(2008/08) Aug 2008


Sorry, 26 Sept i can't make it as my hb not in town.... If u have oct's slot can let me know okie?

Morning Mummies,
Those interested in the BibiNogs trial, full details are out.
Please let me know if the date is agreeable.
Pls also pm me the full name and dob of your child.

I would also need to collect the fees from you first as I would be issuing a cheque to the school next week.

If around 5 babies sign up for the class, we would be entitled to 10% off the course fee and we can choose whichever day/time classes and either of their 2 locations (Serene Centre, UE Square).


School: BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com)
Location: UE Square Shopping Mall #03-21 (Carpark B)
Day: Saturday 26 Sept
Time: 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) apriltan
6) happy mummy

Have sent a PM to the interested mummies as well.

oh, thats all i have for photos.
mostly video clips, but unable to upload in office lor. =P
when is our next "date"?

zynn...think she ate too much, beside vomit everything looks ok leh. =(

zynn drinking friso gold 3 le.
hi mrs teng - poor Cheril - hope she gets better...read newspaper apparently there is a virus that causes diarrhea... must ask ur maids to wash hands more often cos dun want to spread ...
Let me noe when. But I m tied up at wk all of Sept. Maybe in Oct? Either beginning or end Oct.

Now bz wif Anvelle's bday party planning. So many things to take care of. And worst of all, hb bo chap. Ask me to b in charge of everything.

Any mums hv Pooh balloons tat u wan to sell?
early oct? =)

understand, was like octopus when planning for zynn's bday that time also...hee hee....
but once its over, u will feel super relax le lor.
hi mummies
just got back from PD. Bernice has been "farting oil" last 2 days. when she pass gas there would be some orange oil that comes out. But dono caused by what. So this morning brought her to the PD and he said could be stomach upset even thou she no Lao sai or anything. And she is as per normal walking and playing. No tummy pain or anything. Poo as per normal too. Gave us some live and dead probiotics for next 10 days. The thought of feeding her medication now really stressful. She is so resistant and difficult now.

recently we moved her up to Enfa Stage 3 and she had some constipation problem. Poo every 2-3 days and have to gek until face all red and cry. She never had this problem before. So I switched her to Gain (cos had free samples). Dr Cheng say can go back to Enfa stage 2 and then later retry to intro stage 3 again if I dont want to move to Gain. He said it's ok to be on Stage 2 till 18months.

ur hb is really sweet.

denise is not active here.

re: Crocs Sale
There is a cros sale at Terminal 3 airport. Level 3. The kids ones are going between $15-25/pair. I'm not sure if it's a good deal. But I bought 4 pairs for bernice. hahaha. Got lots of slippers for adults but shoe range abit limited.
Oh shuttle! dat would be great!
I tink i will bring lotsa food jars and a tin of enfa there.. :p
Will also make sure i bring a small luggage there so dat i haf a legitimate reason to buy a HK luggage back..

heh sounds abit cheem to me..:p
i'd better do some research first otherwise i'm sure we'll spend alot of time in train stations figuring out how to get out..haha..

Great, i'll organise my thots and email u later!
I replied ur SMS on my #1 dental clinic, u received? Cause nv receive any reply from you.

My #1 routine dental checkup is with smileworks at paragon actually. And the dentist is Dr Lam, is a female dentist, I like her cause she is patience and will slowly get my girl use to the dental facilities and equipment, familar with the things making sure she is not afraid and ready to start the procedure (scaling, cleaning, polishing). My girl not scare at all, and quietly let her finish the almost 20 mins procedure. She is very good with my kid. You can see the recent visit at my blog or facebook.

Smileswork webby is http://www.smileworks.com.sg

Thanks for your concern. Yeah, I read about the diarrhea thing on yesterday's ST. My maids are awake of that. Both very scared of C & C getting diarrhea becos they'll have to work round the clock. They been thru once and they very scared of the gals falling sick..
Anyway, both reads the newspapers in the nite, so they know what's going on.
thx, actually just replied u...hee hee...then saw ur post here. =P
ya, saw ur blog.
most important is to find a gd dentist lor, cos its #1 1st dentist visit.
no didnt see that model of crocs there. they have the clayman, otter, maryjanes, croclings, alice...

yes buy the HK luggage back. hahaha. one of the reasons i chose hilton was also cos got direct airport limo to the hotel.

my gf son also constipate on the enfa stage 3. i added the childlife probiotics to the milk and she did poo but i dont want to keep doing that. i'm going to go back on stage 2 then try again after the tin finish.
dono lei.. she's as per normal. running about but just when she pass gas got oil. like as thou she secretly took slimming pills.haha
Hi mummies,

Yes..the diahorrea virus very potent..my entire family including Tristan kenna. First was me and Tristan..after we got well, my husband and mum kenna. Luckily Tristan's was mild.

Yurri, I am interested in the BibiNogs trial but am unable to make it on 26 Sep as I will be travelling for work. Can include me if the session is changed to Oct?
if u asking for the kids, yes they have alot of size 4/5. which is currently their shoe size. size 6/7 lesser but still can find maybe for selected colors. I didn't check on the rest.
<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
When are you planning to go to HK? Let me know which hotel is gd k? Coz we intend to go this Dec
Oh yes, apart fr hotels, of coz gd food &amp; shopping! *winks*

Mae 'bullies' you if you sit behind.. Or maybe she doesn't trust Raine to carry her while daddy is driving... kekeke!

