(2008/08) Aug 2008

We brought Anvelle to Phuket in Mar this yr, at 6 mths. Was a family trip and all 17 of us stayed in a villa, so less tiring but much more stressful coz everyone was there. Everytime she cries, you can see all the old folks gathering ourside our room.


Let you drool again, dun worry when I improve on the agar agar, will bring some for you...

Hi Mummies,

I have cancel the gathering on 03 Oct. However, I can always organise another one at my place again. Will update you again.
Mrs Teng, you are a real domestic goddess!! the chendol agar agar mooncake looks fabulous :) I love chendol. not really crazy about mooncake but this version is ok as it's agar agar...hee!!

Catherine: Thanks for the crocs sale tip. I had gone down today and damage was $133 for 5 pairs (1 for myself, 2 for amber, 1 for alden and 1 for their cousin). But quite limited designs and sizes I must say, maybe it's weekend.

mummynana: I'm on FB :)

Have a great Sunday!

anyone using e-blogger here and having trouble uploading videos? it's been 45 mins since i uploaded my 15s video and it's still uploading! i gave up and decided to delete the video. so irritating! any idea why it takes so long?
Mrs Teng
You really made me drool! Its so nice and beautiful! Amazing that you can actually get the fillings as chendol. Got coconut milk right? Wish i can have one now. ;)
Mrs Teng,
You are really wonderful! U r making me drool wif tat mooncakes of urs! Beautiful! Remember wat I told u U need someone to finish up the leftovers/ extras, let me noe since we r nearby each other. Hahahaha...
Mrs Teng,
Cannot like that leh ! Tempt us with pictures only and never let us eat ! heehee ...

Mae can take flu jab also is it ? I am thinking of letting Adel take it so that he won't so easy kena in the ifc.

Crocs sale,
it's in T3 rite ? Dad is coming back from Mel tomorrow and alighting at t3 !! Yay !
<font color="0000ff">April</font>
any side effects after taking the flu jab ar?
thinking to let Jasmine take also..
flu jab:
is it the same as adult ones? i remember taking it some years back and end up i catch flu more easily then before. at least within the 6 months after the jab, i keep having flu. so upset then.
<font color="0000ff">celynlee</font>
OMG. that's so jialat.
hmmm...better ask PD's advise then.
Jasmine caught the flu last Thursday. and abt 5weeks ago she also kenna. haiz.
so that's y thinking to take the flu jab. but scared got side effects leh..
i don't know if its just me being suay or what lah. but cos i seldom fall sick kind but once get it is a bit more serious one loh. so that time, i was very upset that i keep having flu despite taking flu jab. that's why a bit sore lah. hahaha..... maybe you can check and decide on your own.
<font color="#CD3278">M2B</font>
Oh yah hor.. I'm getting absent minded! I think I rem you telling me tt u're putting up at HK disneyland hotel.. I think u &amp; Raine wld be so happy staying there!!

Ur hb's fren still got other lobangs anot? We've not started planning for our HK trip in Dec.. The Kowloon hotel is really called Kowloon hotel ah? Big enough for a cot?

<font color="#CD3278">Mrs Teng</font>
Beautiful creation!! I love chendol!! Any to spare? hee

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Cheapo? No lah, esp when u're a SAHM..
Right now, I'm still unsure whether to send her for CC when she hits 18mo or playgrp first.. Playgrp like quite exp!!!

<font color="#CD3278">ReiRei</font>
I think the weather wld be lovely before the sch hols.. Tt's prob early Nov yah? Shd be abt late autumn..

I dun really rem my itinerary oredi.. But if you need any info, or if I can rem any, I will let you know k? Maybe you can stocking up on coldwear for Char.. I rem I tompang <font color="#CD3278">snow's</font> spree to buy coldwear.. SG ones just not suitable leh
morning mommies. =)

think zynn is not stomach flu, cos she never dirrhea leh.
but she vomitted yesterday again, think might be something to do with the change of fm. =(

ok, thx.
u got the tel # of that dental clinic? =P
hb like to chk chk before he decide de, very troublesome...

promised the ba ba not buying this mth le, so if got spree also buying next mth nia....sad rite? =X
Morning Mummies

Happy mummy &amp; Von,
I usually mix the milk powder when switching to the next stage. No problem at all. My son is now happily drinking Nan 3.

Did your pd mention about the combined MMR + Chix Pox jab to you? Tink can only take that at 18 months. But that'd be CNY for our babies... So i'm gonna check with doc to see if bb can take jab at 15 months...

Mrs Teng,
Yummilicious mooncake! Btw, happy belated birthday to you! Enjoyed yourself?
i was tinking abt playgrp, but it's not CDA deductible leh. that's y i thot half-day. and actually half-day cc is only abt 4hrs. classes usually only start @ 830-900 and they're ready to head home by 1230.
wow mrs teng...1st time i see agar agar mooncake...and urs is so nice somemore!!! U r like Spore Martha Stewart leh....

now i rather stressed cos hb say want to hire maid to help w housework...
<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
hahah, how come kena make this kind of promise?
I dunno if i need to tompang you to buy next mth to buy stuff for the HK trip.. Right now, Ashley can still wear her March clothes (i believe!)

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Yah lor, playgrp is not CDA deductible.. But the playgrp my niece is attending seems to be quite gd leh
ai yo, my system monday blues liao also... =(

mel_ocean &amp; sam
hee hee...morning.
cos log in for an hr w/o any reply, so tot today everybody go garthering le. =P

cos that man asked me why i need to buy every mth, and i told him i did not buy every mth...
so he said i bought during aug le, supposingly wun see any transaction during the mth of sept.
Talk about shopping for my ger! I love dolling her up &amp; kept buying stuff for her too! Even though I promised hubby I wont. Can't wait to hve 2 girls like you &amp; M2B so that they can wear sisters' outfit :p
ha ha....me too. =P
used to tell hb that lucky #2 also gal, can use all jie jie things.
end up now buying double instead. =X
yes, the joy of having gals.
Morning Mommies!

