own bed and #1 bed instead. :p

Are there alot of stock left for the slings? Coz I'm interested to go down to get but can only go down on weekends liao.
twin stars, u going to mosque st to check out mishka &amp; maven? i went there last mth. they sell lots of cute stuff though shop is very small. let me know if u buying cot? maybe can get bulk discount, haha. i'll go check out the cot at united sq first to see if there are any other similar ones. dun believe that's the cheapest i can find in the market...

btw, any mommies here have cars with small boot? i'm still looking for suitable stroller that can collapse to half its size. so far only quinny can but it can't recline, sigh. mac laren is nice but when it collapses, the length still remains very long. anyone has this problem?
