(2008/08) Aug 2008

eh...so far i bought, most of the time $14.30 nia leh....the rest i also not very sure, last wk bought the jumbo pack in ntuc $19.95 lah...hee hee...never go and see how many pcs in that jumbo pack also, see cheap just buy kind. =P

$14.30 is the normal 30+ pcs de, not the jumbo pack.
think what u saw the 44pcs is the jumbo pack, just that i dun rem how many pcs inside jumbo pack. =P
huggies ultra used to be $13.80, this yr increase to $14.30 lor. =(
Hi mummies, long times did login, how's everyone???

Potty Train
Me really got no idea how/when to start... very funny she just sat on potty for abt 10 mins... but not "shi shi" come out de...

Mummies can share ur experience how to train ur little one? TIA ya

haha, at least your kid willing to sit. most of the time, J will say "no" when we ask him to try the potty. but the other day, he was so cute. he was abt to poo and he asked to sit on chair. i think he meant adult toilet bowl. maybe he prefers that to potty!


J seems to be having rashes at the top of his butt. think it might be due to his diapers. the ironical thing is he's using pampers active which is supposed to be a premium brand. sigh. and i bought so many packs of it.
krex, mayb is dat particular batch got problem onli? u try to open another pack of another manufacturing date see if the problem still persist.

ruixuan, got the infor liao. thanks.
Halo Mommies!
I think I'm gg mad...just had long john silver for lunch and I feel so fat

Mae can sit in the potty for very long and no pee come out too! hahaha My mom asked Mae "why your jie jie (#1) takes only just a short while to toilet-train and you seem to take ages" hahaha...but I told my mom to just take her time lah, no hurry since she just need to be toilet-trained by next Jan to go nursery =P
zynn dun wanna sit on potty, she will jump up immediately as if the potty will bite her buttock like that.... -_-"
so, ur gal consider ok le lah. =)
Tot allivier is the only one who's sit on potty for fun! Mae oso hur??? May be try again this weekend, see anything come out... hehe...

Ya, think most of toddlers will react like zynn, dun like sit on potty too long....

must be potty train to go nursery ah? i'm only just planning to use pull ups for J if he's not potty trained by then. i seriously have no idea how long he will take and i think i might have better luck if we rely on peer pressure to have him trained, haha.

btw, how many mommies here are using pull ups? i'm still using the traditional kind leh. coz' pull ups a bit hard to clean poo esp if it's the messy kind and my son can poo up to 3x a day!
Hi mummies, How are all of you? I havent log in for a long long time.

M2B, f8angels for some discount/perks of their both outdoor and studio PS:

1. M2B
2. Snow
3. Sylvia
4. MummyNana
5. Shint
6. Jen
7. apriltan
hi, anyone knows if there is any bb fair in jun? i rem there used to be one in jun every yr at expo but can't seem to find one this yr.
morning mummies

yes, there is but can't remember when. later i see if motherhood magazine got state or not. if have, will post here.

tks! will go take a look!

btw, does yu ze's CC require kids to be in pull ups or open diaper also ok? J's kindi said preferably in pull ups, so i gotta get him used to it by end of the yr.
morning mummies. =)
anybody's gal age 3-14yr old would like to goto free ballet trial class during jun?
its located at bt. merah central.
my #1's dance school have free ballet trial class, i still joke with them and ask them zynn can anot....ha ha.... >D
morning mommies

me also havent been typing anything for the longgggg time.. still reading thru all though :p

Mel Ocean
my gal also like to sit on t he potty for fun, especially if I let her bottom free.. if she wears her pants, she will just step step in with her leg n not really sit in til she tries to remove her pants :p nothing come all also though.. that's how she catched a flu this round time cos I let her bottomless...:p
but when she's really doing the biz n I wanna move her to the potty, she'll move away n say a BIG NO NO

hehehe, let me know if they also accepted ours small ones

jan already nursery meh ? tot will b pre N first..

Mommies, need some info here... music school : Seimpi or Cristofori ? I've no idea hehehehe....tot of some activity to keep N occupied... TIA
morning mummies. =)

think if organising, this yr we might need a very big playground liao....hee hee....all the toddlers so active le.
Good Morning Mommies!

Yes, the kindy that Mae will be gg needs her to be toilet-trained before starting next year. I'm using pull-ups on Mae at times coz it is convenient to change.

f8angels' package:

1. M2B
2. Snow
3. Sylvia
4. MummyNana
5. Shint
6. Jen
7. apriltan

I'm finalizing some details...will post the soonest!
If anyone having birthday parties for the little ones, they giving some great packages
Morning mummies!

Re: Potty training
Anvelle has also taken out the potty n asked me to take off her bottoms saying she wans to shi shi but still no urine after 5mins. So this lazy mummy has given up trying.

aiyoh, she's making very gd progress. u shld encourage her!!!