Sorry. Was clearing emails. Damn sianz...Walked around Forum. No Colette. When I finally found a suitable design, no size. Luckily I found a pair of simple crib shoes at Taka. Juz match a pair of lacy socks den shld be ok liao.

Re: Vaccinations
Any jabs required at 12 mths? I lost track liao. Chicken Pox vaccine is at 12 mths?
Snow, sam, Mel,
I'm here too, just very busy. I killed my netbook officially, so cannot log in throughout the weekend. managed to read posts through my handphone only and i saw Mrs Teng's chendol mooncake! piang! i almost also drowned my new handphone - with my saliva!!!
m stressed out again

maid n shifting:

yesterday is my maid;s off day. i took the chance to search thru her things. reason. i lost things as well as money but she is always very convincing in her lies till it seems like i made a mistake about the amount tat is in my wallet. i keep my wallet with me all the time but at times i found her sneaking to my room on a pretext to check on baby or clean my rm. i will carry bb n she will help me bring down my bag with my wallet.....lately i notice her taking some time bringing down my bag. i found $20 missing here n there she will ask me to check if my hubby took it or i rem wrongly. she even ask me to report police to get them to check fingerprints on the wallet to see if i took it...........where on earth did she learn this trick frm. i also suspect on ggs first bday. she was the one who stole the ang pao.......cos her honesty is questionable now....also cos i ffound her able to buy new HP (she doesnt know i know) buy mini skirt n her money never seems to b used up at all but increase.

this is wat i found:
she padd her mattress with 2 layers. at the bottom she hit the mini skirt she bot frm the market ( i dunno wen on earth she bot it cos she didnlt have off until yesterday ) a new hp charger ( not the brand i pass to her to use ) n a small bag ( i suspect she use it to keep her money ) cos during the day when u search her wallet. it is empty. sudd yesterday got money. last wk she only have $9. one of which is a $5 note. in the midst. she bot some snacks etc so she shld have lesser. yesterday when she went 4 her off.......sudd she got $18. no more $5 note but $10 n $2 n the rest $1 coin. to me if hse stole my coins etc. i will still close an eye but this fella dare to steal notes n big money hor. i lost 2 $20 notes n at the party a $50 ang pao wo. she is very daring. i tot most maids steal only coins!

she has 3 pillows. one of them she dug a hole inside...it is empty. think she took out for the off but there is a new sim card slot inside the casing. dunno y ..think for her new hp

i am going to shift hse soon....hubby n mom tell me to pretend until we shift n hubby is going outstation this wed!!!
come back need to pack to shift liao

i jus hope she will not spoil or streal anything during the shift. hair dye she also wanna steal. cos she saw me going to the salon to dye hair n ask me how much then i have 2 boxes of hair dye on my bathroom. next thing i know 1 box missing liao. hiaz. now i have to be on alert n on guard in my own hse! sian

i also sian about having to change maid too....wat if the next one is worst! hiaz

yr agent bernard never pick up hp or return calls lei

i spoke to evelyn. waiting for her biodata.

anymore reliable agents to rec. i heard labour express maids has no off day including phil. is it true
twin stars,

think u better change maid soon. i just sent my myanmar one back home on sat and collect my new phil one. so far so gd.

i got my new one from home maid in chinatown point. found their prices reasonable and exchange policy flexible. u can check it out. mine has no off day. $340 a mth.
oh, jonah has made great progress with self feeding! he managed to feed himself bread on saturday...yipee! took him so long to learn this...i tot he would never want to do it. he also managed to put an empty spoon into his mouth but we have not let him try feeding himself using the spoon yet. he's still not willing to hold his own milk bottle though

as for straw cup, will prob have to wait till i'm free to teach. this one will take some time.

his vocab is increasing also. his fav words: ball, cheese, juice, and recently, car!
think she is stealing money and stuff and during her off days, she unload the money and stuff. For all you know, she has already taken for a while already, just that you have not noticed it yet. want to tell you my ex-maid - she has also stolen alot from us, so much so that when we sent her back, she opened up her pouch and we see stacks of $50 notes in it. but because we have no proof, we cannot report to police. And my hb's aunt - her maid of 5 years - stole from them, everytime she took is $50 note from hb's uncle's wallet. Then she will roll the $50 notes and keep on the high window ledge - the one that is build a little higher with the 'exhaust' fan? she will line the ledge with the roll-up $50 notes. my hb's aunt became suspicious when they started to keep track of the money in the wallet and found that there's always one or two $50 notes missing. then they laid a trap and caught the maid and the maid confessed and told them about the money on the window ledge. there's about $5000 on the window ledge. She doesn't go for off days so will pass the money to the maids going off to either remit the money back home or buy stuff.

I think you should send your maid home liao. no more trust in her how to live with her huh??

wanna try my agent?
oh, that shop is no longer there in forum. =P
pai seh, made u make a wasted trip.

how is the bday celebration?
its last wkend rite? =)

nvm lah, think most of us dun log in during wkend also...hee hee...
ya lor, everytime saw her post wun feel like eating my bread for breakfast 1 lor. >D

ur maid sounds bad leh.
u still getting maid from phil?

yah lor... jia lat leh. now i'm so hungry! waiting for lunch time liao... havn't done any work yet... better start now
