(2008/08) Aug 2008

<font color="#CD3278">celyn</font>
*phweet* Very nice!! Worth every cent and the effort..
Really stylish leh.. I dun think I wld have the guts though. hahah ;)

Ah, 2/3 naked ah?? heehee
hello mummies,
oh...today so quiet ah... =(

yu xi's eye brown more qing xiu, yu ze 1 more thick ya? =)
other then that, both really looks alike lor.
Haha yah cos they on my friend page mah..then I see your photo big big! I like the one of you and yu ze naked!
hah? i take? ..wait till i get pregnant lor..haha...but i think wont be as nice as urs...cuz u so slim n nice still...
.i think mine will be like michelin tyres bah...hahah
can send me the pic through my email? can't see facebook leh. office cannot access too.

i think i prob can take the pic now. my tummy is so big i look like 5mths pregnant!!!

oh yeah, want to share with you that Jerold started to JUMP today! its a sight to behold! very funny leh, he will try to squat as low as possible then push himself up - JUMP! heheheee...
my gals cannot use ru yi oil also, i use eagle brand ecalyptus oil on them instead...it dun have the hot feeling, but still works well. =)
normally i bought from unity.

i can help u find lobang for calendula cream if u wanted, this calendula cream is especially gd for eczema skin...but normal skin sensitive, dun see very fast improvement. =P
Good Morning Mommies!
So feel like shopping leh...

The feeling of fitting into pre-preggie's bottoms really great right?

Yalor, you are tall so can go take the pics if you get preggie ya!
m2b &amp; snow74,
i also want to go shopping. heheh....

ok, can you help me see if got both of the them.

yah, feel so good loh. heheh....

that's super duper fast! less than 2 wks and can already fit into pre-preggy jeans??? i still can't fit into them till this day. bought new ones after my weight loss/ gain stabilised :p
i can fit into them around this time during yu ze's time also. its those jeans before i was even pregnant with yu ze. then as i bf, i can fit into the even smaller jeans (new one i bought after delivering yu ze).
hi mummies

kaer's been diagnosed with HFMD , again..

this time, its much much milder..thanks goodness..no more fever..n very few , mild spots..on cc leave today...hmm

yuxi very pretty
..ur $100 is going to balloon as she slowly grows...

u mean u were even skinner than pre-preggy after u bf? i don't think i ever became that skinny. i cld fit into most of my pre-preggy clothes by the time i went back to work but i preferred to wear the looser fits. those body hugging ones i've stopped wearing liao.


oh dear, i didn't know HFMD can get 2x one. i guess she got it from CC. hope she gets well soon. J also sick today. down with running nose and cough, but thankfully still a happy kid.
yah loh. i think i'm going to be broke very soon loh.

sayang kaer, hope she get well soon. btw, do you know that there is actually insurance coverage for HFMD?

yah. actually got thinner with bfing. i got to buy new jeans cos the old one are too loose liao. i don't like tight fitting clothes too.
issit? i dunno leh..got for HFMD one ah..isssit together with accident insurance?..hmm...anyway..now she is normal..just the spots..otherwise..she dun look like got hfmd at all..still dare to argue with me leh...ask to drink..she say "NO"..ask to sleep...she say "NO"...everything she also say "NO"...angry sia...
yah. not sure it comes together with what cos i got it for yu ze. now i think its everything don't want for them. yu ze keep shaking his head when i ask him things too or say 'bu yao'
me running fever again, wanna go out see dr but its raining over at jurong here...sianz...

i confinement that time not really confined de. =P
think my friend only have the cream, u want u let me noe ya? =)

ya lor, having a gal can burn a big hole in ur pocket every mth... -_-"
but when u see them sweet sweet, u will be very happy and forget abt everything liao lah >D

ha ha....kaer so cute, can argue back some more.
hope she gets well soon
:p...cute ar...ah yo..qi si me leh...she so small..know how to argue...n she not happy..she will say..I BEAT..I BEAT..a little tyrant liao...but hor..having said that..all this misbehavior..will only happen in MIL's place...@ home..she is just monkeying around..but not rude lor...@ there..ah yo..she is the empress lor..NO, I bEAT..GO AWAY..all these nasty words will come out...
Celyn &amp; Snow,
Yalor, so nice if we are shopping now...hiaz

With gals, you will buy and buy 1...I also splurge on many hair accessories until I learn to make clips for the gals instead...I venture into hairties too! =P

Hope Kaer gets well soon...yalor, HFMD can get again again coz diff viruses so no immunity...

Mae only scared of Daddy...ydy Jiejie practising piano and she went to disturb so I called out "Mae, come here, dun disturb jiejie"...think I repeated 2 times, she still playing...then hb came "Maegan!"...she immediately ran to my side...hahaha, I say she backside itchy, talk nicely won't listen 1...

haha, i was laughing when i read your post abt mae being scared of daddy. i think J is not scared of anyone yet. sometimes we raise our voice a little but he still continues to open and close drawers, etc. but there are occasions when daddy slaps his wrist or scolds him with an angry face, and he will start to cry. then, he will either avoid daddy after that or demand that daddy sayang him back. such weird behaviour!!!

$100 on hair accessories?


but normal for bb gal lah. n u will be getting more n more after that as top, pants, skirt, clips, socks... blah blah blah

think this age is little adult liao.
BBM also. she point mum mum, i hv to show her which one. she will shake or NO or bu yao til the one she wanted is shown.

&amp; she refused to wear diaper leh. rather go naked... if i force her to wear, she will take out ar. so hv to let her wear short. Just bought training pant ytd, hv to wash n let her wear.

give her potty, she only played with it...... n dismantle my potty.....

so busy nw.

don't say bbm, yu ze also like that. when ask him to change clothes to go out, he also choose what he want to wear. outside, he will also like us browse through the racks of clothes and point to himself. like telling us to buy for him kind.

morning moning. =)
my fever went up to 38degree, so mc at home now.
think going to koon again soon, eye lip so heavy.

hee hee....got kao san is it?
but that is their stage lah, now zynn also keep telling me "dun want".
later they will slowly drift out of this stage, think last time nynn "i dun want" till 2+. >D

okie, i go ask my friend how much she willing to let go....
think forex down abit liao, might be able to furhter nego abit....ha ha....

yesterday i was looking at ur photo in fb, then my female col suddenly appears behind me and ask me why am i peeping at nude photos during working hr...ha ha....
but its very nice lah.
