(2008/08) Aug 2008

Mummies, i hv Mamil Gold discount voucher to giveaway, PM me if u want. Expiry date: dec 2009

Pls dun send me Mamil Gold voucher as A dun like the taste... sorry!

FM Milk Voucher
mummies if u had spare enfagrow voucher, can PM me? got to stick back to enfa again...
so sweet of your hubby. haha, must ask my hubby to read the forum. kekkeke. it must have been a really special day.
the sale dun need to bring coupons rite? me din see the coupons leh .. or dunno where i put it. Got 20% + 20% for card members? then must go liao ... hehe. perhaps after Polliwogs.
Location: UE Square
Day: Saturday
Time: 1.15pm
Duration: 1hr 15mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean
6) apriltan
7) happy mummy

try dentinox. Adel uses that.

Hope your bb gets well soon. Adel's finally ok now but it took him 2 weeks before we could send him back to school today.
<font color="aa00aa">snow</font>
can try asking.. the cashiers are quite nice
think they dun send to everyone... only selected customers who spend money with them recently?

<font color="aa00aa">shint</font>
got coupon u bring lah.. just that I didnt receive lor.. maybe I not big spender :p
up to 70% plus additional 20% for cardholders but aiyah bluff lah.. I didnt really see anything that has 70% off!
but the additional 20% is good for some stuff...

after polliwogs u can go expo lah.. closer rite? cos John Little having expo sale.. saw in Today newspaper this morning...
Mommies, I understand that some of you recently shifted new hse

Wld like to find out how much do u pay for reno the kitchen &amp; 2 toilets? Which contractor/ID?

Morning, mommies.

re: Shoes
Maybe I will go down to Forum this Sat.

Wat's the occasion? Ur hb is so sweet. The last time my hb got me flowers is like ages ago, after a major argument the day before our anniversary.

Re: Mamil Gold
How do u mummies noe if ur bbs dislike the FM? I recently switched to Mamil Gold. Since last weekend, Anvelle has been rejecting her FM, unless she is very hungry liao. Is it becoz she doesn't like Mamil? Or like my IL said, she wans to wean off milk liao. Coz hb n his cousins all stopped drinking FM betweeen 12-18mths.
Have you signed Yu Ze up with Kinderland?
My ex-boss recommended it to me cos her girls loved it there...but need to drive leh, so abit inconvenient..hmm..still considering..

Anyone considering MMI?

re: Tokyo
Any recommendations on hotel accommodation?
I rem there's this Roppongi apartment comes with a Kitchenette..?
Or is Sunshine City Prince hotel better in terms of accessibility?

re: taka baby sale
someone mentioned it's over rite? It's still ON!
Jus went yday..sale ending on 13 Sep (sunday).
If she really doesn't like Mamil den i jialat liao. Coz I bought 4 tins during the previous promo. So gt 8 tins in total. Still left wif 2 tins of Step 2 n 4 tins of Step 3.

Dunno leh. She seems to enjoy eating porridge and adult food much much more. But ur #1 damn power! Can drink up to 1L? Tats alot leh! My Anvelle only drinks 120-150ml each time.

Re: Headrest Screen
Krex/ Mummygiraffe,
Here's the pic of my car headrest screen.
My gal long wants to wean off milk but i force her drink as much as she can. Every feed like war III....

Mummies can advise when can reduce milk feed to 2X per day? 12mths or 18mths onwards?
mommies, anyone of u got a good kiddo dentist or dental clinic to recommend?
thinking of bringing #1 to dentist next wk, thanks. =)
Gd to hear tat. I will go get Similac/ Nan HA this weekend to try out first.

den we can shake hands liao.

I myself dun like dentist. Need to drag my feet in. So no comments.
okie, will ask her.
thx. =)

but bo bian rite?
gotta set role model, we dun go kids wun go also leh. =P
morning mummies

wow!!!!! envy leh. your hubby so romantic.

how's cayla? better now?

i can't remember. i haven't send in my application form leh. can you believe it. hahahahah.... i think its about $600+ bah. cos school fees is $900+ before sub.

i haven't send in the application yet. hahahah..... its not very near me too but we like the big compound loh. children get to be near nature and not always high-rise building. i'm still thinking if i should let him take school bus at that age.
i damn suay!

this morning i was pumping... then i go and leave my new netbook on the floor, thinking that i wanna surf the net while pumping (as usual, only thing unusual is i put the netbook on the floor). after pumping, i knock on one of the milk bottles and emptied half the milk onto the keyboard of the netbook!!! **gua gua**

sent the netbook immediately to the service centre. the technician told me that it was drenched with milk and that the motherboard could be shocked already. he will try his best to salvage it but he told me that most likely will have to change the motherboard...

sob sob sob...
Dr Low at Q&amp;M Clementi dental clinic is very good with kids. My 2 eldest ones see her every 6 mths.
change motherboard? -_-"
big project wor...maybe buy a new 1 will be less troublesome as compared lor.

thx for the info, will chk it out.
cos #1 so scared to see dentist, so the 1st experience must be gd. =P
rona, where do u stay? u seem to b around jurong area.

