(2008/08) Aug 2008

pinky, u go to chia clinic? i went there once coz no choice she open on sun & my usual PD dun. Did some not so good experience with her. So did a colleague of mine lei.

Lizabelle is me. Sorry for the late reply, no time to catch up with the thread.

<font color="FF1493"> GNC 35% Storewide Birthday Discount</font>
I have the above-mentioned voucher. Limited to 6 pieces per item. Any interested mummies? Please let me know, voucher is valid for the month of September only.
rona, ya lor she didnt give clear instruction on the medicine then i juz give bifen for Jac high fever then temp still not down on mon bring her back to usualy PD then realise bifen &amp; panadol to b given together. her charges not cheap too. She dun seem very piatent in handling Jac then too. I swear we will never go back there.
<font color="#CD3278">dongle</font>
hahah.. half a LV bag ah.. Nvm, ask him to repent &amp; make sure he gets the LV instead of flowers. Tell him it's for more practical reasons lah.

<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
Ooooh, no wonder.. AMK methodist church doesn't have one? I'm just throwing out ideas..

I know Learning Vision at YCK mrt station is super hot.. My fren's still on waiting list

<font color="#CD3278">ReiRei</font>
Rem my trip to Tokyo in March this year? I used Oakwood Roppongi.. Spacious enough for cot &amp; space for Char to play too
Snow, Celyn,
the technician called - i have to collect the body and start to plan for the funeral of my little computer.

think i cannot get another one now.
Sam, MummyNana,
at 1 go as in 2 bottles of 330ml to the max and perhaps another 15-20mins later if he still not asleep, he'll sheepishly ask me for more milk.
But 1L is not tat often, 3x330ml bottle is prob once or twice a week.

i think read book with big prints ok but not the kind of storybook that we adults read. that one i agree is bad for eyes.

celyn/ cat,

strange...i read that shoo shoos supposed to be recommended by PDs for early walkers leh. and in singapore they dun sell the rubber sole version leh. only the soft sole rite? the person i wrote to from shoo shoos also recommended the soft sole version for beginner walkers.
usually kinders only take in kids the year they turn 3, which is 2011. yeah..LV is popular, but a bit ex for me. i'm looking @ placing him in half-day cc for only next yr. then put him in AMK methodist or Bethesda Kinder in 2011.
you only want to put him in cc huh? else i read from another forum that the PCF in serongoon is quite good, the standards quite high. but i think its only for 2 hours for ages 3, 3 hours for 4yos and 4 hours for 5&amp;6yos... i think...
I am putting him in for a full day CC. My #1 is also there lor. Then we'll have more time in the day ... say if I am on leave? hehe.
Hi Rata/Snow,

Ya, the doc in chia clinic seem like not so patient...my hb doesn't like it too..but no choice, cos I rem my usual PD dun open on Sun, so i hv to bring BB J there on sun n her charges so high...haizz..think whole clementi, only one baby clinic leh...
The mommies told me liao, I have oredi authorise in FB. There's another mummy Denise Tay ... is she still active here? I dun quite know here hence I din authorise.
<font color="#CD3278">timmin</font>
When I suggested AMK, i also kind of guessed they offer only kinder of playgrp, i don't think many churches run childcare..

I know that there a few childcare centres in Bishan though.. The other time my mom was eyeing one for my elder niece
okie, thx....will "search" for it. =)

my condolences. =P
why cannot get new 1, go suntec this weekend lah...hee hee....

its comex show, happening starting today in suntec. =X
oh. hugs hugs. go to IT fair.

my babysitter also told me the same thing. must get rubber sole shoe so that its not slippery. so end up my shooshoo only wear twice (to and fro her place).
<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>
Think the IT fair got gd deals leh... TOday's the start of it, I think the crowd wld not be so bad.. At least my colleagues said so lah

Got bday or anniversary coming up? Hb to shareshare the cost?
hisstory, shint,
yesterday wedding anniversary... we went makan only leh... he far away from dongle's hb lah.

Enjoy 25% OFF entrance fee - using the OCBC baby bonus card or OCBC Platinum MasterCard.
Seems like some mommies are still unaware of this. FYI.

We've had fun today! ;)
u show him the forum la .. but then again, if u show him then he'd get to see this message u posted? hahha.

why u din join us today leh?