J threw up this morning and there was no food...just odourless liquid. hope it's not gastric. i need to bring him to PD this afternoon but realised kid's clinic is closed at 3pm and last appt is at 10am. can someone recommend me a gd PD ard bishan/ serangoon area? tks
i just came back from sbcc and mt a. yu xi didn't poo for almost 1 week and this mummy can't tahan liao. bring her to see doc. he put an insert in her buttock and she finally poo poo liao. at the same time, i bring her to mt a for a scan on her spine + the 'dimple' above her buttock. doc commentted that her 'dimple' is quite deep, need to check if there is anything wrong with her spine, or nerves around there that might affect her buttock muscles and legs. hopefully, there is nothing wrong with her.

not sure if i'm too late in replying you. i go to sbcc at ang mo kio, near the polyclinic.
Hi mummies

a very stressful week for me...so much to do at work..n so many things happening at home...kaer is down with chicken pox
..n hb going overseas on thur...sigh...hope i can cope ok..
zynn also have that deep "dimple" wor, but my pd never tell me its a problem... -_-"
her's is very deep also, so gotta take extra care to clean it expecially after she poo.

u take care, weather very bad and many ppl are down also. =(
hope kaer recovers soon.
hugs. hope kaer recovers soon.

that 'dimple' is below spine and above buttock leh. i didn't know that there is such 'dimple' till today loh. to clean, must put her on tummy, open up the buttock cheeks then can clean leh.
Dear Mommies, f8angels is offering us the following perks/discounts:

“Let’s Go Outside” - $200
• 1 family outing (2a2c)
• 60min session
• 7 high resolution & quality edited images (includes 1 fine art image)

• Photo session images* (in high resolution and edited) available on CD at $150
• Additional family members at $10/person
• Additional shooting time at $50 per 30min
• Additional $30 on weekends
• Skin Enhancements available at $50 per 20 images


“Let’s Go Party” - $380
• 120min session
• 30 high resolution & quality edited images

• Photo session images* (in high resolution and edited) available on CD at $150
• Additional shooting time at $100 per 30min
• Fine Art images are available from $30 – $60 each

Those who signed up for either of the above package, will get 50% off the “Behind Closed Doors” package as follows:

50% off
“Behind Closed Doors” $150 (that means just pay $75)
• 1 happy family (2a2c)
• 60min session
• 7 high resolution & quality edited images (includes 1 fine art image)

• Photo session images* (in high resolution and edited) available on CD at $150
• Additional family members at $10/person
• Additional shooting time at $50 per 30min
• Additional $30 on weekends
• Fine Art images are available from $30 – $60 each
• Skin Enhancements available at $50 per 20 images

However, those who just wished to sign up just for the “Behind Closed Doors” package, will enjoy 30% off the $150 CD cost which means you pay $150 + $105 for all images back!

Mommies who are interested please let me know as I need to give them the name list


hope yu xi ok

& for pull up, mamy poko value is at 27 cents, if offer, can go down to ard 21 cents only.
potty training

a bk i borrow fm library " potty training answer books"

to why they indicate wanna pee but dun hv, becoz they still cant control but the feel. or they r more comfortable pee in diaper.

dun hv to push as it will just come naturally. diff toddler will progress diff. just encourage n let them feel comfortable n is ok if they pee on the floor. then guide them to potty that it's the correct or right place to pee.

another thing..... involve them in ur toilet trip too. maybe say u gng potty when u gng toilet,etc. they r curious n they will see wat u do n then they do it later.

also let them play with the potty to get the liking of it n getting used to it.

gng bottomless might be easier to pee with pants as some might feel that pant = diaper/pull up. but hv to watch out for cue n guide them when they need to pee.

it's nt abt hw u train, u just hv to guide n their body will slowly 'trained'.

When they finally pee in potty, u will be like striking 4D!! Hahaha!! that's what BBM did sometimes.....
same, i worse lor...u dun say, i till today also dun see it as a problem leh. -_-"
gotta take extra care inside that dimple, else will kena rashes very easily if not clean properly.

thx for helping to find out.
as compared to those that we signed up last yr, f8 consider abit more ex ya? =P
Mel Ocean

farni eh ?? me bit stressful man... esp now she will use this potty excuse to skip bed time.. put her on bed she'll say, Nandini potty pot... I asked, u wanna go poo/pee ? she'll nod.. take her OUT the bed n put her down the potty, she'll start saying puyao n wiggles... GRRRRR

heehehehe I thought going to the Nursery liao...

Gosh !!! Ordeal come n go.... u must b stressful.. Kaer got the chicken pox vac oredi ? keep her hydrated... heard it's better to hv it at young rather than later....
Is the package more ex? I thought it is considered cheap as compared to other more ex studios? =P

If just looking at the Behind Closed Doors, it is $150 and take back entire CD, just pay $105...hahaha, I thought consider quite reasonable as compared to the others =P Correct me if I'm wrong ya.
eh...can't really remember, but its something like below $200 and we got the cd back also rite?
me old liao, memory fading...haiz.... =(
maybe this yr all prices went up liao also bah.
No lah, I'm just helping to find out as I'm keen to bring Mae and #1 for a PS when Mae turns 2

Not celebrating big for Mae's 2nd bday...just a small family celebration...guess the next real bday celebrating for Mae will be when she's 5yo =P

ya...i go biz thread browse browse, think now mkt rate for photo shoot are almost there or more ex liao....ha ha...
me now so sleepy, after gym effect... =P