Snow, i go to clementi dental is an old shop but the dentist very experience was there since i was very young in pri sch. The price is very resonable too.
rona, i ever spill a cup of milo on my notebook keyboard too. wat i did is i quickly off the notebook wipe it dry wif a cloth then i on a fan to blow directly on the keyboard over night. Next day i on &amp; use ok.
rona, ruixuan, snow, mel, shint, mummynanan, histtory, missysz, celyn,
thanks... no ocassion, just that it's a auspicious day at 09.09.09 so he say chang chang jiu jiu lor... he not romantic la, just that he sometimes like to surprise me... keke... but 199 roses is really a very big bouquet, the last time i receive 99 roses, i was aledi grinning for days...

thanks for all mummies concern abt cayla, she is better now but body still got some rashes... will monitor her for a day more to see if it gets better, if not, need to go PD again... sianzzz...
if your notebook still under warranty?
btw, do u have any recommendation for PD in West Coast/Clementi? Thanks in advance.

can PM your dental to me pls? thanks too!

u love flowers yeah! honestly, i dont like flowers. hubby sent once to my office on valentines day and i told him not to waste $. haha..
ur hubby so romantic...and i noticed ur hubby very supportive or ok with u going out with us mummies...n will stay around u or play with cayla...so nice..my hubby..only know how to show black face...n hurry me when we have mummies gathering..such a wet blanket...sigh..
thx, but clementi where har? =P

think rona din off the system fast enough, thats why its shocked already.
but changing a motherboard in notebook....? =X

at least ur hb still drive u to gathering, i sometime gotta go alone leh. =)
same here, not the kinda lady who noe how to appreciate or preserve flower.
i call hb not to restrict me signing his card will be the greatest gift to me liao. >D
i'm bawling my eyes out...

yah lor, its in a split second! actually the netbook went off itself. then can't start liao...

don't think the hairdryer can work this time round. a lot of milk leh. when the technician open up the back of the keyboard, there's still milk inside... :p

suay! think i got to get myself what leave to bath huh??

wah play mahjong on FB until cannot even log off for awhile. must b addictive :p

i got gg colette shoes as well as little trumpette shoes frm little colette. think not comfy lei. gg walk like a horse in the shoe n almost trip cos too big n seems heavy for her.
i still haven bring her shopping for shoes yet. only wear the sho shoos cos she cant walk much outside anyway


wah, yr hubby so far has been the most lomantic in this thread liao

bellamy;s brown rice baby pasta,

can someone teach me how to cook this. do i need to soak first or boil until soft ( takes a long time ) than take it out n add fish n veg or can boil pasta with the fish n veg...
i did it jus now, seems nwa to me
actually laptop is unlike desktop which can seperate part by part out, the technician really can find a best fitted motherboard har?
price of the motherboard + price to pay for repair, is it almost the price of a new netbook le? =)
i did shortlist one. then i realised that they changed mgt recently. not that i'm not happy with the new mgt, but it prompted me to just look around more. went to 3 so far. it's so sad that SAHMs have lesser subsidies!

thanks!!! i went to character montessori today. wah seh! ex leh!!! i'll have to take on more kids just to send him to cc. wch is SOOOO ironic!! haha

cook it like normal pasta. boil separately first, then drain, rinse &amp; pour ur cooked fish &amp; veg over.

it's very soft cos for 7months &amp; above (i tink). i've been giving E organic veg alphabet pasta instead.
snow, u know where is clementi town sec sch? is those old shop hse beside it. Is diagonally across the interchange (not the temp one now)
yeah, i love flowers but to spend so much this time round, i also heartpain... i duno how much isit but my colleague was guessing it's at least half a LV bag... i was asking my HB how come no LV bag yesday? he say i not lomantic... hehe...

yup, he seems to enjoy the fun when it comes to baby related activities... he hang around so that he can relief me when im tired or so that i got chance to talk to the rest of the mummies ma... the con is that since he like to tag along, i have to ask if he is free 1st or not...

Hi Reirei,

I went to Tokyo for honeymoon, I actually stay in Keio Plaza Hotel.... The hotel situated in the centre of Tokyo..quite convenient to take mrt. The hotel is soooo cozy...

Mums on my FB, anyone interested in mooncakes from from Peony-Jade Restaurant at 30% discount? I'm ordering The Original Ex-Crown Prince Flaky Teochew Oor Nee with Golden Japanese Pumpkin. Pls contact me directly. I don't check the forum. Cheers!