I working mah...

2 weeks from now i can join in some of the afternoons. cos maid going back for home leave...
I hope the registration is not as bad as some popular childcares wif long waiting list..:p
Yes, I oso like the big, open-air compound!
Btw 18mth can take school bus?? They provide carseat?

Ooh i tink datz the one datz near tokyu hands or toys-r-us?
OK shall go chk it out! Need to find one datz accessible since we'll be bringing stroller.

oh yes yes!!
Did you book direct from this website?: http://www.oakwood.com/serviced-apartments/furnished/JP/Tokyo/prop4870.html
I tink I asked you before but need to ask again :p Is it far from the train station?
Need to take the subway to get connected to the JR circle line rite?
Is it convenient to travel by train with stroller?
Sorry ar, so many qns...cos the impression i haf of tokyo is dat there are alot of stairs and the last time i was there, i don't rem seeing anyone using strollers in train stations..
Btw u got any places to recommend datz baby-frenly?

Twin Stars,
aiya shld haf asked me jus now.
Great world city basement got an organic shop which sells alot of baby food stuff.
I've seen the alpha pasta there last weekend.
If i'm not wrong, it's some elmo or sesame street packaging.
i hope not leh.

i think can take school bus lah but hoh i don't think got car seat loh. anyway, even those preschoolers also don't have car seat mah. i know its those mini school bus. i guess only got seat belt.
I stayed in Tokyo Hilton. Very nice. Not too ex cos online promo. U should check diff hotel websites see what offers they have there. I think I paid usd200+ per nite. Got shuttle to shopping area. Got train station below but lots of stairs. Most shopping
Centres are bb friendly with big nursery rooms with diaper dispensers. Can't find milk powder easily thou only jap brand so bring enuf if char is fussy with milk.

where do u want to stay in Tokyo? Near station or price?

Oakwood is one, the other few will be Toyoko-inn ( lots of locations),Prince hotel that are near next to stations or walking distance.

Is kitchen a must? Oakwood is the one recommended. The rest will be outskirt but not to far from the JR main circle line, all walking distance ones and some have supermarket nearby.

U pm me for ur requirements, I see which are those that can recommend to u.

snow/ happy mummy

I gave, no use leh. she still cried.......

in the end had to give painkiller type to calm her. but luckily I din give continously.

But she is fine nw.


shooshoos shoes

some PD recommend the leather soft soles, some dun. so really dunno what now.

I only read..... bare foot or with sock is best for them as they learn to walk and balance themselves.

So........ I guess up to individuals liao
Got this from shooshoos website:

Shoe Features:
+ Elasticized ankle + Non-slip soles
+ 100% Nappa leather + No laces to trip over
+ Non-toxic dyes + All cotton thread and lining

Clearance Baby Shoes

Buy any $24.95 or $19.95 baby shoe from categories above and get up to 5 clearance items for only $7.95 each! Please remember you will only see the discount in your cart once you have added a $24.95 or $19.95 item to your cart.

tks. saw that also. still wondering whether to get since some of u said shoo shoos not recommended. maybe i shld ask my PD also...hmmm...

mrs teng,

my hb will go crazy over the zapp! he was so insistent on buying it for J coz' it's one of the few that can fit into our car and he likes that it's a 3-wheeler. how much u selling for?


yah, that's the kind J is reading now. it can occupy him for awhile if he's not feeling cranky.
<font color="#CD3278">rona</font>

Oooh, happy belated wedding anniversary!! Erm, since no pressie yday.. Then make the new netbook the pressie ;)

<font color="#CD3278">ReiRei</font>
If I dun rem wrongly, the website allows only longterm stay bookings.. (Can't recall) but we did however call them &amp; they speak good English. So from there I think it was email liaison

No more than 3min walk fr the station.. Oh dear, I've forgotten if need to take subway to get to JR Line.. But if I dun rem wrongly, there's the JR Line intersecting at Roppongi

Strollers are very common on the train.. Coz lotsa Jappy mommies wld go out with their kakis &amp; their kiddos. The stations do have lotsa stairs, but there're always the lifts in every station. Just need to check at the platform where u're boarding, where the destination's lift wld be.. Then while waiting for the train to arrive, you can head to the right platform. So tt when you get off at your destination, the lift is very nearby

Most places quite baby friendly.. Guess except Harajuku? But still not so bad
Halo Mommies!