<font color="#CD3278">ReiRei</font>
Oh yes, do spend some time studying the train lines.. So complicated!! Every night we did 'homework' for the next day's itinerary.. Otherwise waste time standing at the station

When are u thinking of heading to Tokyo?
Change of date of BiBiNogs trial to 3rd Oct.


School: BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com)
Location: UE Square Shopping Mall #03-21 (Carpark B)
Day: Saturday 03 Oct
Time: 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri (cfm)
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean (cfm)
6) apriltan
7) happy mummy
8) Aphrodite (cfm)
If i am not wrong, April planning a gathering on 3 Oct. I need to check with her 1st.

Enfa stage 3,
Hmmmm... was thinking of changing Adel to stage 3. I still have enfa st.2 left. Maybe will mix and feed him and see whether it works. If not, what happens after 18 mths ??
Anybody's bb still on Nan HA 2? My colleague got lobang to buy of the 400g sample tins at $10 each. tink it's gd offer? Expiring in Feb 2010.
Happy Mummy;
ya hor, crash le... how?
April haven decide the venue yet... see how
Nvr, cfm the BiBiNogs first

Think u shld let Adel finish Stage 2 then switch to stage 3. Stage 2 can drink till 18 mths, stage 3 till 3 yo.
Yes yes, a detailed itinerary is wat i need!
Likely to be a short trip, so time is essence! Mommy will be grumpy if not enuff shopping..haha..:p
Haven't decided on the dates yet, but definitely before the sch hols to avoid the surcharge..
actually, i'm not die die must have childcare. but half day cc is CDA deductible. so that's y i'm going for that. then switch to kinder year after, which is also CDA deductible. haha..so cheapo right?

thanks! i feel more assured. some ccs i checked are charging exorbitant rates man! like $800 for half day cc!!!

i'm not working mah...not full time @ least. so i dun have the working mothers subsidy.
how about signing up for full day childcare and have the flexibility of bringhing baby home anytime you want. is the fees a lot of difference for full day and half day?
I tried to switch my girl from stage 2 to stage 3, she rejected the whole bottle of stage 3.. now am back to stage 2.. any mummies encountering this?? how to overcome it?
happy mum on the go and von: Amber is on Enfagrow entirely and she's alright with it. I had done the switch slowly through 1 month period. She poos daily. I noticed only if I give her more meals of instant cereal in a day when I am out with her then she will get constipation as in poo only day after. I am really praying for her to start walking on her own fast as it's very back-breaking to run around with her, also afraid of twisting her little wrists. My dad said dun understand why I spoil her like that, last time people dun support the child whole day like that!! I wish I know how to take care of her for my own good.

M2B and Shint: My son who is 4 yrs old like the Boy who cried Wolf play. He likes the father character while I love the Wolf character cos he is so so funny!! I laughed very heartily when I see him dance and put the sheep into that huge pot. Wonder if the next one, Jungle Book be nice or not?

maybe I missed it, do we have a special facebook link? thanks!! cos me on FB too.
Pai sey, didn't know it clashes with the gathering April was trying to organise.
Can advice if your gathering is cfm?
If need to change date, maybe you all can throw me suggestions so I can try to accomodate as many people as possible?

Also, those who haven't replied me...pls try to do so asap. Thanks!


School: BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com)
Location: UE Square Shopping Mall #03-21 (Carpark B)
Day: Saturday 03 Oct
Time: 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri (cfm)
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan (cfm)
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean (cfm)
6) apriltan
7) happy mummy
8) Aphrodite (cfm)
Mrs gan
My gal is the one now back to enfapro stage 2 when i tried to switch her FM to Mamil gold..., she refuse to drink for a week! damn jialat

Now on enfapro again... stage 2 can drink till 18 mths....
Halo Mommies!
Brgt Mae for her MMR jab this morning...supposedly to be Chix Pox vaccine but doc said MMR is compulsory 1 so take that 1st...Chix Pox can go back 2 weeks later as he doesnt recommend combined...will have to bring Mae and #1 for flu vaccine in Oct before gg HKG too...Mae's age must take 2 jabs...

Vomitted again? You brgt her see doc? Saw news that there are many stomach/gastric flu cases recently due to weather...
The dental clinic is not kids’ 1 but the dentist is very chubby and friendly…hahaha, my #1 likes him!

I have been looking fwd to bring both gals to Disneyland so go the nearest 1…heehee…Mae waits longer than #1 for 1st trip…#1 went Gold Coast at 10mths, got her passport at 4mths…heehee

Mae is on Enfagrow now…thinking to change to Gain IQ…

Hotel in HK…we are staying throughout in Disneyland Hotel this time as hb’s cousin got staff discount…will be moving out ourselves…the last time we stayed in Kowloon Hotel…quite good!

Haha, Mae must be thinking I cry oso no use as jiejie cannot carry me…