Today on leave coz bringg #1 for “The Boy who cried Wolf” and also bringg Mae to collect her passport…our HK trip is confirmed!!!

Yap, I like this pic a lot but find it funny to hang this pic (only of Mae) in the gals’ room leh…I’m planning to do a long canvas of the pics of both gals together…

Rona &amp; Sylvia,
Thanks for the compliments on the pic!

Ya, she was laughing so heartily in that pic! I love B&amp;W pics… =P
Mae won’t wriggle out of the seat leh…now I sit infront, she will gwai gwai sit but if I sit behind with her, she will cry to be carried…tsk tsk

Is Cayla ok already? BTW, your hb really romantic man! *Envy*

Is Zynn ok liao?
BTW, #1 visit The Smile Division at Lucky Plaza for her dental checkups…
I brought both my #1 and Kai to the play. #1 was falling asleep but Kai seems to be enjoying it more .. haha. weird huh.
Hubby and maid went oso cos my fren last minute couldn't make it and i ended up with 2 more tickets. Enjoy!
m2b, u r fast. My trip is confirm but not yet make Jac passport need to get photo taken this weekend &amp; submit by mon sia still got visa to apply. when u going?
morning mommies. =)

dun worry lah, normally there will be a few such IT fair each yr lor. =)

glad to noe that meredith is ok liao, #1 still waiting to play with her leh...hee hee...

last nite she vomitted once again, but cos still very active so i think its still ok to observe 1st bah. =|

okie, thx.
is that a kiddo's dental clinic?
the dentist friendly?
cos #1 very ks 1, so the 1st experience must be very gd for her to go see dentist again lor.
Morning, mommies.

Went into FB briefly last nite and saw ur posts, b4 Anvelle started crying for me. Wat happened to Zynn?

Deepest condolences on the demise of ur laptop. But den again, old ones dun go. New ones dun come. Can sai nai ur hb to get u a new one...Heehee

U getting the shoo shoos fr US site? Is it cheaper than buying from Singapore (shop/ BP)?Maybe we can combine.

Envy u leh... Gng for holiday. Hb says tat I can only dream for a holiday after Anvelle turns 3, minimum.

You can get the small alphabet pastas from NTUC. My gran cooks tat for the kids. But hers is Chinese style. Wif stock, carrots n minced pork.

Mrs Teng,
Hvn't seen u these 2 days. How's ur gal nw? Better?

U can shoot the picture wif ur hp/ camera and resize to the requirements by ICA for submission. Do online application easier.

re: Forum
I m intending to go to Forum tml to check out the shoes. Wan to get some of the prganic snacks from the basement store as well. Anyone needs anything? I can buy n pass to u if u r staying near Punggol Plaza or Khatib MRT.

Thanks for your concern.. C&amp;C are better now, their flu getting better but the cough is still there. Cheril also got diarrhea yesterday. Haizzz... pure girl... She has to suffer sooo much.. like never ending one leh!
Morning Mummies,
Those interested in the BibiNogs trial, full details are out.
Please let me know if the date is agreeable.
Pls also pm me the full name and dob of your child.

I would also need to collect the fees from you first as I would be issuing a cheque to the school next week.

If around 5 babies sign up for the class, we would be entitled to 10% off the course fee and we can choose whichever day/time classes and either of their 2 locations (Serene Centre, UE Square).


School: BiBiNogs (http://www.bibinogs.com)
Location: UE Square Shopping Mall #03-21 (Carpark B)
Day: Saturday 26 Sept
Time: 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Group size: 5-8 babies
Cost: $48.80 (group discount)

1) Yuuri
2) ruixuan
3) mrsgan
4) aurora
5) mel_Ocean
6) apriltan
7) happy mummy


Have sent a PM to the interested mummies as well.

morning mummies

went for my physio this morning and again was told that i did make improvement compare to last round. hopefully, when i see my doc next week, he won't extend my mc further. i'm rotting at home liao. heheh....

yu ze is drink step 3 liao. doesn't stick to any particular brand but is on mamil gold at the moment.
